The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

So, if your city started supplying you with poisoned water, you'd still pay your bills? Isn't there something in there along the lines of payment for a usable product - for services rendered? The water is not usable. They might as well be pumping horse shit to them. But you'd pay for horse shit. You'd pay the local government for having brain damaged your children. You'd pay the local government for the privilege of getting every drop of your water elsewhere for a significant time to come. No usable running water. No showers, no baths. You might as well be living out in the woods in a fucking tent. But you'd keep paying them for it. There's a true American.

you'd still pay your bills?

Didn't the city get in trouble because they couldn't pay their bills?
Water is a right, free water for the people!!!
Maybe the Dem city council could vote on it? Wasn't the count 7-1 on switching the water?
Todd, a democrat never does anything wrong. It is really quite clear how to deal with society, blame the GOP for everything and see what sticks with the people. it's really that simple.

The republicans were the issue during the year the Pres had both the House and the Senate and it was the GOP why nothing got done. It doesn't get any clearer then that excuse to know the tactic of the left.

Everyone of the folks who signed off on this were all dems, yet it is the GOP governor's fault.

I just laugh at the fools.
How about if we just blame Republicans for what they've done wrong. I think that's more than enough.
dude, I already know you hate republicans so much so that everything they do is wrong. your pissing match isn't worth it either. Standard line of a democrat libturd blame the republican.
Water Bills in Poisoned Flint an 'Outrage,' Attorney General Says

Michigan's top prosecutor said Monday that it's an "outrage" that residents of Flint are being forced to pay for water that's unsafe to drink — and his office may take action to stop the billing.

Documents show Flint filed false reports about testing for lead in water

Would Flint crisis happen in wealthier, whiter community?


Even an extreme right wing militia group came to help the people of Flint.

Militia in Flint join calls for justice in water crisis

At some point, even the GOP base can't stomach what their leadership is doing.

yeah, they're from Flint

So, if your city started supplying you with poisoned water, you'd still pay your bills? Isn't there something in there along the lines of payment for a usable product - for services rendered? The water is not usable. They might as well be pumping horse shit to them. But you'd pay for horse shit. You'd pay the local government for having brain damaged your children. You'd pay the local government for the privilege of getting every drop of your water elsewhere for a significant time to come. No usable running water. No showers, no baths. You might as well be living out in the woods in a fucking tent. But you'd keep paying them for it. There's a true American.

you'd still pay your bills?

Didn't the city get in trouble because they couldn't pay their bills?
Water is a right, free water for the people!!!
Maybe the Dem city council could vote on it? Wasn't the count 7-1 on switching the water?
Todd, a democrat never does anything wrong. It is really quite clear how to deal with society, blame the GOP for everything and see what sticks with the people. it's really that simple.

The republicans were the issue during the year the Pres had both the House and the Senate and it was the GOP why nothing got done. It doesn't get any clearer then that excuse to know the tactic of the left.

Everyone of the folks who signed off on this were all dems, yet it is the GOP governor's fault.

I just laugh at the fools.
How about if we just blame Republicans for what they've done wrong. I think that's more than enough.

Sure, as long as we blame the Dem council members who voted 7-1, the Dem emergency manager and the Dems who drove Flint bankrupt in the first place.
And the water treatment people who didn't add phosphorus, the EPA people who kept quiet and the Detroit Dems who cut off their water before their new source was ready.

Blame away!!!
This incident is an example of the regular catastrophic failures of the Republican master plan to "run government like a business". The plan works like this:

1. Republicans identify a piece of government infrastructure, already paid for by the taxpayers, which they want to give to one of their cronies, in return for political contributions.

2. Republicans then defund and deregulate that piece of infrastructure until it collapses.

3. Republicans then declare an emergency, and sell it off to their cronies for pennies on the dollar.

So don't be so glum, Todd. Your master plan worked! Well, at least steps 1 and 2 went according to plan. Step 3, you're having a bit of trouble with, given how the whole poisoning thing drew a lot of unwanted attention that Republicans were unable to cover up, despite their best attempts.
The black mayor of Flint gets a pass but the white governor is to blame? Typical left wing garbage.
When you fuck over a poor black city you don't blame the mayor. Even Snyder admits its his fault
Oh please. The city govt of Flint made the decision all on it's own to switch to the Flint River as its water supply.
You know 1/10th of the facts
Really cupcake...
How Flint traded safe drinking water for cost-cutting plan that didn't work
If you libs would get off your emotional roller coaster long enough to do a little research on this, you'd note that there were many entitied invloved in the decision to change water supply sources. One of those was the City govt of Flint.
Of course you libs decided to use the narrative that the governor and he alone was 100% responsible for the switch. And then of course you decided it was a racial thing.
An argument which makes your side look incredible stupid.
One more issue...The elected officials in Flint over the last three decades have only themselves to blame. They failed to plan for the day when the auto industry would no longer be there to fund the city coffers. They spent unwisely and ran the city into the toilet.
This incident is an example of the regular catastrophic failures of the Republican master plan to "run government like a business". The plan works like this:

1. Republicans identify a piece of government infrastructure, already paid for by the taxpayers, which they want to give to one of their cronies, in return for political contributions.

2. Republicans then defund and deregulate that piece of infrastructure until it collapses.

3. Republicans then declare an emergency, and sell it off to their cronies for pennies on the dollar.

So don't be so glum, Todd. Your master plan worked! Well, at least steps 1 and 2 went according to plan. Step 3, you're having a bit of trouble with, given how the whole poisoning thing drew a lot of unwanted attention that Republicans were unable to cover up, despite their best attempts.

1. Republicans identify a piece of government infrastructure, already paid for by the taxpayers, which they want to give to one of their cronies, in return for political contributions.

The Republicans wanted to give away the Flint water system?
Was that before or after the Dems decided to switch sources?
Before or after the Dems in Detroit shut off their old water?

When exactly did this imaginary scenario unfold?
The back peddling by the Republican political establishment in Michigan and the whole country over this is epic.

Once again they've been caught cutting off poor people to save money. And once again they are targeting the black community. The Republican spin machine FTL has been spun up in record time.

Well that's a flat out lie. The D Emergency Managers approved a switch to KWA. Great job by city council really trying to get their house in order. Then in a hissy fit Detroit Water and Sewage tore up a contract that they had with Flint and were going to cut them off and/or jake the cost until KWA was up and running.

Flint had no option but to get another service. But that's still not the heart of this nightmare.

DHHS lied. Fabricated data. Pretended the water was safe. Lied. Lied. Lied. Hid evidence and then lied lied lied some more.

Criminal charges should be brought against whoever was complicit in the cover up.

This is beyond surreal that the Department of Health didn't jump on this for immediate corrective action. It's nuts. They knew right from the get go there was a problem with lead.

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers
Was that before or after the Dems decided to switch sources?

The emergency managers testified that the governor's office made the decision. That would be the Republican governors office. The Flint City Council opposed it, but they were overruled by the dictatorial emergency manager system.

Exclusive: Gov. Rick Snyder’s Men Originally Rejected Using Flint’s Toxic River

Detroit did not shut off the water. Detroit offered cheaper rates than what the river water would cost.

Gov. Snyder lied: Flint water switch was not about saving money, records show

So why did Snyder turn down the cheaper rates for cleaner water? Because Snyder wanted Detroit to lose the income, so that he could justify privatizing the Detroit water system. That's the prize the Snyder wants to hand to his cronies. Flint is peanuts in comparison.
This incident is an example of the regular catastrophic failures of the Republican master plan to "run government like a business". The plan works like this:

1. Republicans identify a piece of government infrastructure, already paid for by the taxpayers, which they want to give to one of their cronies, in return for political contributions.

2. Republicans then defund and deregulate that piece of infrastructure until it collapses.

3. Republicans then declare an emergency, and sell it off to their cronies for pennies on the dollar.

So don't be so glum, Todd. Your master plan worked! Well, at least steps 1 and 2 went according to plan. Step 3, you're having a bit of trouble with, given how the whole poisoning thing drew a lot of unwanted attention that Republicans were unable to cover up, despite their best attempts.
which republicans?
The back peddling by the Republican political establishment in Michigan and the whole country over this is epic.

Once again they've been caught cutting off poor people to save money. And once again they are targeting the black community. The Republican spin machine FTL has been spun up in record time.

Well that's a flat out lie. The D Emergency Managers approved a switch to KWA. Great job by city council really trying to get their house in order. Then in a hissy fit Detroit Water and Sewage tore up a contract that they had with Flint and were going to cut them off and/or jake the cost until KWA was up and running.

Flint had no option but to get another service. But that's still not the heart of this nightmare.

DHHS lied. Fabricated data. Pretended the water was safe. Lied. Lied. Lied. Hid evidence and then lied lied lied some more.

Criminal charges should be brought against whoever was complicit in the cover up.

This is beyond surreal that the Department of Health didn't jump on this for immediate corrective action. It's nuts. They knew right from the get go there was a problem with lead.

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Yet the Republican governor accepted full responsibility for the disaster fostered by the 'manager' he put in charge.

Someone is going to jail and the elected officials in Michigan are going to cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, in settlements, cleanup, and relocation.
The gop wants less regulation so businesses can pollute more. This is how insane they're.
The back peddling by the Republican political establishment in Michigan and the whole country over this is epic.

Once again they've been caught cutting off poor people to save money. And once again they are targeting the black community. The Republican spin machine FTL has been spun up in record time.

Well that's a flat out lie. The D Emergency Managers approved a switch to KWA. Great job by city council really trying to get their house in order. Then in a hissy fit Detroit Water and Sewage tore up a contract that they had with Flint and were going to cut them off and/or jake the cost until KWA was up and running.

Flint had no option but to get another service. But that's still not the heart of this nightmare.

DHHS lied. Fabricated data. Pretended the water was safe. Lied. Lied. Lied. Hid evidence and then lied lied lied some more.

Criminal charges should be brought against whoever was complicit in the cover up.

This is beyond surreal that the Department of Health didn't jump on this for immediate corrective action. It's nuts. They knew right from the get go there was a problem with lead.

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Yet the Republican governor accepted full responsibility for the disaster fostered by the 'manager' he put in charge.

Someone is going to jail and the elected officials in Michigan are going to cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, in settlements, cleanup, and relocation.

And I'm glad Governor Snyder did. See for me I thought the Flint Council and Mayor working with the EM did all the right things to secure a contract with KWA. Water would be coming in from Huron.

I'm still in shock that Detroit Water and Sewage would try to put the screws to Flint.

But truly it's beyond outrageous what the health department did. Man oh man. They lied. They hid evidence. They fabricated data. I mean all round it's a dogs breakfast.

And in fairness to the politicians both sides of the aisle they don't test the water. They don't test for lead levels. The politicians believed the experts not having a clue that these people were lying their asses off.

The last group of people I could dream of to let this "lead poisoning issue" go on is your actual health department. The people you put in charge to PROTECT the public.

YIKES. What comes to mind is Flint is FUBAR'D.

Unreal when you can't trust your health department.
The back peddling by the Republican political establishment in Michigan and the whole country over this is epic.

Once again they've been caught cutting off poor people to save money. And once again they are targeting the black community. The Republican spin machine FTL has been spun up in record time.

Well that's a flat out lie. The D Emergency Managers approved a switch to KWA. Great job by city council really trying to get their house in order. Then in a hissy fit Detroit Water and Sewage tore up a contract that they had with Flint and were going to cut them off and/or jake the cost until KWA was up and running.

Flint had no option but to get another service. But that's still not the heart of this nightmare.

DHHS lied. Fabricated data. Pretended the water was safe. Lied. Lied. Lied. Hid evidence and then lied lied lied some more.

Criminal charges should be brought against whoever was complicit in the cover up.

This is beyond surreal that the Department of Health didn't jump on this for immediate corrective action. It's nuts. They knew right from the get go there was a problem with lead.

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Yet the Republican governor accepted full responsibility for the disaster fostered by the 'manager' he put in charge.

Someone is going to jail and the elected officials in Michigan are going to cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, in settlements, cleanup, and relocation.

If there's criminality involved, and the Governor accepted full responsibility for the disaster,

wouldn't that mean HE should go to jail?
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

I don't live in Flint, therefore I don't care.
If republicans are running things where you live you better care.

Oh brother.... New Orleans is run by a liberal Democrat... and NOLA is a financial wreck. I live in the burbs, run by for the most part conservatives. We are financially healthy.

You're a mess, because you are a conservative.
The back peddling by the Republican political establishment in Michigan and the whole country over this is epic.

Once again they've been caught cutting off poor people to save money. And once again they are targeting the black community. The Republican spin machine FTL has been spun up in record time.

Well that's a flat out lie. The D Emergency Managers approved a switch to KWA. Great job by city council really trying to get their house in order. Then in a hissy fit Detroit Water and Sewage tore up a contract that they had with Flint and were going to cut them off and/or jake the cost until KWA was up and running.

Flint had no option but to get another service. But that's still not the heart of this nightmare.

DHHS lied. Fabricated data. Pretended the water was safe. Lied. Lied. Lied. Hid evidence and then lied lied lied some more.

Criminal charges should be brought against whoever was complicit in the cover up.

This is beyond surreal that the Department of Health didn't jump on this for immediate corrective action. It's nuts. They knew right from the get go there was a problem with lead.

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Yet the Republican governor accepted full responsibility for the disaster fostered by the 'manager' he put in charge.

Someone is going to jail and the elected officials in Michigan are going to cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, in settlements, cleanup, and relocation.

If there's criminality involved, and the Governor accepted full responsibility for the disaster,

wouldn't that mean HE should go to jail?

If someone doesn't go to jail for this then really there is nothing an elected official could do to people that would send them to jail. Hundreds of childrens lives forever damaged by the lead in the water now.

It is utterly criminal.
The back peddling by the Republican political establishment in Michigan and the whole country over this is epic.

Once again they've been caught cutting off poor people to save money. And once again they are targeting the black community. The Republican spin machine FTL has been spun up in record time.

Well that's a flat out lie. The D Emergency Managers approved a switch to KWA. Great job by city council really trying to get their house in order. Then in a hissy fit Detroit Water and Sewage tore up a contract that they had with Flint and were going to cut them off and/or jake the cost until KWA was up and running.

Flint had no option but to get another service. But that's still not the heart of this nightmare.

DHHS lied. Fabricated data. Pretended the water was safe. Lied. Lied. Lied. Hid evidence and then lied lied lied some more.

Criminal charges should be brought against whoever was complicit in the cover up.

This is beyond surreal that the Department of Health didn't jump on this for immediate corrective action. It's nuts. They knew right from the get go there was a problem with lead.

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Michigan Health Department Hid Evidence of Health Harm Due to Lead Contaminated Water: Allowed False Public Assurances by MDEQ and Stonewalled Outside Researchers

Yet the Republican governor accepted full responsibility for the disaster fostered by the 'manager' he put in charge.

Someone is going to jail and the elected officials in Michigan are going to cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, in settlements, cleanup, and relocation.

Regardless of what party the manager belonged to, they were not beholden to the voters like the elected city council and mayor. The manager had only one boss and answers to one person, the governor.
And? Why the Governor? He was lied to. Repeatedly. DHHS lied their asses off to everyone. To the Mayor to the EM to the City Council and to the public.

Virginia Tech busted them.

If you can't trust your health department who the hell can you trust?
Only last October did those sons of bitches come clean and admit there was an "issue".
The gop wants less regulation so businesses can pollute more. This is how insane they're.

Dems want more stupid regulations, because why do we need businesses or jobs?
Bernie will just conjure money. Free shit for everybody!!!
The gop wants less regulation so businesses can pollute more. This is how insane they're.
Because they feel they can make money. It's like not doing the dishes. You save time, but end up with a mess.

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