The fall of Trumpism continues

Do you and your stupid son in law say that Trump did not embrace and impose the John Eastman coup memo against the United States of America by pressuring Mike Pence to cancel all legal votes in the following states because of the large numbers of black voters who voted in Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Michigan Arizona Nevada and New Mexico? Did you notice that the fake TRUMP ELECTORS from those states are all white?
Just out of curiosity, what does this have to do with the fact that government vendors pilfer millions of dollars and Trump said, “No thanks.”.

Perhaps you should move to a region that attracts investors rather than repel them.
what does this have to do with t
Why don’t you want to answer the question that you were asked?

Do you and your stupid son in law say that Trump did not embrace and impose the John Eastman coup memo against the United States of America by pressuring Mike Pence to cancel all legal votes in the following states because of the large numbers of black voters who voted in Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Michigan Arizona Nevada and New Mexico? Did you notice that the fake TRUMP ELECTORS from those states are all white?
Why don’t you want to answer the question that you were asked?

Do you and your stupid son in law say that Trump did not embrace and impose the John Eastman coup memo against the United States of America by pressuring Mike Pence to cancel all legal votes in the following states because of the large numbers of black voters who voted in Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Michigan Arizona Nevada and New Mexico? Did you notice that the fake TRUMP ELECTORS from those states are all white?
I have an excellent memory…
You hated Trump the moment he stepped into the race.
You are crying like a little bitch because Trump knows your region’s politicians pilfer millions every year, just like every other region he turned down, including the Town of Hempstead (Republican) where I live.
You hated Trump the moment he stepped into the race.
After January 6 I hate him even more. If you don’t hate Trump for what he did on January 6 you’re not an American who believes in freedom and the right to vote and have your vote count unless it is for Trump. I am proud to hate Trump.
After January 6 I hate him even more. If you don’t hate Trump for what he did on January 6 you’re not an American who believes in freedom and the right to vote and have your vote count unless it is for Trump. I am proud to hate Trump.
You hated Trump way before 1/6.
You love Biden who put a record number of Blacks in prison and has done nothing in his career to ensure success for the next generation of minorities.

The bottom line is you wanted a paycheck from my tax money and Trump said, “No!”.
You hated Trump the moment he stepped into the race.

Do you hate authoritarianism or prefer it over democracy?

When democracies are replaced by authoritarianism, it isn’t necessarily because of a violent coup d’état or golpe de estado like the overthrow of Salvador Allende by fascist dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet and his allies in Chile in 1973.​
Sometimes, authoritarians are voted into office and gradually undermine a democracy’s check and balances until it becomes increasingly undemocratic, which is what has happened with Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey. And it is what MAGA Republicans are trying to do in the United States​
Do you hate authoritarianism or prefer it over democracy?

When democracies are replaced by authoritarianism, it isn’t necessarily because of a violent coup d’état or golpe de estado like the overthrow of Salvador Allende by fascist dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet and his allies in Chile in 1973.​
Sometimes, authoritarians are voted into office and gradually undermine a democracy’s check and balances until it becomes increasingly undemocratic, which is what has happened with Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey. And it is what MAGA Republicans are trying to do in the United States​
You mean when Blacks burn down Black businesses and murder each other?

You are mentally ill.
The bottom line is you wanted a paycheck from my tax money and Trump said, “No!”.
You are a liar I worked in the private sector my entire life. Of Course I hated Trump prior to January 6 he’s an asshole pussy grabber lowlife worthless piece of shit human being, if you don’t hate him there is something wrong with you
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Do you hate authoritarianism or prefer it over democracy?

When democracies are replaced by authoritarianism, it isn’t necessarily because of a violent coup d’état or golpe de estado like the overthrow of Salvador Allende by fascist dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet and his allies in Chile in 1973.​
Sometimes, authoritarians are voted into office and gradually undermine a democracy’s check and balances until it becomes increasingly undemocratic, which is what has happened with Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey. And it is what MAGA Republicans are trying to do in the United States​
How are the MAGA Republicans trying to do that in the United States?
You mean when Blacks burn down Black businesses and murder each other?

You are mentally ill.
Or when they firebomb Courthouse to overthrow our Govt, in attempted insurrection....

You mean when Blacks burn down Black businesses and murder each other?
That has nothing to do with authoritarianism. anyone who burns businesses or murders people is a criminal they are not politicians. Trump is a politician he’s responsible for what he does. He attempted to overturn the election and you still support that action by an outgoing but sitting United States president. There is no comparison to black on black murder to Trump did.
How are the MAGA Republicans trying to do that in the United States?
my God you are so deep in the cult. Trump attempted to subvert democracy on January 6 and that plot started before the November 3 election results were even in as stated by his idiot son. That is what authoritarianism does. They try to stay in power without being elected.
That has nothing to do with authoritarianism. anyone who burns businesses or murders people is a criminal they are not politicians. Trump is a politician he’s responsible for what he does. He attempted to overturn the election and you still support that action by an outgoing but sitting United States president. There is no comparison to black on black murder to Trump did.
Ha! You fool!
The right to vote was never intended to vote for inter-generational welfare or taking crimes out of the local legal code, but that’s exactctly what it has done.
The right to vote was never intended to vote for inter-generational welfare or taking crimes out of the local legal code, but that’s exactctly what it has done.
Who votes for inter-generational welfare question? What group of people are you talking about? American citizens have the right to vote for whatever they want. Who the fuck do you think you are – Vladimir Putin?
Who votes for inter-generational welfare question? What group of people are you talking about? American citizens have the right to vote for whatever they want. Who the fuck do you think you are – Vladimir Putin?
It’s obvious you are blind to whatever Blacks do.
I’m not.
You don’t mind them murdering each other in Blue cities because you don’t live with them in peaceful North Virginia.
my God you are so deep in the cult. Trump attempted to subvert democracy on January 6 and that plot started before the November 3 election results were even in as stated by his idiot son. That is what authoritarianism does. They try to stay in power without being elected.
Um....he challenged the results....just as others have done in the past...Gore, Clinton, Adams, Adams, 1876, Roosevelt/Taft, etc etc.

There is nothing wrong with challenging elections....

Try again.
Did you notice millions of votes being dumped at 3:15AM EST?
Yes, idiot, because that's when precincts released updated reports. What are you, retarded? Do you think at 3:14 they received truckloads of ballots at hundreds of precincts and counted them real fast and released the results? Goddamn you are dumb.

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