The FBI had an insane man in their office saying he heard voices from ISIS and they let him go...

Did the man break any laws or present himself as a danger?

Because contrary to your fantasies, you can't just lock people up because you think they are crazy. They have to actually BREAK THE LAW.

Now, there was a time when you COULD put someone away if they presented as too crazy. But Reagan did away with that shit.

So spare me the "The FBI let him go, that is why those 5 people died". The FBI has to have an actual reason to hold someone.

He was a clear danger to society. Mentally unstable and pledging himself to terrorist cause. He should had been locked up or committed into a mental ward.

Really? He was "pledging himself to ISIS"? Do you have a link for that?

Oh, and he was taken into custody for a mental health evaluation. The medical professionals didn't see him as a threat.

Unless a person is an eminent threat to himself or others, you can't just lock them up.

He said voices were telling him to fight for ISIS.

The article linked in the OP does not say that.

Once again, do you have a link for that?

Federal law enforcement officials investigated Santiago last year. He told FBI agents that he heard voices in his head that told him to watch Islamic State materials, but he said he was in control and had no intention of hurting anyone, according to The New York Times.

Official: FLL shooter told FBI that gov't controlled his mind

Someone claiming they are being forced to watch ISIS videos should be locked up.
How can you predict what an insane person will do?

Most are not violent.

So what are you going to do?

Those that are marginal and can function in society should be helped to get along with counseling and perhaps meds.

Those who are violently insane should be locked up permanently if they constitute a threat to the public.

The third group of people who are not violent but are incapable of operating on their own need to be put into pleasant institutions for their own good.
Extremely unfair to blame the FBI for this. They cannot hold people if they haven't committed a crime. Being insane isn't a crime until they actually do something illegal.

They didn't even put him on the no-fly list. They dropped the ball big time.
Extremely unfair to blame the FBI for this. They cannot hold people if they haven't committed a crime. Being insane isn't a crime until they actually do something illegal.

They didn't even put him on the no-fly list. They dropped the ball big time.
These LEOs have to deal with functionally insane people all the time. It is not a solid indicator of future criminal behavior at all.

No, the FBI did not drop the ball here, IMO.
Did the man break any laws or present himself as a danger?

Because contrary to your fantasies, you can't just lock people up because you think they are crazy. They have to actually BREAK THE LAW.

Now, there was a time when you COULD put someone away if they presented as too crazy. But Reagan did away with that shit.

So spare me the "The FBI let him go, that is why those 5 people died". The FBI has to have an actual reason to hold someone.

He was a clear danger to society. Mentally unstable and pledging himself to terrorist cause. He should had been locked up or committed into a mental ward.

Really? He was "pledging himself to ISIS"? Do you have a link for that?

Oh, and he was taken into custody for a mental health evaluation. The medical professionals didn't see him as a threat.

Unless a person is an eminent threat to himself or others, you can't just lock them up.

He said voices were telling him to fight for ISIS.

The article linked in the OP does not say that.

Once again, do you have a link for that?

Federal law enforcement officials investigated Santiago last year. He told FBI agents that he heard voices in his head that told him to watch Islamic State materials, but he said he was in control and had no intention of hurting anyone, according to The New York Times.

Official: FLL shooter told FBI that gov't controlled his mind

Someone claiming they are being forced to watch ISIS videos should be locked up.

So the whole claim that he was pledging himself to a terrorist organization was something you made up? Glad you can admit that.

Unless he was a clear danger to himself or others, they let him go. First of all because he is a free citizen. And second of all because the funding for involuntary mental health lockups are almost nonexistent. Those mental hospitals like to be paid for their work.
Extremely unfair to blame the FBI for this. They cannot hold people if they haven't committed a crime. Being insane isn't a crime until they actually do something illegal.

They didn't even put him on the no-fly list. They dropped the ball big time.

Put him on a no-fly list because he has mental problems? Lock him up too? lol

He didn't break any laws and he is not associated with any terrorist organization. There is no rason to put him on a no-fly list. Your monday morning quarterbacking is ridiculous.
Put him on a no-fly list because he has mental problems? Lock him up too? lol
He didn't break any laws and he is not associated with any terrorist organization. There is no rason to put him on a no-fly list. Your monday morning quarterbacking is ridiculous.
Has our society lost the concept of what innocense is?

I ask seriously because I found the movie "Minority Report" and its idea of future crime prevention to be ghastly while most people I knew were quite comfortable with the idea, some even liked it.

But dont we have to actually break the law before being arrested for a crime?
Put him on a no-fly list because he has mental problems? Lock him up too? lol
He didn't break any laws and he is not associated with any terrorist organization. There is no rason to put him on a no-fly list. Your monday morning quarterbacking is ridiculous.
Has our society lost the concept of what innocense is?

I ask seriously because I found the movie "Minority Report" and its idea of future crime prevention to be ghastly while most people I knew were quite comfortable with the idea, some even liked it.

But dont we have to actually break the law before being arrested for a crime?

Extremely unfair to blame the FBI for this. They cannot hold people if they haven't committed a crime. Being insane isn't a crime until they actually do something illegal.

They didn't even put him on the no-fly list. They dropped the ball big time.

You can't put people on the no fly list for having a mental disorder. Have you no concept of civil rights?
Extremely unfair to blame the FBI for this. They cannot hold people if they haven't committed a crime. Being insane isn't a crime until they actually do something illegal.

They didn't even put him on the no-fly list. They dropped the ball big time.
Remember when Obama and Hillary wanted to ban anyone on the No-Fly list from owning a gun? Take away their rights without due process?

The ball that was dropped wasn't by the FBI, but by Congress. They need to come up with Constitutional legislation to help people but also protect their rights, all of our rights.
The law should be changed so that mentally ill people can be committed and treated BEFORE they act out and kill people. At least half of these mass shootings are mentally ill people who didn't get help because the law doesn't allow their families to commit them.

And honestly...that's the devil of it.

It used to be people could be committed for life at the drop of a hat and now, it's a fight for families to get help for mentally ill adults who don't want it.

Where do you draw the line?
The law should be changed so that mentally ill people can be committed and treated BEFORE they act out and kill people. At least half of these mass shootings are mentally ill people who didn't get help because the law doesn't allow their families to commit them.

And honestly...that's the devil of it.

It used to be people could be committed for life at the drop of a hat and now, it's a fight for families to get help for mentally ill adults who don't want it.

Where do you draw the line?

It is a tough call. I think we could work out laws that help families get people in for evaluation, without making it a total committal or without removing their rights.
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Did the man break any laws or present himself as a danger?

Because contrary to your fantasies, you can't just lock people up because you think they are crazy. They have to actually BREAK THE LAW.

Now, there was a time when you COULD put someone away if they presented as too crazy. But Reagan did away with that shit.

So spare me the "The FBI let him go, that is why those 5 people died". The FBI has to have an actual reason to hold someone.

You are wrong. I am a mental health clinician who worked for years for County Mental Health in Virginia (Henrico and Hanover Counties).

Individuals can be civilly detained in Virginia and every other State in the Country based on their mental health status. Specially, if someone is a danger to self or others or unable to care for self due to mental illness or substance abuse.

If this guy presented at FBI headquarters obviously psychotic and deranged the FBI should have detained him and had a mental health professional evaluation him for possible involuntary hospitalization. The fact the FBI did not do this is clear evidence in my mind they fucked up....badly.
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Did the man break any laws or present himself as a danger?

Because contrary to your fantasies, you can't just lock people up because you think they are crazy. They have to actually BREAK THE LAW.

Now, there was a time when you COULD put someone away if they presented as too crazy. But Reagan did away with that shit.

So spare me the "The FBI let him go, that is why those 5 people died". The FBI has to have an actual reason to hold someone.

You are wrong. I am a mental health clinician who worked for years for County Mental Health in Virginia (Henrico and Hanover Counties).

Individuals can be civilly detained in Virginia and every other State in the Country based on their mental health status. Specially, if someone is a danger to self or others or unable to care for self due to mental illness or substance abuse.

If this guy presented at FBI headquarters obviously psychotic and deranged the FBI should have detained him and had a mental health professional evaluation him for possible involuntary hospitalization. The fact the fBI did not do this is clear evidence in my mind they fucked up....badly.

It might vary from state to state, but we had a very difficult time getting my brother help when he was psychotic. Being psychotic in and of itself wasn't enough. What's more - he could hold himself together long enough, to avoid hospitalization when he needed to. It was very very difficult. I don't think the FBI is mandated to determine these things nor do I think they are qualified. A lot of people can talk of violent ideation, but they never act on it.
The law should be changed so that mentally ill people can be committed and treated BEFORE they act out and kill people. At least half of these mass shootings are mentally ill people who didn't get help because the law doesn't allow their families to commit them.

And honestly...that's the devil of it.

It used to be people could be committed for life at the drop of a hat and now, it's a fight for families to get help for mentally ill adults who don't want it.

Where do you draw the line?

You are absolutely correct. The reason States have made it more difficult to get mental health treatment for those unable to make good decisions is because of money...plain and simple. Politicians pay lip service to mental health and demonize guns. But have no doubt...their mental health statements are 95% lip service.

Central State Psychiatric Hospital in Virginia had a 1000 patients in the early 90's when I was in graduate school. Ten years later the census was less than a 100...and that number included those the Courts deemed criminally insane.

So a State with a population of 8 million has only 100 people in a State Psychiatric Facility?'s a fucking joke.....and virtually all States are doing exactly the same thing.
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There has to be some changes with potentially dangerous people. I realize many mentally ill don't pose a threat but hearing voices of ISIS or whatever he heard is a HUGE red flag. Mentally unstable + barbaric terrorist organization = dead innocent people. They don't think he was actually connected to them but who knows.
The law should be changed so that mentally ill people can be committed and treated BEFORE they act out and kill people. At least half of these mass shootings are mentally ill people who didn't get help because the law doesn't allow their families to commit them.

And honestly...that's the devil of it.

It used to be people could be committed for life at the drop of a hat and now, it's a fight for families to get help for mentally ill adults who don't want it.

Where do you draw the line?

You are absolutely correct. The reason States have made if more difficult to get mental health treatment for those unable to make good decisions is because of money...plain and simple. Politicians pay lip service to mental health and demonize guns. But have no doubt...their mental health statements are 95% lip service.

Central State Psychiatric Hospital in Virginia had a 1000 patients in the early 90's when I was in graduate school. Tens years later the census was less than a 100...and that number included those the Courts deemed criminally insane.

So a State with a population of 8 million has only 100 people in a State Psychiatric Facility?'s a fucking joke.....and virtually all States are doing exactly the same thing.

Ya, I totally agree with you there. And ever time a state has budget cuts...well, you know what gets cut FIRST. It's a joke and more, it's a failure big time on our most vulnerable people :(

My mother lives in NC...they had scandal after scandal on their big hospital closures. Money that was supposed to be saved by that was supposed to go to community help. Right.

Did the man break any laws or present himself as a danger?

Because contrary to your fantasies, you can't just lock people up because you think they are crazy. They have to actually BREAK THE LAW.

Now, there was a time when you COULD put someone away if they presented as too crazy. But Reagan did away with that shit.

So spare me the "The FBI let him go, that is why those 5 people died". The FBI has to have an actual reason to hold someone.

You are wrong. I am a mental health clinician who worked for years for County Mental Health in Virginia (Henrico and Hanover Counties).

Individuals can be civilly detained in Virginia and every other State in the Country based on their mental health status. Specially, if someone is a danger to self or others or unable to care for self due to mental illness or substance abuse.

If this guy presented at FBI headquarters obviously psychotic and deranged the FBI should have detained him and had a mental health professional evaluation him for possible involuntary hospitalization. The fact the fBI did not do this is clear evidence in my mind they fucked up....badly.

It might vary from state to state, but we had a very difficult time getting my brother help when he was psychotic. Being psychotic in and of itself wasn't enough. What's more - he could hold himself together long enough, to avoid hospitalization when he needed to. It was very very difficult. I don't think the FBI is mandated to determine these things nor do I think they are qualified. A lot of people can talk of violent ideation, but they never act on it.

The FBI is mandated as are all police. I am sorry for your circumstance with your brother. I have had the same problem with a family member in Florida.

Coyote....if the situation with your brother arises again tell the police (if true) "my brother is unable to care for self....and is a danger to self and others." "If you do not have him mentally evaluated you will be held civilly and criminal liable. Are we clear."

That should work every time. :)

Did the man break any laws or present himself as a danger?

Because contrary to your fantasies, you can't just lock people up because you think they are crazy. They have to actually BREAK THE LAW.

Now, there was a time when you COULD put someone away if they presented as too crazy. But Reagan did away with that shit.

So spare me the "The FBI let him go, that is why those 5 people died". The FBI has to have an actual reason to hold someone.

You are wrong. I am a mental health clinician who worked for years for County Mental Health in Virginia (Henrico and Hanover Counties).

Individuals can be civilly detained in Virginia and every other State in the Country based on their mental health status. Specially, if someone is a danger to self or others or unable to care for self due to mental illness or substance abuse.

If this guy presented at FBI headquarters obviously psychotic and deranged the FBI should have detained him and had a mental health professional evaluation him for possible involuntary hospitalization. The fact the FBI did not do this is clear evidence in my mind they fucked up....badly.

Did you read the article? The FBI did contact mental health professionals and they held him for evaluation. Obviously, those mental health professionals did not find him to be a danger.

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