The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

The Flint water crisis is not a failure of Republicans or Democrats or white or black politicians. It's a failure of government, which too many people put up on a pedestal erroneously envisioning it as the only entity that can be trusted to safe guard us.

It was people that failed. The system was in place to prevent this from happening. The regulations were in place to keep this from happening. A system of government was in place to keep this from happening...but the people didn't follow the system.

From the appointed Emergency Managers usurping Democracy to the EPA being afraid to throw their weight around.

Lets play.

All Dems.
I thought the Republican governor already said he's responsible.

This is one where people are going to go to jail. They likely have destroyed the lives of hundreds of children, at the least.

I want to see orange. You can not undo this damage.
Republicans create deficits & destroy government services on purpose so they can claim government can't be trusted.

Fuck off asshole. Money had nothing to do with this you pompous swine. Detroit fucked over Flint. Get a grip.

That's a lie. Water treatment cost money. Flint city manager chose to not buy safe water from Detroit to save money. Republicans live to prove government is bad.
The Flint water crisis is not a failure of Republicans or Democrats or white or black politicians. It's a failure of government, which too many people put up on a pedestal erroneously envisioning it as the only entity that can be trusted to safe guard us.

It was people that failed. The system was in place to prevent this from happening. The regulations were in place to keep this from happening. A system of government was in place to keep this from happening...but the people didn't follow the system.

From the appointed Emergency Managers usurping Democracy to the EPA being afraid to throw their weight around.

The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.

If this had been the private sector and not the government the damage likely would have been much worse.
The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.

If this had been the private sector and not the government the damage likely would have been much worse.

Based on what evidence?

You're also supporting my earlier argument.
The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.

If this had been the private sector and not the government the damage likely would have been much worse.

Based on what evidence?

You're also supporting my earlier argument.

Based on history. The private sector doesn't do the best job of policing itself...ever.
The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.

If this had been the private sector and not the government the damage likely would have been much worse.

Based on what evidence?

You're also supporting my earlier argument.

Based on history. The private sector doesn't do the best job of policing itself...ever.
Do true.

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Billy, you are a shameless partisan HACK who, like your 'Dear Leader' and fellow Lib-drones, tries to blame others for Lib failures.

"The Flint water crisis is a drinking water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan (United States), that started in April 2014."

....Hmmmm, who was President in 2014? Oh yeah, OBAMA!
....And WHOSE EPA was in charge then? Oh yeah, OBAMA's!

"After the change in source from treated Lake Huron water (via Detroit) to the Flint River, the city's drinking water had a series of problems that culminated with lead contamination, creating a serious public health danger. The corrosive Flint River water caused lead from aging pipes to leach into the water supply, causing extremely elevated levels of lead.".

"Four government officials—one from the City of Flint, two from the
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, and one from the Environmental Protection Agency—resigned over the mishandling of the crisis."

Snyder happens to be a Republican, and since he is the Gov at the time of the incident he, according to you, should lose his job. (Yet such declarations never seem to be attributed to Liberals who are in charge during emergencies / F* Ups.) So you're blaming REPUBLICANS for not 'riding to the rescue' to make right' a LIBERAL / Obama EPA F* UP?!


LINK: Flint water crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama's EPA is a disaster. From discovering the head of the EPA was pulling a 'Hillary' (using her own server, a private e-mail, and even an ALIAS) to the recent MASSIVE water pollution disaster caused by their monumentally incompetent gold mine waste spill that has devastated thousands of miles of river/creek beds), they - like much of Obama's administrations have been horrific. Don't see any Liberals or Obama rushing to give this latest scandal THE ATTENTION IT DESERVES or doing anything much about it.

But let's partisanly point fingers and blame others instead of working together to clean the shite up and make sure it never happens again. Covering one's own ass has always proven to be the best course of action.... :rolleyes:
The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.

If this had been the private sector and not the government the damage likely would have been much worse.

Based on what evidence?

You're also supporting my earlier argument.

Based on history.

Such as?

The private sector doesn't do the best job of policing itself...ever.

But the government does? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
The people are the government, so one in the same. My point is too many people put more trust in the government than the private sector. This is a classic example of why you should be just as vigilant with both.

If this had been the private sector and not the government the damage likely would have been much worse.

Based on what evidence?

You're also supporting my earlier argument.

Based on history.

Such as?

The private sector doesn't do the best job of policing itself...ever.

But the government does? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It would do a better job if it wasn't corrupted by those in the private sector. Blame them, not tie institution itself.
Billy, you are a shameless partisan HACK who, like your 'Dear Leader' and fellow Lib-drones, tries to blame others for Lib failures.

"The Flint water crisis is a drinking water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan (United States), that started in April 2014."

....Hmmmm, who was President in 2014? Oh yeah, OBAMA!
....And WHOSE EPA was in charge then? Oh yeah, OBAMA's!

"After the change in source from treated Lake Huron water (via Detroit) to the Flint River, the city's drinking water had a series of problems that culminated with lead contamination, creating a serious public health danger. The corrosive Flint River water caused lead from aging pipes to leach into the water supply, causing extremely elevated levels of lead.".

"Four government officials—one from the City of Flint, two from the
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, and one from the Environmental Protection Agency—resigned over the mishandling of the crisis."

Snyder happens to be a Republican, and since he is the Gov at the time of the incident he, according to you, should lose his job. (Yet such declarations never seem to be attributed to Liberals who are in charge during emergencies / F* Ups.) So you're blaming REPUBLICANS for not 'riding to the rescue' to make right' a LIBERAL / Obama EPA F* UP?!


LINK: Flint water crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama's EPA is a disaster. From discovering the head of the EPA was pulling a 'Hillary' (using her own server, a private e-mail, and even an ALIAS) to the recent MASSIVE water pollution disaster caused by their monumentally incompetent gold mine waste spill that has devastated thousands of miles of river/creek beds), they - like much of Obama's administrations have been horrific. Don't see any Liberals or Obama rushing to give this latest scandal THE ATTENTION IT DESERVES or doing anything much about it.

But let's partisanly point fingers and blame others instead of working together to clean the shite up and make sure it never happens again. Covering one's own ass has always proven to be the best course of action.... :rolleyes:
Never have I seen such a misinformed fool as you appear to be!
Have you seen a picture of the board responsible? The majority of them are black, there are women, and ALL of them are Democrats....and Hillare ends up she is Obama's white, female clone by engaging in 'blame-shifting' by trying to blame Republicans.

This is funny as hail!
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

I don't live in Flint, therefore I don't care.
If republicans are running things where you live you better care.

Oh brother.... New Orleans is run by a liberal Democrat... and NOLA is a financial wreck. I live in the burbs, run by for the most part conservatives. We are financially healthy.
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.

the mayor of Flint, just like the city council, had already been told what they were gonna do by the gov. appointed city manager.

But everbody knows that mayors of struggling cities have much more power and access to resources than the gov of a state.

Right dude?

What is it about republicans that make them encapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. Or lack of same?

Why are rethugs like that?
Cut the bullshit already, you partisan hack know nothing.
Have you seen a picture of the board responsible? The majority of them are black, there are women, and ALL of them are Democrats....and Hillare ends up she is Obama's white, female clone by engaging in 'blame-shifting' by trying to blame Republicans.

This is funny as hail!
Only a republican would think anything is "funny as hail." Why don't you share the link to the pictures of that "board" you mentioned. This ought to be quite revealing.... Oh BTW, pictures of the Flint city council don't count.

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