The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

The Flint situation has been so screwed up by the federal government that it seriously looks like it was done on purpose. The EPA signed on to the switch over with inadequate investigation and now the president refuses to declare a state of emergency to give the people some relief. Meanwhile the idiot democrat base blames the republican governor.

It's unreal

Blame is the game, and politics has become theater. Myopic thinking and iniquitous posts are little more than idiot-grams, i.e. words lacking substance and critical panoptic thought.

Facts available now strongly suggest Penny Wise and Pound Foolish decisions created the Flint incident.

Bottom line Flint chose wisely.

Detroit fucked them over.

Detroit needs to pay .
The Flint situation has been so screwed up by the federal government that it seriously looks like it was done on purpose. The EPA signed on to the switch over with inadequate investigation and now the president refuses to declare a state of emergency to give the people some relief. Meanwhile the idiot democrat base blames the republican governor.

It's unreal

Blame is the game, and politics has become theater. Myopic thinking and iniquitous posts are little more than idiot-grams, i.e. words lacking substance and critical panoptic thought.

Facts available now strongly suggest Penny Wise and Pound Foolish decisions created the Flint incident.

Bottom line Flint chose wisely.

Detroit fucked them over.

Detroit needs to pay .
Detroit extorted Flint to the tune of 5 MILLION a year because of their decision.
After the damage was done and they shifted back.....Detroit extorted them with a 12 MILLION hook back up fee.

This mistreatment of the Flint River Water Treatment was mishandled at many levels, with many players at fault.......which go up the food chain to the Governors office and the EPA.
Oh, boy, another post on Flint and the GOP, but not a word about the Democratic mayor of Flint. And, again, where were all the left-wing messages about "the Democrats, the EPA, and governance" after the EPA caused two toxic spills in Colorado last year, one of which was huge? Huh?
Oh, boy, another post on Flint and the GOP, but not a word about the Democratic mayor of Flint. And, again, where were all the left-wing messages about "the Democrats, the EPA, and governance" after the EPA caused two toxic spills in Colorado last year, one of which was huge? Huh?
They will use this for all the mileage they can get out of it.

There are many players in this STUPIDITY and EXTORTION who are gonna be very sorry before it's over........The Law Suits will be Historic on this one.
The Flint situation has been so screwed up by the federal government that it seriously looks like it was done on purpose. The EPA signed on to the switch over with inadequate investigation and now the president refuses to declare a state of emergency to give the people some relief. Meanwhile the idiot democrat base blames the republican governor.

It's unreal

Blame is the game, and politics has become theater. Myopic thinking and iniquitous posts are little more than idiot-grams, i.e. words lacking substance and critical panoptic thought.

Facts available now strongly suggest Penny Wise and Pound Foolish decisions created the Flint incident.

Bottom line Flint chose wisely.

Detroit fucked them over.

Detroit needs to pay .
Detroit extorted Flint to the tune of 5 MILLION a year because of their decision.
After the damage was done and they shifted back.....Detroit extorted them with a 12 MILLION hook back up fee.

This mistreatment of the Flint River Water Treatment was mishandled at many levels, with many players at fault.......which go up the food chain to the Governors office and the EPA.

Holy toledo !And by the way I'm glad you are out there. I've learned a lot from you.Stay on it please.
The Mayor and City Council had no power in Flint.

Oh really. Laughing. what are they paid to do? 9 people "on the ground" get a pass, and paycheck and cars and benefits and Golden chute but do NOTHING to help out the citizens? where is uproar?

That is correct, and there WAS uproar.
The mayor and council have no power? Wow. Just wow.

They apparently made a great choice to move to KWA. Here comes Detroit and nukes Flint. Aye carumba! Makes push to a shove Flint had no options.
Oh, boy, another post on Flint and the GOP, but not a word about the Democratic mayor of Flint. And, again, where were all the left-wing messages about "the Democrats, the EPA, and governance" after the EPA caused two toxic spills in Colorado last year, one of which was huge? Huh?
They will use this for all the mileage they can get out of it.

There are many players in this STUPIDITY and EXTORTION who are gonna be very sorry before it's over........The Law Suits will be Historic on this one.

My head is spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist. YIKES. This gets crazier by the minute.
Just goes to show saving money and cutting costs for safe water are a horrible idea.
The piping gonna have to be replaced.

Here's another method............Pipe bursting.............sorry........I'm a construction worker......can't help myself......I've used the horizontal rig.

Keep posting. good stuff!

Residents own the problem from street to faucet correct? I have seen some pipes you cannot see thru due to corrosion. Can cost easy $5K/home for a small home. More cost up into the home each room.
Gotta run the dog and hit the hill because OMG global warming its hit zero. YAYAYAYA!!!!!!

I can go out there not looking like the Pillsbury dough boy breaking into your house with a balaclava on.

HEAT WAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Flint water crisis is not a failure of Republicans or Democrats or white or black politicians. It's a failure of government, which too many people put up on a pedestal erroneously envisioning it as the only entity that can be trusted to safe guard us.
The Flint water crisis is not a failure of Republicans or Democrats or white or black politicians. It's a failure of government, which too many people put up on a pedestal erroneously envisioning it as the only entity that can be trusted to safe guard us.

It was people that failed. The system was in place to prevent this from happening. The regulations were in place to keep this from happening. A system of government was in place to keep this from happening...but the people didn't follow the system.

From the appointed Emergency Managers usurping Democracy to the EPA being afraid to throw their weight around.
The Flint water crisis is not a failure of Republicans or Democrats or white or black politicians. It's a failure of government, which too many people put up on a pedestal erroneously envisioning it as the only entity that can be trusted to safe guard us.

It was people that failed. The system was in place to prevent this from happening. The regulations were in place to keep this from happening. A system of government was in place to keep this from happening...but the people didn't follow the system.

From the appointed Emergency Managers usurping Democracy to the EPA being afraid to throw their weight around.

The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.
I thought the Republican governor already said he's responsible.

This is one where people are going to go to jail. They likely have destroyed the lives of hundreds of children, at the least.
Republicans create deficits & destroy government services on purpose so they can claim government can't be trusted.
For me. I don't blame the politicians left or right. Come on. You expect your providers to do their job. Look I've been a conservationist for forever. Many decades since Grassy Narrows.

This is not POLITICAL. And I really really want people like Seawytch to shut the fuck up and get down to brass tacks here. These people in mid management knew right from the get go in 2014 that there was a problem.


For over a year. This has got me spitting bullets. It's lead. Its fucking lead. You can't take it back. You can't fix it.
Republicans create deficits & destroy government services on purpose so they can claim government can't be trusted.

Fuck off asshole. Money had nothing to do with this you pompous swine. Detroit fucked over Flint. Get a grip.
The Flint water crisis is not a failure of Republicans or Democrats or white or black politicians. It's a failure of government, which too many people put up on a pedestal erroneously envisioning it as the only entity that can be trusted to safe guard us.

It was people that failed. The system was in place to prevent this from happening. The regulations were in place to keep this from happening. A system of government was in place to keep this from happening...but the people didn't follow the system.

From the appointed Emergency Managers usurping Democracy to the EPA being afraid to throw their weight around.

The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.

Oh what a great post. For true.

When the EPA really really needed to kick ass they didn't. I'm so floored at this. They knew right from the get go apparently how bad it was. I want to scream. I lived just a bit north and fought for years against intensive hog farming on an aquifer I was living on.

Had Bobby Kennedy Jr. up but we couldn't change the are you ready LIBERAL change of mind. It appears anyone will sell out. Screw the planet.

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