The Fed is a criminal organization that steals from the American people

Doing nothing is the best thing a congress can do since everything they do is bad for the economy. I like how with W it was his fault, with Obama it's congress. Basically you accept no responsibility at all, do you, Slick?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

Stick to your day job, wit isn't your strong suit.

He's not good at his day job either ...
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

They'd be better than Obama's additions to the Court.
LOL YEAH just what we need more scalias and thomases One an ah the other a pervert

LOL, a Bill Clinton supporter calls Thomas a "pervert." one thing we know is that even if it were true is that it's not actually a standard for you ...
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

Stick to your day job, wit isn't your strong suit.
I wasn't being funny If you want a great joke just ask

Ask what?
Yes kaz I learned from my republicanism up until 2000

Its no longer Democrats vs Republicans, its the corrupt political class and their pals vs the people.
By all indications Trump hasn’t given a moment’s thought to the Constitution. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks the U.S. Constitution is a luxury yacht."

Conservative Lawyers Warn Against Allowing Trump To Pick Supreme Court Justices
Imagining what a Trump Supreme Court would look like is the stuff of nightmares.

Stick to your day job, wit isn't your strong suit.
Guy walks into his bedroom with a lamb on his shoulder and his wife is in bed ,,,He says this is the pig I have to fk every week Wife says thats a lamb not a pig He says


A lawyer walks into a bar carrying a duck. The bartender says, hey, get that snake out of here! The lawyer says it isn't a snake, it's a duck. The bartender replies, I wasn't talking to you!

Did you hear about the terrorists who hijacked a plane load of lawyers? They threatened to release one every hour until their demands were met ...

A little boy asked his mommy, can you get pregnant from anal sex? Sure, she replied, where do you think lawyers come from?

A lawyer woke up in the hospital with the shades drawn. He said, why are the shades drawn? There's a fire across the street, we didn't want you to wake up and think you had died ...

What happens when you give a lawyer Viagra? He gets taller ...
"The Fed is a criminal organization that steals from the American people"

Libertarians belong to a childish organization that lies to the American people.
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend
This is great timing !!! I just sent this video to another guy about delusional asshatz. Joint the FreeDumb !
(pm me for the account where you can deposit my money) :asshole:
"The Fed is a criminal organization that steals from the American people"

Libertarians belong to a childish organization that lies to the American people.

So you got nothing, huh?
This is a very good point. See, this is the sort of poster that just doesn't get how the economy is structured.

We would see this same member post in so many threads supporting a government enforced raise in the minimum wage. However, the thing is, how many raises in the minimum wage have we seen?

Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many. Too many. And what has it solved? Nothing.

It just keeps going up and up and up as the FED devalues the worth of the currency, stealing the value of the goods, products, land, wealth and LABOR of the American people. Raising the minimum wage is a temporary fix. The wealthy of the nation, the elites in the end don't give two shits about this issue, not really. It is a band-aid. They can afford it. The middle class and poor tend to be the one's that suffer when it distorts the price signals that ripple through the economy.

If the poor and middle class really wanted their dollars to purchase goods and services at a steady rate, they would demand that the FED quit robbing the value of the currency.

Want to help the working poor? End the Fed
Want to help the working poor? End the Fed - Campaign for Liberty

"Raising minimum wages by government decree appeals to those who do not understand economics. This appeal is especially strong during times of stagnant wages and increased economic inequality. But raising the minimum wage actually harms those at the bottom of the income ladder. Basic economic theory teaches that when the price of a good increases, demand for that good decreases. Raising the minimum wage increases the price of labor, thus decreasing the demand for labor. So an increased minimum wage will lead to hiring freezes and layoffs. Unskilled and inexperienced workers are the ones most often deprived of employment opportunities by increases in the minimum wage.

Minimum wage laws are not the only example of government policies that hurt those at the bottom of the income scale. Many regulations that are promoted as necessary to “rein in” large corporations actually hurt small businesses. Because these small businesses operate on a much narrower profit margin, they cannot as easily absorb the costs of complying with the regulations as large corporations. These regulations can also inhibit lower income individuals from starting their own businesses. Thus, government regulations can reduce the demand for wage-labor, while increasing the supply of labor, which further reduces wages.

Perhaps the most significant harm to low-wage earners is caused by the inflationist polices of the Federal Reserve. Since its creation one hundred years ago this month, the Federal Reserve’s policies have caused the dollar to lose over 95 percent of its purchasing power—that’s right, today you need $23.70 to buy what one dollar bought in 1913! Who do you think suffers the most from this loss of purchasing power—Warren Buffet or his secretary?

It is not just that higher incomes can afford the higher prices caused by Federal Reserve. The system is set up in a way that disadvantages those at the bottom of the income scale. When the Federal Reserve creates money, those well-connected with the political and financial elites receive the newly-created money first, before general price increases have spread through the economy. And most fast-food employees do not number among the well-connected."

If anything, what this chart shows is that the minimum wage requires a hair cut so more teenagers can get a job and so our economy would be more competitive with the rest of the world.

You want to know how to discourage illegal immigration? Decrease minimum wage to 4 or 5 dollars (as per the purchasing power between 1940 and 1950) and tighten the controls on who is eligible for social services. I guarantee you that your average sixteen year old will still want to work, but those illegals will stay put.
  • Thanks
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"The Fed is a criminal organization that steals from the American people"

Libertarians belong to a childish organization that lies to the American people.

So you got nothing, huh?
This is a very good point. See, this is the sort of poster that just doesn't get how the economy is structured.

We would see this same member post in so many threads supporting a government enforced raise in the minimum wage. However, the thing is, how many raises in the minimum wage have we seen?

Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many. Too many. And what has it solved? Nothing.

It just keeps going up and up and up as the FED devalues the worth of the currency, stealing the value of the goods, products, land, wealth and LABOR of the American people. Raising the minimum wage is a temporary fix. The wealthy of the nation, the elites in the end don't give two shits about this issue, not really. It is a band-aid. They can afford it. The middle class and poor tend to be the one's that suffer when it distorts the price signals that ripple through the economy.

If the poor and middle class really wanted their dollars to purchase goods and services at a steady rate, they would demand that the FED quit robbing the value of the currency.

Want to help the working poor? End the Fed
Want to help the working poor? End the Fed - Campaign for Liberty

"Raising minimum wages by government decree appeals to those who do not understand economics. This appeal is especially strong during times of stagnant wages and increased economic inequality. But raising the minimum wage actually harms those at the bottom of the income ladder. Basic economic theory teaches that when the price of a good increases, demand for that good decreases. Raising the minimum wage increases the price of labor, thus decreasing the demand for labor. So an increased minimum wage will lead to hiring freezes and layoffs. Unskilled and inexperienced workers are the ones most often deprived of employment opportunities by increases in the minimum wage.

Minimum wage laws are not the only example of government policies that hurt those at the bottom of the income scale. Many regulations that are promoted as necessary to “rein in” large corporations actually hurt small businesses. Because these small businesses operate on a much narrower profit margin, they cannot as easily absorb the costs of complying with the regulations as large corporations. These regulations can also inhibit lower income individuals from starting their own businesses. Thus, government regulations can reduce the demand for wage-labor, while increasing the supply of labor, which further reduces wages.

Perhaps the most significant harm to low-wage earners is caused by the inflationist polices of the Federal Reserve. Since its creation one hundred years ago this month, the Federal Reserve’s policies have caused the dollar to lose over 95 percent of its purchasing power—that’s right, today you need $23.70 to buy what one dollar bought in 1913! Who do you think suffers the most from this loss of purchasing power—Warren Buffet or his secretary?

It is not just that higher incomes can afford the higher prices caused by Federal Reserve. The system is set up in a way that disadvantages those at the bottom of the income scale. When the Federal Reserve creates money, those well-connected with the political and financial elites receive the newly-created money first, before general price increases have spread through the economy. And most fast-food employees do not number among the well-connected."

If anything, what this chart shows is that the minimum wage requires a hair cut so more teenagers can get a job and so our economy would be more competitive with the rest of the world.

You want to know how to discourage illegal immigration? Decrease minimum wage to 4 or 5 dollars (as per the purchasing power between 1940 and 1950) and tighten the controls on who is eligible for social services. I guarantee you that your average sixteen year old will still want to work, but those illegals will stay put.

When the Federal Reserve creates money, those well-connected with the political and financial elites receive the newly-created money first,

Those bastards! How do the elites "receive the newly-created money first"?
"The Fed is a criminal organization that steals from the American people"

Libertarians belong to a childish organization that lies to the American people.

So you got nothing, huh?
This is a very good point. See, this is the sort of poster that just doesn't get how the economy is structured.

We would see this same member post in so many threads supporting a government enforced raise in the minimum wage. However, the thing is, how many raises in the minimum wage have we seen?

Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many. Too many. And what has it solved? Nothing.

It just keeps going up and up and up as the FED devalues the worth of the currency, stealing the value of the goods, products, land, wealth and LABOR of the American people. Raising the minimum wage is a temporary fix. The wealthy of the nation, the elites in the end don't give two shits about this issue, not really. It is a band-aid. They can afford it. The middle class and poor tend to be the one's that suffer when it distorts the price signals that ripple through the economy.

If the poor and middle class really wanted their dollars to purchase goods and services at a steady rate, they would demand that the FED quit robbing the value of the currency.

Want to help the working poor? End the Fed
Want to help the working poor? End the Fed - Campaign for Liberty

"Raising minimum wages by government decree appeals to those who do not understand economics. This appeal is especially strong during times of stagnant wages and increased economic inequality. But raising the minimum wage actually harms those at the bottom of the income ladder. Basic economic theory teaches that when the price of a good increases, demand for that good decreases. Raising the minimum wage increases the price of labor, thus decreasing the demand for labor. So an increased minimum wage will lead to hiring freezes and layoffs. Unskilled and inexperienced workers are the ones most often deprived of employment opportunities by increases in the minimum wage.

Minimum wage laws are not the only example of government policies that hurt those at the bottom of the income scale. Many regulations that are promoted as necessary to “rein in” large corporations actually hurt small businesses. Because these small businesses operate on a much narrower profit margin, they cannot as easily absorb the costs of complying with the regulations as large corporations. These regulations can also inhibit lower income individuals from starting their own businesses. Thus, government regulations can reduce the demand for wage-labor, while increasing the supply of labor, which further reduces wages.

Perhaps the most significant harm to low-wage earners is caused by the inflationist polices of the Federal Reserve. Since its creation one hundred years ago this month, the Federal Reserve’s policies have caused the dollar to lose over 95 percent of its purchasing power—that’s right, today you need $23.70 to buy what one dollar bought in 1913! Who do you think suffers the most from this loss of purchasing power—Warren Buffet or his secretary?

It is not just that higher incomes can afford the higher prices caused by Federal Reserve. The system is set up in a way that disadvantages those at the bottom of the income scale. When the Federal Reserve creates money, those well-connected with the political and financial elites receive the newly-created money first, before general price increases have spread through the economy. And most fast-food employees do not number among the well-connected."

If anything, what this chart shows is that the minimum wage requires a hair cut so more teenagers can get a job and so our economy would be more competitive with the rest of the world.

You want to know how to discourage illegal immigration? Decrease minimum wage to 4 or 5 dollars (as per the purchasing power between 1940 and 1950) and tighten the controls on who is eligible for social services. I guarantee you that your average sixteen year old will still want to work, but those illegals will stay put.

When the Federal Reserve creates money, those well-connected with the political and financial elites receive the newly-created money first,

Those bastards! How do the elites "receive the newly-created money first"?

You can explain it to us better than anyone. . . .
"The Fed is a criminal organization that steals from the American people"

Libertarians belong to a childish organization that lies to the American people.

So you got nothing, huh?
This is a very good point. See, this is the sort of poster that just doesn't get how the economy is structured.

We would see this same member post in so many threads supporting a government enforced raise in the minimum wage. However, the thing is, how many raises in the minimum wage have we seen?

Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many. Too many. And what has it solved? Nothing.

It just keeps going up and up and up as the FED devalues the worth of the currency, stealing the value of the goods, products, land, wealth and LABOR of the American people. Raising the minimum wage is a temporary fix. The wealthy of the nation, the elites in the end don't give two shits about this issue, not really. It is a band-aid. They can afford it. The middle class and poor tend to be the one's that suffer when it distorts the price signals that ripple through the economy.

If the poor and middle class really wanted their dollars to purchase goods and services at a steady rate, they would demand that the FED quit robbing the value of the currency.

Want to help the working poor? End the Fed
Want to help the working poor? End the Fed - Campaign for Liberty

"Raising minimum wages by government decree appeals to those who do not understand economics. This appeal is especially strong during times of stagnant wages and increased economic inequality. But raising the minimum wage actually harms those at the bottom of the income ladder. Basic economic theory teaches that when the price of a good increases, demand for that good decreases. Raising the minimum wage increases the price of labor, thus decreasing the demand for labor. So an increased minimum wage will lead to hiring freezes and layoffs. Unskilled and inexperienced workers are the ones most often deprived of employment opportunities by increases in the minimum wage.

Minimum wage laws are not the only example of government policies that hurt those at the bottom of the income scale. Many regulations that are promoted as necessary to “rein in” large corporations actually hurt small businesses. Because these small businesses operate on a much narrower profit margin, they cannot as easily absorb the costs of complying with the regulations as large corporations. These regulations can also inhibit lower income individuals from starting their own businesses. Thus, government regulations can reduce the demand for wage-labor, while increasing the supply of labor, which further reduces wages.

Perhaps the most significant harm to low-wage earners is caused by the inflationist polices of the Federal Reserve. Since its creation one hundred years ago this month, the Federal Reserve’s policies have caused the dollar to lose over 95 percent of its purchasing power—that’s right, today you need $23.70 to buy what one dollar bought in 1913! Who do you think suffers the most from this loss of purchasing power—Warren Buffet or his secretary?

It is not just that higher incomes can afford the higher prices caused by Federal Reserve. The system is set up in a way that disadvantages those at the bottom of the income scale. When the Federal Reserve creates money, those well-connected with the political and financial elites receive the newly-created money first, before general price increases have spread through the economy. And most fast-food employees do not number among the well-connected."

If anything, what this chart shows is that the minimum wage requires a hair cut so more teenagers can get a job and so our economy would be more competitive with the rest of the world.

You want to know how to discourage illegal immigration? Decrease minimum wage to 4 or 5 dollars (as per the purchasing power between 1940 and 1950) and tighten the controls on who is eligible for social services. I guarantee you that your average sixteen year old will still want to work, but those illegals will stay put.

When the Federal Reserve creates money, those well-connected with the political and financial elites receive the newly-created money first,

Those bastards! How do the elites "receive the newly-created money first"?

You can explain it to us better than anyone. . . .

Maybe you should ask the Campaign for Liberty?
It sounds serious!
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend
Adding money to the money supply does not add value.
....? What does this even mean? Should the money supply never be expanded?
The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.
What kind of stupid shit is this? Here, think about this: In the 1920's, how many hours did a person have to work to get a meal compared to today?
When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich.
Makes sense, considering that the rich hold most of the taxable dollars. But taxation for revenue is obsolete.
Adding money to the money supply does not add value. Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10. No value was created.

No one but the left should hate the Fed more. When the government adds taxes, every time, they disproportionately tax the rich. The Fed printing money is a regressive tax because the "rich" have investments which compensate for the reduction in the buying power of a dollar.

The "poor" take the full hit because they spend what they earn, and every new dollar created by the Fed hits them in proportion to spending, which is higher for them.

If leftists actually believe what you say, and you grasped what the Fed does, you'd be the first to demand it's abolished. The reality though is you don't give a shit about the poor, you care about government power. Which is why you are the Fed's biggest advocate.

Once again you support what you say you oppose and fuck the people you claim to defend

Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10.

That assumes the demand for money remains constant.
During and after the financial crisis, demand for money spiked.

I don't know what that means

You can't look at money supply and ignore money demand.

If the Fed adds 10% to the money supply but demand for money rises 11%, prices would drop about 1%.

You're confusing nominal value with real value. Adding nominal dollars to the money supply has nothing to do with what you're arguing

You're confusing nominal value with real value.

You're looking at supply, while ignoring demand.
It's what conservatives seem to love these days.. Ignore demand.
Say the value of a pencil is $1. And the fed adds 10% to the money supply. The price of a pencil just goes up to $1.10.

That assumes the demand for money remains constant.
During and after the financial crisis, demand for money spiked.

I don't know what that means

You can't look at money supply and ignore money demand.

If the Fed adds 10% to the money supply but demand for money rises 11%, prices would drop about 1%.

You're confusing nominal value with real value. Adding nominal dollars to the money supply has nothing to do with what you're arguing

You're confusing nominal value with real value.

You're looking at supply, while ignoring demand.
It's what conservatives seem to love these days.. Ignore demand.

Liberals are still more clueless. Not even close.
I don't know what that means

You can't look at money supply and ignore money demand.

If the Fed adds 10% to the money supply but demand for money rises 11%, prices would drop about 1%.

You're confusing nominal value with real value. Adding nominal dollars to the money supply has nothing to do with what you're arguing

You're confusing nominal value with real value.

You're looking at supply, while ignoring demand.
It's what conservatives seem to love these days.. Ignore demand.

Liberals are still more clueless. Not even close.
Well, at least liberals recognize the need to boost demand . Actually, they're both pretty stupid, but at least liberals supported the stimulus/continue to support ventures that boost aggregate demand.
You can't look at money supply and ignore money demand.

If the Fed adds 10% to the money supply but demand for money rises 11%, prices would drop about 1%.

You're confusing nominal value with real value. Adding nominal dollars to the money supply has nothing to do with what you're arguing

You're confusing nominal value with real value.

You're looking at supply, while ignoring demand.
It's what conservatives seem to love these days.. Ignore demand.

Liberals are still more clueless. Not even close.
Well, at least liberals recognize the need to boost demand . Actually, they're both pretty stupid, but at least liberals supported the stimulus/continue to support ventures that boost aggregate demand.

Well, at least liberals recognize the need to boost demand .

And completely ignore anything that would boost supply.
In fact, they actively work to reduce supply.

but at least liberals supported the stimulus/continue to support ventures that boost aggregate demand

Yes, liberals push to increase demand in the worst possible ways.
You're confusing nominal value with real value. Adding nominal dollars to the money supply has nothing to do with what you're arguing

You're confusing nominal value with real value.

You're looking at supply, while ignoring demand.
It's what conservatives seem to love these days.. Ignore demand.

Liberals are still more clueless. Not even close.
Well, at least liberals recognize the need to boost demand . Actually, they're both pretty stupid, but at least liberals supported the stimulus/continue to support ventures that boost aggregate demand.

Well, at least liberals recognize the need to boost demand .

And completely ignore anything that would boost supply.
In fact, they actively work to reduce supply.

but at least liberals supported the stimulus/continue to support ventures that boost aggregate demand

Yes, liberals push to increase demand in the worst possible ways.
Huh? We have plenty of supply. Demand tends to lead to an increase in supply by the way, producers increase production due to new demand.
How do you propose increasing demand as of now? Low interest rates, excess reserves, what is left?

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