The fall of Trumpism continues

The fall of Trumpism continues. Pence contradicts Trump in speech at the Federalist society. More and more conservatives and Republicans are pulling away from Trumpism.

Evil is always difficult to eliminate but it will be neutralized. Only the dumbest of the dumb and the evilist of the evil will be left supporting Trumpism.

In my signature: Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay

Unfortunately, stupidity is still rapidly outpacing those who are recovering their senses.

And don't believe for one second Mike Pence is still not deeply embedded up Traitor Trump's ass.

Here's the gig poster black, Don Trump, ex-president who is now making noises about running again, and polls show remains very popular in his base.....COULD once again be in the White House.

However, there are suspects who have been arrested and are now in jail charged with "seditious conspiracy". A 20yrs-in-prison crime. Serious scheib.

But they may know stuff.
Someone may have a proveable contact to Roger Stone, or Guiliani, or Fredo Jr.
Which then really really looks like an uber-sticky slapped tarbaby.

But, if a pardon is dangled. As sort of a get-out-of-jail-free card.....well, maybe those who are in-the-know now will have an incentive to not cooperate.

Get it? Sort of like how it worked with Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Roger Manafort. Shut up now......'cause I'll spring you out later. just one of the reasons why the media is not "falling-for-it"......but rather doing their job in vetting the liklihood that there could be a 'conspiracy' that links to some who are in the enablers-circle.

I hope I am clear on that.
name someone convicted of sedition.
These idiots miss the obvious. We all know a lot of Americans are too fucking lazy to vote. That's why it pissed off Trump when Governor Whitmer mailed every person in Michigan an absentee ballot. But what should she have done? It was a pandemic. We weren't supposed to be lined up and packed in the local firehouse, schools and libraries waiting in long lines to vote, spreading the virus. We should have even closed the poles and made EVERYONE vote absentee. How many idiots spread corona standing in line to vote for Trump?

So Trump knew if it weren't for this, he would have won. Absentee made it too easy for everyone to vote. That's why he hated it.

Normally, you have to request an absentee ballot. Most people would not have requested one. They just wouldn't have voted. Trump wished this happened because then he would have won.

So absentee voting killed Trump. And it would kill every other Republican if they made it easier not harder for everyone to vote. It shouldn't have to be hard or a pain in the ass to vote. Should be able to log on and vote. From home.

And that idea scares the fuck out of Republicans. They'll say they are afraid dead people will vote. No they don't. They're afraid living people will vote.
This is exactly why Republicans will never change unless suppression tactics are eliminated and forces them to. Until then it is a race to the bottom.
No he didn't. If he did he would have used it.

Trump's own W.H. counsel Cippolino went berserk when he heard about the little game that Trump & his mob were hatching.
yes he did.
Find the phantom voters. The ones who had ballots counted but were not on the voter rolls.
It should be simple arithmetic to show it. Biden won by nearly 8 million votes.
I found that ballots received were never counted. I also found that documents needing two signatures only had one. Plus the fact two people were supposed to be present in the server room at all times. I can prove there was only one. The election had no integrity.

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Find the phantom voters. The ones who had ballots counted but were not on the voter rolls.
It should be simple arithmetic to show it. Biden won by nearly 8 million votes.
Remember the affidavits? Trump pole watchers were nuts. They were seeing conspiracies around every corner. And they'd get upset when Lequisha in Detroit told them to back the fuck off.

One guy said "there is no way that many military votes went to Biden".

That's their evidence? They "can't believe" so many military votes went to Biden? Well I got news for you idiot. Maybe the military doesn't vote as overwhelmingly for Republicans like you think they do.

Republicans confuse the Military Industrial Complex with the Military. The Military Industrial Complex for sure supports Republicans. The troops? Not so much. But that is shocking to a lot of Republicans.

The same way this fact baffles Republicans: Over 3/4 of American Jews voted for Biden. Republicans confuse Israel with American Jews. They assume because Bibi like Republicans, so should American Jews. But they don't. Only 1/4th of American Jews vote Republican. But I'm sure that would shock most Republicans who watch Fox News.
This is exactly why Republicans will never change unless suppression tactics are eliminated and forces them to. Until then it is a race to the bottom.
who suppresses? are you still suggesting that showing an ID is suppression? really? tough to argue with you rocks.
name someone convicted of sedition.
Ok, I'll play along.

No one ............ yet.
They have been charged, do you agree?

I doubt ANYONE will be convicted, they will ALL plead to lesser crimes.
Remember the affidavits? Trump pole watchers were nuts. They were seeing conspiracies around every corner. And they'd get upset when Lequisha in Detroit told them to back the fuck off.

One guy said "there is no way that many military votes went to Biden".

That's their evidence? They "can't believe" so many military votes went to Biden? Well I got news for you idiot. Maybe the military doesn't vote as overwhelmingly for Republicans like you think they do.

Republicans confuse the Military Industrial Complex with the Military. The Military Industrial Complex for sure supports Republicans. The troops? Not so much. But that is shocking to a lot of Republicans.

The same way this fact baffles Republicans: Over 3/4 of American Jews voted for Biden. Republicans confuse Israel with American Jews. They assume because Bibi like Republicans, so should American Jews. But they don't. Only 1/4th of American Jews vote Republican. But I'm sure that would shock most Republicans who watch Fox News.
remember every judge said no?
That's why it pissed off Trump when Governor Whitmer mailed every person in Michigan an absentee ballot. But what should she have done? It was a pandemic.

It's important to note: CBS News, May of 2020

"All registered Michigan voters have been sent absentee ballot applications, the Michigan Secretary of State's Office announced Thursday night. The move comes after two days of national controversy in which President Trump threatened to withhold federal funding over the planned move."

Personally, I think that was good governance.
The AG's office was being responsible and prudent.
It WAS a pandemic, after all, as poster 'sealy' stated.

Responsible to send to registered voters.
Prudent to send just applications, and not ballots.

So good on Michigan.

It's important to note: CBS News, May of 2020

"All registered Michigan voters have been sent absentee ballot applications, the Michigan Secretary of State's Office announced Thursday night. The move comes after two days of national controversy in which President Trump threatened to withhold federal funding over the planned move."

Personally, I think that was good governance.
The AG's office was being responsible and prudent.
It WAS a pandemic, after all, as poster 'sealy' stated.

Responsible to send to only registered voters.
Prudent to send just applications, and not ballots.

So good on Michigan.
I found that ballots received were never counted. I also found that documents needing two signatures only had one. Plus the fact two people were supposed to be present in the server room at all times. I can prove there was only one. The election had no integrity.
I have way more evidence something shady happened in 2000. Diebold voting machines, Republicans started a riot to stop the recount, Jeb was George's Brother, hanging chads, butterfly ballots, Katherine Harris.

How come you didn't see it then but you see it now? And what you see now is conspiracy theories. Every thing you have claimed to see has been debunked.

For example, show us only 1 person in the server room when 2 should have been. We will investigate and find out your fears have already been answered. What state was this in? Got a link?

How come Trump isn't doing a better job explaining this to us? Or how come you aren't able to prove it to us with all this evidence? Is the Conservative Supreme Court in on it?
I have way more evidence something shady happened in 2000. Diebold voting machines, Republicans started a riot to stop the recount, Jeb was George's Brother, hanging chads, butterfly ballots, Katherine Harris.

How come you didn't see it then but you see it now? And what you see now is conspiracy theories. Every thing you have claimed to see has been debunked.

For example, show us only 1 person in the server room when 2 should have been. We will investigate and find out your fears have already been answered. What state was this in? Got a link?

How come Trump isn't doing a better job explaining this to us? Or how come you aren't able to prove it to us with all this evidence? Is the Conservative Supreme Court in on it?
you don't have two extra days counting illegal ballots.
This is exactly why Republicans will never change unless suppression tactics are eliminated and forces them to. Until then it is a race to the bottom.
Exactly. If everyone voted, they'd be forced to change. Because too many people don't vote, Republicans best chance of winning is catering to the right wing nuts.
I did a search for no charges of sedition and found a lot of threads with Republicans bragging that no one was charged. Do the search yourself. easy65 started one.
didn't happen dude. You're lying, all you had to do was post one and failed.
I have way more evidence something shady happened in 2000. Diebold voting machines, Republicans started a riot to stop the recount, Jeb was George's Brother, hanging chads, butterfly ballots, Katherine Harris.

How come you didn't see it then but you see it now? And what you see now is conspiracy theories. Every thing you have claimed to see has been debunked.

For example, show us only 1 person in the server room when 2 should have been. We will investigate and find out your fears have already been answered. What state was this in? Got a link?

How come Trump isn't doing a better job explaining this to us? Or how come you aren't able to prove it to us with all this evidence? Is the Conservative Supreme Court in on it?

Maricopa County elections department claims it is policy to have two people in the server room whenever someone is using the server room (KVM) keyboard video monitor. This video clearly shows that policy means nothing to anyone at the MCTEC. These videos are to show the blatant disregard for any laws, rules or statutes and is a clear indicator that there is plenty of willfully negligent and potentially unscrupulous people involved in our elections.

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