The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

here's another one for you all to grapple over.....

It’s not just Flint that’s poisoned

In Flint, Mich., testing has found lead levels of more than 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood in 4 percent of that city’s children. The result is national outrage.

In neighborhoods of New Orleans and Boston, New York and Baltimore, across the country in urban pockets much the same size as Flint, those same levels are regularly found in up to 25 percent of children.

“That hasn’t been getting the same kind of attention,” says Howard Mielke, a professor in the department of pharmacology of Tulane University whose research includes mapping lead blood levels across urban populations. “Maybe what’s happening in Flint will shine a spotlight on the fact that lead risk is everywhere.”

Mielke and other experts agree that the outrage over Flint is well warranted. The fact that the problem was created by one government entity and then ignored by several others makes it particularly heinous, they say. But they would also like to see some of the same call to action for other neighborhoods where Flint-like levels of exposure are the norm.

“I think it’s perfectly appropriate to rally around Flint,” says Philip Landrigan, a pediatrician and dean for global health at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. “But people need to realize that Flint is not an isolated example and there are places that are even worse. It’s happening all over the country and it’s tightly tied to race, ethnicity and economic circumstances.”

Then he starts ticking off locations: “Central Harlem. Bushwick. Roxbury in Boston. Baltimore is probably the worst. New Orleans, another city that has lead paint and poorly maintained housing.”

Unlike Flint, where the source of the lead is drinking water, the cause in most other places is paint and soil. Until 1978 all paint contained lead, and until 1996, when lead was finally banned in gasoline, car fumes mixed with soil, remaining toxic for decades. Young children explore the world by putting it in their mouths, and both paint chips from the floor and dirt from outside play carry the lead into their bodies. The younger the brain, the more vulnerable it is to toxins, and the damage is irreversible — causing such problems as learning disabilities, attention deficits, reduction in IQ and anger-management issues.

Perhaps the most dramatic illustration of the invisible damage caused by lead is what happens when the element is eliminated. In several studies around the country, Landrigan says, researchers graphed the drop in lead blood levels in a community after lead was banned in gasoline there, and then graphed the murder rate in those same communities 20 years later (when the children in the original graph reached adulthood). “The slope of the decrease was exactly the same,” he says.

Other studies, he says, have shown that the lead levels in the blood of incarcerated youth are higher than those of non-incarcerated youth from the same neighborhoods.

CLICK FOR SLIDESHOW: The National Guard receives water samples from residents at a fire station Jan. 21, 2016, …

The demonstrable dangers of lead exposure mean that children living in high-lead pockets of cities today are “condemned by where they live,” Mielke says. His research, he explains, has personal roots, beginning in 1983 when he had recently moved to St. Paul, Minn., and his then 3-year-old daughter had a routine blood test before eye surgery. Her blood levels were high (doctors say there is no safe level; any lead is too much). Mielke was already an expert, having worked on a map of lead exposure while an assistant professor at the University of Baltimore. He was alarmed that even with his awareness he had not been able to protect his child.

To find the source of her exposure, “I followed her through her day, taking samples from play areas,” he says. That’s how he learned “her childcare center playground was basically a hazardous waste site. It was an ordinary residential backyard, but it was close to the thruway, and the fumes contaminated the soil.” He worked for years to have lead banned from gasoline.

That the incidence of lead poisoning in American children dropped from 5 in 11 down to 1 in 11 since the gasoline ban took effect illustrates that prevention does work, he and other experts say. It also illustrates the imbalance between those who can afford to eliminate lead from their lives — using certified renovation contractors, conducting clearance tests of their environments, etc. — and those who cannot.

Landrigan notes that even while offering resources to the city of Flint, the Centers for Disease Control is cutting funding for New York City programs that teach low-income families to recognize and avoid the hazards of lead.

“The answer is more screening, more education, more remediating of lead paint, and instead they are doing less,” he says. (Calls to the New York City Department of Health were not returned.) The resources “belatedly” being showered on Flint, he says, are “what’s needed elsewhere in the country as well.”

CLICK FOR SLIDESHOW: Fred, the handyman at the Shiloh Commons, installs a new water filter in a residence Jan. …
Just goes to show saving money and cutting costs for safe water are a horrible idea.
The piping gonna have to be replaced.

Here's another method............Pipe bursting.............sorry........I'm a construction worker......can't help myself......I've used the horizontal rig.

The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?
Why do you expect people to take you seriously Joey? You're nothing but a bitter hack that needs to blame a political party for your own shortcomings.

Did the mayor know the water could leach lead from the pipes? If so why didn't he speak up? Sounds more like the EPA fucked up.

obama's EPA did fuck up....and they tried to cover it up too....
So they found some do-nothing hag to take the fall? She must be close enough to the Golden Chute. snip......

The regional Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief responsible for Michigan is resigning amid charges that she did not do enough to prevent the Flint, Mich., drinking water crisis.

Susan Hedman, regional administrator for the EPA’s Chicago-based region 5, submitted her resignation Thursday, effective Feb. 1, the EPA said.

“EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has accepted given Susan’s strong interest in ensuring that EPA region 5’s focus remains solely on the restoration of Flint’s drinking water,” an EPA spokeswoman said late Thursday.

Hedman told the Detroit News last week that her office knew in April 2015 that Flint’s action to switch its water supply could cause increased pipe corrosion and spiked lead levels.
here's another one for you all to grapple over.....

It’s not just Flint that’s poisoned

In Flint, Mich., testing has found lead levels of more than 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood in 4 percent of that city’s children. The result is national outrage.

In neighborhoods of New Orleans and Boston, New York and Baltimore, across the country in urban pockets much the same size as Flint, those same levels are regularly found in up to 25 percent of children.

“That hasn’t been getting the same kind of attention,” says Howard Mielke, a professor in the department of pharmacology of Tulane University whose research includes mapping lead blood levels across urban populations. “Maybe what’s happening in Flint will shine a spotlight on the fact that lead risk is everywhere.”

Mielke and other experts agree that the outrage over Flint is well warranted. The fact that the problem was created by one government entity and then ignored by several others makes it particularly heinous, they say. But they would also like to see some of the same call to action for other neighborhoods where Flint-like levels of exposure are the norm.

“I think it’s perfectly appropriate to rally around Flint,” says Philip Landrigan, a pediatrician and dean for global health at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. “But people need to realize that Flint is not an isolated example and there are places that are even worse. It’s happening all over the country and it’s tightly tied to race, ethnicity and economic circumstances.”

Then he starts ticking off locations: “Central Harlem. Bushwick. Roxbury in Boston. Baltimore is probably the worst. New Orleans, another city that has lead paint and poorly maintained housing.”

Unlike Flint, where the source of the lead is drinking water, the cause in most other places is paint and soil. Until 1978 all paint contained lead, and until 1996, when lead was finally banned in gasoline, car fumes mixed with soil, remaining toxic for decades. Young children explore the world by putting it in their mouths, and both paint chips from the floor and dirt from outside play carry the lead into their bodies. The younger the brain, the more vulnerable it is to toxins, and the damage is irreversible — causing such problems as learning disabilities, attention deficits, reduction in IQ and anger-management issues.

Perhaps the most dramatic illustration of the invisible damage caused by lead is what happens when the element is eliminated. In several studies around the country, Landrigan says, researchers graphed the drop in lead blood levels in a community after lead was banned in gasoline there, and then graphed the murder rate in those same communities 20 years later (when the children in the original graph reached adulthood). “The slope of the decrease was exactly the same,” he says.

Other studies, he says, have shown that the lead levels in the blood of incarcerated youth are higher than those of non-incarcerated youth from the same neighborhoods.

CLICK FOR SLIDESHOW: The National Guard receives water samples from residents at a fire station Jan. 21, 2016, …

The demonstrable dangers of lead exposure mean that children living in high-lead pockets of cities today are “condemned by where they live,” Mielke says. His research, he explains, has personal roots, beginning in 1983 when he had recently moved to St. Paul, Minn., and his then 3-year-old daughter had a routine blood test before eye surgery. Her blood levels were high (doctors say there is no safe level; any lead is too much). Mielke was already an expert, having worked on a map of lead exposure while an assistant professor at the University of Baltimore. He was alarmed that even with his awareness he had not been able to protect his child.

To find the source of her exposure, “I followed her through her day, taking samples from play areas,” he says. That’s how he learned “her childcare center playground was basically a hazardous waste site. It was an ordinary residential backyard, but it was close to the thruway, and the fumes contaminated the soil.” He worked for years to have lead banned from gasoline.

That the incidence of lead poisoning in American children dropped from 5 in 11 down to 1 in 11 since the gasoline ban took effect illustrates that prevention does work, he and other experts say. It also illustrates the imbalance between those who can afford to eliminate lead from their lives — using certified renovation contractors, conducting clearance tests of their environments, etc. — and those who cannot.

Landrigan notes that even while offering resources to the city of Flint, the Centers for Disease Control is cutting funding for New York City programs that teach low-income families to recognize and avoid the hazards of lead.

“The answer is more screening, more education, more remediating of lead paint, and instead they are doing less,” he says. (Calls to the New York City Department of Health were not returned.) The resources “belatedly” being showered on Flint, he says, are “what’s needed elsewhere in the country as well.”

CLICK FOR SLIDESHOW: Fred, the handyman at the Shiloh Commons, installs a new water filter in a residence Jan. …

That whole thing is summed up in it has nothing to do with water? huh? paint? dirt? kids eat enough paint and dirt to need more funding...............LAND O' GOSHEN! I neeeeeeeeeeeed a pill.

Unlike Flint, where the source of the lead is drinking water, the cause in most other places is paint and soil.
Why cant they have water that is fit to drink ?
The richest country in the world is poisoning its kids with dirty water?

Over here we give to a charity called Water Aid. They operate in Ethiopia and other third world nations.Maybe they should look further afield ?
Oh sorry; It is just poor people getting poisoned "by democrats", nothing to see, move along...

The whole situation makes me angry. It has been two years. Many local officials let it go on and on. DET water must have something different not to suck as much lead out of pipes? They should have found this out right away. There must be housecleaning starting with Local. EPA is proven useless again. They must go too. No pensions. No parties. I want somebodies rear end on this!

If the water going out was "good" then it is different? reacts differently to 50 year old lead pipes! Fist complaints. Find out. Is it every house? are copper houses OK? God almighty I could fix this from here! This should show everyone how BIG GOVT is a BIG FAILURE again.

The people of this nation deserve better than this, it is that simple.
Everybody living in this country deserve safe clean drinking water. Because this country has the capability and capacity to provide that.

Whoever intentionally or unintentionally, from the locals up to the president of this country, blocking peoples access to a clean water source, should be tried in front of a peoples court...
I keep reading on this issue. It seems if you mess with the "recepie" you ask for trouble? wow.

To stop lead from seeping into tap water, chemicals to protect the pipes are commonly added to the water during the treatment process. Some utilities also adjust the composition of their water to limit its corrosiveness.

In Toledo, which like Flint is an older, Rust Belt city, officials have long treated the water with phosphates to prevent leaching. Phosphates are generally considered safe for humans but can lead to runaway algae growth when the water works its way back into lakes and rivers.

Trouble can start when a utility makes a change in its treatment process or taps into a new water source without accounting for how that will affect its lead pipes, said Daniel Giammar, a lead and water researcher at Washington University in St. Louis.

‘‘In general, as long as the water chemistry isn’t changing, you won’t have a problem,’’ he said.

Lead pipes lurk in older neighborhoods across the nation - The Boston Globe
Why cant they have water that is fit to drink ?
The richest country in the world is poisoning its kids with dirty water?

Over here we give to a charity called Water Aid. They operate in Ethiopia and other third world nations.Maybe they should look further afield ?

Sure. Would you like to fund it? By all means. Buy all the water you want, and ship it to Flint.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

Naw, shit rolls downhill. Snyder's hatchet man made the decision to change Flint's water sources without ordering a risk assessment or creating one. Snyder should have insisted on one being done BEFORE messing with people's drinking water. That is a stone that keeps Snyder's shit from rolling downhill.
He wasn't in it by himself. although they had to approve the decisions by the Mayor and city council before proceeding..............Who voted to go forward with it.

I'm sure that the NEW WATER AUTHORITY ASSURED THEM THAT THE NEW TREATMENT PLANT would properly TREAT THE WATER......................

Let me state this a little more BLUNTLY..............we CAN MAKE PURE WATER OUT OF PISS.......................It is all in the chemicals used to treat the incoming water. This was a BRAND NEW TREATMENT FACILITY..............Saying they could purify the water and send it down the line..........................that water treatment facility DIDN'T TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE OLD PIPES.................which is the main MALFUNCTION.

Now after they found it was screwing up the water by bleeding the pipes..........WHO knew what and WHEN????? WHO COVERED IT UP................I'm sure there is a long list of guilty parties on that one.
Snyder is the GOVERNOR! The buck stops with HIM alone. He knew the river water was toxic and the EM surely must have told Snyder beforehand that he intended to switch Flint to river water to reduce costs. There WAS NO city council VOTE TO USE THE FLINT RIVER AS A SOURCE. OF WATER..That is bogus!

SNYDER or his EM should have ordered a risk assessment BEFORE the switch took place. If they did, and the EPA did the assessment..where is the documentation...I want to see..or I want to see an accounting for the lack thereof!
In either case,something smells here and it isn't just the water from the Flint River.
It's a BRAND NEW WATER TREATMENT PLANT...................the chemicals added didn't correct the ch- problem which caused the pipes to BLEED MORE.........Yeah they were already bleeding but at a lower rate with Detroit Water........but the water was maintaining less than 15 ppm out of that water...........

You and I don't know what report was given on the switch, and I'm sure the new water authority had the research which was probably wrong on how well they could treat that water............

You are making an ASSUMPTION, which makes an ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME................because I haven't seen that SMOKING GUN YET..............Now if I see that SMOKING GUN then I'll be on board with you...........but not until then.............other than that it is an ASSUMPTION..............

Our engineering capabilities can take the worst water around and make it pure water to drink.........It is obvious that they didn't add the chemicals to deal with it at the BRAND NEW TREATMENT PLANT.
What difference does it make if the water treatment plant was new or not? The problem of lead leeching would have occurred in the old one as well if service pipes leading into potable water sources are made of lead. When complaints began to surface about the odor and appearance of Flint's water, the engineers just added more chlorine to it..making it even MORE unhealthy.

I have more of your premise to address but mull over this video...I'll be back...

How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

Naw, shit rolls downhill. Snyder's hatchet man made the decision to change Flint's water sources without ordering a risk assessment or creating one. Snyder should have insisted on one being done BEFORE messing with people's drinking water. That is a stone that keeps Snyder's shit from rolling downhill.
He wasn't in it by himself. although they had to approve the decisions by the Mayor and city council before proceeding..............Who voted to go forward with it.

I'm sure that the NEW WATER AUTHORITY ASSURED THEM THAT THE NEW TREATMENT PLANT would properly TREAT THE WATER......................

Let me state this a little more BLUNTLY..............we CAN MAKE PURE WATER OUT OF PISS.......................It is all in the chemicals used to treat the incoming water. This was a BRAND NEW TREATMENT FACILITY..............Saying they could purify the water and send it down the line..........................that water treatment facility DIDN'T TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE OLD PIPES.................which is the main MALFUNCTION.

Now after they found it was screwing up the water by bleeding the pipes..........WHO knew what and WHEN????? WHO COVERED IT UP................I'm sure there is a long list of guilty parties on that one.
Snyder is the GOVERNOR! The buck stops with HIM alone. He knew the river water was toxic and the EM surely must have told Snyder beforehand that he intended to switch Flint to river water to reduce costs. There WAS NO city council VOTE TO USE THE FLINT RIVER AS A SOURCE. OF WATER..That is bogus!

SNYDER or his EM should have ordered a risk assessment BEFORE the switch took place. If they did, and the EPA did the assessment..where is the documentation...I want to see..or I want to see an accounting for the lack thereof!
In either case,something smells here and it isn't just the water from the Flint River.
It's a BRAND NEW WATER TREATMENT PLANT...................the chemicals added didn't correct the ch- problem which caused the pipes to BLEED MORE.........Yeah they were already bleeding but at a lower rate with Detroit Water........but the water was maintaining less than 15 ppm out of that water...........

You and I don't know what report was given on the switch, and I'm sure the new water authority had the research which was probably wrong on how well they could treat that water............

You are making an ASSUMPTION, which makes an ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME................because I haven't seen that SMOKING GUN YET..............Now if I see that SMOKING GUN then I'll be on board with you...........but not until then.............other than that it is an ASSUMPTION..............

Our engineering capabilities can take the worst water around and make it pure water to drink.........It is obvious that they didn't add the chemicals to deal with it at the BRAND NEW TREATMENT PLANT.
What difference does it make if the water treatment plant was new or not? The problem of lead leeching would have occurred in the old one as well if service pipes leading into potable water sources are made of lead. When complaints began to surface about the odor and appearance of Flint's water, the engineers just added more chlorine to it..making it even MORE unhealthy.

I have more of your premise to address but mull over this video...I'll be back...

WRONG.....................the tests I've seen said that it was the increased CH- from the FLINT RIVER and LOWER PH levels that caused the excessive bleeding of the pipes..................with Detroit the water didn't have these characteristics in their water............which caused LESS LEAD TO BE they say....................under 15 ppm...............but LEAD was ALWAYS LEACHING to some extent..............Let me repeat that............ALWAYS LEACHING into the drinking water............

The improper chemical treatment of the water caused the pipes to BLEED LIKE HELL.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.
Naw, shit rolls downhill. Snyder's hatchet man made the decision to change Flint's water sources without ordering a risk assessment or creating one. Snyder should have insisted on one being done BEFORE messing with people's drinking water. That is a stone that keeps Snyder's shit from rolling downhill.
I've had too much experience with government to assume any efficiency or forethought. The point is liberals are trying to broadbrush the GOP and scare people because spending less of our money is the unpardonable sin.

So spending money to keep babies from drinking lead laced water is no worth spending money on? OK, I see... You must be a demon because NO human could ever be that cold... ice weasel, indeed....
The decision to save money with a NEW LINE from LAKE Huron would have saved the city 18 Million or so over a decade. That was not the wrong decision.

Tapping into the Flint River instead of negotiating some kind of deal with Detroit was a bad decision................

Given that...........Lead was already in the water there............Just at lower levels...........the pipes have to be replaced.
You just used a lot of words to say nothing. We know low levels of lead is in probably All of our drinking water but when it is 5 times the Feds safety levels, there is a problem. ThaT IS WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT HERE;.not some BS about low lead levels which are common everywhere. We also know that tapping into the Flint River was a bad decision... That decision was made by the EM nit the city of Flint anything else?
Naw, shit rolls downhill. Snyder's hatchet man made the decision to change Flint's water sources without ordering a risk assessment or creating one. Snyder should have insisted on one being done BEFORE messing with people's drinking water. That is a stone that keeps Snyder's shit from rolling downhill.
He wasn't in it by himself. although they had to approve the decisions by the Mayor and city council before proceeding..............Who voted to go forward with it.

I'm sure that the NEW WATER AUTHORITY ASSURED THEM THAT THE NEW TREATMENT PLANT would properly TREAT THE WATER......................

Let me state this a little more BLUNTLY..............we CAN MAKE PURE WATER OUT OF PISS.......................It is all in the chemicals used to treat the incoming water. This was a BRAND NEW TREATMENT FACILITY..............Saying they could purify the water and send it down the line..........................that water treatment facility DIDN'T TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE OLD PIPES.................which is the main MALFUNCTION.

Now after they found it was screwing up the water by bleeding the pipes..........WHO knew what and WHEN????? WHO COVERED IT UP................I'm sure there is a long list of guilty parties on that one.
Snyder is the GOVERNOR! The buck stops with HIM alone. He knew the river water was toxic and the EM surely must have told Snyder beforehand that he intended to switch Flint to river water to reduce costs. There WAS NO city council VOTE TO USE THE FLINT RIVER AS A SOURCE. OF WATER..That is bogus!

SNYDER or his EM should have ordered a risk assessment BEFORE the switch took place. If they did, and the EPA did the assessment..where is the documentation...I want to see..or I want to see an accounting for the lack thereof!
In either case,something smells here and it isn't just the water from the Flint River.
It's a BRAND NEW WATER TREATMENT PLANT...................the chemicals added didn't correct the ch- problem which caused the pipes to BLEED MORE.........Yeah they were already bleeding but at a lower rate with Detroit Water........but the water was maintaining less than 15 ppm out of that water...........

You and I don't know what report was given on the switch, and I'm sure the new water authority had the research which was probably wrong on how well they could treat that water............

You are making an ASSUMPTION, which makes an ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME................because I haven't seen that SMOKING GUN YET..............Now if I see that SMOKING GUN then I'll be on board with you...........but not until then.............other than that it is an ASSUMPTION..............

Our engineering capabilities can take the worst water around and make it pure water to drink.........It is obvious that they didn't add the chemicals to deal with it at the BRAND NEW TREATMENT PLANT.
What difference does it make if the water treatment plant was new or not? The problem of lead leeching would have occurred in the old one as well if service pipes leading into potable water sources are made of lead. When complaints began to surface about the odor and appearance of Flint's water, the engineers just added more chlorine to it..making it even MORE unhealthy.

I have more of your premise to address but mull over this video...I'll be back...

WRONG.....................the tests I've seen said that it was the increased CH- from the FLINT RIVER and LOWER PH levels that caused the excessive bleeding of the pipes..................with Detroit the water didn't have these characteristics in their water............which caused LESS LEAD TO BE they say....................under 15 ppm...............but LEAD was ALWAYS LEACHING to some extent..............Let me repeat that............ALWAYS LEACHING into the drinking water............

The improper chemical treatment of the water caused the pipes to BLEED LIKE HELL.

No I am NOT WRONG! What pipes are you talking about. Pipes used to siphon water directly from the Flint River?
Pipes integral to the processing plant? Pipes leading to the city water mains? Pipes in people's homes?

I am more concerned about WHEN the state knew that unacceptable levels of lead were detected in Flint's water. All the other frivolous BS you are spouting to impress your friends is useless information.

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