The firing of corrupt Peter Strzok will quickly lead to the unraveling of the entire Muller probe

Why don't you factually establish that your claim is right. For example, explain why a man who hasn't been part of the Mueller investigation in over a year would have any significant effect on it today.

As your claim makes no sense. Change that with evidence and reason. Or admit you can't.

Well, you tried.

I will try again.

He opened the Trump probe on July 31, 2016 based on hearsay from an Australian diplomat via the U.S. embassy in London. The diplomat said a Teump volunteer, George Papadopoulos, told him a Russian-connected professor heard that Moscow owned “thousands” of Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

Strzok’s FBI team embraced an unverified dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele. Mr. Steele was paid by Fusion GPS with money from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party. The FBI used the dossier to convince a court to approve a wiretap on campaign volunteer Carter Page. The bureau also relied on the dossier to guide the investigation. The bureau told a House committee last year it had still not confirmed Mr. Steele’s Kremlin-sourced charges.

Strzok participated in a partisan flow of anti/Trump information that went from the Clinton opposite research firm, Fusion GPS, to Associated Attorney General Bruce Ohr to the FBI agent. Mr. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked at Fusion as a Russia expert.

The firing of Peter Strzok for cause opens for questioning and reexamining all interviews and data he collected.

Think of it like when a crooked cop gets fired. Often, every case that cop was involved with gets re-examined.

You follow me now?
Strzok was fired for exercising his first amendment rights, not for "cause".

Strzok was fired for withholding and manipulating evidence base on his political bias.

The OIG found no evidence of bias by Strzok. The found that the FBI came to its conclusions and conducted its investigation based on the evidence and precedent.

Now why would I ignore the OIG and instead believe you, citing yourself?

And of course, the basis of the Mueller investigation per the Deputy AG that seated Mueller.......was the testimony given by Comey on March 20th, 2017 before the House Select Committee. Not the 'Steele Dossier'. Not the 'Page FISA warrant'. But Comey's testimony.

Says who? Says the order written by the Deputy AG seating the special counsel.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

Debunking your conspiracy nonsense yet again.
I think I gained 5 pounds eating popcorn reading this thread. Kick ass Skylar.


Its not hard. These poor souls are guzzling a disjointed mismash of Trump rage tweets, Sean Hannity rants and Alex Jones hysterics as the basis of their imagination.

My sources are much better.

Like......the Deputy AG seating the special counsel. Or, James Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee. Or the actual indictments and guilty pleas from the Mueller investigation.

While they continue to cite their imagination.
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You continue to spew opinion and accusations in the face of links, reports and articles posted proving you are wrong. You SAYING something is fact don't make it so, and you have failed to counter the evidence I and others have posted....but nice diatribe.

I continue to cite the actual order from Deputy Attorney General which cites Comey's testimony on Russian election interference before the House select committee on March 20th as the basis of the Mueller investigation.

And Comey never even *mentions* the Steele Dossier in that testimony. Let alone cites it as the basis of any investigation.

You're literally ignoring the Deputy Attorney General on why the Mueller investigation was founded......and imagining whatever you'd like.

Sorry, Slick.....but your imagination vs. the order from the Deputy AG on why he seated a special counsel has the same winner every time. And it ain't you. You keep imagining. I'll keep quoting.


and you have still failed to disprove the evidence already posted.
Two problems.

One, you've presented nothing to back the claim that the sole basis of the Mueller investigation was the Steele Dossier. You've simply claimed it must be so, backed by nothing.

You fail.

Two. I've disproven your nonsense claim by citing the order from the Deputy Attorney General in seating the special counsel citing Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee on March 20th, 2017 as the basis for the Mueller investigation.

And Comey never even mentions the Steele Dossier in that testimony. Debunking your nonsense conspiracy yet again. A conspiracy you were never able to back with any evidence.

Smiling......but keep imagining. I'll keep quoting the Deputy AG.
Again, LINK?

STILL WAITING... need a link to the Deputy AG's order creating the special counsel? I wasn't aware you were challenging its existence. Here you go, including the relevant passage on the basis of the Mueller investigation:

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

Nothing about Page. Nothing about the 'Steele Dossier'. But instead, James Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee. Now, riddle me this....

How many times did Comey mention the Steele Dossier in his entire day of testimony?

Spoiler Alert: He didn't.

Easily exploding your baseless batshit conspiracy that the Steele Dossier is the sole basis of the Mueller investigation. A batshit conspiracy you've backed.....with absolutely nothing.

Comey doesn't mention the Steel Dossier because he had already told TRUMP it was a nothingburger, according to Comey's memo. Why would Comey tell TRUMP it was a bad idea to investigate the claims of the Dossier, when the Dossier was being used as the bases for the Page FISA?

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I continue to cite the actual order from Deputy Attorney General which cites Comey's testimony on Russian election interference before the House select committee on March 20th as the basis of the Mueller investigation.

And Comey never even *mentions* the Steele Dossier in that testimony. Let alone cites it as the basis of any investigation.

You're literally ignoring the Deputy Attorney General on why the Mueller investigation was founded......and imagining whatever you'd like.

Sorry, Slick.....but your imagination vs. the order from the Deputy AG on why he seated a special counsel has the same winner every time. And it ain't you. You keep imagining. I'll keep quoting.


and you have still failed to disprove the evidence already posted.
Two problems.

One, you've presented nothing to back the claim that the sole basis of the Mueller investigation was the Steele Dossier. You've simply claimed it must be so, backed by nothing.

You fail.

Two. I've disproven your nonsense claim by citing the order from the Deputy Attorney General in seating the special counsel citing Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee on March 20th, 2017 as the basis for the Mueller investigation.

And Comey never even mentions the Steele Dossier in that testimony. Debunking your nonsense conspiracy yet again. A conspiracy you were never able to back with any evidence.

Smiling......but keep imagining. I'll keep quoting the Deputy AG.
Again, LINK?

STILL WAITING... need a link to the Deputy AG's order creating the special counsel? I wasn't aware you were challenging its existence. Here you go, including the relevant passage on the basis of the Mueller investigation:

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

Nothing about Page. Nothing about the 'Steele Dossier'. But instead, James Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee. Now, riddle me this....

How many times did Comey mention the Steele Dossier in his entire day of testimony?

Spoiler Alert: He didn't.

Easily exploding your baseless batshit conspiracy that the Steele Dossier is the sole basis of the Mueller investigation. A batshit conspiracy you've backed.....with absolutely nothing.

Comey doesn't mention the Steel Dossier because he had already told TRUMP it was a nothingburger, according to Comey's memo. Why would Comey tell TRUMP it was a bad idea to investigate the claims of the Dossier, when the Dossier was being used as the bases for the Page FISA?

View attachment 210801

Comey wasn't talking to Trump in his testimony before the House Select Committee. He was talking to Congress. Your premise that Comey wouldn't tell Congress something if he's already told the President is blithering nonsense. He spoke at length on issues that he'd already discussed with the President.

Debunking yet another baseless piece of useless conspiracy batshit.

Like...your claim that it was the Page FISA warrants that gave Mueller that legal authority to go after the records of everyone at the Trump campaign. You can't back that nonsense either. At this point, you're not even trying.

Despite that heaping pile of imagination being the cornerstone of your entire argument.

Nor can you factually establish that the Steele Dossier was the sole basis of the Mueller investigation. With the Deputy AG's order seating the special counsel shredding the concept when it cited Comey's testimony before congress as the basis of the Mueller investigation. Not the Steele Dossier. Not the Page FISA warrants.

Leaving the OP's fallacious reasoning is hopeless tatters.

Sigh....Yet again. Can you guys bring out first stringers, please. This feckless JV shit is starting to bore me.
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Why don’t you lay out the folly of my logic.

Specifically, point by point, why I am wrong.

Use specific proper names and specific reasons.

Why don't you factually establish that your claim is right. For example, explain why a man who hasn't been part of the Mueller investigation in over a year would have any significant effect on it today.

As your claim makes no sense. Change that with evidence and reason. Or admit you can't.

Well, you tried.

I will try again.

He opened the Trump probe on July 31, 2016 based on hearsay from an Australian diplomat via the U.S. embassy in London. The diplomat said a Teump volunteer, George Papadopoulos, told him a Russian-connected professor heard that Moscow owned “thousands” of Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

Strzok’s FBI team embraced an unverified dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele. Mr. Steele was paid by Fusion GPS with money from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party. The FBI used the dossier to convince a court to approve a wiretap on campaign volunteer Carter Page. The bureau also relied on the dossier to guide the investigation. The bureau told a House committee last year it had still not confirmed Mr. Steele’s Kremlin-sourced charges.

Strzok participated in a partisan flow of anti/Trump information that went from the Clinton opposite research firm, Fusion GPS, to Associated Attorney General Bruce Ohr to the FBI agent. Mr. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked at Fusion as a Russia expert.

The firing of Peter Strzok for cause opens for questioning and reexamining all interviews and data he collected.

Think of it like when a crooked cop gets fired. Often, every case that cop was involved with gets re-examined.

You follow me now?
Strzok was fired for exercising his first amendment rights, not for "cause".

Strzok was fired for withholding and manipulating evidence base on his political bias.

The OIG found no evidence of bias by Strzok. The found that the FBI came to its conclusions and conducted its investigation based on the evidence and precedent.

Now why would I ignore the OIG and instead believe you, citing yourself?

And of course, the basis of the Mueller investigation per the Deputy AG that seated Mueller.......was the testimony given by Comey on March 20th, 2017 before the House Select Committee. Not the 'Steele Dossier'. Not the 'Page FISA warrant'. But Comey's testimony.

Says who? Says the order written by the Deputy AG seating the special counsel.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

Debunking your conspiracy nonsense yet again.
Actually they found the opposite of that.
I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA
Why don't you factually establish that your claim is right. For example, explain why a man who hasn't been part of the Mueller investigation in over a year would have any significant effect on it today.

As your claim makes no sense. Change that with evidence and reason. Or admit you can't.

Well, you tried.

I will try again.

He opened the Trump probe on July 31, 2016 based on hearsay from an Australian diplomat via the U.S. embassy in London. The diplomat said a Teump volunteer, George Papadopoulos, told him a Russian-connected professor heard that Moscow owned “thousands” of Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

Strzok’s FBI team embraced an unverified dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele. Mr. Steele was paid by Fusion GPS with money from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party. The FBI used the dossier to convince a court to approve a wiretap on campaign volunteer Carter Page. The bureau also relied on the dossier to guide the investigation. The bureau told a House committee last year it had still not confirmed Mr. Steele’s Kremlin-sourced charges.

Strzok participated in a partisan flow of anti/Trump information that went from the Clinton opposite research firm, Fusion GPS, to Associated Attorney General Bruce Ohr to the FBI agent. Mr. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked at Fusion as a Russia expert.

The firing of Peter Strzok for cause opens for questioning and reexamining all interviews and data he collected.

Think of it like when a crooked cop gets fired. Often, every case that cop was involved with gets re-examined.

You follow me now?
Strzok was fired for exercising his first amendment rights, not for "cause".

Strzok was fired for withholding and manipulating evidence base on his political bias.

The OIG found no evidence of bias by Strzok. The found that the FBI came to its conclusions and conducted its investigation based on the evidence and precedent.

Now why would I ignore the OIG and instead believe you, citing yourself?

And of course, the basis of the Mueller investigation per the Deputy AG that seated Mueller.......was the testimony given by Comey on March 20th, 2017 before the House Select Committee. Not the 'Steele Dossier'. Not the 'Page FISA warrant'. But Comey's testimony.

Says who? Says the order written by the Deputy AG seating the special counsel.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

Debunking your conspiracy nonsense yet again.
Actually they found the opposite of that.
From the IG report itself:

There were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific
investigative decisions we reviewed in Chapter Five, or that the justifications offered for these decisions were pretextual.

Scathing Justice Dept. watchdog report rebukes James B. Comey, cites major missteps by FBI

The report found 'concerns' of bias. But not evidence that any improper considerations including political bias, effected investigative decisions.

Further, when addressing the text messages from agents like Strzok, they found that the decisions made by those agents were 'not unreasonable'. And did not find evidence to connect political views expressed in those messages to specific investigative decisions.

But our review did not find evidence to connect the political views expressed in these messages to the specific investigative decisions that we reviewed; rather, consistent with the analytic approach described above, we found that these specific decisions were the result of discretionary judgments made during the course of an investigation by the Midyear agents and prosecutors and that these judgment calls were not unreasonable.

Scathing Justice Dept. watchdog report rebukes James B. Comey, cites major missteps by FBI

Tearing out both the left and right ventricle of the 'corrupt investigation' conspiracy that our resident tin foil brigade is offering us today.
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I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA

I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.
I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA

I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.

You remember our friend Jake prior to Election Eve, right? Spiffy Black SS uniform, in an all fired hurry to round up and execute his fellow countrymen for - sedition! Which in his insane fantasies meant voting for Trump.

Thank Goodness Uncle Vlad stopped that!
Liberal response: “No! You are!”

Quality retorts. Thanks for playing.

Actually the responses were 'seems unlikely' and 'good luck with that'.

Your assertion doesn't make much sense.

Why don’t you lay out the folly of my logic.

Specifically, point by point, why I am wrong.

Use specific proper names and specific reasons.

Why don't you factually establish that your claim is right. For example, explain why a man who hasn't been part of the Mueller investigation in over a year would have any significant effect on it today.

As your claim makes no sense. Change that with evidence and reason. Or admit you can't.

Well, you tried.

I will try again.

He opened the Trump probe on July 31, 2016 based on hearsay from an Australian diplomat via the U.S. embassy in London. The diplomat said a Teump volunteer, George Papadopoulos, told him a Russian-connected professor heard that Moscow owned “thousands” of Mrs. Clinton’s emails.
Which turned out to be true.

Your point?
Two sides of the story.......

1) This is it! This is the day Trump is going to jail...any day now!!!

2) Mueller probe will now end!!!.... any day now!!!
I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA

I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.

You remember our friend Jake prior to Election Eve, right? Spiffy Black SS uniform, in an all fired hurry to round up and execute his fellow countrymen for - sedition! Which in his insane fantasies meant voting for Trump.

Thank Goodness Uncle Vlad stopped that!

Yeah, Jake's not here. Its just you and your imagination.

Though you have provided us with a lovely window into what you *want* to do. Which is imprison those who are critical of Trump or investigate him.

No thank you.
I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA

I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.

You remember our friend Jake prior to Election Eve, right? Spiffy Black SS uniform, in an all fired hurry to round up and execute his fellow countrymen for - sedition! Which in his insane fantasies meant voting for Trump.

Thank Goodness Uncle Vlad stopped that!

Yeah, Jake's not here. Its just you and your imagination.

Though you have provided us with a lovely window into what you *want* to do. Which is imprison those who are critical of Trump or investigate him.

No thank you.

Jake's not all there, we agree.

Do you want me to post "Jake's" Fascist rants prior to Election Eve, where he couldn't wait to lines people up in front of the firing squad for failing to support Hillary, which he called "Sedition"?
I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA

I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.

You remember our friend Jake prior to Election Eve, right? Spiffy Black SS uniform, in an all fired hurry to round up and execute his fellow countrymen for - sedition! Which in his insane fantasies meant voting for Trump.

Thank Goodness Uncle Vlad stopped that!

Yeah, Jake's not here. Its just you and your imagination.

Though you have provided us with a lovely window into what you *want* to do. Which is imprison those who are critical of Trump or investigate him.

No thank you.

Jake's not all there, we agree.

Do you want me to post "Jake's" Fascist rants prior to Election Eve, where he couldn't wait to lines people up in front of the firing squad for failing to support Hillary, which he called "Sedition"?

Jake's rants somehow make your 'levenworth' fantasy less imaginary?
I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA

I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.

You remember our friend Jake prior to Election Eve, right? Spiffy Black SS uniform, in an all fired hurry to round up and execute his fellow countrymen for - sedition! Which in his insane fantasies meant voting for Trump.

Thank Goodness Uncle Vlad stopped that!

Yeah, Jake's not here. Its just you and your imagination.

Though you have provided us with a lovely window into what you *want* to do. Which is imprison those who are critical of Trump or investigate him.

No thank you.

Jake's not all there, we agree.

Do you want me to post "Jake's" Fascist rants prior to Election Eve, where he couldn't wait to lines people up in front of the firing squad for failing to support Hillary, which he called "Sedition"?

Jake's rants somehow make your 'levenworth' fantasy less imaginary?

Hillary Picks Up HUGE Endorsement

WikiLeaks names 65 reporters who are payed off from Hillary Clinton

WikiLeaks names 65 reporters who are payed off from Hillary Clinton

Trump, Russia & Putin More Cooperative with The US GOV than The DNC!

"Comey? Chaffetz? McConnell? And growing numbers of others? You are the seditionists. Who is responsible ultimately? The American electorate. They will destroy those who supported Trump."

"Jake is a complete fucking psycho" -- CF

I Told You Rubes Wikileaks Had Some Weak Sauce!

Shall I continue...?
I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.

You remember our friend Jake prior to Election Eve, right? Spiffy Black SS uniform, in an all fired hurry to round up and execute his fellow countrymen for - sedition! Which in his insane fantasies meant voting for Trump.

Thank Goodness Uncle Vlad stopped that!

Yeah, Jake's not here. Its just you and your imagination.

Though you have provided us with a lovely window into what you *want* to do. Which is imprison those who are critical of Trump or investigate him.

No thank you.

Jake's not all there, we agree.

Do you want me to post "Jake's" Fascist rants prior to Election Eve, where he couldn't wait to lines people up in front of the firing squad for failing to support Hillary, which he called "Sedition"?

Jake's rants somehow make your 'levenworth' fantasy less imaginary?

Hillary Picks Up HUGE Endorsement

WikiLeaks names 65 reporters who are payed off from Hillary Clinton

WikiLeaks names 65 reporters who are payed off from Hillary Clinton

Trump, Russia & Putin More Cooperative with The US GOV than The DNC!

"Comey? Chaffetz? McConnell? And growing numbers of others? You are the seditionists. Who is responsible ultimately? The American electorate. They will destroy those who supported Trump."

"Jake is a complete fucking psycho" -- CF

I Told You Rubes Wikileaks Had Some Weak Sauce!

Shall I continue...?

Freedom daily? The site that Facebook and EU experts have determined was a Russian proxy website?

That's your source? The election is over. The Russians shut it down. It no longer exists.

And what does this have to do with your 'Mueller being in Levenworth' fantasy?

and you have still failed to disprove the evidence already posted.
Two problems.

One, you've presented nothing to back the claim that the sole basis of the Mueller investigation was the Steele Dossier. You've simply claimed it must be so, backed by nothing.

You fail.

Two. I've disproven your nonsense claim by citing the order from the Deputy Attorney General in seating the special counsel citing Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee on March 20th, 2017 as the basis for the Mueller investigation.

And Comey never even mentions the Steele Dossier in that testimony. Debunking your nonsense conspiracy yet again. A conspiracy you were never able to back with any evidence.

Smiling......but keep imagining. I'll keep quoting the Deputy AG.
Again, LINK?

STILL WAITING... need a link to the Deputy AG's order creating the special counsel? I wasn't aware you were challenging its existence. Here you go, including the relevant passage on the basis of the Mueller investigation:

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

Nothing about Page. Nothing about the 'Steele Dossier'. But instead, James Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee. Now, riddle me this....

How many times did Comey mention the Steele Dossier in his entire day of testimony?

Spoiler Alert: He didn't.

Easily exploding your baseless batshit conspiracy that the Steele Dossier is the sole basis of the Mueller investigation. A batshit conspiracy you've backed.....with absolutely nothing.

Comey doesn't mention the Steel Dossier because he had already told TRUMP it was a nothingburger, according to Comey's memo. Why would Comey tell TRUMP it was a bad idea to investigate the claims of the Dossier, when the Dossier was being used as the bases for the Page FISA?

View attachment 210801

Comey wasn't talking to Trump in his testimony before the House Select Committee. He was talking to Congress. Your premise that Comey wouldn't tell Congress something if he's already told the President is blithering nonsense. He spoke at length on issues that he'd already discussed with the President.

Debunking yet another baseless piece of useless conspiracy batshit.

Like...your claim that it was the Page FISA warrants that gave Mueller that legal authority to go after the records of everyone at the Trump campaign. You can't back that nonsense either. At this point, you're not even trying.

Despite that heaping pile of imagination being the cornerstone of your entire argument.

Nor can you factually establish that the Steele Dossier was the sole basis of the Mueller investigation. With the Deputy AG's order seating the special counsel shredding the concept when it cited Comey's testimony before congress as the basis of the Mueller investigation. Not the Steele Dossier. Not the Page FISA warrants.

Leaving the OP's fallacious reasoning is hopeless tatters.

Sigh....Yet again. Can you guys bring out first stringers, please. This feckless JV shit is starting to bore me.

So tell us what Comey identifies as the official intelligence used to open the Russia investigation?
Two problems.

One, you've presented nothing to back the claim that the sole basis of the Mueller investigation was the Steele Dossier. You've simply claimed it must be so, backed by nothing.

You fail.

Two. I've disproven your nonsense claim by citing the order from the Deputy Attorney General in seating the special counsel citing Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee on March 20th, 2017 as the basis for the Mueller investigation.

And Comey never even mentions the Steele Dossier in that testimony. Debunking your nonsense conspiracy yet again. A conspiracy you were never able to back with any evidence.

Smiling......but keep imagining. I'll keep quoting the Deputy AG.
Again, LINK?

STILL WAITING... need a link to the Deputy AG's order creating the special counsel? I wasn't aware you were challenging its existence. Here you go, including the relevant passage on the basis of the Mueller investigation:

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

Nothing about Page. Nothing about the 'Steele Dossier'. But instead, James Comey's testimony before the House Select Committee. Now, riddle me this....

How many times did Comey mention the Steele Dossier in his entire day of testimony?

Spoiler Alert: He didn't.

Easily exploding your baseless batshit conspiracy that the Steele Dossier is the sole basis of the Mueller investigation. A batshit conspiracy you've backed.....with absolutely nothing.

Comey doesn't mention the Steel Dossier because he had already told TRUMP it was a nothingburger, according to Comey's memo. Why would Comey tell TRUMP it was a bad idea to investigate the claims of the Dossier, when the Dossier was being used as the bases for the Page FISA?

View attachment 210801

Comey wasn't talking to Trump in his testimony before the House Select Committee. He was talking to Congress. Your premise that Comey wouldn't tell Congress something if he's already told the President is blithering nonsense. He spoke at length on issues that he'd already discussed with the President.

Debunking yet another baseless piece of useless conspiracy batshit.

Like...your claim that it was the Page FISA warrants that gave Mueller that legal authority to go after the records of everyone at the Trump campaign. You can't back that nonsense either. At this point, you're not even trying.

Despite that heaping pile of imagination being the cornerstone of your entire argument.

Nor can you factually establish that the Steele Dossier was the sole basis of the Mueller investigation. With the Deputy AG's order seating the special counsel shredding the concept when it cited Comey's testimony before congress as the basis of the Mueller investigation. Not the Steele Dossier. Not the Page FISA warrants.

Leaving the OP's fallacious reasoning is hopeless tatters.

Sigh....Yet again. Can you guys bring out first stringers, please. This feckless JV shit is starting to bore me.

So tell us what Comey identifies as the official intelligence used to open the Russia investigation?

Read his testimony before Congress. As that is the basis of the Mueller investigation. Not the Page FISA warrants. Not the Steele Dossier.

You've made claims you can't back up. You've offered us imagination as fact.

And that dog won't hunt.

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