The flag we left on Mars, now this:

Ame®icano;8767777 said:
First of all, there is no audio or video. Secondly it is a lying Right-wing source. Thirdly, there is no record of Lee visiting the JPL in 2005, nor is there any 2005 news story of a gaff. That story is from 2010.

This is just another Right-wing lie parroted by every Right-wing hate site with absolutely no proof.

No record, eh?

Congressional Visit

Need photos?


Notice how the Right moves the goalpost when they are caught lying. The Examiner link T provided clearly states the visit was to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) which is in California. The Johnson Space Center is in Houston. At the JSC they were tracking the International Space Station, not Pathfinder. So not only are the Right changing the year this ONE event took place they are also changing the location.

From the Link T supplied:
Is Sheila Jackson Lee really that stupid? - Louisville Public Policy |

On a visit to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2005, Rep. Lee made embarrassing news by asking if the Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted there in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.

Click on the link provided... here is again Congressional Visit

Once you do that, you can see the following:

SC2005-E-42293 (24 Oct. 2005) --- Pictured left to right: Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Rep. Al Green (D-TX) talk with Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur and Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev aboard the international space station during a visit to NASA's Johnson Space Center and Mission Control on Oct. 24, 2005. Also pictured is JSC Director Jefferson D. Howell. (Image credit: NASA)

You said there is no record that Sheila Jackson Lee was in Johnson Space Center in 2005. No moving goalposts here, I just show you there is a record of her visit. NASA webpage.
Notice how the Right moves the goalpost when they are caught lying.
As a member of the right, I don't care …
Of course you don't care about the truth, that is why you are on the Right.

Apparently this lie was started by a GOP hack named Sandy Hume in 1997 and the date was changed to 2005 to help prevent tracking down the source of the lie and finding out that the lying author of the fabrication was not there and two witnesses who were there, one the GOP source Hume claims told him the story, deny Lee asked anything about the Pathfinder or Armstrong!!!!!!

Mooned | Texas Monthly

But no quote caused more teeth to be bared than one allegedly uttered by second-term U.S. congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston). Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science, and so it was that she spent part of her summer recess visiting the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California. While there, according to an article by Sandy Hume in The Hill , a weekly newspaper that covers Congress, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Of course, Armstrong planted the flag on the Moon, as any high schooler should be able to tell you, let alone a 47-year-old Yale graduate. Hume wasn’t on the trip, so he didn’t hear the question himself, but he says a committee staffer did, as did Jackson Lee’s Science Committee colleague Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-Michigan), whom Hume quoted on the record pooh-poohing the significance of her boo-boo. Such stories are, of course, old hat in an era of gotcha journalism, and this one surely would have gone away without much notice had it not been for what happened next. Livid over Hume’s article, Jackson Lee’s deputy chief of staff, Leon Buck , wrote a letter to the editor of the Hill accusing Hume, who is white, of racism. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” Buck wrote, comparing the article with racial slurs directed at Tiger Woods after the Masters Tournament . He also criticized Hume’s failure to use “the proper spelling of her name,” a reference to a hyphen that incorrectly appeared between “Jackson” and “Lee.” (As Hume notes, Jackson Lee’s name is hyphenated in Congressional Quarterly ’s Who’s Who in Congress 1997 and Politics in America 1998 .) What Buck didn’t do, however, was deny that she asked the question.
Still, she has other defenders. Shortly after the Hill story ran, the ranking Democrat on the Science Committee, George Brown of California, sent a letter to the Houston Chronicle in support of Jackson Lee (whose name, in a bit of delicious irony, he hyphenated). “My staff director, who accompanied Ms. Jackson-Lee and other Members on the NASA overnight trip, tells me that Sheila’s question had nothing to do with either the Mars Pathfinder mission or Neil Armstrong,” Brown wrote. Then there is Congressman Ehlers, who now says Hume misquoted him. “There was a question of some sort,” Ehlers told Texas Monthly, “but I do not recall her asking about Neil Armstrong.” Hume, not surprisingly, stands by his story.

Ame®icano;8772645 said:
Ame®icano;8767777 said:
No record, eh?

Congressional Visit

Need photos?


Notice how the Right moves the goalpost when they are caught lying. The Examiner link T provided clearly states the visit was to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) which is in California. The Johnson Space Center is in Houston. At the JSC they were tracking the International Space Station, not Pathfinder. So not only are the Right changing the year this ONE event took place they are also changing the location.

From the Link T supplied:
Is Sheila Jackson Lee really that stupid? - Louisville Public Policy |

On a visit to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2005, Rep. Lee made embarrassing news by asking if the Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted there in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.

Click on the link provided... here is again Congressional Visit

Once you do that, you can see the following:

SC2005-E-42293 (24 Oct. 2005) --- Pictured left to right: Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Rep. Al Green (D-TX) talk with Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur and Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev aboard the international space station during a visit to NASA's Johnson Space Center and Mission Control on Oct. 24, 2005. Also pictured is JSC Director Jefferson D. Howell. (Image credit: NASA)

You said there is no record that Sheila Jackson Lee was in Johnson Space Center in 2005. No moving goalposts here, I just show you there is a record of her visit. NASA webpage.
Once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie, they never let go!

Once again, I said she didn't visit the JET PROPULSION LABORATORY in 2005. This GOP lie originally claimed this happened in 1997 in Pasadena, California. The Johnson Space Center is NOT in California. The GOP took the 1997 lie and recycled for suckers like you putting it in 2005 at the JPL and JSC, depending on the liar. It was a lie in 1997, and debunked almost immediately, and it was still a lie in 2005. It was a lie at the JPL and it was a lie at the JSC. No matter how many times the Right retells the lie it will still be a lie. The Right will never stop retelling the lie and it will never stop being a lie.
Get it?????
As a member of the right, I don't care …
Of course you don't care about the truth, that is why you are on the Right.

Apparently this lie was started by a GOP hack named Sandy Hume in 1997 and the date was changed to 2005 to help prevent tracking down the source of the lie and finding out that the lying author of the fabrication was not there and two witnesses who were there, one the GOP source Hume claims told him the story, deny Lee asked anything about the Pathfinder or Armstrong!!!!!!

Mooned | Texas Monthly

But no quote caused more teeth to be bared than one allegedly uttered by second-term U.S. congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston). Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science, and so it was that she spent part of her summer recess visiting the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California. While there, according to an article by Sandy Hume in The Hill , a weekly newspaper that covers Congress, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Of course, Armstrong planted the flag on the Moon, as any high schooler should be able to tell you, let alone a 47-year-old Yale graduate. Hume wasn’t on the trip, so he didn’t hear the question himself, but he says a committee staffer did, as did Jackson Lee’s Science Committee colleague Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-Michigan), whom Hume quoted on the record pooh-poohing the significance of her boo-boo. Such stories are, of course, old hat in an era of gotcha journalism, and this one surely would have gone away without much notice had it not been for what happened next. Livid over Hume’s article, Jackson Lee’s deputy chief of staff, Leon Buck , wrote a letter to the editor of the Hill accusing Hume, who is white, of racism. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” Buck wrote, comparing the article with racial slurs directed at Tiger Woods after the Masters Tournament . He also criticized Hume’s failure to use “the proper spelling of her name,” a reference to a hyphen that incorrectly appeared between “Jackson” and “Lee.” (As Hume notes, Jackson Lee’s name is hyphenated in Congressional Quarterly ’s Who’s Who in Congress 1997 and Politics in America 1998 .) What Buck didn’t do, however, was deny that she asked the question.
Still, she has other defenders. Shortly after the Hill story ran, the ranking Democrat on the Science Committee, George Brown of California, sent a letter to the Houston Chronicle in support of Jackson Lee (whose name, in a bit of delicious irony, he hyphenated). “My staff director, who accompanied Ms. Jackson-Lee and other Members on the NASA overnight trip, tells me that Sheila’s question had nothing to do with either the Mars Pathfinder mission or Neil Armstrong,” Brown wrote. Then there is Congressman Ehlers, who now says Hume misquoted him. “There was a question of some sort,” Ehlers told Texas Monthly, “but I do not recall her asking about Neil Armstrong.” Hume, not surprisingly, stands by his story.

Ame®icano;8772645 said:
Notice how the Right moves the goalpost when they are caught lying. The Examiner link T provided clearly states the visit was to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) which is in California. The Johnson Space Center is in Houston. At the JSC they were tracking the International Space Station, not Pathfinder. So not only are the Right changing the year this ONE event took place they are also changing the location.

From the Link T supplied:
Is Sheila Jackson Lee really that stupid? - Louisville Public Policy |

On a visit to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2005, Rep. Lee made embarrassing news by asking if the Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted there in 1969 by Neil Armstrong.

Click on the link provided... here is again Congressional Visit

Once you do that, you can see the following:

SC2005-E-42293 (24 Oct. 2005) --- Pictured left to right: Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Rep. Al Green (D-TX) talk with Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur and Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev aboard the international space station during a visit to NASA's Johnson Space Center and Mission Control on Oct. 24, 2005. Also pictured is JSC Director Jefferson D. Howell. (Image credit: NASA)

You said there is no record that Sheila Jackson Lee was in Johnson Space Center in 2005. No moving goalposts here, I just show you there is a record of her visit. NASA webpage.
Once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie, they never let go!

Once again, I said she didn't visit the JET PROPULSION LABORATORY in 2005. This GOP lie originally claimed this happened in 1997 in Pasadena, California. The Johnson Space Center is NOT in California. The GOP took the 1997 lie and recycled for suckers like you putting it in 2005 at the JPL and JSC, depending on the liar. It was a lie in 1997, and debunked almost immediately, and it was still a lie in 2005. It was a lie at the JPL and it was a lie at the JSC. No matter how many times the Right retells the lie it will still be a lie. The Right will never stop retelling the lie and it will never stop being a lie.
Get it?????

OK. I get it. JPL, not JSC.

If you type her name in JPL website search box, what happen?
Ame®icano;8773340 said:
Of course you don't care about the truth, that is why you are on the Right.

Apparently this lie was started by a GOP hack named Sandy Hume in 1997 and the date was changed to 2005 to help prevent tracking down the source of the lie and finding out that the lying author of the fabrication was not there and two witnesses who were there, one the GOP source Hume claims told him the story, deny Lee asked anything about the Pathfinder or Armstrong!!!!!!

Mooned | Texas Monthly

But no quote caused more teeth to be bared than one allegedly uttered by second-term U.S. congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston). Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science, and so it was that she spent part of her summer recess visiting the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California. While there, according to an article by Sandy Hume in The Hill , a weekly newspaper that covers Congress, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Of course, Armstrong planted the flag on the Moon, as any high schooler should be able to tell you, let alone a 47-year-old Yale graduate. Hume wasn’t on the trip, so he didn’t hear the question himself, but he says a committee staffer did, as did Jackson Lee’s Science Committee colleague Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-Michigan), whom Hume quoted on the record pooh-poohing the significance of her boo-boo. Such stories are, of course, old hat in an era of gotcha journalism, and this one surely would have gone away without much notice had it not been for what happened next. Livid over Hume’s article, Jackson Lee’s deputy chief of staff, Leon Buck , wrote a letter to the editor of the Hill accusing Hume, who is white, of racism. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” Buck wrote, comparing the article with racial slurs directed at Tiger Woods after the Masters Tournament . He also criticized Hume’s failure to use “the proper spelling of her name,” a reference to a hyphen that incorrectly appeared between “Jackson” and “Lee.” (As Hume notes, Jackson Lee’s name is hyphenated in Congressional Quarterly ’s Who’s Who in Congress 1997 and Politics in America 1998 .) What Buck didn’t do, however, was deny that she asked the question.
Still, she has other defenders. Shortly after the Hill story ran, the ranking Democrat on the Science Committee, George Brown of California, sent a letter to the Houston Chronicle in support of Jackson Lee (whose name, in a bit of delicious irony, he hyphenated). “My staff director, who accompanied Ms. Jackson-Lee and other Members on the NASA overnight trip, tells me that Sheila’s question had nothing to do with either the Mars Pathfinder mission or Neil Armstrong,” Brown wrote. Then there is Congressman Ehlers, who now says Hume misquoted him. “There was a question of some sort,” Ehlers told Texas Monthly, “but I do not recall her asking about Neil Armstrong.” Hume, not surprisingly, stands by his story.

Ame®icano;8772645 said:
Click on the link provided... here is again Congressional Visit

Once you do that, you can see the following:

SC2005-E-42293 (24 Oct. 2005) --- Pictured left to right: Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Rep. Al Green (D-TX) talk with Expedition 12 Commander Bill McArthur and Flight Engineer Valery Tokarev aboard the international space station during a visit to NASA's Johnson Space Center and Mission Control on Oct. 24, 2005. Also pictured is JSC Director Jefferson D. Howell. (Image credit: NASA)

You said there is no record that Sheila Jackson Lee was in Johnson Space Center in 2005. No moving goalposts here, I just show you there is a record of her visit. NASA webpage.
Once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie, they never let go!

Once again, I said she didn't visit the JET PROPULSION LABORATORY in 2005. This GOP lie originally claimed this happened in 1997 in Pasadena, California. The Johnson Space Center is NOT in California. The GOP took the 1997 lie and recycled for suckers like you putting it in 2005 at the JPL and JSC, depending on the liar. It was a lie in 1997, and debunked almost immediately, and it was still a lie in 2005. It was a lie at the JPL and it was a lie at the JSC. No matter how many times the Right retells the lie it will still be a lie. The Right will never stop retelling the lie and it will never stop being a lie.
Get it?????

OK. I get it. JPL, not JSC.

If you type her name in JPL website search box, what happen?"Sheila Jackson Lee" 2005&gsc.sort=
Last edited:
Ame®icano;8773340 said:
Once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie, they never let go!

Once again, I said she didn't visit the JET PROPULSION LABORATORY in 2005. This GOP lie originally claimed this happened in 1997 in Pasadena, California. The Johnson Space Center is NOT in California. The GOP took the 1997 lie and recycled for suckers like you putting it in 2005 at the JPL and JSC, depending on the liar. It was a lie in 1997, and debunked almost immediately, and it was still a lie in 2005. It was a lie at the JPL and it was a lie at the JSC. No matter how many times the Right retells the lie it will still be a lie. The Right will never stop retelling the lie and it will never stop being a lie.
Get it?????

OK. I get it. JPL, not JSC.

If you type her name in JPL website search box, what happen?
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Search Results

Results 141 - 150 ... Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee. jsc2006e54519.jpg. jsc2006e54519. A young ... space radiation ...
Ame®icano;8773648 said:
Ame®icano;8773340 said:
OK. I get it. JPL, not JSC.

If you type her name in JPL website search box, what happen?
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Search Results

Results 141 - 150 ... Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee. jsc2006e54519.jpg. jsc2006e54519. A young ... space radiation ...
It's just one lie after another!

You left this part out:

Jan 9, 2013 ... Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee. jsc2006e54519.jpg. jsc2006e54519. A young ... space radiation ...

JSC Features - Annual event brings holiday smiles to kids


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif][SIZE=-2]Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Last edited:
Ame®icano;8773648 said:

Results 141 - 150 ... Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee. jsc2006e54519.jpg. jsc2006e54519. A young ... space radiation ...
It's just one lie after another!

You left this part out:

Jan 9, 2013 ... Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee. jsc2006e54519.jpg. jsc2006e54519. A young ... space radiation ...

JSC Features - Annual event brings holiday smiles to kids


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif][SIZE=-2]Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee.[/SIZE][/FONT]

You throw those accusations so easy. Not a lie, dude. Your search on JSC was empty. I typed Sheila Jackson on JPL and I got what I posted, although it was dead end.

You're trying to prove that she was never at JPL. Based on searches from 8-9 years ago, I can't prove it. Did she said about flag on Mars? Can't say... but based on all other dumb things she said, most likely she did. If only youtube was popular back then...
Ame®icano;8773816 said:
Ame®icano;8773648 said:
Results 141 - 150 ... Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee. jsc2006e54519.jpg. jsc2006e54519. A young ... space radiation ...
It's just one lie after another!

You left this part out:

Jan 9, 2013 ... Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee. jsc2006e54519.jpg. jsc2006e54519. A young ... space radiation ...

JSC Features - Annual event brings holiday smiles to kids


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif][SIZE=-2]Cosmo stops by for a photo with Doug Peterson and Sheila Jackson Lee.[/SIZE][/FONT]

You throw those accusations so easy. Not a lie, dude. Your search on JSC was empty. I typed Sheila Jackson on JPL and I got what I posted, although it was dead end.

You're trying to prove that she was never at JPL. Based on searches from 8-9 years ago, I can't prove it. Did she said about flag on Mars? Can't say... but based on all other dumb things she said, most likely she did. If only youtube was popular back then...
The search I did showed no visit in 2005, the year the revised lie claims the statement was made and the year I said she didn't visit JPL. You have to change what I say in order to back up your lie.

The fact remains, the lie originated in 1997 and was debunked immediately. It lives on only in GOP hate radio and media. It was changed to 2005 to make it harder for suckers like you to track down the truth. The GOP know you would prefer to believe a lie than the truth because once you accept that GOP hate radio and media lied to you about this you will have to accept that they might be lying about anything.

BTW, YouTube was quite popular in 2005.
Last edited:
The search I did showed no visit in 2005, the year the revised lie claims the statement was made and the year I said she didn't visit JPL. You have to change what I say in order to back up your lie.

The fact remains, the lie originated in 1997 and was debunked immediately. It lives on only in GOP hate radio and media. It was changed to 2005 to make it harder for suckers like you to track down the truth. The GOP know you would prefer to believe a lie than the truth because once you accept that GOP hate radio and media lied to you about this you will have to accept that they might be lying about anything.

BTW, YouTube was quite popular in 2005.

Just because there is no link from 1997 or 2005, doesn't mean she wasn't there. Some keep records longer, some don't. I'll give you benefit of the doubt, and say I can't provide the link, photo or video for that occurrence.

Btw, Youtube is founded 2005, not even closely popular like it is today.
Notice how the Right moves the goalpost when they are caught lying.
As a member of the right, I don't care …
Of course you don't care about the truth, that is why you are on the Right.

Apparently this lie was started by a GOP hack named Sandy Hume in 1997 and the date was changed to 2005 to help prevent tracking down the source of the lie and finding out that the lying author of the fabrication was not there and two witnesses who were there, one the GOP source Hume claims told him the story, deny Lee asked anything about the Pathfinder or Armstrong!!!!!!

Mooned | Texas Monthly

But no quote caused more teeth to be bared than one allegedly uttered by second-term U.S. congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston). Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science, and so it was that she spent part of her summer recess visiting the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California. While there, according to an article by Sandy Hume in The Hill , a weekly newspaper that covers Congress, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Of course, Armstrong planted the flag on the Moon, as any high schooler should be able to tell you, let alone a 47-year-old Yale graduate. Hume wasn’t on the trip, so he didn’t hear the question himself, but he says a committee staffer did, as did Jackson Lee’s Science Committee colleague Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-Michigan), whom Hume quoted on the record pooh-poohing the significance of her boo-boo. Such stories are, of course, old hat in an era of gotcha journalism, and this one surely would have gone away without much notice had it not been for what happened next. Livid over Hume’s article, Jackson Lee’s deputy chief of staff, Leon Buck , wrote a letter to the editor of the Hill accusing Hume, who is white, of racism. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” Buck wrote, comparing the article with racial slurs directed at Tiger Woods after the Masters Tournament . He also criticized Hume’s failure to use “the proper spelling of her name,” a reference to a hyphen that incorrectly appeared between “Jackson” and “Lee.” (As Hume notes, Jackson Lee’s name is hyphenated in Congressional Quarterly ’s Who’s Who in Congress 1997 and Politics in America 1998 .) What Buck didn’t do, however, was deny that she asked the question.
Still, she has other defenders. Shortly after the Hill story ran, the ranking Democrat on the Science Committee, George Brown of California, sent a letter to the Houston Chronicle in support of Jackson Lee (whose name, in a bit of delicious irony, he hyphenated). “My staff director, who accompanied Ms. Jackson-Lee and other Members on the NASA overnight trip, tells me that Sheila’s question had nothing to do with either the Mars Pathfinder mission or Neil Armstrong,” Brown wrote. Then there is Congressman Ehlers, who now says Hume misquoted him. “There was a question of some sort,” Ehlers told Texas Monthly, “but I do not recall her asking about Neil Armstrong.” Hume, not surprisingly, stands by his story.

Ame®icano;8774142 said:
The search I did showed no visit in 2005, the year the revised lie claims the statement was made and the year I said she didn't visit JPL. You have to change what I say in order to back up your lie.

The fact remains, the lie originated in 1997 and was debunked immediately. It lives on only in GOP hate radio and media. It was changed to 2005 to make it harder for suckers like you to track down the truth. The GOP know you would prefer to believe a lie than the truth because once you accept that GOP hate radio and media lied to you about this you will have to accept that they might be lying about anything.

BTW, YouTube was quite popular in 2005.

Just because there is no link from 1997 or 2005, doesn't mean she wasn't there. Some keep records longer, some don't. I'll give you benefit of the doubt, and say I can't provide the link, photo or video for that occurrence.

Btw, Youtube is founded 2005, not even closely popular like it is today.
And by the same token, just because she might have been there does not mean she said what the liars say she said!

Again I have posted, at the top of this post, this lie being thoroughly debunked in 1997 when it was first told. She never said it in 1997 and never said it in the revised 2005 version of the lie, no matter what location the GOP hate media choose. The Right will never stop telling this lie because all the Right has is lies because they can't compete in the arena of ideas, and they know it.

Why can't you admit that this is a lie fabricated by the Racist Right?
As a member of the right, I don't care …
Of course you don't care about the truth, that is why you are on the Right.

Apparently this lie was started by a GOP hack named Sandy Hume in 1997 and the date was changed to 2005 to help prevent tracking down the source of the lie and finding out that the lying author of the fabrication was not there and two witnesses who were there, one the GOP source Hume claims told him the story, deny Lee asked anything about the Pathfinder or Armstrong!!!!!!

Mooned | Texas Monthly

But no quote caused more teeth to be bared than one allegedly uttered by second-term U.S. congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston). Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science, and so it was that she spent part of her summer recess visiting the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California. While there, according to an article by Sandy Hume in The Hill , a weekly newspaper that covers Congress, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Of course, Armstrong planted the flag on the Moon, as any high schooler should be able to tell you, let alone a 47-year-old Yale graduate. Hume wasn’t on the trip, so he didn’t hear the question himself, but he says a committee staffer did, as did Jackson Lee’s Science Committee colleague Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-Michigan), whom Hume quoted on the record pooh-poohing the significance of her boo-boo. Such stories are, of course, old hat in an era of gotcha journalism, and this one surely would have gone away without much notice had it not been for what happened next. Livid over Hume’s article, Jackson Lee’s deputy chief of staff, Leon Buck , wrote a letter to the editor of the Hill accusing Hume, who is white, of racism. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” Buck wrote, comparing the article with racial slurs directed at Tiger Woods after the Masters Tournament . He also criticized Hume’s failure to use “the proper spelling of her name,” a reference to a hyphen that incorrectly appeared between “Jackson” and “Lee.” (As Hume notes, Jackson Lee’s name is hyphenated in Congressional Quarterly ’s Who’s Who in Congress 1997 and Politics in America 1998 .) What Buck didn’t do, however, was deny that she asked the question.
Still, she has other defenders. Shortly after the Hill story ran, the ranking Democrat on the Science Committee, George Brown of California, sent a letter to the Houston Chronicle in support of Jackson Lee (whose name, in a bit of delicious irony, he hyphenated). “My staff director, who accompanied Ms. Jackson-Lee and other Members on the NASA overnight trip, tells me that Sheila’s question had nothing to do with either the Mars Pathfinder mission or Neil Armstrong,” Brown wrote. Then there is Congressman Ehlers, who now says Hume misquoted him. “There was a question of some sort,” Ehlers told Texas Monthly, “but I do not recall her asking about Neil Armstrong.” Hume, not surprisingly, stands by his story.

Ame®icano;8774142 said:
The search I did showed no visit in 2005, the year the revised lie claims the statement was made and the year I said she didn't visit JPL. You have to change what I say in order to back up your lie.

The fact remains, the lie originated in 1997 and was debunked immediately. It lives on only in GOP hate radio and media. It was changed to 2005 to make it harder for suckers like you to track down the truth. The GOP know you would prefer to believe a lie than the truth because once you accept that GOP hate radio and media lied to you about this you will have to accept that they might be lying about anything.

BTW, YouTube was quite popular in 2005.

Just because there is no link from 1997 or 2005, doesn't mean she wasn't there. Some keep records longer, some don't. I'll give you benefit of the doubt, and say I can't provide the link, photo or video for that occurrence.

Btw, Youtube is founded 2005, not even closely popular like it is today.
And by the same token, just because she might have been there does not mean she said what the liars say she said!

Again I have posted, at the top of this post, this lie being thoroughly debunked in 1997 when it was first told. She never said it in 1997 and never said it in the revised 2005 version of the lie, no matter what location the GOP hate media choose. The Right will never stop telling this lie because all the Right has is lies because they can't compete in the arena of ideas, and they know it.

Why can't you admit that this is a lie fabricated by the Racist Right?

Dude, nowhere I argued she said that or not, check my posts. I only posted link that she was in JSC, and you took off. Again, based on things she said so far, there is a fair chance that she said it. I gave you benefit of the doubt, since I can't provide the link.

Now, I visited JSC while back. Just for the heck of it, can you prove I didn't?
Ame®icano;8774447 said:
Of course you don't care about the truth, that is why you are on the Right.

Apparently this lie was started by a GOP hack named Sandy Hume in 1997 and the date was changed to 2005 to help prevent tracking down the source of the lie and finding out that the lying author of the fabrication was not there and two witnesses who were there, one the GOP source Hume claims told him the story, deny Lee asked anything about the Pathfinder or Armstrong!!!!!!

Mooned | Texas Monthly

But no quote caused more teeth to be bared than one allegedly uttered by second-term U.S. congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston). Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science, and so it was that she spent part of her summer recess visiting the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California. While there, according to an article by Sandy Hume in The Hill , a weekly newspaper that covers Congress, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Of course, Armstrong planted the flag on the Moon, as any high schooler should be able to tell you, let alone a 47-year-old Yale graduate. Hume wasn’t on the trip, so he didn’t hear the question himself, but he says a committee staffer did, as did Jackson Lee’s Science Committee colleague Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-Michigan), whom Hume quoted on the record pooh-poohing the significance of her boo-boo. Such stories are, of course, old hat in an era of gotcha journalism, and this one surely would have gone away without much notice had it not been for what happened next. Livid over Hume’s article, Jackson Lee’s deputy chief of staff, Leon Buck , wrote a letter to the editor of the Hill accusing Hume, who is white, of racism. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” Buck wrote, comparing the article with racial slurs directed at Tiger Woods after the Masters Tournament . He also criticized Hume’s failure to use “the proper spelling of her name,” a reference to a hyphen that incorrectly appeared between “Jackson” and “Lee.” (As Hume notes, Jackson Lee’s name is hyphenated in Congressional Quarterly ’s Who’s Who in Congress 1997 and Politics in America 1998 .) What Buck didn’t do, however, was deny that she asked the question.
Still, she has other defenders. Shortly after the Hill story ran, the ranking Democrat on the Science Committee, George Brown of California, sent a letter to the Houston Chronicle in support of Jackson Lee (whose name, in a bit of delicious irony, he hyphenated). “My staff director, who accompanied Ms. Jackson-Lee and other Members on the NASA overnight trip, tells me that Sheila’s question had nothing to do with either the Mars Pathfinder mission or Neil Armstrong,” Brown wrote. Then there is Congressman Ehlers, who now says Hume misquoted him. “There was a question of some sort,” Ehlers told Texas Monthly, “but I do not recall her asking about Neil Armstrong.” Hume, not surprisingly, stands by his story.

Ame®icano;8774142 said:
Just because there is no link from 1997 or 2005, doesn't mean she wasn't there. Some keep records longer, some don't. I'll give you benefit of the doubt, and say I can't provide the link, photo or video for that occurrence.

Btw, Youtube is founded 2005, not even closely popular like it is today.
And by the same token, just because she might have been there does not mean she said what the liars say she said!

Again I have posted, at the top of this post, this lie being thoroughly debunked in 1997 when it was first told. She never said it in 1997 and never said it in the revised 2005 version of the lie, no matter what location the GOP hate media choose. The Right will never stop telling this lie because all the Right has is lies because they can't compete in the arena of ideas, and they know it.

Why can't you admit that this is a lie fabricated by the Racist Right?

Dude, nowhere I argued she said that or not, check my posts. I only posted link that she was in JSC, and you took off. Again, based on things she said so far, there is a fair chance that she said it. I gave you benefit of the doubt, since I can't provide the link.

Now, I visited JSC while back. Just for the heck of it, can you prove I didn't?
It doesn't work that way, at least for honest people. Witnesses who were there deny she said it, and the GOP operative who fabricated the lie was not there. The GOP Congressman the liar said told him the story denies what the GOP liar said and says the GOP liar misquoted him.

But using your "logic" would you concede that based on the lies the Right have told so far, there is a fair chance that everything the Right says is a lie?!

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