The Federal Reserve, minus the history lesson


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
No one cares how it was created. Or how we got to where we are with it. The question is, why are we all still enslaved by it's product.

The US House has a constitutional authority to create (coin) money, without interest. Is says so, right there in the constitution.
But instead of creating our own, by elected officials in which we the people have power of elections to fire them, why in Gods name do they borrow money from the Fed?

The obvious answer is, IMO, that there are people rich enough to control everything from the food supply to the elections. And elected officials once they're elected. This could be the Deep State. I'd like to think of those people who are behind out own iron curtain.
A long time ago, someone named Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

I believe that stands true today.

So, knowing that money is created at the Fed by punching digits into a computer, then it's worth can only be equal to the reputation of the Fed and the US government.

On a side note: The government knows it can never pay the $22 trillion back. The Fed knows it to. And yet, the Fed still allows the government to borrow. And allow the banks to loan on money they don't have. Probably because the US government has this little thing called the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Which pretty much says the government has the Fed by the balls. And if they don't loan them money, they'll squeeze them until the money flows again.
The Federal Reserve is controlled and ran by Jews who worship money.

This cabal of Jewish bankers has enslaved our country and its citizens to perpetual financial slavery. ... :cool:
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No one cares how it was created. Or how we got to where we are with it. The question is, why are we all still enslaved by it's product.

The US House has a constitutional authority to create (coin) money, without interest. Is says so, right there in the constitution.
But instead of creating our own, by elected officials in which we the people have power of elections to fire them, why in Gods name do they borrow money from the Fed?

The obvious answer is, IMO, that there are people rich enough to control everything from the food supply to the elections. And elected officials once they're elected. This could be the Deep State. I'd like to think of those people who are behind out own iron curtain.
A long time ago, someone named Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

I believe that stands true today.

So, knowing that money is created at the Fed by punching digits into a computer, then it's worth can only be equal to the reputation of the Fed and the US government.

On a side note: The government knows it can never pay the $22 trillion back. The Fed knows it to. And yet, the Fed still allows the government to borrow. And allow the banks to loan on money they don't have. Probably because the US government has this little thing called the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Which pretty much says the government has the Fed by the balls. And if they don't loan them money, they'll squeeze them until the money flows again.

The US House has a constitutional authority to create (coin) money, without interest.

I have some Federal Reserve Notes. I never noticed any interest attached.

But instead of creating our own, by elected officials in which we the people have power of elections to fire them, why in Gods name do they borrow money from the Fed?

What makes you think the Treasury borrows from the Fed?

And allow the banks to loan on money they don't have.

Huh? Every bank loan is fully funded.
The Federal Reserve is controlled and ran by Jews who worship money.

They have enslaved our country and its citizens to perpetual financial slavey. ... :cool:

I have no doubt that their religion is important to them. Religion is usually one of two things.
1. Ones justification
2. Ones excuse to divide themselves

Money and those that create, disperse or control the value, aren't as concerned with religion, as their are their power to continue with their creation, dispersion and their power to control it's value.

Money is their god. And sadly enough, in a world full of technology that can create water out of thin air, put people on other planets and perform surgeries on peoples brains, sadly money is our God. Without it, we can't survive in a populous society.
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I have some Federal Reserve Notes. I never noticed any interest attached.

You don't have a bank loan or a credit card? The money that was created, was created as a loan. With interest attached.

What makes you think the Treasury borrows from the Fed?

Because it does. Google is your friend.

Huh? Every bank loan is fully funded.

Not even close. The required reserves a bank has to have on hand is only 10%. The only 90% is loaned out. Which is money they don't have to loan, because they've already loaned it out.

Here, watch this.
You don't have a bank loan or a credit card? The money that was created, was created as a loan. With interest attached.

Don't waste your time with Toddster. He's pro Federal Reserve. He prefers central economic planning by a central bank. He hates the free market.
I thought those questions were pretty ridiculous. I understand why, now. Thanks.

Yeah, he's not interested in what you're saying. He just wants to get you off topic in your own thread.

Better if you know up front.

We have a lot of confused statists on here who think they're conservative in case you haven't noticed yet.

At least the admitted statists on the democrat side are intellectually honest enough to admit they're generally statists. I can respect that. The Republican statists are sneaky, though. Or they try to be. They'd probably get away with misrepresenting conservatism if there weren't at least some genuine conservatives on here once in a while to call em out on their bullshit.

Toddster's just gonna take every opportunity he can to promote central economic planning by a central bank, inflationism and deficit finance. Like I said. Don't waste your time. He's content to live in a slave society.
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I have some Federal Reserve Notes. I never noticed any interest attached.

You don't have a bank loan or a credit card? The money that was created, was created as a loan. With interest attached.

What makes you think the Treasury borrows from the Fed?

Because it does. Google is your friend.

Huh? Every bank loan is fully funded.

Not even close. The required reserves a bank has to have on hand is only 10%. The only 90% is loaned out. Which is money they don't have to loan, because they've already loaned it out.

Here, watch this.

You don't have a bank loan or a credit card? The money that was created, was created as a loan. With interest attached.

I didn't borrow that money from the Fed. So if I have a pile of FRNs, I'm collecting interest from someone?

How does that work?

Because it does. Google is your friend.

The Treasury auctions off bills, note and bonds.
You can buy some here...…… TreasuryDirect - Home

Why would they bother if they just borrow from the Fed?

Every bank loan is fully funded.
Not even close. The required reserves a bank has to have on hand is only 10%. The only 90% is loaned out.
Yup. They have $100 in deposits, they loan out $90, keep $10 in reserve.​
That loan is fully funded.​

I thought those questions were pretty ridiculous. I understand why, now. Thanks.

Yeah, he's not interested in what you're saying. He just wants to get you off topic in your own thread.

Better if you know up front.

He just wants to get you off topic in your own thread.

His topic is idiocy.

Why would I want him to get off of that?
No one cares how it was created. Or how we got to where we are with it. The question is, why are we all still enslaved by it's product.

The US House has a constitutional authority to create (coin) money, without interest. Is says so, right there in the constitution.
But instead of creating our own, by elected officials in which we the people have power of elections to fire them, why in Gods name do they borrow money from the Fed?

The obvious answer is, IMO, that there are people rich enough to control everything from the food supply to the elections. And elected officials once they're elected. This could be the Deep State. I'd like to think of those people who are behind out own iron curtain.
A long time ago, someone named Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

I believe that stands true today.

So, knowing that money is created at the Fed by punching digits into a computer, then it's worth can only be equal to the reputation of the Fed and the US government.

On a side note: The government knows it can never pay the $22 trillion back.

To whom is the debt owed?
To whom is the debt owed?

When you consider the fact that the government will never pay the Fed back, then I'm not really even sure there is a debt. It's not like the Fed can call in their loan to the government. Because the government would just print $22 trillion and hand to the fed. And there wouldn't be a dayum thing the Fed could do.
So the fed isn't going to. And the government isn't either.
No one cares how it was created. Or how we got to where we are with it. The question is, why are we all still enslaved by it's product.

The US House has a constitutional authority to create (coin) money, without interest. Is says so, right there in the constitution.
But instead of creating our own, by elected officials in which we the people have power of elections to fire them, why in Gods name do they borrow money from the Fed?

The obvious answer is, IMO, that there are people rich enough to control everything from the food supply to the elections. And elected officials once they're elected. This could be the Deep State. I'd like to think of those people who are behind out own iron curtain.
A long time ago, someone named Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

I believe that stands true today.

So, knowing that money is created at the Fed by punching digits into a computer, then it's worth can only be equal to the reputation of the Fed and the US government.

On a side note: The government knows it can never pay the $22 trillion back. The Fed knows it to. And yet, the Fed still allows the government to borrow. And allow the banks to loan on money they don't have. Probably because the US government has this little thing called the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Which pretty much says the government has the Fed by the balls. And if they don't loan them money, they'll squeeze them until the money flows again.
Why should they care? If they can keep some of the bills the make, all is good for them.
And if the gov goes belly up, business goes down.
To whom is the debt owed?

When you consider the fact that the government will never pay the Fed back, then I'm not really even sure there is a debt. It's not like the Fed can call in their loan to the government. Because the government would just print $22 trillion and hand to the fed. And there wouldn't be a dayum thing the Fed could do.
So the fed isn't going to. And the government isn't either.

Bingo. I never pay myself back.

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