The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

What I hate is someone who deflects. If the officials of Flint(Liberals) hadn't missmanaged the city for decades they wouldn't be bankrupt thus the state wouldn't gotten involved in the first place.
How do you know they mismanaged for decades? Because the GOP tells you? From 2001 to 2008, many industrialized jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. The deep south had nowhere near the number of factories as states like Michigan. So it stands to reason industrialized states should be hurt the worst.

How come you guys don't know anything. Stop relying on ignorant GOP bullshit. It's embarrassing.

Outsourcing to China Cost U.S. 3.2 Million Jobs Since 2001

China Trade, Outsourcing and Jobs: Growing U.S. trade deficit with China cost 3.2 million jobs between 2001 and 2013, with job losses in every state

The affected population includes essentially all workers with less than a four-year college degree—roughly 70 percent of the workforce, or about 100 million workers (U.S. Census Bureau 2012).

The GOP leadership knew exactly what they were doing under Bush.

The Chinese funded US Chamber of Commerce gives almost exclusively to Republicans for a reason. Why do you think that reason is?

New Chamber of Commerce chair, like board, gives mostly to GOP - The Political Animal
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Start with the Democrats running Flint literally into the dirt

But it took a Republican governor to send an incompetent Emergency manager to switch Flint's drinking water without knowing the "FUCK" what he was doing! Or...DID HE?

No, Obama's EPA wanted Flint to get dirty water so he could blame it on Snyder.
Please tell me that you are only joking....

I'm as serious as you wanting to blame this all on the Governor
Hilarious coming from hacks that even blame Katrina on Obama.

Deany, I won't tell the other posters that the Koch Brother pay you to make Progressives look like fucking morons. That's out little secret, OK?
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
The Republican leadership didn't have anything to do with it.

There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.
What I hate is someone who deflects. If the officials of Flint(Liberals) hadn't missmanaged the city for decades they wouldn't be bankrupt thus the state wouldn't gotten involved in the first place.
How do you know they mismanaged for decades? Because the GOP tells you? From 2001 to 2008, many industrialized jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. The deep south had nowhere near the number of factories as states like Michigan. So it stands to reason industrialized states should be hurt the worst.

How come you guys don't know anything. Stop relying on ignorant GOP bullshit. It's embarrassing.

Outsourcing to China Cost U.S. 3.2 Million Jobs Since 2001

China Trade, Outsourcing and Jobs: Growing U.S. trade deficit with China cost 3.2 million jobs between 2001 and 2013, with job losses in every state

The affected population includes essentially all workers with less than a four-year college degree—roughly 70 percent of the workforce, or about 100 million workers (U.S. Census Bureau 2012).

The GOP leadership knew exactly what they were doing under Bush.

The Chinese funded US Chamber of Commerce gives almost exclusively to Republicans for a reason. Why do you think that reason is?

New Chamber of Commerce chair, like board, gives mostly to GOP - The Political Animal

How retarded are you? Democrats mismanaged city's and towns across michigan for decades and the gravy train has long gone fool.

BridgeIn downsized Flint, desperate retirees vs. struggling taxpayers

In 2011, more than 300 Michigan cities, townships and villages faced nearly $13 billion in unfunded retiree health-care costs, and another $3 billion in pension liabilities, according to a study this year co-authored by Eric Scorsone, a Michigan State University economics professor. It’s a bill that is increasingly leaving these local governments, which represent roughly two-thirds of Michigan residents, unable to deliver basic services, such as police and fire protection. In most of these towns and cities, officials agreed to provide these so-called legacy benefits years or even decades ago, but failed to set aside enough money to keep those promises.

What I hate is someone who deflects. If the officials of Flint(Liberals) hadn't missmanaged the city for decades they wouldn't be bankrupt thus the state wouldn't gotten involved in the first place.
How do you know they mismanaged for decades? Because the GOP tells you? From 2001 to 2008, many industrialized jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. The deep south had nowhere near the number of factories as states like Michigan. So it stands to reason industrialized states should be hurt the worst.

How come you guys don't know anything. Stop relying on ignorant GOP bullshit. It's embarrassing.

Outsourcing to China Cost U.S. 3.2 Million Jobs Since 2001

China Trade, Outsourcing and Jobs: Growing U.S. trade deficit with China cost 3.2 million jobs between 2001 and 2013, with job losses in every state

The affected population includes essentially all workers with less than a four-year college degree—roughly 70 percent of the workforce, or about 100 million workers (U.S. Census Bureau 2012).

The GOP leadership knew exactly what they were doing under Bush.

The Chinese funded US Chamber of Commerce gives almost exclusively to Republicans for a reason. Why do you think that reason is?

New Chamber of Commerce chair, like board, gives mostly to GOP - The Political Animal

How retarded are you? Democrats mismanaged city's and towns across michigan for decades and the gravy train has long gone fool.

BridgeIn downsized Flint, desperate retirees vs. struggling taxpayers

In 2011, more than 300 Michigan cities, townships and villages faced nearly $13 billion in unfunded retiree health-care costs, and another $3 billion in pension liabilities, according to a study this year co-authored by Eric Scorsone, a Michigan State University economics professor. It’s a bill that is increasingly leaving these local governments, which represent roughly two-thirds of Michigan residents, unable to deliver basic services, such as police and fire protection. In most of these towns and cities, officials agreed to provide these so-called legacy benefits years or even decades ago, but failed to set aside enough money to keep those promises.


Probably about as retarded as a blind hack can be. Rdean and sealy bobo are what's wrong with this country.
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
You're a liar. The city mayor and your muslime hero's EPA let this happen:

The EPA’s top Midwest official told The Detroit News the agency knew about the lack of corrosion control in the water supply as early as April, after an EPA official identified problems with the drinking water, but did not make the information public.

The paper also cited email exchanges between EPA officials and Walling showing what it described as a “lack of urgency” over the matter and a greater focus on procedure rather than public safety. Walling and other officials repeatedly told residents the water was safe but blamed state and federal agencies for the problems.

Blame game erupts over Flint’s toxic water, Dems target GOP gov | Fox News

This is the same EPA, run by Hussein's political hacks, that turned the Animas River in Colorado into this:

How did they do that?

By breaking a retaining dam holding back one million gallons of mine slurry.

“This is a huge tragedy. It’s hard being on the other side of this. We typically respond to emergencies, we don’t cause them,” David Ostrander, EPA’s director of emergency preparedness for the region, said at a community meeting held in Durango, Colorado on Friday afternoon. “But this is just an unanticipated situation that didn’t quite come out as planned.”
How do you know they mismanaged for decades? Because the GOP tells you? From 2001 to 2008, many industrialized jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. The deep south had nowhere near the number of factories as states like Michigan. So it stands to reason industrialized states should be hurt the worst.

How come you guys don't know anything. Stop relying on ignorant GOP bullshit. It's embarrassing.

Outsourcing to China Cost U.S. 3.2 Million Jobs Since 2001

Willy Jeff is the piece of shit who ramrodded NAFTA and joining the WTO into law.
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

Well said. Not one so-called "conservative" has been brave enough to confess that insidious hegemony lurks at the core or republicanism. Did you notice I got no response when I illustrated the indisputable history of modern republican efforts
to nullify Social Security, Medicare collective bargaining and the EPA? There was no response to my warning that a republican government with no checks and balances would imperil everything we eat, drink or breathe. You don't have to be a prophet to see that future under republican rule, you just have to remember history and political agendas.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:
How do you know they mismanaged for decades? Because the GOP tells you? From 2001 to 2008, many industrialized jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. The deep south had nowhere near the number of factories as states like Michigan. So it stands to reason industrialized states should be hurt the worst.

How come you guys don't know anything. Stop relying on ignorant GOP bullshit. It's embarrassing.

Outsourcing to China Cost U.S. 3.2 Million Jobs Since 2001

Willy Jeff is the piece of shit who ramrodded NAFTA and joining the WTO into law.

Ramrod this!
To be clear, NAFTA was negotiated by George Bush and his administration's cronies then-----then the Bushies fast tracked it then-----then it was ratified by a majority of Republicans in the House then-----then it was ratified by a majority of Republicans in the Senate then signed into law by Bill Clinton then-----then we began hearing a giant sucking sound as automotive plant after automotive plant began moving to places like Mexico then-----then manufacturing centers like Detroit, MI and Flint, MI's middle class began to disappear then-----then places like Detroit and Flint no longer had a tax base to support basic services and infrastructure began to deteriorate then... Then somehow or other Republicans decided the lowest paid factory line workers, janitors, cafeteria workers, etc. were at fault for choosing to send their jobs overseas.

The government fucked up. Are they going to go out of business now?
The government ? Which one? There are 4 governments involved here. Federal, State, county and city hall!

Start with the Democrats running Flint literally into the dirt

But it took a Republican governor to send an incompetent Emergency manager to switch Flint's drinking water without knowing the "FUCK" what he was doing! Or...DID HE?

Yeah.... Let's all blame the symptom, instead of the problem. When things get all screwed up, and you have to send someone in to fix the mess.... stuff messes up.

Question... why was there ever a need to have an "Emergency Manager" to begin with? If they had their crap together, there would never have been an Emergency Manager.

The Democrats created a train wreck. You force a Republican to have assign someone to fix your train wreck. Then when he's there, you blame him for your train wreck? And that's supposed to be our scandal? You ruined yourself, and it's our fault we can fix your broken butt?

Let's explain how this works......

The state government is required to look into the fiscal security of local governments, because of a law passed in 1988 under a Democrat governor.

When they determine the local government is about to default because of their irresponsibility, they sent notice by the State government, and are required to make a choice between 4 options.

A consent agreement. (strange name, but basically it means the city already has a viable working fiscal plan to fix the problem. Flint did not have this. Thus they didn't do a consent agreement)


They can declare bankruptcy, and go to bankruptcy court. They refused to do this.


They can go arbitration, and have a mediator work out the problem. They refused to do this.


They can ask the State government to appoint an Emergency Manager, and after one year, a 2/3rds vote to have him removed. Which he is then replaced by the State with a new manager. Moreover, the local authority can fight and haggle with the Emergency manager over implementation of the fiscal plan.

This is the exact option that Flint City Michigan has chosen to do.

They specifically choose this option. They ASKED the State to place an Emergency Manager over their city. Then they have fought with him over everything. And they have replaced every single Emergency Manager after the minimum year, consistently.

Since 2011, they have had FIVE emergency managers. They have kicked each and every single one of them out. Now you want to complain the manager put in place, didn't know what was going on? Or was incompetent? After you've kicked each one out in 12 months, who the heck wants this job? You likely can only find incompetent managers at this point. No one with any competence would ever agree to do this job.

And look at the City budget, produced by the local authority:

Just read it..... Are the politicians and elected officials, voted in office by the people of Flint Michigan concerned about the water? Does the budget reflect this "scandal" of a water emergency?

Page 13.... $2.17 Million dollars for improvements to water? No, parks and golf courses and river banks. The City of Flint Michigan has 63 Parks, "Community Centers" and Golf Courses.

Here's a crazy thought Democrats elected to office in Flint..... Cut the $2.17 Million in "park" improvements, and buy better water treatment plants. Heck, sell off some of those 63 "Community Centers", golf courses and river banks, and use the money to get some non-poisonous water.

Flip on down to page 49. Well what do you know.... $32 Million, of the Cities total expenses of $162 Million, about 20% of the budget is just going to pensions, and retiree health care.

Let me simplify that for you..... Unions. 20% of the budget is going to the Unions, and you are trying to blame the State Governor, for the incompetence going on in Flint? Poisoned water, and 20% of the entire city budget is paying retirees, thanks to Union contracts. Yeah, that's Republican's fault somehow..... whatever.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: All I can do is laugh to keep from exploding over the ABJECT IGNORANCE that permeates these forums. And there is no end in sight.

When people laugh, instead of argue... I know I won. If you could actually argue with anything... anything at all that I said... you would have done so. You can't.
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:

Again, by law, the City of Flint, opted to have an EM. They made that choice. Their problem, their choice, they issues. Simple as that.
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.
Funny Hillary's emails are a big deal to them but all one has to do is look at flint to see what Republican leadership gives us.

But people in white middle class neighborhood don't think it will happen to them. In other words flint lives don't matter.

But it could happen to us. Who says it hasn't already happened.

This is why government needs to look out for all of us, even if that means asking the rich to fix flint, which is exactly what Snyder is doing now. He's running to uncle Sam, not poor flint citizens, to fix this problem.

Government isn't the problem. Government run by ceo's is the problem. Business doesn't care but government should.

Part of the problem is that business left Flint Michigan. If CEOs were the problem, then the problem should have left, when the CEOs did.

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