The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

It's what happens when you buid a community soley dependent on Government. They can't fend for themselves. They're helpless. Americans really should take a good look at Flint, Michigan. Much of the nation is likely gonna resemble it at some point. Too many Americans cannot function without Government handouts. They've lost the ability to take care of themselves. They're Big Brother's slaves.

My advice for Americans is to leave the big cities and try to find peaceful rural communities. They'll likely have to learn how to fend for themselves a bit, but that'll be a good thing in the end. It isn't pleasant being a Big Brother slave. You have to try to become as independent as possible. It can be very hard, but it is the wisest move. Things are only gonna get worse. I hate to be the bearer of that bad news, but it is the reality.
Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...

...of Democrat politics, where rhetoric replaces reason and substance is something to be taken internally.
Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...

No, therefore they BOUGHT (cheaper) lead water. Is that the GOP's fault? Why are Democrats never held accountable for their actions? Are they children who have to rely on adults to clean up their messes?

The problem began when the people of Flint stopped paying the water bill.

Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...
Deserved is an inappropriate word. If you get on a bus and refuse to pay the fare you will be put off the bus. Do you deserve being stranded where you don't want to be? Isn't travel a human right?

The blame goes to the judge that ruled that the city could not shut off the water for non payment. That caused the majority to stop paying leaving only a small number of people supporting water distribution for the entire city. You know this isn't going to end well. Deserved might be wrong. Expected is better.

Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.
Mayor and City Council don't live local? They got different water? Good filters for the elitist? They pump un-treated sewage to the masses but different pipes to the "rich" GOVT workers? Trash men live in Ann Arbor? WTH is going on?

Provide meaningful data or STHU. Wait a minute, I am the one "talking"...........ooops.
They had their homes repiped and got rid of the lead pipes.
Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...

No, therefore they BOUGHT (cheaper) lead water. Is that the GOP's fault? Why are Democrats never held accountable for their actions? Are they children who have to rely on adults to clean up their messes?

Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...
Deserved is an inappropriate word. If you get on a bus and refuse to pay the fare you will be put off the bus. Do you deserve being stranded where you don't want to be? Isn't travel a human right?

The blame goes to the judge that ruled that the city could not shut off the water for non payment. That caused the majority to stop paying leaving only a small number of people supporting water distribution for the entire city. You know this isn't going to end well. Deserved might be wrong. Expected is better.

Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...
No, therefore they BOUGHT (cheaper) lead water. Is that the GOP's fault? Why are Democrats never held accountable for their actions? Are they children who have to rely on adults to clean up their messes?

Deserved is an inappropriate word. If you get on a bus and refuse to pay the fare you will be put off the bus. Do you deserve being stranded where you don't want to be? Isn't travel a human right?

The blame goes to the judge that ruled that the city could not shut off the water for non payment. That caused the majority to stop paying leaving only a small number of people supporting water distribution for the entire city. You know this isn't going to end well. Deserved might be wrong. Expected is better.

Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...
Now that there showed real intelligence.
Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...
Now that there showed real intelligence.

Your next mission; slip some rat poisoned meal to homeless...
Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To gain perspective on the demise of another U.S. city. Over half have already left. When GM left it took 80,000 jobs with it. Just like Detroit where 1.2 Million people have left the city. The crime rate is 3 times that of the average in the country, and have demolished over a 1,000 homes with plans to destroy another 3000. 42% live below the Poverty level.

It is a city, just like Detroit, Dying.

They are under EXTREME measures to CUT spending, which is why they were trying to find ways to save money via the water fiasco.......Yet to better themselves, which was the right thing to do, they pissed off another dying city who black mailed them into getting River Water. And now they, along with others are going to get their collective ASSES SUED OFF.

Yeah, those that can leave that place would be better off Hauling ass.
No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...

And your solution is - let me think - free everything for everybody! How did that work out for Soviet communism? We are creating a part of our country that is akin to the problem the Germans faced in reuniting with East Germany: Almost that entire population had to be put on welfare because they had lost all sense of personal responsibility and work ethic.
Why would repubs waste their time in a place that votes nothing but democrat and bring these problems on itself by so doing?

Don't be so harsh on them, at least they are providing a solution to the problem; "don't be poor, so you can afford clean water"......
No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...

And your solution is - let me think - free everything for everybody! How did that work out for Soviet communism? We are creating a part of our country that is akin to the problem the Germans faced in reuniting with East Germany: Almost that entire population had to be put on welfare because they had lost all sense of personal responsibility and work ethic.

And your solution is; if you cant pay, drink poison and die freezing.

We got that, you dont have to repeat it like a broken record....
I shouldn't be politicizing this but I am pissed. This should never happen in this country anymore.

WHAt?? You dont want to live in a third world country? Why ever not?

this is what happens under Republican leadership.

Money becomes much more important than peoples lives.

Well at least till the Republican realize how they fucked up.

then what is the FIRSt thing those Repub state leaders do?
Why they go and beg money from that hated Federal government.

Fucking Republican hypocrites.

If you look in the Dictionary under HYPOCRITE is says ' see Republican '.
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...
Now that there showed real intelligence.

Your next mission; slip some rat poisoned meal to homeless...
No one deliberately poisoned these people. They stopped paying the bills. A court forced the water back on. Unable to pay the bill from Detroit with the income they had, the city had to get a cheaper supplier. The incorrectly treated water leached lead from THE HOMEOWNER'S PIPES. Where is there a deliberate act designed to poison anyone?

Water is the cheapest of utilities. It's less than gas, electricity and cell phones. Certainly less than cable tv. Somewhere along the line the people decided that water was a right and quit paying the bill.

The city should have installed pumps at the parks. You want free water? Get a bucket.
Why would repubs waste their time in a place that votes nothing but democrat and bring these problems on itself by so doing?

Don't be so harsh on them, at least they are providing a solution to the problem; "don't be poor, so you can afford clean water"......
No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...

And your solution is - let me think - free everything for everybody! How did that work out for Soviet communism? We are creating a part of our country that is akin to the problem the Germans faced in reuniting with East Germany: Almost that entire population had to be put on welfare because they had lost all sense of personal responsibility and work ethic.

And your solution is; if you cant pay, drink poison and die freezing.

We got that, you dont have to repeat it like a broken record....
If you can't pay maybe it's time to stop drinking beer and smoking dope.
Pipe into home are underground, then up into house w/costly insulation due to Flint winters? If lead home pipe is is homeowner responsibility from street to house. I doubt other water source was any different? But now a crisis of opportunity? Free pipes to all! next stop, Gary Indiana.
When it comes to safe water, cutting costs is immeasurably immoral and anti life. It is NOT the right thing to do in any way. Money is the sole reason for this which says something very BSD about america...among other bad things.
The facts in the Flint water "crisis" are hard to find. For instance, is it every home (or those with old lead pipes)? Are copper pipe homes OK? How many are/were up to date on water bill? FED EPA was notified when? did what? Is it truly the Flint river supply or the chemical treatment is now missing? Who approved the EM orders? If they were able to switch to Flint river water did they blow up the old pipes to the "good" water? why not switch back until fixed? where are the records of testing? what do the records show? How do they provide water if revenue is not received?

on and on and facts, just blame the R.
Old lead pipes don't help but the problem began when Flint voted to save money and switch their main source of water from the Lake to a river. Not very smart.
The problem began when the people of Flint stopped paying the water bill.

Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...

Yeah.... you get what you deserve. I pay for water. Shockingly I get good water.

You don't pay for water... shockingly you don't get good water.

90% of where you are, and the situation you find yourself in.... is due to the choice you make. Period. Welcome to life.

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