The fall of Trumpism continues


You're fucked in the head, FruitLoops. The Republican-led senate has been furiously hunting for fraud for the last 15 months. You're beyond nuts to try to marginalize them.

This post of yours is a great example of just how fucked up you really are. Wasn't necessary since most here already know it, but thanks just the same.
Think the RINO will take up his challenge, I don't.
again two illegal days of counting fraudulent votes occurred in six or seven states. Illegally allowed to count ballots received after November 3, 2020. ILLEGALLY Counted. Need me to say it again? State Legislators say it was. 88 of them. For 50 courts to deny the presentation of their evidence is simply treasonous.
You're lying again. In no state was there "two illegal days of counting fraudulent votes."
The leader of the Senate in AZ. is a RINO. Period. Stop your bullshit and lying. Face the fact the AZ. election had 0 integrity. Something you should identify with.
You're deranged, FruitLoops. Karen Fann is their Senate's president and she's one of the biggest Trumpsters among them. And as a legislative body, they've already conducted multiple audits.

All you managed to do with that moronic post of yours is to once again demonstrate how out of touch with reality you are.

If they actually had real evidence, they would have taken it to court. They haven't for the simple reason they have no real evidence. You are royally fucked in the head, FruitLoops.
---74,000 Ballots Returned with No Record of Ever Being Sent: Shocking AZ Audit Update---


I thought you said they're RINO's???

You're deranged, FruitLoops. Karen Fann is their Senate's president and she's one of the biggest Trumpsters among them. And as a legislative body, they've already conducted multiple audits.

All you managed to do with that moronic post of yours is to once again demonstrate how out of touch with reality you are.

If they actually had real evidence, they would have taken it to court. They haven't for the simple reason they have no real evidence. You are royally fucked in the head, FruitLoops.
Actually the audit is not finished until the routers are examined. If you were informed you would no that. Nothing changes the laws that were broken or the status of the ballots they consider illegal. Maybe you should worry about Dominion lawsuits instead. Their bluff seems to be going nowhere.

There is evidence and it will get to court. I will let you know when it does, you seem to be incapable of doing any research yourself. Assflap.
Actually the audit is not finished until the routers are examined. If you were informed you would no that. Nothing changes the laws that were broken or the status of the ballots they consider illegal. Maybe you should worry about Dominion lawsuits instead. Their bluff seems to be going nowhere.

There is evidence and it will get to court. I will let you know when it does, you seem to be incapable of doing any research yourself. Assflap.
I have no worries, FruitLoops. Everything is good from where I sit.

But it's funny how you're now arguing with yourself. Earlier, you said it can't get to court because of RINO's ... now you're saying it will get to court. So which is it?
"No way Trump lost, thus, fraud."

It doesn't really get any more complicated than that, does it?
no that's not it at all. the count went illegally after Nov 3 with ballots that had no postmarks. Sorry, those ballots are fraudulent.
OP is total bullshit. No way is Trump going to fade away. He should. He’s a POS right wing turd bucket of hate vitriol and stupidity. But, honestly, that’s all the right wing of US politics is these days. He’ll blood suck the hate to another candidacy if he wants it. I don’t think he does.
What is sad is that the Dems aren't any better at picking a candidate than the GOP. The last several elections have had terrible candidates running for office. The major parties have failed us.
What does being a RINO have to do with chain of custody you insufferable moron?

There was no chain-of-custody mentioned in his link, ya fuckin' retard. It was about 74K ballots which Cyber Ninja's couldn't determine were sent out to voters. Yet another debunked claim which highlighted Cyber Ninja's inexperience when it turned out they simply didn't understand how to read the data.

I have no worries, FruitLoops. Everything is good from where I sit.

But it's funny how you're now arguing with yourself. Earlier, you said it can't get to court because of RINO's ... now you're saying it will get to court. So which is it?
You are not informed. You think it is good and your thought process is a defincent as you are.

There was no chain-of-custody mentioned in his link, ya fuckin' retard. It was about 74K ballots which Cyber Ninja's couldn't determine were sent out to voters. Yet another debunked claim which highlighted Cyber Ninja's inexperience when it turned out they simply didn't understand how to read the data.

It will be metioned in court. Sit tight, Assflap.
The fall of Trumpism continues.

Tell us Glue, just when do we actually begin to SEE this fall? Will we need a microscope and tweezers or maybe a calendar to know which month, which year, which decade?

And what will you gain when it happens? All it has bought you is the hapless idiot Stutters & Stumbles McGee, man who smashed Covid-19, rescued the economy, tamed our budget, and brought most of us home from Afghanistan. Then took us to war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

You are not informed. You think it is good and your thought process is a defincent as you are.
Fortunately for me, that's coming from you and after 15 months about election fraud, which you've been shot down every single time, and means absolutely nothing.
Tell us Glue, just when do we actually begin to SEE this fall? Will we need a microscope and tweezers or maybe a calendar to know which month, which year, which decade?

And what will you gain when it happens? All it has bought you is the hapless idiot Stutters & Stumbles McGee, man who smashed Covid-19, rescued the economy, tamed our budget, and brought most of us home from Afghanistan. Then took us to war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

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