The fake Trump presidency is unraveling before our eyes


Another loser!
Yes you are admitting it is the first step.
I get what you are saying about the laws being broken.

But what is the "fake" about? Is there proof of russian collusion? Trump was elected.
Eight checks were signed by Trump to pay off Cohen to reimburse him to pay off porn stars right before the election, and hid the money. That's a proven campaign finance violation. That's a federal crime. Cohen is going to jail for it.

Ok. So Trump May be impeached. But you specifically said “fake”. Now I am no fan of Trump. But he was elected President of the United States. Spouting nonsense about him being a “fake president” is just stupid.
Paying off porn stars before an election, then hiding the money, deprived me of a free and fair election. How many votes would have been changed had family values Republicans known before hand? We don't know. And that's the point. So no, there is nothing stupid about that, because we can guess that votes would have changed. Weren't Republicans dying to know about Hillary's emails? I would have loved to have known about paying off porn stars, where Trump was having an affair, when his third wife was pregnant. I'm sure the family values Republicans would have wanted to know about that. But since we didn't,the election did not proceed legally. Don't ask me, ask Cohen.
I can't help but laugh. "Deprived me of a free and fair election" of course it is all about me me me. So sorry that you were deprived somehow of what you consider your rightful vote.

Consider just for a second that the only other candidate was a lying, cheating, useless, vile person. That she never campaigned even close to what the other one did. She actually had no new ideas to present.

Too many people are upset that they could not elect the worst candidate in American history. They keep pushing narrative after narrative in the desperate hope that something will stick. First it was Russia, when that failed they tried obstruction, when that has died they are trying election fraud.

I realize that Pelosi is not really the head head of the party but she considers herself so. Even she and others have backed off the idea of impeachment. Why do you think that is? Perhaps they feel that there has never been anything really there.

But if you pretend fantasy makes you feel better then don't let anyone stop you.
I get what you are saying about the laws being broken.

But what is the "fake" about? Is there proof of russian collusion? Trump was elected.
Eight checks were signed by Trump to pay off Cohen to reimburse him to pay off porn stars right before the election, and hid the money. That's a proven campaign finance violation. That's a federal crime. Cohen is going to jail for it.

Ok. So Trump May be impeached. But you specifically said “fake”. Now I am no fan of Trump. But he was elected President of the United States. Spouting nonsense about him being a “fake president” is just stupid.
Paying off porn stars before an election, then hiding the money, deprived me of a free and fair election. How many votes would have been changed had family values Republicans known before hand? We don't know. And that's the point. So no, there is nothing stupid about that, because we can guess that votes would have changed. Weren't Republicans dying to know about Hillary's emails? I would have loved to have known about paying off porn stars, where Trump was having an affair, when his third wife was pregnant. I'm sure the family values Republicans would have wanted to know about that. But since we didn't,the election did not proceed legally. Don't ask me, ask Cohen.
I can't help but laugh. "Deprived me of a free and fair election" of course it is all about me me me. So sorry that you were deprived somehow of what you consider your rightful vote.

Consider just for a second that the only other candidate was a lying, cheating, useless, vile person. That she never campaigned even close to what the other one did. She actually had no new ideas to present.

Too many people are upset that they could not elect the worst candidate in American history. They keep pushing narrative after narrative in the desperate hope that something will stick. First it was Russia, when that failed they tried obstruction, when that has died they are trying election fraud.

I realize that Pelosi is not really the head head of the party but she considers herself so. Even she and others have backed off the idea of impeachment. Why do you think that is? Perhaps they feel that there has never been anything really there.

But if you pretend fantasy makes you feel better then don't let anyone stop you.
You post is proof positive that nothing is stopping me, when your claims are only real to you.
Interestingly enough, Trump has gotten absolutely nothing that he wanted to get done as President, and the GOP establishment is who has racked up little wins with their court picks (that Trump has zero clue about) and their tax cuts. Mitch McConnell's got an idiot up there distracting the spittle-flicking GOP masses by convincing them the brown folks are finally getting what they deserve, while McConnell gets his rich donor base a massive tax cut and installs evangelicals to crack down on individual freedoms.
Pretty much sums up the whole disaster.
I get what you are saying about the laws being broken.

But what is the "fake" about? Is there proof of russian collusion? Trump was elected.
Eight checks were signed by Trump to pay off Cohen to reimburse him to pay off porn stars right before the election, and hid the money. That's a proven campaign finance violation. That's a federal crime. Cohen is going to jail for it.

Ok. So Trump May be impeached. But you specifically said “fake”. Now I am no fan of Trump. But he was elected President of the United States. Spouting nonsense about him being a “fake president” is just stupid.
Paying off porn stars before an election, then hiding the money, deprived me of a free and fair election. How many votes would have been changed had family values Republicans known before hand? We don't know. And that's the point. So no, there is nothing stupid about that, because we can guess that votes would have changed. Weren't Republicans dying to know about Hillary's emails? I would have loved to have known about paying off porn stars, where Trump was having an affair, when his third wife was pregnant. I'm sure the family values Republicans would have wanted to know about that. But since we didn't,the election did not proceed legally. Don't ask me, ask Cohen.
I can't help but laugh. "Deprived me of a free and fair election" of course it is all about me me me. So sorry that you were deprived somehow of what you consider your rightful vote.

Consider just for a second that the only other candidate was a lying, cheating, useless, vile person. That she never campaigned even close to what the other one did. She actually had no new ideas to present.

Too many people are upset that they could not elect the worst candidate in American history. They keep pushing narrative after narrative in the desperate hope that something will stick. First it was Russia, when that failed they tried obstruction, when that has died they are trying election fraud.

I realize that Pelosi is not really the head head of the party but she considers herself so. Even she and others have backed off the idea of impeachment. Why do you think that is? Perhaps they feel that there has never been anything really there.

But if you pretend fantasy makes you feel better then don't let anyone stop you.
You post is proof positive that nothing is stopping me, when your claims are only real to you.
No they were real to a large number of voters. You must get have noticed that your pick is not in theWhite House. Not only that but, and here is the big but, the person that did not get your vote will be running again.
Eight checks were signed by Trump to pay off Cohen to reimburse him to pay off porn stars right before the election, and hid the money. That's a proven campaign finance violation. That's a federal crime. Cohen is going to jail for it.

Ok. So Trump May be impeached. But you specifically said “fake”. Now I am no fan of Trump. But he was elected President of the United States. Spouting nonsense about him being a “fake president” is just stupid.
Paying off porn stars before an election, then hiding the money, deprived me of a free and fair election. How many votes would have been changed had family values Republicans known before hand? We don't know. And that's the point. So no, there is nothing stupid about that, because we can guess that votes would have changed. Weren't Republicans dying to know about Hillary's emails? I would have loved to have known about paying off porn stars, where Trump was having an affair, when his third wife was pregnant. I'm sure the family values Republicans would have wanted to know about that. But since we didn't,the election did not proceed legally. Don't ask me, ask Cohen.
I can't help but laugh. "Deprived me of a free and fair election" of course it is all about me me me. So sorry that you were deprived somehow of what you consider your rightful vote.

Consider just for a second that the only other candidate was a lying, cheating, useless, vile person. That she never campaigned even close to what the other one did. She actually had no new ideas to present.

Too many people are upset that they could not elect the worst candidate in American history. They keep pushing narrative after narrative in the desperate hope that something will stick. First it was Russia, when that failed they tried obstruction, when that has died they are trying election fraud.

I realize that Pelosi is not really the head head of the party but she considers herself so. Even she and others have backed off the idea of impeachment. Why do you think that is? Perhaps they feel that there has never been anything really there.

But if you pretend fantasy makes you feel better then don't let anyone stop you.
You post is proof positive that nothing is stopping me, when your claims are only real to you.
No they were real to a large number of voters. You must get have noticed that your pick is not in theWhite House. Not only that but, and here is the big but, the person that did not get your vote will be running again.
His criminal liability will get to him first. And by the way, my pick, along with the rest of the country, didn't get the memo about the unreported hush money payments, making this an illegal election by law enforcement standards.
I get what you are saying about the laws being broken.

But what is the "fake" about? Is there proof of russian collusion? Trump was elected.
Eight checks were signed by Trump to pay off Cohen to reimburse him to pay off porn stars right before the election, and hid the money. That's a proven campaign finance violation. That's a federal crime. Cohen is going to jail for it.

Ok. So Trump May be impeached. But you specifically said “fake”. Now I am no fan of Trump. But he was elected President of the United States. Spouting nonsense about him being a “fake president” is just stupid.
Paying off porn stars before an election, then hiding the money, deprived me of a free and fair election. How many votes would have been changed had family values Republicans known before hand? We don't know. And that's the point. So no, there is nothing stupid about that, because we can guess that votes would have changed. Weren't Republicans dying to know about Hillary's emails? I would have loved to have known about paying off porn stars, where Trump was having an affair, when his third wife was pregnant. I'm sure the family values Republicans would have wanted to know about that. But since we didn't,the election did not proceed legally. Don't ask me, ask Cohen.

Oh, I almost forgot; Fox News is tied to the knowledge about the hush money, where they held the story back, and out of the publics view. To say Fox news is a leg up for Trump, is an understatement.

So maybe, if the right scandal had been revealed, there might have been a different outcome? If Hillary's emails had been revealed there might have been different votes cast.

The point is, the votes were cast. Trump's womanizing was not a secret. Neither was the fact that he paid women.
I get what you are saying about the laws being broken.

But what is the "fake" about? Is there proof of russian collusion? Trump was elected.
Eight checks were signed by Trump to pay off Cohen to reimburse him to pay off porn stars right before the election, and hid the money. That's a proven campaign finance violation. That's a federal crime. Cohen is going to jail for it.

Ok. So Trump May be impeached. But you specifically said “fake”. Now I am no fan of Trump. But he was elected President of the United States. Spouting nonsense about him being a “fake president” is just stupid.
Paying off porn stars before an election, then hiding the money, deprived me of a free and fair election. How many votes would have been changed had family values Republicans known before hand? We don't know. And that's the point. So no, there is nothing stupid about that, because we can guess that votes would have changed. Weren't Republicans dying to know about Hillary's emails? I would have loved to have known about paying off porn stars, where Trump was having an affair, when his third wife was pregnant. I'm sure the family values Republicans would have wanted to know about that. But since we didn't,the election did not proceed legally. Don't ask me, ask Cohen.

Oh, I almost forgot; Fox News is tied to the knowledge about the hush money, where they held the story back, and out of the publics view. To say Fox news is a leg up for Trump, is an understatement.

So maybe, if the right scandal had been revealed, there might have been a different outcome? If Hillary's emails had been revealed there might have been different votes cast.

The point is, the votes were cast. Trump's womanizing was not a secret. Neither was the fact that he paid women.
I didn't know about him paying off porn stars and not reporting the payments on financial disclosures. Cohen is going to jail for it. Give me one reason why Trump shouldn't, seeing that he is the one who spear headed the crime?

The right scandal has been revealed. Hillary's emails have revealed nothing, with no scandal. She was drilled for eleven hours, and they found nothing. In Trump's case, criminality has already been proven. Cohen got three years, my vote didn't count, and Trump needs to be in jail. And Fox news helped Trump hide the story. "Fair and balanced"! Lol! What a joke.
Eight checks were signed by Trump to pay off Cohen to reimburse him to pay off porn stars right before the election, and hid the money. That's a proven campaign finance violation. That's a federal crime. Cohen is going to jail for it.

Ok. So Trump May be impeached. But you specifically said “fake”. Now I am no fan of Trump. But he was elected President of the United States. Spouting nonsense about him being a “fake president” is just stupid.
Paying off porn stars before an election, then hiding the money, deprived me of a free and fair election. How many votes would have been changed had family values Republicans known before hand? We don't know. And that's the point. So no, there is nothing stupid about that, because we can guess that votes would have changed. Weren't Republicans dying to know about Hillary's emails? I would have loved to have known about paying off porn stars, where Trump was having an affair, when his third wife was pregnant. I'm sure the family values Republicans would have wanted to know about that. But since we didn't,the election did not proceed legally. Don't ask me, ask Cohen.
I can't help but laugh. "Deprived me of a free and fair election" of course it is all about me me me. So sorry that you were deprived somehow of what you consider your rightful vote.

Consider just for a second that the only other candidate was a lying, cheating, useless, vile person. That she never campaigned even close to what the other one did. She actually had no new ideas to present.

Too many people are upset that they could not elect the worst candidate in American history. They keep pushing narrative after narrative in the desperate hope that something will stick. First it was Russia, when that failed they tried obstruction, when that has died they are trying election fraud.

I realize that Pelosi is not really the head head of the party but she considers herself so. Even she and others have backed off the idea of impeachment. Why do you think that is? Perhaps they feel that there has never been anything really there.

But if you pretend fantasy makes you feel better then don't let anyone stop you.
You post is proof positive that nothing is stopping me, when your claims are only real to you.
No they were real to a large number of voters. You must get have noticed that your pick is not in theWhite House. Not only that but, and here is the big but, the person that did not get your vote will be running again.
With this much legal liability, I don't think he will be running.
it's so funny to watch you Trump hating idiots post chit that is so fake and so wrong and you retard believe it all lmfao. Gawd to bad we can video tape how stupid you fkrs are , ten yrs later we can replay your own stupidity before you and you could the see what idiots you really were and are. Your that dumb.

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