The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Flint is an example of point the finger, we do nothing wrong, Republican fantasy. Who cares the party which the EM belonged to, the policy of subverting democratic (not the party) rule was all on the Republican Governor, and based on saving money the GOP way: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

Fuck you partisan hack. I keep trying to point out that this has nothing to do with politics but that when Detroit cut off Flint they had to find an interim water supplier shit head.

They had no option but to go to Flint River because KWA wasn't finished.

FU is not the best way to start a post, especially when your body of work is so highly partisan it leaves you without a bit of credibility.

My so called partisanship is based on core beliefs of good governance, and my disdain for the Republican Party has long roots. The once and no more GOP has not had elected a POTUS who put the American People's well being as job number one since Eisenhower.

The current iteration of conservatives like you have been duped by the goal of the power elite, to dumb down Americans and to divide them on ideological grounds, and thus gain total power and control of a nation designed to be of the people, by the people and for the people.

People like you are fools, and cannot or willfully chose not to evaluate the talking points / propaganda from the power elite sagaciously. Your thinking (so to speak) is restricted to these emotions - hate and fear - which you hear daily from the electronic and print propagandists and other members of the echo chamber.
Wow, another Flint thread. The libs are using the story for porn. Work those toys boys!

Partisan punks must punk

Benghazi! Solyndra! BirtherGate! IRSGate! and yet not one impactsoure civilian population as does FlintGate!
People died in Benghazi, genius. How many died in Flint?

A question only a concrete thinker would ask. Four died at Behghazi, how many die on our streets everyday? How many died at the WTC on 911 as GWB read My Pet Goat, how many died in the war of choice in Iraq and how many will die destitute if the goal of the right wing to return the Golden Goose to the Power Elite in the Insurance Industry, Big Pharma and Medical Industry successful?
Flint is an example of point the finger, we do nothing wrong, Republican fantasy. Who cares the party which the EM belonged to, the policy of subverting democratic (not the party) rule was all on the Republican Governor, and based on saving money the GOP way: Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

Fuck you partisan hack. I keep trying to point out that this has nothing to do with politics but that when Detroit cut off Flint they had to find an interim water supplier shit head.

They had no option but to go to Flint River because KWA wasn't finished.

FU is not the best way to start a post, especially when your body of work is so highly partisan it leaves you without a bit of credibility.

My so called partisanship is based on core beliefs of good governance, and my disdain for the Republican Party has long roots. The once and no more GOP has not had elected a POTUS who put the American People's well being as job number one since Eisenhower.

The current iteration of conservatives like you have been duped by the goal of the power elite, to dumb down Americans and to divide them on ideological grounds, and thus gain total power and control of a nation designed to be of the people, by the people and for the people.

People like you are fools, and cannot or willfully chose not to evaluate the talking points / propaganda from the power elite sagaciously. Your thinking (so to speak) is restricted to these emotions - hate and fear - which you hear daily from the electronic and print propagandists and other members of the echo chamber.
Do you ever get tired of bloviating the same nonsense day in and out? Your party is a disaster. Their policies have produced the worst economy on record. Their policies have achieved the exact opposite of whatever they were intended to do. Voters have punished Democrats with the loss of 900 seats since 2008. The Democratic leadership looks like the cast of Golden Girls.
As for your OP, blaming the GOP (or racism) makes you look stupid.
All of these people are Democrats, btw.
Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.


Here is how I'm going to blame the GOP for this water crisis during an election year.
The Flint situation has been so screwed up by the federal government that it seriously looks like it was done on purpose. The EPA signed on to the switch over with inadequate investigation and now the president refuses to declare a state of emergency to give the people some relief. Meanwhile the idiot democrat base blames the republican governor.
Wow, another Flint thread. The libs are using the story for porn. Work those toys boys!

Partisan punks must punk

Benghazi! Solyndra! BirtherGate! IRSGate! and yet not one impactsoure civilian population as does FlintGate!
People died in Benghazi, genius. How many died in Flint?

A question only a concrete thinker would ask. Four died at Behghazi, how many die on our streets everyday? How many died at the WTC on 911 as GWB read My Pet Goat, how many died in the war of choice in Iraq and how many will die destitute if the goal of the right wing to return the Golden Goose to the Power Elite in the Insurance Industry, Big Pharma and Medical Industry successful?

I'll start off with Benghazi. Optics. The security team was Dawn of Libya.

The Flint situation has been so screwed up by the federal government that it seriously looks like it was done on purpose. The EPA signed on to the switch over with inadequate investigation and now the president refuses to declare a state of emergency to give the people some relief. Meanwhile the idiot democrat base blames the republican governor.

It's unreal
Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.


Here is how I'm going to blame the GOP for this water crisis during an election year.


Wow, another Flint thread. The libs are using the story for porn. Work those toys boys!

Partisan punks must punk

Benghazi! Solyndra! BirtherGate! IRSGate! and yet not one impactsoure civilian population as does FlintGate!
People died in Benghazi, genius. How many died in Flint?

A question only a concrete thinker would ask. Four died at Behghazi, how many die on our streets everyday? How many died at the WTC on 911 as GWB read My Pet Goat, how many died in the war of choice in Iraq and how many will die destitute if the goal of the right wing to return the Golden Goose to the Power Elite in the Insurance Industry, Big Pharma and Medical Industry successful?

I'll start off with Benghazi. Optics. The security team was Dawn of Libya.


If you believe this is a rebuttal it failed.
The Flint situation has been so screwed up by the federal government that it seriously looks like it was done on purpose. The EPA signed on to the switch over with inadequate investigation and now the president refuses to declare a state of emergency to give the people some relief. Meanwhile the idiot democrat base blames the republican governor.

It's unreal

Blame is the game, and politics has become theater. Myopic thinking and iniquitous posts are little more than idiot-grams, i.e. words lacking substance and critical panoptic thought.

Facts available now strongly suggest Penny Wise and Pound Foolish decisions created the Flint incident.
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Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.


Here is how I'm going to blame the GOP for this water crisis during an election year.



TRANSLATION: You nailed me, now I have to find a way out of it.
Stop insulting each other and keep your discussion focused on this topic, not others. Thanks
Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.

Hey moron. Every EM he appointed to Flint was a fucking Democrat.

TD is incapable of seeing the entire picture, sad but oh so true.

Why should the GOP federally respond to the crisis in Flint? I'm glad they are staying out of it.

D made the bloody disaster. EPA head had to resign.
Didn't the Obama's epa dump thousands of gallons of toxic sludge into a river? Where is your outrage? Oh it's a democratic disaster, nothing to see here. Right?
Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.

Hey moron. Every EM he appointed to Flint was a fucking Democrat.

TD is incapable of seeing the entire picture, sad but oh so true.

Why should the GOP federally respond to the crisis in Flint? I'm glad they are staying out of it.

D made the bloody disaster. EPA head had to resign.
Didn't the Obama's epa dump thousands of gallons of toxic sludge into a river? Where is your outrage? Oh it's a democratic disaster, nothing to see here. Right?

You know it's not the water that was the problem, right? The water did not contain the lead, you're aware of that, yes?

The water from the river contains more salt than the water they were getting from Detroit which means when they switched, they needed to have treated that water first. Lots of cities use river water which is more corrosive, but they treat it first so the water doesn't corrode the pipes, releasing the lead. Now, even if they switch to a better water source or treat the water first, it's too late, the pipes have been corroded and still leak lead.
Is anyone surprised that the GOP's response to the water crisis in Flint has been mostly silent, and what has been heard from the rank an file on other threads is, who cares, it only effects people who don't pay their water bill.

What is gleaned from this response, and the whiners who objected to Federal aid to the victims on the Jersey Shore from Hurricane Sandy, and using COTUS to defend their lack of humanity and concern for other Americans?

What is gleaned from a fiscally conservative GOP which shuts down the Government at great cost for political theater?

What is the take away from a Congress does nothing positive and spends millions of dollars working to take away health care from millions and investigates the same incident eight times?

For one, The Congress has an 80% + negative poll rating under the leadership (so to speak) of McConnell and Boehner (we've yet to see how well Ryan will impact the group of ne'er-do-wells elected from district which must be populated by members of the Ostrich Party).

A Donkey or a RINO-Elephant have governed under the principle of do no harm, the current iteration of the Republican Party seems focused on the destruction of our nation and creating a nation owned by and governed by the few, the very wealthy and their bidders.

One need only watch a rally for Bernie to see how well the TP mentality has created a movement which strikes fear in the heart of those who support these fiscally myopic authoritarians.

Hey moron. Every EM he appointed to Flint was a fucking Democrat.

TD is incapable of seeing the entire picture, sad but oh so true.

Why should the GOP federally respond to the crisis in Flint? I'm glad they are staying out of it.

D made the bloody disaster. EPA head had to resign.
Didn't the Obama's epa dump thousands of gallons of toxic sludge into a river? Where is your outrage? Oh it's a democratic disaster, nothing to see here. Right?

You know it's not the water that was the problem, right? The water did not contain the lead, you're aware of that, yes?

The water from the river contains more salt than the water they were getting from Detroit which means when they switched, they needed to have treated that water first. Lots of cities use river water which is more corrosive, but they treat it first so the water doesn't corrode the pipes, releasing the lead. Now, even if they switch to a better water source or treat the water first, it's too late, the pipes have been corroded and still leak lead.
OK so the problem was the water. Thanks for playing.
Hey moron. Every EM he appointed to Flint was a fucking Democrat.

TD is incapable of seeing the entire picture, sad but oh so true.

Why should the GOP federally respond to the crisis in Flint? I'm glad they are staying out of it.

D made the bloody disaster. EPA head had to resign.
Didn't the Obama's epa dump thousands of gallons of toxic sludge into a river? Where is your outrage? Oh it's a democratic disaster, nothing to see here. Right?

You know it's not the water that was the problem, right? The water did not contain the lead, you're aware of that, yes?

The water from the river contains more salt than the water they were getting from Detroit which means when they switched, they needed to have treated that water first. Lots of cities use river water which is more corrosive, but they treat it first so the water doesn't corrode the pipes, releasing the lead. Now, even if they switch to a better water source or treat the water first, it's too late, the pipes have been corroded and still leak lead.
OK so the problem was the water. Thanks for playing.

No, the problem was not properly treating the new water. Lots of cities get their water from rivers...they just properly treat it first.
TD is incapable of seeing the entire picture, sad but oh so true.

Why should the GOP federally respond to the crisis in Flint? I'm glad they are staying out of it.

D made the bloody disaster. EPA head had to resign.
Didn't the Obama's epa dump thousands of gallons of toxic sludge into a river? Where is your outrage? Oh it's a democratic disaster, nothing to see here. Right?

You know it's not the water that was the problem, right? The water did not contain the lead, you're aware of that, yes?

The water from the river contains more salt than the water they were getting from Detroit which means when they switched, they needed to have treated that water first. Lots of cities use river water which is more corrosive, but they treat it first so the water doesn't corrode the pipes, releasing the lead. Now, even if they switch to a better water source or treat the water first, it's too late, the pipes have been corroded and still leak lead.
OK so the problem was the water. Thanks for playing.

No, the problem was not properly treating the new water. Lots of cities get their water from rivers...they just properly treat it first.
Yes the problem was the water. Thanks for admitting it.

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