The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.
Be careful with Kamala Harris...she takes her wig off she becomes Corey Booker! She'll have two shots at the crown. Lmao!
They elected an ISIS supporting Muslim and a La Raza racist already; what do they need her for, lap dances at Clinton fund raisers? They have far better credentials as far as the Party base is concerned.
I recall the meat puppet faggot's campaigns that desperately covered up the hard left perspective cognizant people knew he had. He was presented as a "moderate" for obvious reasons. I'm delighted the hard left loons are taking the party over. The billionaire donor class may be forced to fund a new party to contain the monsters they've created.
I think every major political party should be run by a 28 year-old cocktail waitress.
I think every major political party should be run by a 28 year-old cocktail waitress.
Every? Meaning, both? Better that the two be locked in a cocktail bar somewhere and served with heavy doses of liquor while the rest of the country addresses real issues.
I agree with Moore and hope AOC become the face of the Democratic Socialist Party that will usher in the New Era of Trotskyism and show us how Stalin failure was just a lesson they must learn...

( If you know me you know better )
She has not really done anything yet but she took on an entrenched political machine and won. For that she deserves admiration.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

This is somewhat good news for republicans but bad news for democrats.

Never mind the fact that Micheal Moore is a well documented liar and propaganda spinner.

When one takes a good look at what he has said outside of his crockumentary films a pattern emerges.

Going all the way back to Bush sr Moore has made countless political predictions about both issues and political candidates. He has been right ONCE. This is of course when he predicted Trump would win . Other than that he has been dead wrong every time. He predicted that Bush sr would crush and defeat Clinton. He backed Ralph Nader and predicted his win. With the exception of Trump Moore has been wrong about every election.

When ever this idiot has backed a candidate that candidate has lost. Still as the Op states he is considered a wise leader and hero of the left who can do no wrong. The problem is not just with Moore but the democratic party in general. Once a fairly moderate party the dems have allowed the party to be dominated by Social Justice Warriors and progressive extremists. This was one of the two biggest reasons Trump won. The other is that Hillary was an incompetent fool and lazy campaigner.

They refuse to learn from this and are merely doubling down on their extremist views and rhetoric. Moore will simply drive them even further away from mainstream america.

If they had any brains they would distance themselves from fools like more and return to more moderate roots.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
I'm looking forward to see if they can top themselves when Trump wins in 2020.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.
While I agree I also fear the influence they will have over a LARGE gullible and flat out stupid voter base they will have.

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