The fall of Trumpism continues

My post was in reply to the Covid scare that kept healthy people from going to the polls. I understand that some with handicaps may not be able to go to the polls but, we have had absentee ballots for that. There is no excuse for mass mailing unsolicited ballots. All healthy people expose themselves to infectious diseases if they leave their home and it has never been a reason for self-quarantining.
Which states mass mailed unsolicited ballots?
And another Trumpster pretends that the man he adores, the savior of the country, the man who attracts thousands of rubes to his "rallies", the man who has the GOP wrapped around his little finger, is irrelevant.

Always cute!
Again, I adore no human. That’s your gig
I see you ignored the links I posted in favor of your 'no mass mailing' canard.
Ignore your links?
Of course not. If I hadn't read 'em how could I know what was in them.....or not in them?

But before that puzzling response from good poster Leo, he had made the following assertion, and was queried about it:

"There is no excuse for mass mailing unsolicited ballots."
And to which he was queried with:
" about those alleged "mass mailed ballots"....which jurisdicitons, how many ballots, to what effect?"

And to that brief but direct inquiry we see the goal posts start to gallop across the field. Now, Leo wants to discuss legislatures.....not mass mailing of unsolicited ballots.
To wit:

"The links I posted cited things such as circumventing legislatures to change voting laws. You didn't address any of that."

Noper, I didn't. Because that wasn't where the goal posts were.
And because you cannot back up your assertion.

This stuff is a lot simpler than what you are making it out to be.
I don't believe in Gods, but I'll still say it. I'm praying for you brother. I hope you find pleasure in as many moments as you can between now and then. We come into this world miserable. I actually remember being born. Couldn't breath, see, clogged up nose, cold, couldn't walk, was shitting and pissing myself uncontrollably. Much like the end of life.
Don’t pray for me. It’s a waste of time. Misery was my lot from the moment of my birth. I’ve learned to embrace it and not let it hold me back from doing my Duty in life… being responsible for myself and my family. I had every reason and several opportunities to allow my situation to become a crutch and let others take care of me. I won’t allow it. Not in the past, the present or the future.
I guess my purpose is to enjoy the middle of my life as much as possible before I turn back into that shitting pissing baby who hurts and can't walk. LOL.
For me Duty trumps Enjoyment every time.
The definition of maladjusted. There are people who specialize in helping people like yourself. You should use your medical benefits to help you find some peace.
Peace I have. It’s pleasure and happiness I lack. I learned early in life that such things were not to be for me. I have maintained my Honor by doing my Duty, no matter how difficult and unpleasant it may be at times.

The head-shrinkers have looked at me and say that so long as I continue to believe as I do there’s nothing they can do for me.
"They will not stop because it happened and it will be proven."

" will be proven"
That's a long gestating egg to sit on there, good poster Last.
It's what now, 15-16 months?

Do you have a date you can share with the interested forum on when "it will be proven'?

It would be useful to have your ETA on this event.
Some of us have plans.
But........maybe, with enough time, we could do a work-around.
If you know what I mean.
" will be proven"
That's a long gestating egg to sit on there, good poster Last.
It's what now, 15-16 months?

Do you have a date you can share with the interested forum on when "it will be proven'?

It would be useful to have your ETA on this event.
Some of us have plans.
But........maybe, with enough time, we could do a work-around.
If you know what I mean.
:shutupsmiley: :ahole-1:
OK, I get it.
Haven't got around to setting a date yet, have you?

It's OK.
We are all busy.
BTW, just how has your search for massive election fraud been progressing?
Got any new news you drop on the forum today?

Good luck. ;)
OP is total bullshit. No way is Trump going to fade away. He should. He’s a POS right wing turd bucket of hate vitriol and stupidity. But, honestly, that’s all the right wing of US politics is these days. He’ll blood suck the hate to another candidacy if he wants it. I don’t think he does.
If I was a liberal I would hate the fact that many in the Republican Party have decided to fight for what they believe in rather than be wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. They can see how being strongly for our nation can make people proud and enthusiastic.

I wonder if it was Trump that caused the Democratic Party to go batshit crazy and push for things like defunding the police or Marxist socialism?
OK, I get it.
Haven't got around to setting a date yet, have you?

It's OK.
We are all busy.
BTW, just how has your search for massive election fraud been progressing?
Got any new news you drop on the forum today?

Good luck. ;)
Biden won by nearly 8 million votes. It shouldn’t take too long to find such a large discrepancy across a handful of states. Proof any day now.
OK, I get it.
Haven't got around to setting a date yet, have you?

It's OK.
We are all busy.
BTW, just how has your search for massive election fraud been progressing?
Got any new news you drop on the forum today?

Good luck. ;)
I have not gotten around to paying any attention to you at all. Do not expect that to change, Bye.
I am not the one that believes Slow Joe got 81 million votes, dipshit.
740,000 ballots were accepted and counted without the proper chain of custody documentation in violation of Arizona Law.
That can be proven in court.

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