The fall of Trumpism continues

You are forgetting the large number that are convinced the election was stolen. That number can only grow.
If Democrats can't set aside their progressive pipe dreams, if they can't stop alienating so many voters, if they can't produce candidates and a platform that appeal more broadly to voters - you may be right. As I said, it's a purely political concern now. Like so many things, truth and reason are swept aside in the partisan pissing match.
That's reasonable enough. And if it wasn't part of a political campaign to convince people that the election was "stolen", you'd likely find support on both sides of the aisle. Sadly, it is part of a political campaign to convince people the election was stolen. As such, it's now more about partisan battle lines that any real concerns (from either side).
That's all I was ever posting about but I got jumped by a bunch of mentally ill TDSers. BTW there is nothing wrong with questioning the outcome of an election especially when traditional voting regulations/laws were broken. That is really what is behind folks saying the election was stolen because there are serious questions about the validity of the vote. IMO it's a bit too late now, after the election, to even hope for a reversal but, it's not too late to try to true the vote so everyone has confidence in the outcome.
I.E., their platform, supported by most Americans in every poll.
Mkay. Keep telling yourself that. Roll those dice!

Or, play it safe (and frankly, moral) by shooting for more that 50.001% support - ie broad consensus.

That's the thing. Either side could put together a platform and nominate candidates who would sweep the elections. But to do so they'd have to abandon their least popular ambitions. And neither side is willing to do that.

So, if they abandon their platform and adopt the GOP platform, they might get something accomplished with the cheaters on the other side of the aisle.

Nope. But if they abandon the parts of their platform that offend half the nation, they might find themselves governing with real consensus, rather than slamming it home with 50.001% of the vote and facing bitter opposition from day one.
Of course Trumpism is beginning to weaken...

Even when they are dead-wrong and engaged in spreading lies, Conscience will sometimes work its way to the surface and permit honesty and sanity to return...

The political cost for for continuing to back Rump becomes more obvious with each passing week and increases with each new and profound revelation...
Of course Trumpism is beginning to weaken...

Even when they are dead-wrong and engaged in spreading lies, Conscience will sometimes work its way to the surface and permit honesty and sanity to return...

The political cost for for continuing to back Rump becomes more obvious with each passing week and increases with each new and profound revelation...
The real lie is that Biden is a viable POTUS.
The data shows us that. Easily verified. Why make an argument based on a lie? Are you that in love with a stance you took, that you will adopt a lie to defend it?

Let me be more clear. I don't know what kind of polls you're talking about - but when I talk about "consensus", it's not the same thing as majority support. Consensus is more about lack of stringent opposition. The important thing isn't the percentage of votes. You might have 70% of the vote, but if the remaining 30% are adamantly and persistently opposed - that's not really consensus. On the other hand you might only have 55% of the vote, but most of the remaining 45% are ok with giving your guy a shot.

That's consensus, and in my view it's what our nation badly needs. One side or the other, preferably both, need to set aside their culture war jihad and commit to governing the nation, rather than trying to change it.
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Let me be more clear. I don't know what kind of polls you're talking about - but when I talk about "consensus", it's not the same thing as majority support. Consensus is more about lack of stringent opposition. The important thing isn't the percentage of votes. You might have 70% of the vote, but if the remaining 30% are adamantly and persistently opposed - that's not really consensus. On the other hand you might only have 55% of the vote, but the most of the remaining 45% are ok with giving your guy a shot.

That's consensus, and in my view it's what our nation badly needs. One side or the other, preferably both, needs to set aside their culture war jihad and commit to governing the nation, rather than trying to change it.
Democrats want to change the nation. Look no further than 'build back better.'
Of course Trumpism is beginning to weaken...

Even when they are dead-wrong and engaged in spreading lies, Conscience will sometimes work its way to the surface and permit honesty and sanity to return...

The political cost for for continuing to back Rump becomes more obvious with each passing week and increases with each new and profound revelation...
What profound revelations? You people have spouted the same shit for six years. No one is listening anymore.
Vermont, Nevada, DC, California, New Jersey, Colorado, Hawaii, Utah, Washington and Oregon.
Which of those states already did so?
All of them done legally and none of the contested states. So this mantra of “fraudulent” mail votes in those contested states is nonsense.
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One that is not a RINO. Stupid person, stupid question.

You're fucked in the head, FruitLoops. The Republican-led senate has been furiously hunting for fraud for the last 15 months. You're beyond nuts to try to marginalize them.

This post of yours is a great example of just how fucked up you really are. Wasn't necessary since most here already know it, but thanks just the same.
Which of those states already did so?
All of them done legally and none of the contested states. So this mantra of “fraudulent” mail votes in those contested states is nonsense.
again two illegal days of counting fraudulent votes occurred in six or seven states. Illegally allowed to count ballots received after November 3, 2020. ILLEGALLY Counted. Need me to say it again? State Legislators say it was. 88 of them. For 50 courts to deny the presentation of their evidence is simply treasonous.

You're fucked in the head, FruitLoops. The Republican-led senate has been furiously hunting for fraud for the last 15 months. You're beyond nuts to try to marginalize them.

This post of yours is a great example of just how fucked up you really are. Wasn't necessary since most here already know it, but thanks just the same.
The leader of the Senate in AZ. is a RINO. Period. Stop your bullshit and lying. Face the fact the AZ. election had 0 integrity. Something you should identify with.
Stop your bullshit and lying. Face the fact the AZ. election had 0 integrity.
There are a bunch of RINOs in AZ.
But, but, guys.
That Arizona vote was counted 3 times.
Even audited by the professional auditing firm Cyber Ninjas out of Sarasota, FL.
Who, by the way, were highly highly touted as competent, experienced messages on this very message board.
By posters, whose avatars I can no longer recall, but who were sincerely passionate in their belief that Cyber Ninjas were gonna get to the bottom of any nefarious or mendacious trickery going on in Maricopa County.

And now you are saying that's not so? That didn't happen?

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