The Fed is a criminal organization that steals from the American people

Adding money to the money supply does not add value.

Adding money to the money supply during and after the crisis did add value.

that makes no sense. no economic value is created by adding currency to an economy, it just reduces the nominal value of everything in the economy

no economic value is created by adding currency to an economy

So you claim.

it just reduces the nominal value of everything in the economy

If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices only increase 5%, they've added value.
If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices increase 20%, they've added no value.
If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices increase 50%, they've destroyed value.
You don't add value by printing money.

You don't add value by tapping some digits into a computer.

An idiot knows this.

You're proof that an idiot doesn't know this.

What ever. I have gotten past what compulsory education and mass propaganda have tried to do, and learned the lessons of my forefathers that built this great nation. They warned the folks that built real wealth what would happen.




The truth about why the Deep State is making war on the Islamic world.


If I'm an idiot, so was Thomas Jefferson.

Free silver coinage........they wanted to inflate the money supply. Is that what you think we should do?

Yeah, we need Islamic banking. Durr.

I agree with Jefferson, putting our children under too much debt to fund our stupid government spending is a bad idea.
That isn't the entire economy, prices rise in percentage of the money printed versus the total economy, not the Fed's balance sheet

The Fed multiplied their balance sheet by 500%. Prices did not rise 500%.
According to what you've posted here, that should be impossible.

Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10.

They added 400%. How much did the price of a pencil rise?

THE FED BALANCE SHEET IS NOT THE ECONOMY. Odd you quoted me then ignored what I said. Trying to help with your hearing


How do you measure what the Fed adds to money supply?

Money printed

divided by

The size of the economy

Money "printed" refers to all money the fed adds to the economy that wasn't there before. For example, they lend money that didn't exist. Don't you know what it means to say the government is "printing" money? That it's electronically released now doesn't change the concept, the term printed is still used. When is the last time you actually "dialed" a phone?

Money "printed" refers to all money the fed adds to the economy that wasn't there before.

FRB: H.4.1 Release-- Factors Affecting Reserve Balances -- Thursday, May 5, 2016

At the above link, the Fed balance sheet is now about $4.5 trillion.
On May 8, 2008, it was about $900 billion.
Based on those 2 numbers, how much money did the Fed "add to the economy"?

You can't calculate that based on the numbers you presented, but the size of the US economy is $18 trillion. So say they added $1.8 trillion, that would be a 10% dilution on the value of a nominative dollar. All else held equal.

You can't calculate that based on the numbers you presented

Allow me to repeat myself, How do you measure what the Fed adds to money supply?

You know, what they printed?

but the size of the US economy is $18 trillion. So say they added $1.8 trillion, that would be a 10% dilution on the value of a nominative dollar.

Great. Look at the size of the economy when the Fed balance sheet was $900 billion.
Look at it again today. Did the economy grow 400% when the balance sheet grew 400%?
Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10.

That assumes the demand for money remains constant.
During and after the financial crisis, demand for money spiked.

I don't know what that means

You can't look at money supply and ignore money demand.

If the Fed adds 10% to the money supply but demand for money rises 11%, prices would drop about 1%.

why would demand for money go up if no economic value is created?

Because of shenanigans that folks like Toddster and Indeependent support. That is why they won't explain it to you.

When the leeches of society are allowed to gain wealth off the backs of the producers, corruption sets in.

Why do you think the Christ threw the money changers out of the temple? It is the only time he was every reported to have gotten angry. The is why Rome colluded with the French State to do away with the fee based banking of the Templars and replace it with Fractional Reserve Banking. It's much easier to manipulate and corrupt.

We don't know when the next Fri. 13 (Bust) will come, but they are always guaranteed. The system ALWAYS has to correct itself. When it does, people will suffer and die.

Who cares if the powerful and rich stay in control though, right? :badgrin:

When the wealth disappears, the demand for the creation of new money and new debt is always there.

Here's a good example.

Where did all the money go?
As Cypriots are discovering, wealth can prove to be illusory
"High house or share prices, relative to personal incomes or profits, represent a bet that the good times will continue, and that incomes and profits (and cashflows in the form of dividends or rents) will rise significantly in future. When that bet proves wrong, the wealth disappears.

Now to the banks. When a customer deposits money, a bank must do something with it: buy assets or lend it to businesses. That is the banking system’s economic function; it transforms short-term liabilities (deposits that can be instantly withdrawn) into longer-term loans. Banks have always been at risk of two things: that the loans will not be repaid, and that customers will want to withdraw their deposits faster than the bank can turn its assets into cash. Until the 1930s bank failures, and the resulting losses to depositors, were a recurring problem.

Depositing money in a bank therefore amounts to a bet that the bank will lend its money wisely, or that the economy will be strong enough for bank loans to be repaid, and that confidence in the banking system will be maintained. In the modern era bank customers have tended to regard this risk as negligible, thanks to a combination of deposit insurance and governments’ willingness to rescue failing banks. But in many countries the banking sector has grown so large, relative to the economy, that few governments could plausibly guarantee all their system’s deposits. In such circumstances bank customers, particularly uninsured depositors, are in effect relying on the governments of other countries to bail them out in times of trouble—a risky proposition."

I'm already dreading the collapse of the big four big banks. There is no conceivable way to bail them out. I think Trump is already planning on ways to try to save the system. . . :eusa_snooty:

I'm more than sure it involved some jack-booted thugs on the streets. But then, I'm not sure Hillary's will be much different, but her scheme will probably involve replacing it with a globalist scheme that they have been planning since day one.

The REAL solution, which I think Ron Paul, and a few others were maybe hinting at, is because the world economy has grow so large, and so complex, a better way needs to be found. Unfortunately, there are too many powerful interests that benefit from the way things are set up now that are resistant to change.

Toddster's no moocher. We almost always agree. I think he's just confused on this one how adding nominal dollars to an economy is adding no real benefit
I've never actually had the honor to post in a thread with him.

There are so few really above par exceptional posters on this forum, I'd estimate the percentage is below 25%, that I clearly see his intelligence, writing and research skills are way above average.

However, why I made that comment, is that everyone, even me I shall admit, is motivated by their "interests."

The only time I have ever come across him is when I have been in threads regarding fractional reserve banking. He is VERY interested in the subject, and yes, I will admit it, somewhat more knowledgeable on it than just about anyone I have come across on THIS particular forum. However, that is not to say he knows everything.

Folks that work in the financial sector have a vested interest in the status quo. They make their living off of the labor and production of people that are creating real wealth. They certainly don't like anyone with any passing educated knowledge of any alternative banking or economic schemes which might be better for a world that is becoming increasingly technologically advanced and integrated informing the public of possibilities.

That would be like assembly line production workers in the thirties tolerating someone talking about automation with out launching ad hominem attacks. Are assembly line production workers moochers? Of course not. Though they did lose plenty of jobs when there was an economic paradigm shift as to how industry eventually accomplished its' production.

If society wakes up and finds out how truly sick the banking and financial industry is, society will be restructured, and these guys will be laid off en masse. They aren't doing anything really useful for the nation at all. If they think they are, no matter how intelligent they are, they are deluding themselves and killing the nation slowly.

What point is there attacking the messengers? :dunno: And why do they want to take all of society down with them?

Graph: How the Financial Sector Consumed America’s Economic Growth
Graph: How the Financial Sector Consumed America’s Economic Growth - The Century Foundation


"The cost of financial intermediation, meanwhile, continues to reach record highs. “According to this measure,” writes Philippon, “the finance industry that sustained the expansion of railroads, steel and chemical industries, and the electricity and automobile revolutions was more efficient than the current finance industry.”

Part of this discrepancy is explained by soaring trading volume: Philippon estimates the level of “secondary market activities, i.e., trading” is more than ten times its 1960s level, and several times higher than the late 1990s. This has lowered certain trading costs, allowing more people to buy stocks online, for example.

But Philippon finds “no evidence that increased liquidity has led to better (i.e., more informative) prices or to more insurance [i.e., less risk].” In other words, the average retail investor is just as likely to get manipulated by the big investment banks as ever before. In fact, if recent history is any indication, the odds of “beating the market” are even worse: 50 to 70 percent of trading volume is now the result of high-frequency trading by corporate supercomputers, which use sophisticated computer algorithms to buy and sell securities within the span of seconds or milliseconds. Even ordinary Americans who play it safe by investing their retirement savings with mutual funds often find themselves getting fleeced by hidden fees and commissions.

All together, Phillipon calculates the excess income consumed by the finance sector totals 2 percent of GDP, “an annual misallocation of resources of about $280 billions for the U.S. alone.” If accurate, that figure suggests an extraordinary redistribution of the national wealth—from the pockets of the debtors and middle class investors who need it most, straight into the bank accounts of America’s financial elite."

(As a side note, I actually considering switching my major and joining this game after 9/11 when I became engaged. My strong sense of ethics, history, and understanding of how the system works prevented me though.)
  • Thanks
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Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend
And here I thought it was the republican do nothing congress

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000
that makes no sense. no economic value is created by adding currency to an economy, it just reduces the nominal value of everything in the economy

no economic value is created by adding currency to an economy

So you claim.

it just reduces the nominal value of everything in the economy

If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices only increase 5%, they've added value.
If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices increase 20%, they've added no value.
If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices increase 50%, they've destroyed value.
You don't add value by printing money.

You don't add value by tapping some digits into a computer.

An idiot knows this.

You're proof that an idiot doesn't know this.

What ever. I have gotten past what compulsory education and mass propaganda have tried to do, and learned the lessons of my forefathers that built this great nation. They warned the folks that built real wealth what would happen.




The truth about why the Deep State is making war on the Islamic world.


If I'm an idiot, so was Thomas Jefferson.

Free silver coinage........they wanted to inflate the money supply. Is that what you think we should do?

Yeah, we need Islamic banking. Durr.

I agree with Jefferson, putting our children under too much debt to fund our stupid government spending is a bad idea.

No, they did not want to inflate the money supply with sliver coinage. The wanted to replace debt based currency.

As far as Islamic banking, I can't defend spurious ad hominem attacks against it, nor am I qualified to support it. I have to claim ignorance here.

I've never heard of a huge Islamic bank going under though.

I like its' two guiding principles in theory;
Two basic principles behind Islamic banking are the sharing of profit and loss and, significantly, the prohibition of the collection and payment of interest.

In truth, I've never been a member of a bank, only a CU.
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend
And here I thought it was the republican do nothing congress

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
no economic value is created by adding currency to an economy

So you claim.

it just reduces the nominal value of everything in the economy

If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices only increase 5%, they've added value.
If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices increase 20%, they've added no value.
If the Fed adds 20% to money supply and prices increase 50%, they've destroyed value.
You don't add value by printing money.

You don't add value by tapping some digits into a computer.

An idiot knows this.

You're proof that an idiot doesn't know this.

What ever. I have gotten past what compulsory education and mass propaganda have tried to do, and learned the lessons of my forefathers that built this great nation. They warned the folks that built real wealth what would happen.




The truth about why the Deep State is making war on the Islamic world.


If I'm an idiot, so was Thomas Jefferson.

Free silver coinage........they wanted to inflate the money supply. Is that what you think we should do?

Yeah, we need Islamic banking. Durr.

I agree with Jefferson, putting our children under too much debt to fund our stupid government spending is a bad idea.

No, they did not want to inflate the money supply with sliver coinage. The wanted to replace debt based currency.

As far as Islamic banking, I can't defend spurious ad hominem attacks against it, nor am I qualified to support it. I have to claim ignorance here.

I've never heard of a huge Islamic bank going under though.

I like its' two guiding principles in theory;
Two basic principles behind Islamic banking are the sharing of profit and loss and, significantly, the prohibition of the collection and payment of interest.

In truth, I've never been a member of a bank, only a CU.

No, they did not want to inflate the money supply with sliver coinage.

The money supply was based on gold. They wanted silver to be money too. To inflate the money supply.

The wanted to replace debt based currency.

Debt based money? Under the gold standard? Are you sure?

As far as Islamic banking, I can't defend spurious ad hominem attacks against it

Or spurious endorsements of it.

I've never heard of a huge Islamic bank going under though.

I'd be shocked if there were any huge Islamic banks.......
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend
And here I thought it was the republican do nothing congress

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend
And here I thought it was the republican do nothing congress

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.
And here I thought it was the republican do nothing congress

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

They'd be better than Obama's additions to the Court.
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

The problem with the crash is that the demand for pencils plunged. The pencil you bought for a dollar couldn't be sold for a nickel. The velocity of money slowed to a crawl. No one trusted that pencil you were selling wasn't balsa wood with no lead.

That's why the Fed printed more money. To try to get the velocity of money moving again and get pencils back up to at least 75 cents.

ZIRP is what is robbing the American people. Zero interest rates on your savings. You have to make astronomical carry trades, or invest in junk bonds, to make any money these days, and only the biggest financial firms can do that.

It's a huge bailout of the banks at the expense of every saver.

It's a huge bailout of the banks at the expense of every saver.

ZIRP doesn't help the banks, it compresses their interest rate spread.
That's why I said you have to make astronomical carry trades! And only big banks can do that.

If you are leveraged out the ass, ZIRP makes your zombie bank's problems easier.
That isn't the entire economy, prices rise in percentage of the money printed versus the total economy, not the Fed's balance sheet

The Fed multiplied their balance sheet by 500%. Prices did not rise 500%.
According to what you've posted here, that should be impossible.

Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10.

They added 400%. How much did the price of a pencil rise?

THE FED BALANCE SHEET IS NOT THE ECONOMY. Odd you quoted me then ignored what I said. Trying to help with your hearing


How do you measure what the Fed adds to money supply?

Money printed

divided by

The size of the economy

Money "printed" refers to all money the fed adds to the economy that wasn't there before. For example, they lend money that didn't exist. Don't you know what it means to say the government is "printing" money? That it's electronically released now doesn't change the concept, the term printed is still used. When is the last time you actually "dialed" a phone?

Money "printed" refers to all money the fed adds to the economy that wasn't there before.

FRB: H.4.1 Release-- Factors Affecting Reserve Balances -- Thursday, May 5, 2016

At the above link, the Fed balance sheet is now about $4.5 trillion.
On May 8, 2008, it was about $900 billion.
Based on those 2 numbers, how much money did the Fed "add to the economy"?

You can't calculate that based on the numbers you presented, but the size of the US economy is $18 trillion. So say they added $1.8 trillion, that would be a 10% dilution on the value of a nominative dollar. All else held equal.
Most of that $1.8 trillion was buried in the back yard, and thus had no inflationary effect.
And here I thought it was the republican do nothing congress

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

Stick to your day job, wit isn't your strong suit.
Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

They'd be better than Obama's additions to the Court.
LOL YEAH just what we need more scalias and thomases One an ah the other a pervert
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

They'd be better than Obama's additions to the Court.
LOL YEAH just what we need more scalias and thomases One an ah the other a pervert

Conservatives are destined to rule the country, you may as well get over it.
Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

Stick to your day job, wit isn't your strong suit.
I wasn't being funny If you want a great joke just ask

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

They'd be better than Obama's additions to the Court.
LOL YEAH just what we need more scalias and thomases One an ah the other a pervert

Conservatives are destined to rule the country, you may as well get over it.
Old white guys are dying off
Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

Stick to your day job, wit isn't your strong suit.
Guy walks into his bedroom with a lamb on his shoulder and his wife is in bed ,,,He says this is the pig I have to fk every week Wife says thats a lamb not a pig He says
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend
And here I thought it was the republican do nothing congress

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Yes, there was in fact no Democrat party before Bush and Gore. Every stinking one of you was a Republican. Then you were so outraged that the supreme court made Florida follow their own laws that you quit the party and decided the Democrat party was right on every issue. It was amazing

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