The fall of Trumpism continues

This is what happens when morons are given a voice. Some power. Suddenly societal standards now must be lowered to suit their moronic understanding of the world.
Ideally society sets high standards and assists the citizenry in reaching those standards. Sadly now, with districts banning books and legislatures banning history we are now sadly on a march toward idiocracy.

Those affidavits did not meet the standard of evidence required to get a hearing in court. That should have been it. Everyone should have recognized it as nonsense right there. But no. They still call for further lowering of standards to appeal to their ignorance. Going full stupid was the worst thing Republicans could have done to this country.
Republicans don’t appeal to logic. All their policies favor the rich. How do you get middle class and poor people to ignore this? Social wedge issues. God, guns, racism. Once you got them they’ll go along with everything. Global warming, stealing elections,

I bet 40 something percent of Russians like Putin too.
I said there were illegalities and provided links. I even provided a link that says the same thing you just said but went on to explain how some States circumvented Constitutional voting laws.
It was a pandemic. Under the circumstances... lol
That is the plan. I work for an electric utility company creating and maintaining our mapping systems in CAD and GIS.

I have the receipts for the certified letters sent to the Social Security Administration and Medicare offices in DC indicating that I will not be taking part in payouts or benefits from those groups. I see no point in a life with no purpose. Having to sit around for two months in 2020 due to a neurological issue nearly sent me over the edge. I almost used the bullet then.
You’re crazy. Lol What’s your purpose now? Is it more meaningful than enjoying yourself? Doing the things you love?

I love getting up on Saturday, going to Tim Horton for a coffee then going for a 2 hour walk with my dog in the woods. Going home after to watch tv and take a nap. Then get back up and take my dog to the dog park where I know about 20 people. Come home at dark and watch snl. A perfect day.

What is my purpose? Seems to be enjoying myself. Lol.
I have no retirement savings because I will never be retired. If/when I get thrown out of the office I’ll go straight into a coffin (already paid for) in the ground (again, already paid for).
What happens if you become too sick to work?
Once you got them they’ll go along with everything.
Like cheering for moral perversions like diddling innocent children? Like THAT, Cletus? Like giving legal repercussions for average people who dare to laugh at the militantly mentally ill voters of your party? TICK, TOCK, BABY...
Are y

Are you kidding? Go stand in line with people who wont even wear masks? No thanks.
There is no scientific evidence that masks prevent Covid infection. There is no excuse for not gettting off one's ass and going to the polls. Provide a link that shows solid scientific evidence that masks work.
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You’re crazy. Lol What’s your purpose now? Is it more meaningful than enjoying yourself? Doing the things you love?
My purpose now is to support my wife and myself via my job. Enjoyment, happiness, pleasure, etc… are things that really don’t fit into my life. They have no purpose. I don’t believe in love.
My purpose now is to support my wife and myself via my job. Enjoyment, happiness, pleasure, etc… are things that really don’t fit into my life. They have no purpose. I don’t believe in love.
What would you do if you hit the lotto? I want details. Would you stay with your wife or give her half and bounce?

And what would you do if you had more than enough money? Would you continue to live a miserable existence ?
My purpose now is to support my wife and myself via my job. Enjoyment, happiness, pleasure, etc… are things that really don’t fit into my life. They have no purpose. I don’t believe in love.
Supporting your wife IS love because without her, you would just use your gun and paint the walls with your brains.
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When your own VP exposes you for the traitor you are what is there really left to say for trump supporters to say at this point? Trump attempted to overturn the election, plain and simple. Anyone who still supports him is a communist. Not surprising that republicans would be at the head of the line for that sign up.
There is no excuse for not gettting off one's ass and going to the polls.

Well, you may be right.
On the other hand......

Some here might suggest:
Being an American Army sergeant serving in Syria.
Being hospitalized.
Being in critical job that you cannot leave during polling hours.
Travelling out of state or out of the country for your job, funeral, wedding, in jail.
Being an invalid at home.
Being a bed-ridden senior in a nursing home.
Being prudent about exposing oneself to infectious diseases.

So yeah, I think I can understand how some here might disagree with your assertion that "there is no excuse".

Well, you may be right.
On the other hand......

Some here might suggest:
Being an American Army sergeant serving in Syria.
Being hospitalized.
Being in critical job that you cannot leave during polling hours.
Travelling out of state or out of the country for your job, funeral, wedding, in jail.
Being an invalid at home.
Being a bed-ridden senior in a nursing home.
Being prudent about exposing oneself to infectious diseases.

So yeah, I think I can understand how some here might disagree with your assertion that "there is no excuse".
My post was in reply to the Covid scare that kept healthy people from going to the polls. I understand that some with handicaps may not be able to go to the polls but, we have had absentee ballots for that. There is no excuse for mass mailing unsolicited ballots. All healthy people expose themselves to infectious diseases if they leave their home and it has never been a reason for self-quarantining.
"There is no excuse for mass mailing unsolicited ballots."
How many jurisdicitons mailed "unsolicited ballots"?
And how many 'unsolicited ballots' were sent?
And can you quantify the impact for any jurisdiction's that sent 'unsolicted ballots'?

Or, and my avatar means no disrespect, but......but is this a case of "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"?

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