The firing of corrupt Peter Strzok will quickly lead to the unraveling of the entire Muller probe

Interesting, all of these 'investigations' were initiated by Obama and Clinton. Conveniently, no Democrats are currently being investigated. Only Trump and his associates are. That, despite knowing Clinton and Obama colluded with foreigners to influence our Election. All folks need to do is look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

Oooh! Conspiracy insinuations backed by jack shit?

Where have I seen that before? Ah, yes. This entire thread.

I think common sense-thinking Americans know what happened. They now it was all a well-coordinated dirty political Witch Hunt. Clinton allowed to skate, and no Democrats being investigated? It is a scam. Hopefully most Americans see that.

And by 'common sense' you mean claims you can't factually back up and conspiracies you can't support?


All of these so-called 'investigations' were initiated by Obama/Clinton. Common sense-thinking folks find it very odd that no Democrats are being investigated. It's only been Trump and his associates.

Most know Clinton and Obama colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. So where are the investigations of Democrats? That will have to happen. Until it happens, there can be no justice.

And by 'common sense-thinking folks' you mean you, citing yourself, insinuating a conspiracy you can't back up?

Sorry, but your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Not to 'common sense thinking folks' and certainly not in any rational investigation.
Mueller gets 'protective order' on George Papadopoulos evidence

Oh shit!! Who interviewed Pop for the FBI?


Some members of the media have the unredacted FISA warrant. They know this is bullshit and it’s going to be a pleasure to watch the house of cards tumble down.

Wolfe’s Indictment, Media Leaks & the Page FISA Application

Get your popcorn.

Seems a little unlikely.

Like Trump winning.

Mueller's investigation is still going strong. And no one in this thread can show us a probable route through which the firing of Strzok (who left the Mueller investigation over a year ago) would cause the Mueller investigation to 'quickly unravel'.

Nor is the Mueller Investigation quickly disappearing.

So, good luck with that.
And since no one is willing to defend the absurd premise of the OP that the Steele Dossier is the sole basis of the Mueller Investigation after I utterly disproved that nonsense.....

......I graciously accept your capitulation on the claim. The OP is abandoned.

You want to cling to miniscule details, seeking to declare 'nothing to see here' based on very small slivers of pieces that are building blocks to the bigger picture exposing the entire Obama conspiracy and crime.....

Again, you are not fooling anyone.....

Snowflakes like you foam at the mouth claiming Trump Jr committed some crime meeting to potentially obtain opposition research...which is not illegal at all - Hillary did the same thing. The only difference is Trump is ACCUSED of colluding with Russians while EVIDENCE SHOWS Hillary colluded with and actually paid foreign spies to help her try to win the WH. Using that opposition research from foreign spies and Russians that was PAD for in a US election is very much illegal.


That foreign spy/Russian unverified document was given to the FBI by the DNC' Presidential Candidate, and they in turn, according to the US IG 'abused the FISA Court' by using the Dossier to illegally obtain warrants. The US IG explained that they 'abused the court' by deceiving the court, for example by not telling the document was opposition research provided by one of the political candidates or telling the court the dossier had not been verified, which it had / has NOT been.

The fact that the Dossier was or was not the sole reason the investigation was opened up is irrelevant to the fact that Hillary colluded with and piad foreign spies and Russians to help her try to win the WH, that she provided that document to the FBI who illegally used that through misrepresentation / deceit before the FISA court to illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate' on the Trump administration.


Let's talk 'Conspiracy'. I have posted numerous links, articles, and even VIDEOS of Brennan himself lying - committing Perjury - before Congress today. The evidence that Brennan perjured himself is not even in debate anymore. The most important point , though, is WHAT he lied about. He lied to Congress by stating he knew noting of the Dossier...because if he had, if it had been shared around between the CIA, DIA, and FBI that is arguable evidence of a potential Conspiracy.

The problem was that official records showed Brennan had briefed members of Congress on the Dossier and he reportedly argued that the contents of the Dossier, which he too falsely claimed had been completely verified, was justification for assigning a Special Counsel. Brennan perjured himself and exposed the fact that the CIA and the FBI were both using the same Dossier to illegally get warrants while using it to argue for appointing a Special Counsel.

The dossier may not have been the sole reason the investigation was begun, but evidence shows Brennan used it to argue for a Special Counsel to be appointed while the FBI used it obtain illegal warrants to spy on Trump and his team.

You want people to focus on one miniscule bit and ignore everything else....but it is everything else in conjunction with each other that exposes the bigger picture.
And since no one is willing to defend the absurd premise of the OP that the Steele Dossier is the sole basis of the Mueller Investigation after I utterly disproved that nonsense.....

......I graciously accept your capitulation on the claim. The OP is abandoned.

You want to cling to miniscule details, seeking to declare 'nothing to see here' based on very small slivers of pieces that are building blocks to the bigger picture exposing the entire Obama conspiracy and crime...
The 'miniscule' detail as you call the complete obliteration of your entire conspiracy. As the premise of your conspiracy is that political bias affected investigative decisions.

And the IG investigated that. And found it to be baseless.

There were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific
investigative decisions we reviewed in Chapter Five, or that the justifications offered for these decisions were pretextual.

Scathing Justice Dept. watchdog report rebukes James B. Comey, cites major missteps by FBI

And the entire basis of your batshit conspiracy just evaporates.

As the IG debunked your entire basis of argument. There is NO evidence of improper considerations, including political bias, afffecting investigative decisions.

Ignore as you will. It won't matter. As you can't make us ignore it.
Interesting, all of these 'investigations' were initiated by Obama and Clinton. Conveniently, no Democrats are currently being investigated. Only Trump and his associates are. That, despite knowing Clinton and Obama colluded with foreigners to influence our Election. All folks need to do is look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

Oooh! Conspiracy insinuations backed by jack shit?

Where have I seen that before? Ah, yes. This entire thread.

I think common sense-thinking Americans know what happened. They now it was all a well-coordinated dirty political Witch Hunt. Clinton allowed to skate, and no Democrats being investigated? It is a scam. Hopefully most Americans see that.

And by 'common sense' you mean claims you can't factually back up and conspiracies you can't support?


All of these so-called 'investigations' were initiated by Obama/Clinton. Common sense-thinking folks find it very odd that no Democrats are being investigated. It's only been Trump and his associates.

Most know Clinton and Obama colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. So where are the investigations of Democrats? That will have to happen. Until it happens, there can be no justice.

And by 'common sense-thinking folks' you mean you, citing yourself, insinuating a conspiracy you can't back up?

Sorry, but your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Not to 'common sense thinking folks' and certainly not in any rational investigation.

All of these 'investigations' were initiated by Clinton/Obama. It's is a dirty political Witch Hunt. Let me know when the numerous investigations of Democrats begin. They should start with the Ohr-Steele connection.

There was obvious Collusion between Obama/Clinton and Steele, to influence our Election. Start investigating Democrats. If that doesn't happen, i'll fully support Trump pardoning everyone they lynched.
Pop’s lawyers should file for discovery, as should Flynn’s.

Strzok is Heydrich and Mueller is Himler.

This shit is straight out of the SS of the 3rd Reich.
Interesting, all of these 'investigations' were initiated by Obama and Clinton. Conveniently, no Democrats are currently being investigated. Only Trump and his associates are. That, despite knowing Clinton and Obama colluded with foreigners to influence our Election. All folks need to do is look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

Oooh! Conspiracy insinuations backed by jack shit?

Where have I seen that before? Ah, yes. This entire thread.

I think common sense-thinking Americans know what happened. They now it was all a well-coordinated dirty political Witch Hunt. Clinton allowed to skate, and no Democrats being investigated? It is a scam. Hopefully most Americans see that.

And by 'common sense' you mean claims you can't factually back up and conspiracies you can't support?


All of these so-called 'investigations' were initiated by Obama/Clinton. Common sense-thinking folks find it very odd that no Democrats are being investigated. It's only been Trump and his associates.

Most know Clinton and Obama colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. So where are the investigations of Democrats? That will have to happen. Until it happens, there can be no justice.

And by 'common sense-thinking folks' you mean you, citing yourself, insinuating a conspiracy you can't back up?

Sorry, but your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Not to 'common sense thinking folks' and certainly not in any rational investigation.

All of these 'investigations' were initiated by Clinton/Obama. It's is a dirty political Witch Hunt.

With numerous guilty pleas and dozens of indictments I don't think 'witch hunt' means what you think it means. As the Mueller investigation has been extraordinarily effective at finding and prosecuting crimes.
Interesting, all of these 'investigations' were initiated by Obama and Clinton. Conveniently, no Democrats are currently being investigated. Only Trump and his associates are. That, despite knowing Clinton and Obama colluded with foreigners to influence our Election. All folks need to do is look to the Ohr-Steele connection.

Oooh! Conspiracy insinuations backed by jack shit?

Where have I seen that before? Ah, yes. This entire thread.

I think common sense-thinking Americans know what happened. They now it was all a well-coordinated dirty political Witch Hunt. Clinton allowed to skate, and no Democrats being investigated? It is a scam. Hopefully most Americans see that.

And by 'common sense' you mean claims you can't factually back up and conspiracies you can't support?


All of these so-called 'investigations' were initiated by Obama/Clinton. Common sense-thinking folks find it very odd that no Democrats are being investigated. It's only been Trump and his associates.

Most know Clinton and Obama colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. So where are the investigations of Democrats? That will have to happen. Until it happens, there can be no justice.

And by 'common sense-thinking folks' you mean you, citing yourself, insinuating a conspiracy you can't back up?

Sorry, but your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Not to 'common sense thinking folks' and certainly not in any rational investigation.

All of these 'investigations' were initiated by Clinton/Obama. It's is a dirty political Witch Hunt.

With numerous guilty pleas and dozens of indictments I don't think 'witch hunt' means what you think it means. As the Mueller investigation has been extraordinarily effective at finding and prosecuting crimes.

All Trump associates. Go figure? Look to who initiated all these 'investigations.' You'll quickly realize that it is a dirty Democrat political Witch Hunt. Like i said, let me know when the numerous investigations of Democrats begin. Only then, will i accept it's all about Justice.
Pop’s lawyers should file for discovery, as should Flynn’s.

Discovery is pre-trial for court cases. Both have already pled guilty. They've admitted their guilt under oath. They've already been convicted.

What, they're going to perjure themselves now and say that they were lying when they admitted to crimes in their hearings?

Strzok is Heydrich and Mueller is Himler.

Laughing......should we get you your fainting couch for that piece of over the top melodrama? As you seem to have the vapors.

Back in reality, Mueller is a career investigator with impeccable credentials and relevant experience. He's doing a fine job and his team is getting results.
Last edited:
Oooh! Conspiracy insinuations backed by jack shit?

Where have I seen that before? Ah, yes. This entire thread.

And by 'common sense' you mean claims you can't factually back up and conspiracies you can't support?


All of these so-called 'investigations' were initiated by Obama/Clinton. Common sense-thinking folks find it very odd that no Democrats are being investigated. It's only been Trump and his associates.

Most know Clinton and Obama colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. So where are the investigations of Democrats? That will have to happen. Until it happens, there can be no justice.

And by 'common sense-thinking folks' you mean you, citing yourself, insinuating a conspiracy you can't back up?

Sorry, but your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Not to 'common sense thinking folks' and certainly not in any rational investigation.

All of these 'investigations' were initiated by Clinton/Obama. It's is a dirty political Witch Hunt.

With numerous guilty pleas and dozens of indictments I don't think 'witch hunt' means what you think it means. As the Mueller investigation has been extraordinarily effective at finding and prosecuting crimes.

All Trump associates. Go figure? Look to who initiated all these 'investigations.' You'll quickly realize that it is a dirty Democrat political Witch Hunt. Like i said, let me know when the numerous investigations of Democrats begin. Only then, will i accept it's all about Justice.

Smiling.......Is it Mueller's fault that Trump has surrounded himself with so many criminals?
New evidence...Strzoks texts and firing.

We’ll see, won’t we?

Trump wasn’t supposed to last through 2017.

We are nearly to fall of 2018
I see Comey, Mueller and Strzok breaking rocks at Leavenworth for the next 20 years -- if the judge gives them a lenient sentence. At worse, well, we know the Starkey mandated penalty for sedition, treason and Conspiracy against the USA

I have no doubt you see your imagination.

What you lack is a viable and rational connection to reality. Which is why your imagination so infrequently has any relevance to real people and actual events.

You remember our friend Jake prior to Election Eve, right? Spiffy Black SS uniform, in an all fired hurry to round up and execute his fellow countrymen for - sedition! Which in his insane fantasies meant voting for Trump.

Thank Goodness Uncle Vlad stopped that!

Yeah, Jake's not here. Its just you and your imagination.

Though you have provided us with a lovely window into what you *want* to do. Which is imprison those who are critical of Trump or investigate him.

No thank you.

Jake's not all there, we agree.

Do you want me to post "Jake's" Fascist rants prior to Election Eve, where he couldn't wait to lines people up in front of the firing squad for failing to support Hillary, which he called "Sedition"?

Jake's rants somehow make your 'levenworth' fantasy less imaginary?

A sad, sad tale of elevators, penthouses and cables too short to reach.
And since no one is willing to defend the absurd premise of the OP that the Steele Dossier is the sole basis of the Mueller Investigation after I utterly disproved that nonsense.....

......I graciously accept your capitulation on the claim. The OP is abandoned.

You want to cling to miniscule details, seeking to declare 'nothing to see here' based on very small slivers of pieces that are building blocks to the bigger picture exposing the entire Obama conspiracy and crime...
The 'miniscule' detail as you call the complete obliteration of your entire conspiracy. As the premise of your conspiracy is that political bias affected investigative decisions.

And the IG investigated that. And found it to be baseless.

There were clearly tensions and disagreements in a number of important areas between Midyear agents and prosecutors. However, we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific
investigative decisions we reviewed in Chapter Five, or that the justifications offered for these decisions were pretextual.

Scathing Justice Dept. watchdog report rebukes James B. Comey, cites major missteps by FBI

And the entire basis of your batshit conspiracy just evaporates.

As the IG debunked your entire basis of argument. There is NO evidence of improper considerations, including political bias, afffecting investigative decisions.

Ignore as you will. It won't matter. As you can't make us ignore it.
You are lying your ass off. You want to isolate everything done down to polutical bias.

Who cares what the MOTIVATIONS were -crimes were still committed.

Again, EVIDENCE shows Strzok Obstructed Justice by refusing to indict Mills and Abedin for the exact same crime he indicted Flynn.

The US IG may have said no bias was involved but even the US IG reported the FBI violated their own procedures and processes, that Comey usurped powers and authorities he did not have in making Dr visions.

You can continue to same thing over and over as you have me for 3+ hours if you want. I am just going to ignore you now and not play your game.

In the meantime we would not
Be talking about Russian collusion and interference now if Barry had done something to stop it in 2014!
As I’ve said before, it’s just a matter of time before we learn how corrupt the obama administration really was.

Democrats know they’re done when everything comes out.
With numerous guilty pleas and dozens of indictments I don't think 'witch hunt' means what you think it means. As the Mueller investigation has been extraordinarily effective at finding and prosecuting crimes.
None of the indictments of Trump associates have anything to do with Trump or Russian Interference, which is everything the entire investigation is supposed to be about. So in one sense Mueller's investigation has been / is one big bust. No evidence at all of Trump or his associates colluding illegally with Russians to alter the election.

The fact that he is supposed to be investigating Russian Interference, which began under Obama in 2014...and Obama knew it was going on then, yet Mueller has not investigated the Russian interference Barry allowed to go on and has not interviewed Obama.

That seems pretty incompetent of a special counsel to purposely ignore the beginning of crimes and who facilitated them.

Gee, now why would you SAY you want to investigate Russian Interference but totally ignore when it started, ignore the President and Administration that knew about it yet did nothing about it, ignore the president and administration that let it continue for 2 years without doing anything about it, and not call on to interview that president that let it go on for those 2 years or anyone in his administration who did the same?

Evidence shows President Obama and his administration was born in 2014 that the Russians were interfering yet he and his administration did little to nothing about it.

Where was CIA Director Brennan and the CIA when all of this was going on?

Where was NIA Director Clapper and his team when all of this was going on?

Where was FBI director Comey and the FBI when all of this was going on?

President Obama and his administration completely failed and defending the country against this external and internal attack from Russia.

Is this what Obama meant about being more flexible when he told Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he would be more flexible after his reelection?

We know part of the problem was Obama was distracted with trying to get Putin's approval to drag the United States into another Constitutional War by invading Syria.

When negotiating his unconstitutional treaty with Iran, Obama refused to demand that the release of us hostages be part of the deal because he was afraid I ran would walk away from the table.

Perhaps the same thing happened here with the Russians, perhaps Obama refused to -face Putin about the ongoing operations Russia was running in the United States because he was afraid Putin would not give him permission to invade Syria...

I guess we will never know since special counsel Mueller, tasked with investigating the Russian interference that began and 2014, will never investigate Obama or ask him questions about why he failed to solve this problem when he learned about it then and 2014.
Who said Trump would not make it to 2018.

Oh, another made up Alt Fact fake lie by the far right.
Who said Trump would not make it to 2018.

Oh, another made up Alt Fact fake lie by the far right.
Will you be voting for republicans when we finally learn about everything democrats did to stop voters from electing Trump?

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