The fall of Trumpism continues

Exactly. If everyone voted, they'd be forced to change. Because too many people don't vote, Republicans best chance of winning is catering to the right wing nuts.
everyone? Everyone does vote. even the dead vote. You're really confused.
I found that ballots received were never counted. I also found that documents needing two signatures only had one. Plus the fact two people were supposed to be present in the server room at all times. I can prove there was only one. The election had no integrity.
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Uh huh. The nearly 8 million fraudulent voters that gave the election to Biden. Where are they?
Every state certified their election results so they must have reconciled their votes counted to registered voters.
It was a pandemic. I'm sure if a Republican governor were in charge they would have made the executive decision to mail everyone a ballot, 3 times. LOL.

Yes, she mailed me an absentee ballot like 3 times. Just in case I threw the first 2 away. She really got out the vote....against Trump. It was wonderful!!!
Uh huh. The nearly 8 million fraudulent voters that gave the election to Biden. Where are they?
Every state certified their election results so they must have reconciled their votes counted to registered voters.
Why not admit the laws in AZ. were broken to start with? County documents prove it was. The election had 0 integrity.
Uh huh. The nearly 8 million fraudulent voters that gave the election to Biden. Where are they?
Every state certified their election results so they must have reconciled their votes counted to registered voters.
they are individuals who falsified ballots and then submitted the fraudulent ballots in boxes on the curb. Video shows them. It's a thread in here. Go look through it.
It was a pandemic. I'm sure if a Republican governor were in charge they would have made the executive decision to mail everyone a ballot, 3 times. LOL.

Yes, she mailed me an absentee ballot like 3 times. Just in case I threw the first 2 away. She really got out the vote....against Trump. It was wonderful!!!
didn't have legislative approval. AG and Secretary of States have no jurisdiction.
Remember the affidavits? Trump pole watchers were nuts. They were seeing conspiracies around every corner. And they'd get upset when Lequisha in Detroit told them to back the fuck off.

One guy said "there is no way that many military votes went to Biden".

That's their evidence? They "can't believe" so many military votes went to Biden? Well I got news for you idiot. Maybe the military doesn't vote as overwhelmingly for Republicans like you think they do.

Republicans confuse the Military Industrial Complex with the Military. The Military Industrial Complex for sure supports Republicans. The troops? Not so much. But that is shocking to a lot of Republicans.

The same way this fact baffles Republicans: Over 3/4 of American Jews voted for Biden. Republicans confuse Israel with American Jews. They assume because Bibi like Republicans, so should American Jews. But they don't. Only 1/4th of American Jews vote Republican. But I'm sure that would shock most Republicans who watch Fox News.
This is what happens when morons are given a voice. Some power. Suddenly societal standards now must be lowered to suit their moronic understanding of the world.
Ideally society sets high standards and assists the citizenry in reaching those standards. Sadly now, with districts banning books and legislatures banning history we are now sadly on a march toward idiocracy.

Those affidavits did not meet the standard of evidence required to get a hearing in court. That should have been it. Everyone should have recognized it as nonsense right there. But no. They still call for further lowering of standards to appeal to their ignorance. Going full stupid was the worst thing Republicans could have done to this country.
I found that ballots received were never counted. I also found that documents needing two signatures only had one. Plus the fact two people were supposed to be present in the server room at all times. I can prove there was only one. The election had no integrity.
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I think I notice Chinese bamboo fibers on those ballots!

Call the F.B.I!
Exactly. If everyone voted, they'd be forced to change. Because too many people don't vote, Republicans best chance of winning is catering to the right wing nuts.
They’ll take us all down with them. At some point, we may already be there, there is no going back.

Maricopa County elections department claims it is policy to have two people in the server room whenever someone is using the server room (KVM) keyboard video monitor. This video clearly shows that policy means nothing to anyone at the MCTEC. These videos are to show the blatant disregard for any laws, rules or statutes and is a clear indicator that there is plenty of willfully negligent and potentially unscrupulous people involved in our elections.

Where’s the fraud? That is the most scrutinized county in the country and all they found was that Biden won a few hundred more votes than previously counted.
they are individuals who falsified ballots and then submitted the fraudulent ballots in boxes on the curb. Video shows them. It's a thread in here. Go look through it.
There is no evidence of falsified ballots. The states certified their elections.
I found that ballots received were never counted. I also found that documents needing two signatures only had one. Plus the fact two people were supposed to be present in the server room at all times. I can prove there was only one. The election had no integrity.
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thats what you get for hiring an audit firm without any experience in elections. Cyber Ninjas spent 6 months and millions of dollars hand recounting 2.1 million ballots. And what do you have? Doug Logan shut the company down and is now it debt. Should have hired a proper audit firm from the get go, total failure.

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