The Final results of the Shutdown and what was Achieved

About thing only thing acheived was exposing the Tea Baggers for the fools they are.

I am surprised they were willing to hold this nation hostage, especially disabled veterans missing limbs on their behalf, who would have been been thrown to the curb without VA compensation checks to pay rent or house payments. Cruz should be impeached, not honored. He shamed this nation and the world knows it.
Rather contradictory.....

goodies being rebuilding the infrastructure and flood damage? hardly contradictory. but partisan hacks never look at the facts

Oh boy, so you favor socialist programs for states and foreign nations, but I assume you oppose helping a few Americans with medical care??

"allowing more spending for upgrading a lock in the Ohio River between Illinois and Kentucky; money to help Colorado rebuild roads washed away by last month's catastrophic floods; extra money to help the Veterans Affairs Department whittle down a backlog of disabilities claims; and permission for the Pentagon to keep helping African nations hunt a notorious warlord."

i see improvement over what we had in the past. and that was brought about by the tea party. left to the democrats we would have had yet another pork laden plan
What was acheived?

Mitch McConnell got a $2 billion dam in his state
Look at the course of events and the final results and this was a major winn for the tea party from a political perspective and hopefully america if we can continue to force our politicians to ride the momentun this challenge has brought.

The challenge by the tea party forced the spending bill to the forefront. It brought the process to the public eye. it got the masses to focus on what was going on. it forced congress to rething their past practices of grab for all you can get and focus on what needed to be done. This is the most interesting outcome as explained in the article. This line says it all - The 35-page bill had only a handful of such narrowly aimed provisions. That's a far cry from years ago, when spending bills would be studded with hundreds of "earmarks," or projects for specific states or congressional districts, often designed to ensure the votes of lawmakers

We have the tea party to thank for this. This is a party that stands by its convictions. they came to Washington to reduce spending, to control costs and to shring government. When the opportunity arose, they struck. and they struck fully aware of the potential political backlash. They did it not for themselves, but to benefit the nation.

Shutdown bill has items for states, fed agencies

Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is followed by reporters after agreeing to the framework of a deal to avoid default and reopen the government on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013 in Washington. The partial government shutdown is in its third week and less than two days before the Treasury Department says it will be unable to borrow and will rely on a cash cushion to pay the country's bills. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster).WASHINGTON (AP) — Here's a little secret about the bill Congress has approved ending the partial government shutdown and preventing a possible federal default: It's got goodies for some states and federal agencies too.

The 35-page bill had only a handful of such narrowly aimed provisions. That's a far cry from years ago, when spending bills would be studded with hundreds of "earmarks," or projects for specific states or congressional districts, often designed to ensure the votes of lawmakers.

I guess the best thing it did was give government workers a free paid vacation. Money well spent, don't you think?

except most were working without pay. and why did obama choose to provide funding to foriegn interests over our own workers? that was his call. and we gave $300,000 to the lawrence welk birthplace in ND. Really? over paying our own workers. what you are bitching about was a democratic call
The Tea Party never really cared about the spending bill....all they ever cared about was stopping or harming Obamacare.

That was their ONLY goal through any of this.

Wrong, the objective was spending AND stopping obamacare
And for this reason, I have decided to rejoin the Tea Party. Yes. REJOIN. Because at one point I thought the movement had died. Now that I've seen how hard they can strike and how much influence they still hold, I want to be a part of that.

Good for them. Perhaps ObamaCare was just a cover. Perhaps it was their way of pushing a "truly clean" CR through both houses of congress. It's ironic now that Democrats wanted a "clean" CR knowing they could have added more pork barrel spending to it. This is what true spending bill looks like. One that cuts to the chase.

Templar is comming out of retirement to re up in the Tea Party!!! We're dooomed!!!! The democratic party will be no more. It's like when Rocky came out of retirement to beat Clubber Lang! His intelligence is all the Tea Party needs to win the day. If only they could get him out of the basement of his grandmas house.
And for this reason, I have decided to rejoin the Tea Party. Yes. REJOIN. Because at one point I thought the movement had died. Now that I've seen how hard they can strike and how much influence they still hold, I want to be a part of that.

Good for them. Perhaps ObamaCare was just a cover. Perhaps it was their way of pushing a "truly clean" CR through both houses of congress. It's ironic now that Democrats wanted a "clean" CR knowing they could have added more pork barrel spending to it. This is what true spending bill looks like. One that cuts to the chase.

"truly clean"? Didn't McConnell get $2B for his damn? How's that 'clean'?
And for this reason, I have decided to rejoin the Tea Party. Yes. REJOIN. Because at one point I thought the movement had died. Now that I've seen how hard they can strike and how much influence they still hold, I want to be a part of that.

Good for them. Perhaps ObamaCare was just a cover. Perhaps it was their way of pushing a "truly clean" CR through both houses of congress. It's ironic now that Democrats wanted a "clean" CR knowing they could have added more pork barrel spending to it. This is what true spending bill looks like. One that cuts to the chase.

Your tea bag heroes cost the government over 24 billion with their latest temper tantrum.

Government shutdown: Cost could be up to $24 billion - NBC
The Final results of the Shutdown and what was Achieved

For two weeks Republicans were able to remember when they used to be an actual political party. It was an illusion, everyone knew in the end they would fold like a cheap camera and give Obama not only his way but parting gifts. But wow, for two weeks, they were relevant. Sort of. That is what they achieved.
goodies being rebuilding the infrastructure and flood damage? hardly contradictory. but partisan hacks never look at the facts

Oh boy, so you favor socialist programs for states and foreign nations, but I assume you oppose helping a few Americans with medical care??

"allowing more spending for upgrading a lock in the Ohio River between Illinois and Kentucky; money to help Colorado rebuild roads washed away by last month's catastrophic floods; extra money to help the Veterans Affairs Department whittle down a backlog of disabilities claims; and permission for the Pentagon to keep helping African nations hunt a notorious warlord."

i see improvement over what we had in the past. and that was brought about by the tea party. left to the democrats we would have had yet another pork laden plan

Spending is lowest in decades under Obama. Deficit hawks should be cheering him.
I'm not attending the next dog and pony show they'll have in a few months. The outcome will be the same ... just as the DC playahs want it.
If it's infrastructure that's actually needed, I am fine with it. It will put Kentuckians to works, instead of bloviating on message boards all day (daveman)
The Final results of the Shutdown and what was Achieved

For two weeks Republicans were able to remember when they used to be an actual political party. It was an illusion, everyone knew in the end they would fold like a cheap camera and give Obama not only his way but parting gifts. But wow, for two weeks, they were relevant. Sort of. That is what they achieved.

Yes, they have officially become the Washington Generals of politics.:lol:
Look at the course of events and the final results and this was a major winn for the tea party from a political perspective and hopefully america if we can continue to force our politicians to ride the momentun this challenge has brought.

The challenge by the tea party forced the spending bill to the forefront. It brought the process to the public eye. it got the masses to focus on what was going on. it forced congress to rething their past practices of grab for all you can get and focus on what needed to be done. This is the most interesting outcome as explained in the article. This line says it all - The 35-page bill had only a handful of such narrowly aimed provisions. That's a far cry from years ago, when spending bills would be studded with hundreds of "earmarks," or projects for specific states or congressional districts, often designed to ensure the votes of lawmakers

We have the tea party to thank for this. This is a party that stands by its convictions. they came to Washington to reduce spending, to control costs and to shring government. When the opportunity arose, they struck. and they struck fully aware of the potential political backlash. They did it not for themselves, but to benefit the nation.

Shutdown bill has items for states, fed agencies

Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is followed by reporters after agreeing to the framework of a deal to avoid default and reopen the government on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013 in Washington. The partial government shutdown is in its third week and less than two days before the Treasury Department says it will be unable to borrow and will rely on a cash cushion to pay the country's bills. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster).WASHINGTON (AP) — Here's a little secret about the bill Congress has approved ending the partial government shutdown and preventing a possible federal default: It's got goodies for some states and federal agencies too.

The 35-page bill had only a handful of such narrowly aimed provisions. That's a far cry from years ago, when spending bills would be studded with hundreds of "earmarks," or projects for specific states or congressional districts, often designed to ensure the votes of lawmakers.

They struck alright. And if they have the courage to go out and brag about it, they'll be lucky if people don't strike them back in a more immediate physical way because people are royally pissed at these extremist idiots.
And for this reason, I have decided to rejoin the Tea Party. Yes. REJOIN. Because at one point I thought the movement had died. Now that I've seen how hard they can strike and how much influence they still hold, I want to be a part of that.

Good for them. Perhaps ObamaCare was just a cover. Perhaps it was their way of pushing a "truly clean" CR through both houses of congress. It's ironic now that Democrats wanted a "clean" CR knowing they could have added more pork barrel spending to it. This is what true spending bill looks like. One that cuts to the chase.

same here TK. This has given me a great deal of renewed faith in their abilities and conviction.

My faith is not renewed in the TEA party. Originally they were against: all homeowner, business & bank bail-outs, GSE, tax payer backed loans, tax subsidies & level playing field. Since they got power: they have underhandedly done the opposite. They refuse to close tax subsidy loopholes on their favorite groups. They raised payroll tax & expanded business subsidies. They tried to defund Obamacare mandate instead of repealing it, so everyone's insurance bill goes up to cover the unfunded mandate to force people to pay Wallstreet. They have aligned with the unconstitutional, no skin in the game derivative leveraging banks & tried to repeal regs preventing bank bailouts & underhanded economic harm. They tried to restore tax payer backed lending GSE. Ted Cruz wife is employed by Goldman Sachs & he is working on their behalf, not ours.

It's not a true free & fair market party. Occupy Wallstreet comes closer on leveling the playing field with Wallstreet, but they go out into communist central planning control, gun control, anti-defense, etc. They have both scared me back to the 2 main parties.

Who in the TEA Party is going to repay the $24 Billion tax payer dollars they just spent on their political campaign shutdown stunt. They voted to back-pay all the government employees for their 17 day vacation.
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What additional revenues are Republicans willing to add to pay back the taxpayers the $24B they wasted?

What additional revenues are the Democrats willing to add to pay back all the money they took from the Social Security trust fund?
What was gained was a true picture of cronyism exhibited by the Senate as Reid wouldn't even consider an end to the illegal exemptions granted by Obama over the Healthcare act. Again our leaders are exempt from the laws they inflict upon American's. Simply Disgusting.

American's lost on this co-called deal as we still have no budget and spending is still out of control. Bi-partisan failure. Both parties suck. nuff said.

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