The fall of Trumpism continues

Don’t pray for me. It’s a waste of time. Misery was my lot from the moment of my birth. I’ve learned to embrace it and not let it hold me back from doing my Duty in life… being responsible for myself and my family. I had every reason and several opportunities to allow my situation to become a crutch and let others take care of me. I won’t allow it. Not in the past, the present or the future.

For me Duty trumps Enjoyment every time.
I'm not religious either but I don't think it hurts to have people out there rooting for you. Karma bitch! LOL
Really? Where have the accusations of fraud gone? I do not see anyone stopping. They will not stop because it happened and it will be proven.

In November AZ. will elect people who will take the evidence to court. Even a corrupt court will have no choice but to rule in their favor. It is well worth the wait and other states will follow.
Republicans already control Arizona, FruitLoops. What are they waiting for?
Ignore your links?
Of course not. If I hadn't read 'em how could I know what was in them.....or not in them?

But before that puzzling response from good poster Leo, he had made the following assertion, and was queried about it:

And to which he was queried with:
" about those alleged "mass mailed ballots"....which jurisdicitons, how many ballots, to what effect?"

And to that brief but direct inquiry we see the goal posts start to gallop across the field. Now, Leo wants to discuss legislatures.....not mass mailing of unsolicited ballots.
To wit:

Noper, I didn't. Because that wasn't where the goal posts were.
And because you cannot back up your assertion.

This stuff is a lot simpler than what you are making it out to be.
You addressed my post and only picked on one element which I subsequently addressed. Now you are here banging your fists and screaming like a child hurling insults yet again. It’s obvious you don’t want to discuss problems with the vote that could affect everyone.
Yes it is. Trump 2024!
Why'd you cut out my, "for Democrats," ya mental case?

Yeah, Trump will easily win the primaries because so many Trumplicans are brainwashed.

But that's good news for Democrats because America will kick him to the curb again. He has a gross total of negative 10 million votes. Nobody sucks more than him. Not even Stormy Daniels.

Vermont, Nevada, DC, California, New Jersey, Colorado, Hawaii, Utah, Washington and Oregon.
Yes, you are right.
And I am relieved you spent the effort to find it and share it.
For a couple of reasons.

1. It shows that 'mail-in voting' has been a traditional election protocol in significant jurisdictions for a long time. Because it works. For good reasons. Cost, efficiency, and control being primary.

Notably: These 'ballots'...may or may not be 'unsolicited'; however, what they are.....are ballots sent to registered voters. As such, the responsible jurisdiciton, generally the county in much of America, knows who is registered to the degree that rolls are kept current.....and a ballot is mailed to that registered voter at the last known address....and when completed mailed back.

All this smoke over it being 'inherently flawed' is nonsense. It has worked for those states for years. Protocols are described, and explained among election professionals in conferences and academic papers. Bugs, problems, best practices, workarounds are shared. If it didn't work.....they would have quit. If we can send and receive paper checks in the mail......we can do voting by mail too.

Now, the "unsolicited ballot" are mischaracterized with "unsolicted applications". They are different. In some jurisdictions, you need only be a registered voter and a ballot will be sent to the address of record. Other jurisdictions, most notably new ones for 2020 due to Covid, sent "applications" to the registered voter at the address of record.
In those jurisdicitons the application need be completed and mailed back....and then a ballot is sent to that voter, and they could then complete it and mail back.

That is all good. Little wrong with that. Most particularly in the Time of Covid.

Encouraging America to do more vote-by-mail is a good thing. We can avoid the controversey and 'suppression' factor associated with long line of voters who take hours to vote. And maybe can't vote at all because of polling hours don't work for their job responsibilities.
And it solves the problem of travelers, students, invalids, patients, and others. Notably, even with the record turnout of votes for the Presidential race....155,500,000....that still only comprises about 60% of 'eligible to be registered' people.....i.e. citizens and 18 years of age.

The goal and responsibility of our governance, and the desire of our citizenry must be to have the expression of our will ---our vote ---as reasonably convenient as possible for all people who are eligible to actually vote.

Many eligible people aren't even registered. More must be done to get them on the rolls. All rolls need be groomed of the dead, and the move-aways, etc. It takes money to do that....and money must be allocated for such. Anybody who has had any experience with combing long lists of names....computerized or handwritten knows that grooming is a constant necessity. Spellings, change of address, death, change of names (e.g., marriage). etc......all require an attentive hands-on, eyes-on effort. But it is done every single hour in the business world, and it can be done in more of our voting precincts.
In CA it was unprecedented and no, unsolicited ballots are not traditional protocol. Traditional protocol is for voters going to the polls in person and getting the official ballot at the polls. The voter rolls are not 'kept current' because it is impossible. Covid was just an excuse there was never any need to mail out official ballots.

Asking for voter verification is not 'suppression' that is just the Democrat meme they use to make the vote less secure and fan the flames of racism. Expanding the number of voters by changing traditional voting rules and laws is not a 'good' thing. Only someone who promotes cheating would say something like that.

If you cannot bother to register and are so lazy you can't get off your ass to vote you're probably just a lazy dumb shit and shouldn't be voting anyway. There is no need to 'comb over' voter lists with a fine toothed comb if going to the polls and producing a valid ID that matches the voter list at the polls were requirements.
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Expanding the number of voters by changing traditional voting rules and laws is not a 'good' thing.
"If you cannot bother to register and are so lazy you can't get off your ass to vote you're probably just a lazy dumb shit and shouldn't be voting anyway."

This is kinda fun, good poster Leo. I'm invaliding these having adult discussions can sometimes be therapy. I can't wait to begin it, maybe tomorrow.

"Expanding the number of voters" a bad thing?
Even if they are eligible? Are 18+, and a citizen of the United States ... you don't want them voting?

Are there any other reasons you don't want American citizens to get the vote.......besides being, in your words, "lazy" or "dumb"?

In your version of America can only the smart vote?
(How do you measure that? At the polls? On election day? With long lines of folks waiting to get in to vote and out of the sun? Or do they do IQ test as a prequisite for registering? If so, what would be your suggested cut-off threshold?)

Or you only want the non-lazy to vote in America?
(and who gets to decide who is 'lazy'. Making that decision, could get a tad dicey, no? What would their criteria for juding laziness be? Would it be different than, say, yours? Or mine? And would you turn away someone who stood in line for a couple of hours to vote....because you thought he or she was lazy? Right there in line you would inform 'em they couldn't vote? And if they asked right there in front of would tell 'em it's because they are lazy?
In CA it was unprecedented and no, unsolicited ballots are not traditional protocol. Traditional protocol is for voters going to the polls in person and getting the official ballot at the polls. The voter rolls are not 'kept current' because it is impossible. Covid was just an excuse there was never any need to mail out official ballots.

Asking for voter verification is not 'suppression' that is just the Democrat meme they use to make the vote less secure and fan the flames of racism. Expanding the number of voters by changing traditional voting rules and laws is not a 'good' thing. Only someone who promotes cheating would say something like that.

If you cannot bother to register and are so lazy you can't get off your ass to vote you're probably just a lazy dumb shit and shouldn't be voting anyway. There is no need to 'comb over' voter lists with a fine toothed comb if going to the polls and producing a valid ID that matches the voter list at the polls were requirements.
That's reasonable enough. And if it wasn't part of a political campaign to convince people that the election was "stolen", you'd likely find support on both sides of the aisle. Sadly, it is part of a political campaign to convince people the election was stolen. As such, it's now more about partisan battle lines that any real concerns (from either side).
That's reasonable enough. And if it wasn't part of a political campaign to convince people that the election was "stolen", you'd likely find support on both sides of the aisle. Sadly, it is part of a political campaign to convince people the election was stolen. As such, it's now more about partisan battle lines that any real concerns (from either side).
You are forgetting the large number that are convinced the election was stolen. That number can only grow.

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