The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?
Why do you expect people to take you seriously Joey? You're nothing but a bitter hack that needs to blame a political party for your own shortcomings.

Did the mayor know the water could leach lead from the pipes? If so why didn't he speak up? Sounds more like the EPA fucked up.

obama's EPA did fuck up....and they tried to cover it up too....
AYE, Republicans orchestrated this whole mess and didn't do what the EPA suggested.... the only fault of the EPA is only informing their state counterparts and trusting republicans to do what they said they would instead of making the crisis public.
And, tell me, how much interest have the Democrats shown in the two huge toxic spills that the EPA caused in Colorado last year? Humm? How many threads did liberals here start over those incident?

And how about the Flint's Democratic mayor, Dayne Walling, who was in office when the scandal occurred? Why didn't he say anything? (I'm not talking about Karen Weaver, who only recently took office.)

1.How many people forced to drink contaminated water from those spills?

2. What makes you think the a politically neutered democrat had access to any information at all as to the amount of lead inFlints water? Walling was like a bobble head doll who was powerless to address anything the EM said or did.
He was just a fall guy should something go wrong...and it did...
Go to 4:45 of the video......................We cannot hook up to Detroit............"CAN NOT HOOK UP IF WE HAVE A MONEY TREE"!!!!!!!!!!

by Interm Treasurer from Emergency a town meeting...........................

I'm looking for the letter now that shows they turned down continued service from Detroit as shown in the video.
To my issue on the Treatment Plant..............

Prove to me that the water from the Flint River can't be treated...............We know that it is obvious that it wasn't treated with the proper chemicals for corrosion control.
Go to 4:45 of the video......................We cannot hook up to Detroit............"CAN NOT HOOK UP IF WE HAVE A MONEY TREE"!!!!!!!!!!

by Interm Treasurer from Emergency a town meeting...........................

Thanks for adding to the long list of lies fed to the towns people by the Emergency Manager. BTW, if you look at the video that i might save you some time and embarrassment...the letter you seek is shown in that short video... see post #162
To my issue on the Treatment Plant..............

Prove to me that the water from the Flint River can't be treated...............We know that it is obvious that it wasn't treated with the proper chemicals for corrosion control.
I don't recall anyone saying the water could NOT be treated.... We do know that is WAS NOT TREATED with proper chemicals for corrosion control. emails.pdf

GO to page 58......................DEQ reports on the water problem.........early February...............

Shifted back to Detroit water 8 months later...................In that meeting....................the governor KNEW IT...........................

HANG HIM!................

That's enough for me.................

To the other issue I addressed............JQPublic.............I will NOT BACK DOWN that the Treatment used from the Flint River couldn't have been properly treated..................that was a MAJOR LEAGUE FUCK UP................I will maintain that position until I see the experts say it couldn't have been done.................

The decision to switch was stupid, unless they were Iron clad sure of the Treatment facilities capabilities to send the water...............In the email releases from the Governor..........they advised him that there were problems with the treatment using high doses of chlorine.........and E-COLI problems in the past from that water source..................He was also advised that it was Hard water versus soft water and they were warning him about possible problems......................

to my Old point.............HANG HIM.
You know this thread might hold a little water if the liberal response to very Democrats scandal or fuck up was not phony scandal or vast right wing consiparcy.
Since Dems and GOP are both at fault in Flint....that's why they aren't speaking much.

How is the GOP at fault. The last GOP mayor was in 1973 last I checked. Saying the GOP had anything to do with this, is Obama blaming Bush for everyone, multiplied by about 5.

Can you explain what policy was put in place in 1973, that no subsequent Democrat repealed, that caused all the problems now?

It was democrats that let Flint become one of the most dangerous city in the country. It was democrats that let it end up in an economic emergency from 2011 to today.

How can you even attempt to blame any of this on the GOP? What is your rational?
You know this thread might hold a little water if the liberal response to very Democrats scandal or fuck up was not phony scandal or vast right wing consiparcy.
It makes it hard to believe anything they say....................

But as I dig deeper..........DEQ enviro quality reported problems with temporary use of the Flint River as a source. Including Chronic Health hazards, E-coli, and forced boil water notices. It is in the very emails he released. So I'm ready based on that to say the Gov. needs to be Hung along with the rest of the idiots......................

The MONEY TREE in a public meeting................from an Emergency Manager............on a reason NOT TO SHIFT BACK to the Detroit grid............................give me a break here..........

I don't like Liberal tactics............and I don't trust them because they have a history of making shit up..........but it isn't looking too good for the governor on this one......................

I don't play party politics once the facts start getting clear. and I don't like what I'm reading here.
You know this thread might hold a little water if the liberal response to very Democrats scandal or fuck up was not phony scandal or vast right wing consiparcy.
It makes it hard to believe anything they say....................

But as I dig deeper..........DEQ enviro quality reported problems with temporary use of the Flint River as a source. Including Chronic Health hazards, E-coli, and forced boil water notices. It is in the very emails he released. So I'm ready based on that to say the Gov. needs to be Hung along with the rest of the idiots......................

The MONEY TREE in a public meeting................from an Emergency Manager............on a reason NOT TO SHIFT BACK to the Detroit grid............................give me a break here..........

I don't like Liberal tactics............and I don't trust them because they have a history of making shit up..........but it isn't looking too good for the governor on this one......................

I don't play party politics once the facts start getting clear. and I don't like what I'm reading here.
Don't misunderstand me I'm not doubting the stuff about Flint river just pointing out Democrats stay as silent about there scandals as Republicans are on this.
You know this thread might hold a little water if the liberal response to very Democrats scandal or fuck up was not phony scandal or vast right wing consiparcy.
It makes it hard to believe anything they say....................

But as I dig deeper..........DEQ enviro quality reported problems with temporary use of the Flint River as a source. Including Chronic Health hazards, E-coli, and forced boil water notices. It is in the very emails he released. So I'm ready based on that to say the Gov. needs to be Hung along with the rest of the idiots......................

The MONEY TREE in a public meeting................from an Emergency Manager............on a reason NOT TO SHIFT BACK to the Detroit grid............................give me a break here..........

I don't like Liberal tactics............and I don't trust them because they have a history of making shit up..........but it isn't looking too good for the governor on this one......................

I don't play party politics once the facts start getting clear. and I don't like what I'm reading here.
Don't misunderstand me I'm not doubting the stuff about Flint river just pointing out Democrats stay as silent about there scandals as Republicans are on this.
That is what Politicians do all the time.............we are more of a show me proof before we are ready to frag someone sort..........they are more of pushing the politics no matter the situation or a bunch of zombies. This Jq poster seems to have his act together......but given the left's tactics in the past they are hard to believe anymore...............

I've been reading far more than I wanted to on this Flint Crisis trying to find out who's Bull shitting who...........Snyder's toast as are a lot more in this mess...............I'm still looking for the letter in the video...........but I'd also like to see the RATES for DETROIT as well........some of the emails are stating Detroits rates went up.......How much and what was Detroits rate offer for the 2 year period............That is some info I'd like to see.

Page 3.............Flint admits to NOT HAVING CORROSION CONTROL TREATMENT IN PLACE 1 YEAR AFTER putting the treatment plant online............In January Lead Tests reported to the EPA showed Rapid Lead Levels rising................

Just as I thought they didn't treat the dang water for corrosion control..........They knew about the rising Lead in January 2015, admitted to No treatment for corrosion in April.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

And 'Right to Life' doesn't count once you are out of the womb. Not only could they not give shite about the people in Flint that are affected, you can bet many cons are rooting for the politicians that perpetrated this crime.
BS...................Just used to the lies from your I don't trust you guys............have no reason to...............Your wrong most of the danged time.............

Not this time..........I guess you guess right every once in a while.............

And I don't root for any politician of any party if they screw up and don't do anything about it. They knew on this one. I'm digging into it...........These pages don't just jump on my screen with this info.

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