The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

And your solution is; if you cant pay, drink poison and die freezing.

No, my solution is to withhold cash welfare payments to these people. But then you aren't interested in solutions, are you? Without the "poor" (drug addicts) and "homeless" (mentally ill) you wouldn't have anything to demagogue about...
No, therefore they BOUGHT (cheaper) lead water. Is that the GOP's fault? Why are Democrats never held accountable for their actions? Are they children who have to rely on adults to clean up their messes?

Deserved is an inappropriate word. If you get on a bus and refuse to pay the fare you will be put off the bus. Do you deserve being stranded where you don't want to be? Isn't travel a human right?

The blame goes to the judge that ruled that the city could not shut off the water for non payment. That caused the majority to stop paying leaving only a small number of people supporting water distribution for the entire city. You know this isn't going to end well. Deserved might be wrong. Expected is better.

Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...

Yeah, telling people how life works, and to make wise decisions... makes you a Nazi.... Did you fail at basic logic while in public schools? Maybe you were actually educated by the trash public schools in Detroit? How do you function in society at this level of intellect? Just wondering. Curiosity.
Liberals will always break things and then blame the other guy and tell us all they will fix it but they never do.
There is no reason why these people could not pay their water bills. If they are poor they have subsidies. They can use less. Don't let the water run. Take shorter showers. Don't wash the car in the driveway. If they still can't pay the bill, turn off the electric lights. Don't waste electricity, use the money saved to pay the water bill. Give up on the nightly six pack. Tell your pot dealer you're tapped out.

These folks stopped paying the bills as a conscious choice.
No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...
Now that there showed real intelligence.

Your next mission; slip some rat poisoned meal to homeless...
No one deliberately poisoned these people. They stopped paying the bills. A court forced the water back on. Unable to pay the bill from Detroit with the income they had, the city had to get a cheaper supplier. The incorrectly treated water leached lead from THE HOMEOWNER'S PIPES. Where is there a deliberate act designed to poison anyone?

Water is the cheapest of utilities. It's less than gas, electricity and cell phones. Certainly less than cable tv. Somewhere along the line the people decided that water was a right and quit paying the bill.

The city should have installed pumps at the parks. You want free water? Get a bucket.

Yes, Detroit "deliberately" refused to supply clean water to Flint, so they had to drink lead water.

I understand that.

And I am not saying this is your or Detroits fault.

It is your money after all, you don't have to share it with anyone else. You can put some hidden section in your coffin and bring it with you at the end...
There is no reason why these people could not pay their water bills. If they are poor they have subsidies. They can use less. Don't let the water run. Take shorter showers. Don't wash the car in the driveway. If they still can't pay the bill, turn off the electric lights. Don't waste electricity, use the money saved to pay the water bill. Give up on the nightly six pack. Tell your pot dealer you're tapped out.

These folks stopped paying the bills as a conscious choice.

And you know for a fact they have been taking loooong ass showers, were washing their cars, suvs, weekend fun cars, and fun motorbikes on their driveways, they were throwing parties where they were having laser shows... and at the end they of course couldn't pay the bill.

And you know it all......
Why must the elite left politicize everything? dupe their foolish believers and keep America divided. Seems to work EVERY time.

yep and then they have their sheep/tools to pass it around. but they wail it's the Republicans tearing the country apart. it's just sad to see people led around by the nose
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...
Now that there showed real intelligence.

Your next mission; slip some rat poisoned meal to homeless...
No one deliberately poisoned these people. They stopped paying the bills. A court forced the water back on. Unable to pay the bill from Detroit with the income they had, the city had to get a cheaper supplier. The incorrectly treated water leached lead from THE HOMEOWNER'S PIPES. Where is there a deliberate act designed to poison anyone?

Water is the cheapest of utilities. It's less than gas, electricity and cell phones. Certainly less than cable tv. Somewhere along the line the people decided that water was a right and quit paying the bill.

The city should have installed pumps at the parks. You want free water? Get a bucket.

Yes, Detroit "deliberately" refused to supply clean water to Flint, so they had to drink lead water.

I understand that.

And I am not saying this is your or Detroits fault.

It is your money after all, you don't have to share it with anyone else. You can put some hidden section in your coffin and bring it with you at the end...
There we go. Here it is. Someone ELSE should pay the bills! Now we get to the heart of the matter.

I would burn money before I enabled some loser to exist another hour.
When it comes to safe water, cutting costs is immeasurably immoral and anti life. It is NOT the right thing to do in any way. Money is the sole reason for this which says something very BSD about america...among other bad things.
The move to cut costs by getting water from Lake Huron in 3 years didn't cause this. To me, I would have made that same decision. It was expected to take 3 years. They were forced to change sources a 1 year. Lake Huron Water is the same water source as Detroit. With Lower CH_s................

The decision to not sign a Temporary deal for the 2 years needed for final construction of the new pipeline, was a stupid decision. I'm sure that Detroit was raking them over the coals, as THEY DID PUT A CUT OFF ON THEIR WATER...........Detroit FORCED THE ISSUE over money even though they were neighbors.....................This BS helped cause this.

Then shifting to the River Water and the Treatment Plant not properly treating the water. On this point some have stated that the CH_s were so high that it would almost be DESALINATION to lower it.............aka............SALT from road crews into the River turning it to Brackish Water.

This was MISHANDLED on ever angle they could have tried............It's hard to believe the Monumental STUPIDITY of what happened.
There is no reason why these people could not pay their water bills. If they are poor they have subsidies. They can use less. Don't let the water run. Take shorter showers. Don't wash the car in the driveway. If they still can't pay the bill, turn off the electric lights. Don't waste electricity, use the money saved to pay the water bill. Give up on the nightly six pack. Tell your pot dealer you're tapped out.

These folks stopped paying the bills as a conscious choice.

And you know for a fact they have been taking loooong ass showers, were washing their cars, suvs, weekend fun cars, and fun motorbikes on their driveways, they were throwing parties where they were having laser shows... and at the end they of course couldn't pay the bill.

And you know it all......
Whatever choices they made, the result is they chose not to pay their bills.
Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...

Yeah, telling people how life works, and to make wise decisions... makes you a Nazi.... Did you fail at basic logic while in public schools? Maybe you were actually educated by the trash public schools in Detroit? How do you function in society at this level of intellect? Just wondering. Curiosity.

How much you make a month?
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.

No, you got it wrong; pay the electric bill, or die freezing.

This is the end result of being poor...
The solution is, don't be poor. Make better choices in your life.

Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...

Yeah, telling people how life works, and to make wise decisions... makes you a Nazi.... Did you fail at basic logic while in public schools? Maybe you were actually educated by the trash public schools in Detroit? How do you function in society at this level of intellect? Just wondering. Curiosity.

How much you make a month?
Enough to pay any bill I incur.

I would just love to see these assholes plopped down in the middle of the depression.
Money is the problem here it usually is. Saving money in this case was a loosing way of thinking.
Thank you for coming out of the closet, as being a NAZI...
Now that there showed real intelligence.

Your next mission; slip some rat poisoned meal to homeless...
No one deliberately poisoned these people. They stopped paying the bills. A court forced the water back on. Unable to pay the bill from Detroit with the income they had, the city had to get a cheaper supplier. The incorrectly treated water leached lead from THE HOMEOWNER'S PIPES. Where is there a deliberate act designed to poison anyone?

Water is the cheapest of utilities. It's less than gas, electricity and cell phones. Certainly less than cable tv. Somewhere along the line the people decided that water was a right and quit paying the bill.

The city should have installed pumps at the parks. You want free water? Get a bucket.

Yes, Detroit "deliberately" refused to supply clean water to Flint, so they had to drink lead water.

I understand that.

And I am not saying this is your or Detroits fault.

It is your money after all, you don't have to share it with anyone else. You can put some hidden section in your coffin and bring it with you at the end...
There we go. Here it is. Someone ELSE should pay the bills! Now we get to the heart of the matter.

I would burn money before I enabled some loser to exist another hour.

I know you would burn your money rather than the children in those households, who have nothing to do with any of this, got clean water and not get brain damaged.

That's why I called you a NAZI... and a CHEAP NAZI you are...
The people stopped paying their water bills when they were FINALLY notified it was toxic. Would any of you continue to pay for water that you couldn't use or drink? NO. I sure wouldn't either.
They were continually told by officials the water was safe when anyone questioned it because of the smell. They were being LIED TO from the beginning.

At this late date it's pointless to waste the time pointing fingers or waiting for official word of who did what. The fact remains THESE PEOPLE NEED CLEAN FRESH SAFE WATER, it's a basic necessity of life

and any one of you can KISS MY LILLY WHITE ASS if you really think this crisis is the peoples fault. Black, white, rich, poor, republican, democrat, jew, Christian or atheist.

How government poisoned the people of Flint
The people stopped paying their water bills when they were FINALLY notified it was toxic. Would any of you continue to pay for water that you couldn't use or drink? NO. I sure wouldn't either.
They were continually told by officials the water was safe when anyone questioned it because of the smell. They were being LIED TO from the beginning.

At this late date it's pointless to waste the time pointing fingers or waiting for official word of who did what. The fact remains THESE PEOPLE NEED CLEAN FRESH SAFE WATER, it's a basic necessity of life

and any one of you can KISS MY LILLY WHITE ASS if you really think this crisis is the peoples fault. Black, white, rich, poor, republican, democrat, jew, Christian or atheist.

How government poisoned the people of Flint

Who elected their government?
Why must the elite left politicize everything? dupe their foolish believers and keep America divided. Seems to work EVERY time.

yep and then they have their sheep/tools to pass it around. but they wail it's the Republicans tearing the country apart. it's just sad to see people led around by the nose

Why must the elite left politicize everything? dupe their foolish believers and keep America divided. Seems to work EVERY time.

yep and then they have their sheep/tools to pass it around. but they wail it's the Republicans tearing the country apart. it's just sad to see people led around by the nose
Agreed. They can't see that they are being duped and are promoting division, by accepting and promoting the divisive propaganda of the elite left. How they can still get duped after so many lies have been exposed, is nothing short of miraculous.

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