The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Why cant they have water that is fit to drink ?
The richest country in the world is poisoning its kids with dirty water?

Over here we give to a charity called Water Aid. They operate in Ethiopia and other third world nations.Maybe they should look further afield ?

Sure. Would you like to fund it? By all means. Buy all the water you want, and ship it to Flint.

America is rich enough to fund clean water for America. Your attitude suggests that you do not agree that this should happen.

Just because I have $100 in my pocket, does not mean that I should give that $100, just because I could.

That said, I wager you have a heck of lot more money than I do, and my car needs fixed. You should fix my car. It's your job. You are rich enough too, so why don't you? Are you greedy? Don't you care?

What's your "attitude" on this subject of you fixing my car? Isn't it your "social contractual duty" to help your fellow man? I need help dude. My car needs shocks badly. Terrible traction. I need help. Don't you care? It's your job to care right?
"How has government responded? Well, there have been denunciations, speeches, press releases, and declarations of states of emergency at the state and federal level — none of which have done anything to address the problem. The state itself has coughed up tax dollars to deliver 176,118 cases of water and 93,048 water filters, which is nice but punishes all residents of Michigan for the government's failures.

But here’s the good news: the private sector has come to the rescue! Walmart, Coke, Pepsi, and Nestle have announced they will deliver 6.5 million bottles of water to the city. They’ve promised to do this through the end of 2016. It’s more than enough for the 10,000 residents. It’s more than the state has done, and the private suppliers are not forcing anyone else to pay for it.

This is only the latest example of what has become common practice: in states of emergency, the private sector has increasingly made up for the obvious failures of the public sector. It happens in every flood, hurricane, tornado, or drought. Walmart and others step up and help people in need, while government blusters, passes resolutions, waves guns around, plays the blame game, and pours out tax money like lead-laced water."
Walmart, Pepsi Rescue Flint from Government Failure | Jeffrey A. Tucker
There are so many things wrong with what Republicans are doing in the states.

For one, the Emergency Management law (PA 436). What it does to democracy:

Removes the process to collective bargaining

Removes the right to elect officials with legislative power

Violates the Voting Rights act

Removes the rights of citizens to petition government

Violates the constitutional right to equal protection, since they can't vote for officials who have power, local votes are meaningless

Michigan didn't always have so many whose jobs that were devastated by policy. Remember, from 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. This hit industrialized Michigan particularly hard. Which is why it's a surprise to me that they would vote Republican. Republicans devastate the state, blame it on Democrats, win the election because of low info voters, then poison the people to save a buck. Is it any surprise? Now the Republicans refuse to even discus it. And the media helps, the fuckers.

Sure, other states have had financial managers when they had problems. Even New York. But only in Michigan, Republicans have taken over everything, not just finances. They want to make sure they screw everybody.

And how many Republicans are poisoned in Flint? Don't think for a second it's only Democrats. And where are the successes? Do a search on "Emergency Management success stories" and all you get are "we helped after a flood" and that kind of stuff.

Rubio said it's not anything he's focused on

Trump said no comment

Carson said the problem is too many regulations (yea, he really said that)

I wonder if I did a little more research. If I found white cities as poor and with as many problems as Flint, would they be under emergency management?

Republicans may think they can ignore this in the primaries, but in the general election? Not a chance. And what would be more important to voters?

a) Benghazi

b) Hillary's server

c) Bill's sex life

d) Poisoning a 100,000 in Flint including thousands of children damaged for life

Most Republicans will pick a, b or c. Normal people will pick d - believe it.
Ever notice that when something comes out about the damage the GOP committed against America, the USMB GOP rush to say it's a lie, it's nothing, the person bringing it up is crazy and so on? "Attack" is their only defense.
How many of these partisan hack threads on the GOP starving the world are you going to create? We've yet to succeed at killing all the puppies on earth so chill out
How many of these partisan hack threads on the GOP starving the world are you going to create? We've yet to succeed at killing all the puppies on earth so chill out
See what I mean?
Even George W. Bush's former extreme right wing speech writer blasts Republicans for what they did in Flint and for their comments on the campaign trail. But here comes an ignorant GOP lemming rushing to defend the GOP. Typical.
First of all, Flint's population is under 100,000.

Lead levels are under harmful levels for adults. When it is all said and done about 4,000 kids are at risk. Remediation is under way and should be completed in about 2 1/2 months. Chemical additives to mitigate lead are being used. The same chemicals Flint was suppose to use when they switched over to the Flint River. That was a stop gap measure by the Democrat led City Council, before they could get a 60 mile pipeline to Lake Huron built.
Ever notice that when something comes out about the damage the GOP committed against America, the USMB GOP rush to say it's a lie, it's nothing, the person bringing it up is crazy and so on? "Attack" is their only defense.

You know you always attack right?
How many of these partisan hack threads on the GOP starving the world are you going to create? We've yet to succeed at killing all the puppies on earth so chill out
See what I mean?
Even George W. Bush's former extreme right wing speech writer blasts Republicans for what they did in Flint and for their comments on the campaign trail. But here comes an ignorant GOP lemming rushing to defend the GOP. Typical.
Where's the defense in that post?

Hint..... that post is an attack on your credibility and has NOTHING to do with the GOP
First of all, Flint's population is under 100,000.

Lead levels are under harmful levels for adults. When it is all said and done about 4,000 kids are at risk. Remediation is under way and should be completed in about 2 1/2 months. Chemical additives to mitigate lead are being used. The same chemicals Flint was suppose to use when they switched over to the Flint River. That was a stop gap measure by the Democrat led City Council, before they could get a 60 mile pipeline to Lake Huron built.

If this happened with a Democrat Gov, it would not be news and rdean and the other left wing loons would not have said a word. Of the left wing news media most likely won't report on the remedies being taken as you posted above.
First of all, Flint's population is under 100,000.

Lead levels are under harmful levels for adults. When it is all said and done about 4,000 kids are at risk. Remediation is under way and should be completed in about 2 1/2 months. Chemical additives to mitigate lead are being used. The same chemicals Flint was suppose to use when they switched over to the Flint River. That was a stop gap measure by the Democrat led City Council, before they could get a 60 mile pipeline to Lake Huron built.
Flint's population is less than 1,000 under 100,000. So that makes all the difference in the world.

8% are under 5, so that's about 8,000

Flint (city) QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

There are no SAFE LEVELS OF LEAD you idiot turd.

What You Need To Know About Lead Poisoning - Flint Edition

Expert says Michigan officials changed a Flint lead report to avoid federal action

What Went Wrong In Flint

Why are these right wingers so purposely ignorant. Look at what saveliberty wrote. With out a single link to back anything up. And do you see how easy it was to make that fool look like it has monkey shit for brains. Anyone can go look stuff up, but Right Wingers refuse. They just make up what they believe is reality in spite of all the easy to find out facts. Why? Why do they do it? Why this determined ignorance?
First of all, Flint's population is under 100,000.

Lead levels are under harmful levels for adults. When it is all said and done about 4,000 kids are at risk. Remediation is under way and should be completed in about 2 1/2 months. Chemical additives to mitigate lead are being used. The same chemicals Flint was suppose to use when they switched over to the Flint River. That was a stop gap measure by the Democrat led City Council, before they could get a 60 mile pipeline to Lake Huron built.

If this happened with a Democrat Gov, it would not be news and rdean and the other left wing loons would not have said a word. Of the left wing news media most likely won't report on the remedies being taken as you posted above.
For one thing, Democrats don't poison people. And if it happened under a Democratic governor, Republicans would be screaming worse than Benghazi.
First of all, Flint's population is under 100,000.

Lead levels are under harmful levels for adults. When it is all said and done about 4,000 kids are at risk. Remediation is under way and should be completed in about 2 1/2 months. Chemical additives to mitigate lead are being used. The same chemicals Flint was suppose to use when they switched over to the Flint River. That was a stop gap measure by the Democrat led City Council, before they could get a 60 mile pipeline to Lake Huron built.

Please explain what are you talking about?

According to Dr. Judy Stone: "We now know that there is no safe level of lead—even low levels of lead exposure are harmful."

Remediation? who pays for Snyder's attempt to privatize Flint's water supply?

I hope when crime and teen pregnancy spikes in Flint, MI as these at risk kids become teenagers and young adults the country will look back at how the Republican way... austerity and privatization caused an increase in the rate of crime and teen pregnancy Republicans claim to hate, necessitating the social programs Republicans abhor.

What was it the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Republican Secretary of State said?



How LeadCausedAmerica'sViolentCrimeEpidemic

Third, and probably most important, the data goes beyond just these models. As Drum himself points out, “if econometric studies were all there were to the story of lead, you’d be justified in remaining skeptical no matter how good the statistics look.” But the chemistry and neuroscience of lead gives us good reason to believe the connection. Decades of research has shown that lead poisoning causes significant and probably irreversible damage to the brain. Not only does lead degrade cognitive abilities and lower intelligence, it also degrades a person’s ability to make decisions by damaging areas of the brain responsible for “emotional regulation, impulse control, attention, verbal reasoning, and mental flexibility.”

The bottom line, as Drum points out, is that “even moderately high levels of lead exposure are associated with aggressivity, impulsivity, ADHD, and lower IQ. And right there, you’ve practically defined the profile of a violent young offender.”

I’ve barely scratched the surface of Drum’s excellent article, and I’d seriously encourage you to hop over to Mother Jones right now and read the whole thing. I’ve been reading Drum for years and he’s been blogging about this topic for a long time. Indeed, I’ve been convinced of the lead/crime hypothesis for years thanks to Drum’s writing. But this article is a masterpiece. Read it. Talk about it. It’s an important piece of journalism.


Did Lead Make You Dumber?
Even low levels have a significant effect.


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First of all, Flint's population is under 100,000.

Lead levels are under harmful levels for adults. When it is all said and done about 4,000 kids are at risk. Remediation is under way and should be completed in about 2 1/2 months. Chemical additives to mitigate lead are being used. The same chemicals Flint was suppose to use when they switched over to the Flint River. That was a stop gap measure by the Democrat led City Council, before they could get a 60 mile pipeline to Lake Huron built.

If this happened with a Democrat Gov, it would not be news and rdean and the other left wing loons would not have said a word. Of the left wing news media most likely won't report on the remedies being taken as you posted above.
For one thing, Democrats don't poison people. And if it happened under a Democratic governor, Republicans would be screaming worse than Benghazi.

Yeah right. For a party that hates its own voters, dems, you sure do bend over for them. Its amazing.
First of all, Flint's population is under 100,000.

Lead levels are under harmful levels for adults. When it is all said and done about 4,000 kids are at risk. Remediation is under way and should be completed in about 2 1/2 months. Chemical additives to mitigate lead are being used. The same chemicals Flint was suppose to use when they switched over to the Flint River. That was a stop gap measure by the Democrat led City Council, before they could get a 60 mile pipeline to Lake Huron built.

If this happened with a Democrat Gov, it would not be news and rdean and the other left wing loons would not have said a word. Of the left wing news media most likely won't report on the remedies being taken as you posted above.
For one thing, Democrats don't poison people. And if it happened under a Democratic governor, Republicans would be screaming worse than Benghazi.

Yeah right. For a party that hates its own voters, dems, you sure do bend over for them. Its amazing.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

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