The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

The gop wants less regulation so businesses can pollute more. This is how insane they're.

Dems want more stupid regulations, because why do we need businesses or jobs?
Bernie will just conjure money. Free shit for everybody!!!
You think the purpose of safety regulations is to stop job creation?
Even for you that beyond tarded. All those that believe in safety regulations, raise your hand:

So, if your city started supplying you with poisoned water, you'd still pay your bills? Isn't there something in there along the lines of payment for a usable product - for services rendered? The water is not usable. They might as well be pumping horse shit to them. But you'd pay for horse shit. You'd pay the local government for having brain damaged your children. You'd pay the local government for the privilege of getting every drop of your water elsewhere for a significant time to come. No usable running water. No showers, no baths. You might as well be living out in the woods in a fucking tent. But you'd keep paying them for it. There's a true American.

you'd still pay your bills?

Didn't the city get in trouble because they couldn't pay their bills?
Water is a right, free water for the people!!!
Maybe the Dem city council could vote on it? Wasn't the count 7-1 on switching the water?
Todd, a democrat never does anything wrong. It is really quite clear how to deal with society, blame the GOP for everything and see what sticks with the people. it's really that simple.

The republicans were the issue during the year the Pres had both the House and the Senate and it was the GOP why nothing got done. It doesn't get any clearer then that excuse to know the tactic of the left.

Everyone of the folks who signed off on this were all dems, yet it is the GOP governor's fault.

I just laugh at the fools.
How about if we just blame Republicans for what they've done wrong. I think that's more than enough.
dude, I already know you hate republicans so much so that everything they do is wrong. your pissing match isn't worth it either. Standard line of a democrat libturd blame the republican.
Depends on how you define wrong. When redistribution moves the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, the GOP calls that a job well done. Others call it wrong.
The first thing the new republican president should do is fire every incompetent EPA drone who authorized the switch over to the Flint River. The incompetence is so glaring that it seems that it might have been done on purpose for political gain. In that case indictments would be appropriate. The second thing is to recommend indictments for all the federal robots who were involved in "operation Fast/Furious".
And? Why the Governor? He was lied to. Repeatedly. DHHS lied their asses off to everyone. To the Mayor to the EM to the City Council and to the public.

Virginia Tech busted them.

If you can't trust your health department who the hell can you trust?

We don't necessarily agree on everything but here is some more damning evidence that even the water treatment plant didn't test for lead after the water left their Plant. but lead wasn't the issue at the plant. It was the corrosive agent in the water that they failed to neutralize. The Blame for that lies with the Plant manager whose name appears on signed documents here...

Flint, MI — After filing a FOIA request, a Virginia Tech professor recently discovered Michigan state officials knew the city of Flint’s water supply was giving children lead poisoning while falsely assuring residents that the water was safe. Although the government had been aware of the increased levels of lead poisoning since July, they continued to lie to the public until a Flint pediatrician published a study in September that found lead exposure in children had doubled citywide and nearly tripled in high-risk areas.

Read more at FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

Earlier this week, Edwards wrote, “After missing warning signs of spiking childhood lead poisoning that occurred a few months after switching to a corrosive river water source in 2014, outside pressure forced officials at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to closely scrutinize their data in July 2015. They discovered scientifically conclusive evidence of an anomalous increase in childhood lead poisoning in summer 2014 immediately after the switch in water sources, but stood by silently as Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) officials repeatedly and falsely stated that no spike in blood lead levels (BLL) of children had occurred.”

Read more at FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

If MDHHS was aware of the lead corruption of Flint's water as alleged above, this is the man who was in charge.


From the MDHHS Web site as of 10/21/15 and it is still there.

You can use unfiltered tap water for:
  • Showers
  • Baths (don’t let kids drink the water as they play in the tub)
  • Brushing your teeth (if you are an adult)

Now that the Shit has literally hit the fan, Snyder restores power back to the mayor.

What do you think of this
link from March 2015? This is from the city water department treatment facility whose operatives obviously had no idea that Flint River water was leeching lead from pipes AFTER it left their plant. Not ONE of the 8 testing sites, according to them, showed elevated lead levels. I wonder where those testing sites are located. You better copy the pages in this link fast before they delete them or change something to CYA.

And? Why the Governor? He was lied to. Repeatedly. DHHS lied their asses off to everyone. To the Mayor to the EM to the City Council and to the public.

Virginia Tech busted them.

If you can't trust your health department who the hell can you trust?

We don't necessarily agree on everything but here is some more damning evidence that even the water treatment plant didn't test for lead after the water left their Plant. but lead wasn't the issue at the plant. It was the corrosive agent in the water that they failed to neutralize. The Blame for that lies with the Plant manager whose name appears on signed documents here...

Flint, MI — After filing a FOIA request, a Virginia Tech professor recently discovered Michigan state officials knew the city of Flint’s water supply was giving children lead poisoning while falsely assuring residents that the water was safe. Although the government had been aware of the increased levels of lead poisoning since July, they continued to lie to the public until a Flint pediatrician published a study in September that found lead exposure in children had doubled citywide and nearly tripled in high-risk areas.

Read more at FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

Earlier this week, Edwards wrote, “After missing warning signs of spiking childhood lead poisoning that occurred a few months after switching to a corrosive river water source in 2014, outside pressure forced officials at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to closely scrutinize their data in July 2015. They discovered scientifically conclusive evidence of an anomalous increase in childhood lead poisoning in summer 2014 immediately after the switch in water sources, but stood by silently as Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) officials repeatedly and falsely stated that no spike in blood lead levels (BLL) of children had occurred.”

Read more at FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

If MDHHS was aware of the lead corruption of Flint's water as alleged above, this is the man who was in charge.


From the MDHHS Web site as of 10/21/15 and it is still there.

You can use unfiltered tap water for:
  • Showers
  • Baths (don’t let kids drink the water as they play in the tub)
  • Brushing your teeth (if you are an adult)

Now that the Shit has literally hit the fan, Snyder restores power back to the mayor.

What do you think of this
link from March 2015? This is from the city water department treatment facility whose operatives obviously had no idea that Flint River water was leeching lead from pipes AFTER it left their plant. Not ONE of the 8 testing sites, according to them, showed elevated lead levels. I wonder where those testing sites are located. You better copy the pages in this link fast before they delete them or change something to CYA.

Thanks for that update. Man oh man this is sickening. To think that DHHS knew in 2014 and did nothing just blows my mind.

I really am a conservationist/ activist concentrating on water issues. Started way back with Grassy Narrows. Mercury poisoning of First Nations. Restoring wetlands. Now that I'm out west I've been pushing to get municipalities off boil water advisories.

In this day and age I'm on one. Hard to believe eh? I know I choose to live in the middle of nowhere but there are far too many communities that have been on boil water advisories for decades. Ridiculous.

My goodness the horrid consequences from mercury or lead are a nightmare beyond.

Boggles the mind that the health department knowing the irreparable harm that even the smallest amount of lead can do to a child allowed this to go on and fought tooth and nail to cover this scandal up is really beyond the pale.

I really want to see a number of people wearing orange jumpsuits with silver bracelets.

This is criminal.
And? Why the Governor? He was lied to. Repeatedly. DHHS lied their asses off to everyone. To the Mayor to the EM to the City Council and to the public.

Virginia Tech busted them.

If you can't trust your health department who the hell can you trust?

We don't necessarily agree on everything but here is some more damning evidence that even the water treatment plant didn't test for lead after the water left their Plant. but lead wasn't the issue at the plant. It was the corrosive agent in the water that they failed to neutralize. The Blame for that lies with the Plant manager whose name appears on signed documents here...

Flint, MI — After filing a FOIA request, a Virginia Tech professor recently discovered Michigan state officials knew the city of Flint’s water supply was giving children lead poisoning while falsely assuring residents that the water was safe. Although the government had been aware of the increased levels of lead poisoning since July, they continued to lie to the public until a Flint pediatrician published a study in September that found lead exposure in children had doubled citywide and nearly tripled in high-risk areas.

Read more at FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

Earlier this week, Edwards wrote, “After missing warning signs of spiking childhood lead poisoning that occurred a few months after switching to a corrosive river water source in 2014, outside pressure forced officials at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to closely scrutinize their data in July 2015. They discovered scientifically conclusive evidence of an anomalous increase in childhood lead poisoning in summer 2014 immediately after the switch in water sources, but stood by silently as Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) officials repeatedly and falsely stated that no spike in blood lead levels (BLL) of children had occurred.”

Read more at FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

If MDHHS was aware of the lead corruption of Flint's water as alleged above, this is the man who was in charge.


From the MDHHS Web site as of 10/21/15 and it is still there.

You can use unfiltered tap water for:
  • Showers
  • Baths (don’t let kids drink the water as they play in the tub)
  • Brushing your teeth (if you are an adult)

Now that the Shit has literally hit the fan, Snyder restores power back to the mayor.

What do you think of this
link from March 2015? This is from the city water department treatment facility whose operatives obviously had no idea that Flint River water was leeching lead from pipes AFTER it left their plant. Not ONE of the 8 testing sites, according to them, showed elevated lead levels. I wonder where those testing sites are located. You better copy the pages in this link fast before they delete them or change something to CYA.

Thanks for that update. Man oh man this is sickening. To think that DHHS knew in 2014 and did nothing just blows my mind.

I really am a conservationist/ activist concentrating on water issues. Started way back with Grassy Narrows. Mercury poisoning of First Nations. Restoring wetlands. Now that I'm out west I've been pushing to get municipalities off boil water advisories.

In this day and age I'm on one. Hard to believe eh? I know I choose to live in the middle of nowhere but there are far too many communities that have been on boil water advisories for decades. Ridiculous.

My goodness the horrid consequences from mercury or lead are a nightmare beyond.

Boggles the mind that the health department knowing the irreparable harm that even the smallest amount of lead can do to a child allowed this to go on and fought tooth and nail to cover this scandal up is really beyond the pale.

I really want to see a number of people wearing orange jumpsuits with silver bracelets.

This is criminal.
So, if your city started supplying you with poisoned water, you'd still pay your bills? Isn't there something in there along the lines of payment for a usable product - for services rendered? The water is not usable. They might as well be pumping horse shit to them. But you'd pay for horse shit. You'd pay the local government for having brain damaged your children. You'd pay the local government for the privilege of getting every drop of your water elsewhere for a significant time to come. No usable running water. No showers, no baths. You might as well be living out in the woods in a fucking tent. But you'd keep paying them for it. There's a true American.

you'd still pay your bills?

Didn't the city get in trouble because they couldn't pay their bills?
Water is a right, free water for the people!!!
Maybe the Dem city council could vote on it? Wasn't the count 7-1 on switching the water?
Todd, a democrat never does anything wrong. It is really quite clear how to deal with society, blame the GOP for everything and see what sticks with the people. it's really that simple.

The republicans were the issue during the year the Pres had both the House and the Senate and it was the GOP why nothing got done. It doesn't get any clearer then that excuse to know the tactic of the left.

Everyone of the folks who signed off on this were all dems, yet it is the GOP governor's fault.

I just laugh at the fools.
How about if we just blame Republicans for what they've done wrong. I think that's more than enough.
dude, I already know you hate republicans so much so that everything they do is wrong. your pissing match isn't worth it either. Standard line of a democrat libturd blame the republican.
Depends on how you define wrong. When redistribution moves the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, the GOP calls that a job well done. Others call it wrong.
The GOP does what, where?
Snyder Taps Scandal-Plagued Lackey to Advise in Flint
January 26, 2016
Contact: Sam Inglot

MICHIGAN — It was recently reported that Gov. Rick Snyder had tapped Rich Baird, one of his scandal-plagued advisors, to coordinate the state efforts in Flint. On Monday, it was announced the state was already scaling back its efforts to reach Flint residents with filters and water.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The fact that former Flint Emergency Manager Darnell Earley is at Detroit Public Schools and now Snyder is tapping Rich Baird to run his response to Flint despite the fact that Baird has a history of scandal and secrecy in Michigan shows that the Governor will not be able to build back the trust necessary to recover from this man-made disaster,” said Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan. “Snyder’s response to this man-made crisis has been abysmal. Instead of hiring PR firms and sending in his cronies to try and fix his image, Governor Snyder should be in Flint himself fixing this problem his administration ignored until they couldn’t ignore it any longer.”


If you were thinking Richard Baird, where have I heard that name before?

Yep, Governor Rick Snyder (R-MI) just named the same Richard (the fixer) Baird, who shared office space with Gov. Rick Snyder but-----but was paid off the gov't clock by the NERD fund which was funded by undisclosed financial contributors.

Michigan's nightmare continues...

who cares. if you don't live there. poke your noses into everyone's business

you should be worried about why it is that party you're a tool of only has 18 Governorships compared to the Republican 30somthing. get on it

GOP Grabs 30 Governor Seats, Highest for Either Party in Over a Decade
all of it here:
GOP Grabs 30 Governor Seats
Last edited:
To paraphrase the governor of New Jersey, "what do you want him to do, get a mop"? Libs whined about FEMA's slow response to the corrupt city of New Orleans and blamed Bush and now that the democrat president has refused assistance to a city in trouble with it's water supply the left manages to blame a republican.
To paraphrase the governor of New Jersey, "what do you want him to do, get a mop"? Libs whined about FEMA's slow response to the corrupt city of New Orleans and blamed Bush and now that the democrat president has refused assistance to a city in trouble with it's water supply the left manages to blame a republican.

Do you agree with the statement; New Orleans was nature, Flint is manmade?
To paraphrase the governor of New Jersey, "what do you want him to do, get a mop"? Libs whined about FEMA's slow response to the corrupt city of New Orleans and blamed Bush and now that the democrat president has refused assistance to a city in trouble with it's water supply the left manages to blame a republican.

Propaganda is a powerful tool.
Snyder Taps Scandal-Plagued Lackey to Advise in Flint
January 26, 2016
Contact: Sam Inglot

MICHIGAN — It was recently reported that Gov. Rick Snyder had tapped Rich Baird, one of his scandal-plagued advisors, to coordinate the state efforts in Flint. On Monday, it was announced the state was already scaling back its efforts to reach Flint residents with filters and water.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The fact that former Flint Emergency Manager Darnell Earley is at Detroit Public Schools and now Snyder is tapping Rich Baird to run his response to Flint despite the fact that Baird has a history of scandal and secrecy in Michigan shows that the Governor will not be able to build back the trust necessary to recover from this man-made disaster,” said Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan. “Snyder’s response to this man-made crisis has been abysmal. Instead of hiring PR firms and sending in his cronies to try and fix his image, Governor Snyder should be in Flint himself fixing this problem his administration ignored until they couldn’t ignore it any longer.”


If you were thinking Richard Baird, where have I heard that name before?

Yep, Governor Rick Snyder (R-MI) just named the same Richard (the fixer) Baird, who shared office space with Gov. Rick Snyder but-----but was paid off the gov't clock by the NERD fund which was funded by undisclosed financial contributors.

Michigan's nightmare continues...


Nice plane.
The first thing the new republican president should do is fire every incompetent EPA drone who authorized the switch over to the Flint River. The incompetence is so glaring that it seems that it might have been done on purpose for political gain. In that case indictments would be appropriate. The second thing is to recommend indictments for all the federal robots who were involved in "operation Fast/Furious".
Explain Fast/Furious. Tell us what happened and what was the goal. Make it good.
We are watching the Town Hall in Flint. The Gov refused to show up.
And they are talking about all the things the GOP hates:
Clean water
feeding poor children
Health care
Food stamps
Nutritious meals

It's tough hearing what Republicans have done to these people.
We are watching the Town Hall in Flint. The Gov refused to show up.
And they are talking about all the things the GOP hates:
Clean water
feeding poor children
Health care
Food stamps
Nutritious meals

It's tough hearing what Republicans have done to these people.

It's almost enough to make you forget the 7-1 Dem vote, the Dem Emergency Managers, the Detroit Dems who cut off their water and the Flint Dems who ran them into bankruptcy in the first place.
Todd, what's with the faking of history now?

Detroit did not cut off the water.

The decision to switch was made directly by the governor's office.

The Democratic city council did not vote to use untreated Flint river water. They voted to leave the Detroit system, which is not even close to the same thing.

The EPA and other orgs told the governor's office there was lead in the water. The governor covered it up.

The extremist anti-democracy strategy of the Michigan Republicans, which all the Republicans here so enthusiastically endorse, has had catastrophic consequences. And rather than admit to their colossal screwup, the Republicans are doubling down on endorsing the tactics of totalitarian failure. In their minds, if they only remove even more democracy and install even more Republican dictators, all will be well!
We are watching the Town Hall in Flint. The Gov refused to show up.
And they are talking about all the things the GOP hates:
Clean water
feeding poor children
Health care
Food stamps
Nutritious meals

It's tough hearing what Republicans have done to these people.

It's almost enough to make you forget the 7-1 Dem vote, the Dem Emergency Managers, the Detroit Dems who cut off their water and the Flint Dems who ran them into bankruptcy in the first place.
Wow, can't wait to read your links. Care to post them?
The first thing the new republican president should do is fire every incompetent EPA drone who authorized the switch over to the Flint River. The incompetence is so glaring that it seems that it might have been done on purpose for political gain. In that case indictments would be appropriate. The second thing is to recommend indictments for all the federal robots who were involved in "operation Fast/Furious".
Still waiting for you to explain Fast/Furious. I really want to know what it's about. Can you help out?

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