The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

This country used to be a good Christian country.

But now, under these democrats, it turned into a selfish atheist NAZI country, where people care about nothing but themselves...

How sad....
Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...

No, therefore they BOUGHT (cheaper) lead water. Is that the GOP's fault? Why are Democrats never held accountable for their actions? Are they children who have to rely on adults to clean up their messes?

Old lead pipes don't help but the problem began when Flint voted to save money and switch their main source of water from the Lake to a river. Not very smart.
The problem began when the people of Flint stopped paying the water bill.

Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...
Deserved is an inappropriate word. If you get on a bus and refuse to pay the fare you will be put off the bus. Do you deserve being stranded where you don't want to be? Isn't travel a human right?

The blame goes to the judge that ruled that the city could not shut off the water for non payment. That caused the majority to stop paying leaving only a small number of people supporting water distribution for the entire city. You know this isn't going to end well. Deserved might be wrong. Expected is better.

Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.
It is hard to believe that every post so far in this thread is just plain ignoring the fact that the decision to switch the water source was one made by Governor Snyder's Emergency manager. That unilateral decision by the EM puts the blame for any thing related to that decision squarely on HIS shoulders and indirectly on Snyder's shoulders. When Obama's underlings mess up, you are quick to point fingers at Obama, not the people who screwed up. But because Snyder is one of of the "good ol" republican boys," he gets a pass. Well, not on MY watch.

1.The city council nor the mayor had a say in making the switch. The Em should have made a risk assessment BEFORE making the decision to use water known to be polluted. Here is an excerpt from MLIVE ..(real time observers at the scene.}

City officials did not drive the decision to take water from the Flint River. There was never such a vote by the city council, which really didn't have the power to make such a decision anyway, because the city was under the control of a state-appointed emergency manager.

2. There was no 7-1 vote by the council to use Flint River water. SO where did THAT lie come from? Here is what the MLIVE crew says:

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.
This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Some of you die hard republicans won't read the damning synopsis because it is too painful for you to know that Michigan's un official "conservative coalition headed by republican gov Snyder failed the people of Flint.
When Synder told us what Flint did or did not do he attempted to shift blame from the Flint ruled by his EM to the Flint represented by
politically neutered elected officials. Substitute the word "Flint" for "EM "in Snyder's comments and the picture becomes crystal clear.[/FONT]

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls
I found the problem.

When it comes to safe water, cutting costs is immeasurably immoral and anti life. It is NOT the right thing to do in any way. Money is the sole reason for this which says something very BSD about america...among other bad things.
The move to cut costs by getting water from Lake Huron in 3 years didn't cause this. To me, I would have made that same decision. It was expected to take 3 years. They were forced to change sources a 1 year. Lake Huron Water is the same water source as Detroit. With Lower CH_s................

The decision to not sign a Temporary deal for the 2 years needed for final construction of the new pipeline, was a stupid decision. I'm sure that Detroit was raking them over the coals, as THEY DID PUT A CUT OFF ON THEIR WATER...........Detroit FORCED THE ISSUE over money even though they were neighbors.....................This BS helped cause this.

Then shifting to the River Water and the Treatment Plant not properly treating the water. On this point some have stated that the CH_s were so high that it would almost be DESALINATION to lower it.............aka............SALT from road crews into the River turning it to Brackish Water.

This was MISHANDLED on ever angle they could have tried............It's hard to believe the Monumental STUPIDITY of what happened.

Remember the far left wants you to put all your trust in government!

"In government we trust"
Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...

No, therefore they BOUGHT (cheaper) lead water. Is that the GOP's fault? Why are Democrats never held accountable for their actions? Are they children who have to rely on adults to clean up their messes?

The problem began when the people of Flint stopped paying the water bill.

Therefore they deserved lead water. We got it...
Deserved is an inappropriate word. If you get on a bus and refuse to pay the fare you will be put off the bus. Do you deserve being stranded where you don't want to be? Isn't travel a human right?

The blame goes to the judge that ruled that the city could not shut off the water for non payment. That caused the majority to stop paying leaving only a small number of people supporting water distribution for the entire city. You know this isn't going to end well. Deserved might be wrong. Expected is better.

Yes yes yes, we heard all the stories, to sum it up; they got poisoned like rats, because they couldn't afford clean water.

Welcome to the jungle...
Welcome to the real world. If you don't pay, you don't get. Pay the electric bill or sit in the dark.

This is the end result of running out of other people's money.
It is hard to believe that every post so far in this thread is just plain ignoring the fact that the decision to switch the water source was one made by Governor Snyder's Emergency manager. That unilateral decision by the EM puts the blame for any thing related to that decision squarely on HIS shoulders and indirectly on Snyder's shoulders. When Obama's underlings mess up, you are quick to point fingers at Obama, not the people who screwed up. But because Snyder is one of of the "good ol" republican boys," he gets a pass. Well, not on MY watch.

1.The city council nor the mayor had a say in making the switch. The Em should have made a risk assessment BEFORE making the decision to use water known to be polluted. Here is an excerpt from MLIVE ..(real time observers at the scene.}

City officials did not drive the decision to take water from the Flint River. There was never such a vote by the city council, which really didn't have the power to make such a decision anyway, because the city was under the control of a state-appointed emergency manager.

2. There was no 7-1 vote by the council to use Flint River water. SO where did THAT lie come from? Here is what the MLIVE crew says:

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.
This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Some of you die hard republicans won't read the damning synopsis because it is too painful for you to know that Michigan's un official "conservative coalition headed by republican gov Snyder failed the people of Flint.
When Synder told us what Flint did or did not do he attempted to shift blame from the Flint ruled by his EM to the Flint represented by
politically neutered elected officials. Substitute the word "Flint" for "EM "in Snyder's comments and the picture becomes crystal clear.[/FONT]

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls
It was more than just the switch. The river water needed to be treated to make it less corrosive. It wasn't treated properly which led to lead from the pipes getting into the water.

That's why the EPA official resigned.
The EPA chief said "the EPA did it's job"....then why did this happen?

If the EPA “did their job” in Flint, why did their regional administrator just resign?

You may recall that reporters finally caught up with EPA chief Gina McCarthy in DC the other day and asked her about the situation in Flint, Michigan and the dismal (if not criminal) response of her agency. She informed everyone that, “we did our job.” That’s an interesting perspective, particularly in light of the fact that she just accepted the resignation of the Region 5 administrator who sat on reports of toxic water in Flint for months without telling anyone.

If the EPA “did their job” in Flint, why did their regional administrator just resign?
When it comes to safe water, cutting costs is immeasurably immoral and anti life. It is NOT the right thing to do in any way. Money is the sole reason for this which says something very BSD about america...among other bad things.
The move to cut costs by getting water from Lake Huron in 3 years didn't cause this. To me, I would have made that same decision. It was expected to take 3 years. They were forced to change sources a 1 year. Lake Huron Water is the same water source as Detroit. With Lower CH_s................

The decision to not sign a Temporary deal for the 2 years needed for final construction of the new pipeline, was a stupid decision. I'm sure that Detroit was raking them over the coals, as THEY DID PUT A CUT OFF ON THEIR WATER...........Detroit FORCED THE ISSUE over money even though they were neighbors.....................This BS helped cause this.

Then shifting to the River Water and the Treatment Plant not properly treating the water. On this point some have stated that the CH_s were so high that it would almost be DESALINATION to lower it.............aka............SALT from road crews into the River turning it to Brackish Water.

This was MISHANDLED on ever angle they could have tried............It's hard to believe the Monumental STUPIDITY of what happened.

Remember the far left wants you to put all your trust in government!

"In government we trust"
Most politicians couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the Instructions written on the heel.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

Naw, shit rolls downhill. Snyder's hatchet man made the decision to change Flint's water sources without ordering a risk assessment or creating one. Snyder should have insisted on one being done BEFORE messing with people's drinking water. That is a stone that keeps Snyder's shit from rolling downhill.
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.
Lol who said he wasn't to blame? The point is a republican deserves blame so the other Repubs ignore the entire issue.
Flint is only the second biggest shit hole in Michigan. Do you expect the governor to monitor local water supply when he's got an entire state to run and an even bigger shit hole to bail out? Democrats make these shit holes, so let them live in their own filth.
I was wondering when you would show up to spew your corrosive filth into this forum.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

Naw, shit rolls downhill. Snyder's hatchet man made the decision to change Flint's water sources without ordering a risk assessment or creating one. Snyder should have insisted on one being done BEFORE messing with people's drinking water. That is a stone that keeps Snyder's shit from rolling downhill.
He wasn't in it by himself. although they had to approve the decisions by the Mayor and city council before proceeding..............Who voted to go forward with it.

I'm sure that the NEW WATER AUTHORITY ASSURED THEM THAT THE NEW TREATMENT PLANT would properly TREAT THE WATER......................

Let me state this a little more BLUNTLY..............we CAN MAKE PURE WATER OUT OF PISS.......................It is all in the chemicals used to treat the incoming water. This was a BRAND NEW TREATMENT FACILITY..............Saying they could purify the water and send it down the line..........................that water treatment facility DIDN'T TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE OLD PIPES.................which is the main MALFUNCTION.

Now after they found it was screwing up the water by bleeding the pipes..........WHO knew what and WHEN????? WHO COVERED IT UP................I'm sure there is a long list of guilty parties on that one.
Since Dems and GOP are both at fault in Flint....that's why they aren't speaking much.
The EPA chief said "the EPA did it's job"....then why did this happen?

If the EPA “did their job” in Flint, why did their regional administrator just resign?

You may recall that reporters finally caught up with EPA chief Gina McCarthy in DC the other day and asked her about the situation in Flint, Michigan and the dismal (if not criminal) response of her agency. She informed everyone that, “we did our job.” That’s an interesting perspective, particularly in light of the fact that she just accepted the resignation of the Region 5 administrator who sat on reports of toxic water in Flint for months without telling anyone.

If the EPA “did their job” in Flint, why did their regional administrator just resign?

Did you read the LAST paragraph of your link?

The EPA is been a hotbed of incompetence, corruption, partisanship, waste and fraud for years now and not a single person is made to stand against the wheel. If people want to hold Governor Rick Snyder accountable for this fiasco, fine. It happened on his watch. But Gina McCarthy’s neck needs to be stretched out on the block right next to his.
Why should GOP candidates have to answer for Flint? Why exclude Democrats?

Because democrats are never at fault for anything....just ask them

It is just poor people getting poisoned, nothing to see, move along....

That comment has nothing to do with my post. Go attention whore somewhere else

Oh sorry; It is just poor people getting poisoned "by democrats", nothing to see, move along...

Dang, getting old..........
The EPA chief said "the EPA did it's job"....then why did this happen?

If the EPA “did their job” in Flint, why did their regional administrator just resign?

You may recall that reporters finally caught up with EPA chief Gina McCarthy in DC the other day and asked her about the situation in Flint, Michigan and the dismal (if not criminal) response of her agency. She informed everyone that, “we did our job.” That’s an interesting perspective, particularly in light of the fact that she just accepted the resignation of the Region 5 administrator who sat on reports of toxic water in Flint for months without telling anyone.

If the EPA “did their job” in Flint, why did their regional administrator just resign?

Did you read the LAST paragraph of your link?

The EPA is been a hotbed of incompetence, corruption, partisanship, waste and fraud for years now and not a single person is made to stand against the wheel. If people want to hold Governor Rick Snyder accountable for this fiasco, fine. It happened on his watch. But Gina McCarthy’s neck needs to be stretched out on the block right next to his.

Yeah I read it but the point is the EPA sat on this, there is plenty of blame to toss around and democrats have to accept their share of it

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