The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

they don't have a clue. the other day one of them said Obama needed to spank them. Like he's the BOSS of every state
Stephanie, next time a Bundy militia illegally takes over a state's public lands, I hope you remember Obama's non-responsibility, but I doubt it.

Yet these drones are ok when people just take over land and call it Occupy Wall Street!

Again the far right fox-bot blames their problems on imaginary socks and drones as they have zero responsibility for their own stupidity

Yes, yes, yes, we know far left drone sock ID..

Says the far right fox-bot!

Yes we know your other ID is on vacation, so you have to resort to this far left drone sock ID..
As usual lefties have it bak-assward. The president is ignoring the Flint water issue hoping that left wing idiots blame the GOP.

Well Obama has sent in the Fed to see what is happening!

Although there must be many democrats to blame as well, otherwise he would be wanting the NFL to move their games so he could speak on TV to bash the Republicans..
Stephanie, next time a Bundy militia illegally takes over a state's public lands, I hope you remember Obama's non-responsibility, but I doubt it.

Yet these drones are ok when people just take over land and call it Occupy Wall Street!

Again the far right fox-bot blames their problems on imaginary socks and drones as they have zero responsibility for their own stupidity

Yes, yes, yes, we know far left drone sock ID..

Says the far right fox-bot!

Yes we know your other ID is on vacation, so you have to resort to this far left drone sock ID..

The far right fox-bot continues to show their paranoia and mental disability.
Yet these drones are ok when people just take over land and call it Occupy Wall Street!

Again the far right fox-bot blames their problems on imaginary socks and drones as they have zero responsibility for their own stupidity

Yes, yes, yes, we know far left drone sock ID..

Says the far right fox-bot!

Yes we know your other ID is on vacation, so you have to resort to this far left drone sock ID..

The far right fox-bot continues to show their paranoia and mental disability.

Yes I know you got your other ID on vacation by spamming the report button!

Silly far left drone!
Flint is an example of point the finger, we do nothing wrong, Republican fantasy. Who cares the party which the EM belonged to, the policy of subverting democratic (not the party) rule was all on the Republican Governor, and based on saving money the GOP way: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

You are a partisan hack who doesn't begin to understand how state agencies work. You should refrain from your worthless drivel while you're only a few miles behind.
Flint is full of Democrat welfare leeches. Think of Republicans as doing their part to reduce Obama's national deficits.
Flint is an example of point the finger, we do nothing wrong, Republican fantasy. Who cares the party which the EM belonged to, the policy of subverting democratic (not the party) rule was all on the Republican Governor, and based on saving money the GOP way: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

Fuck you partisan hack. I keep trying to point out that this has nothing to do with politics but that when Detroit cut off Flint they had to find an interim water supplier shit head.

They had no option but to go to Flint River because KWA wasn't finished.
Flint is an example of point the finger, we do nothing wrong, Republican fantasy. Who cares the party which the EM belonged to, the policy of subverting democratic (not the party) rule was all on the Republican Governor, and based on saving money the GOP way: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

Time to get bitch slapped with the truth. These assholes lied to the Governor, the Flint Mayor, the Flint City Council AND the public.

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers
The flint story should be getting more press. Its OK to willingly toxify people. I don't care what side is to blame , I hope these people sue for insane amounts...and win big.

See another prime example of the far left drone mentality...

And of course they care which side is to blame if they did not think it was someone on the right they would not be posting on it..

That's right kosh, "You've been instructed" by the one of the boards most notorious hypocrites.

If that was the case then I would be far left!

I am sure there will be lawsuits, most likely a class action suit..

But the far left drones are wanting and rooting for it..

Not like these states have tons of money they are sitting on.
Again the far right fox-bot blames their problems on imaginary socks and drones as they have zero responsibility for their own stupidity

Yes, yes, yes, we know far left drone sock ID..

Says the far right fox-bot!

Yes we know your other ID is on vacation, so you have to resort to this far left drone sock ID..

The far right fox-bot continues to show their paranoia and mental disability.

Yes I know you got your other ID on vacation by spamming the report button!

Silly far left drone!
Says the far right fox-bot that cannot report me for spamming because they are retarded, and also because they spam more than anyone on the board.
Flint is an example of point the finger, we do nothing wrong, Republican fantasy. Who cares the party which the EM belonged to, the policy of subverting democratic (not the party) rule was all on the Republican Governor, and based on saving money the GOP way: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
Reread your first sentence then reread your op. Then put the dunce cap BACK ON and return to the corner.
Yes, yes, yes, we know far left drone sock ID..

Says the far right fox-bot!

Yes we know your other ID is on vacation, so you have to resort to this far left drone sock ID..

The far right fox-bot continues to show their paranoia and mental disability.

Yes I know you got your other ID on vacation by spamming the report button!

Silly far left drone!
Says the far right fox-bot that cannot report me for spamming because they are retarded, and also because they spam more than anyone on the board.

See the anger of a far left drone sock ID when they spam the report button and they get their other ID sent on vaction!
...And of course they care which side is to blame if they did not think it was someone on the right they would not be posting on it..
One need look no further than the Liberal 'take' on Gun Violence in the City of Chicago to validate the merit in such an observation.

When Pubs are responsible, Libs go for the jugular.

When Dems are responsible, Libs go to extraordinary lengths and truly juicy rationalizations, to try to put the blame on the Pubs anyway.
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Lol I'm not on this board much because I'm busy working for a living, yet biscuit Kosh thinks I'm a sock because they have mental problems. Kosh needs a koosh ball to settle their sanity.
Flint is an example of point the finger, we do nothing wrong, Republican fantasy. Who cares the party which the EM belonged to, the policy of subverting democratic (not the party) rule was all on the Republican Governor, and based on saving money the GOP way: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

Flint River wasn't about money. It was all about Detroit Water and Sewage cutting off Flint. They had to scramble and find an interim source. Flint River. Because KWA wasn't finished yet.

I don't even think you are lying. You just don't know the truth. So instead of lying though why don't you research and find out what really happened asshole?

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