The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Flint VIOLATED THIS CFR...........when it came online it was required to have CORROSION control TREATMENT in the system.It went over a year before reporting that it had not done so, and an additional 6 months before action taken after being told by the EPA to implement them immediately...............

The EPA knew the levels were the same time the governor knew it.

How is corrosion diagnosed and evaluated? The following events and measurements can indicate potential corrosion problems in a water system: Consumer complaints: Many times a consumer complaint about the taste or odor of water is the first indication of a corrosion problem. Investigators need to examine the construction materials used in the water distribution system and in the plumbing of the complainants’ areas. (See table on page 4.)

Sampling and chemical analysis: The potential for corrosion can also be assessed by conducting a chemical sampling program. Water with a low pH (less than 6.0) tends to be more corrosive. Higher water temperature and total dissolved solids also can indicate corrosivity

How can system corrosion be reduced? Corrosion in a system can be reduced by changing the water’s characteristics, such as adjusting pH and alkalinity; softening the water with lime; and changing the level of dissolved oxygen (although this is not a common method of control). Any corrosion adjustment program should include monitoring. This allows for dosage modification, as water characteristics change over time. pH adjustment: Operators can promote the formation of a protective calcium carbonate coating (scale) on the metal surface of plumbing by adjusting pH, alkalinity, and calcium levels. Calcium carbonate scaling occurs when water is oversaturated with calcium carbonate.

FYI ARTICLE............On what they should have done at the treatment plant. They are now finally putting in Phosphorus hoping to reverse the damage done by Not implementing this plan.
You know this thread might hold a little water if the liberal response to very Democrats scandal or fuck up was not phony scandal or vast right wing consiparcy.
It makes it hard to believe anything they say....................

But as I dig deeper..........DEQ enviro quality reported problems with temporary use of the Flint River as a source. Including Chronic Health hazards, E-coli, and forced boil water notices. It is in the very emails he released. So I'm ready based on that to say the Gov. needs to be Hung along with the rest of the idiots......................

The MONEY TREE in a public meeting................from an Emergency Manager............on a reason NOT TO SHIFT BACK to the Detroit grid............................give me a break here..........

I don't like Liberal tactics............and I don't trust them because they have a history of making shit up..........but it isn't looking too good for the governor on this one......................

I don't play party politics once the facts start getting clear. and I don't like what I'm reading here.
Don't misunderstand me I'm not doubting the stuff about Flint river just pointing out Democrats stay as silent about there scandals as Republicans are on this.
That is what Politicians do all the time.............we are more of a show me proof before we are ready to frag someone sort..........they are more of pushing the politics no matter the situation or a bunch of zombies. This Jq poster seems to have his act together......but given the left's tactics in the past they are hard to believe anymore...............

I've been reading far more than I wanted to on this Flint Crisis trying to find out who's Bull shitting who...........Snyder's toast as are a lot more in this mess...............I'm still looking for the letter in the video...........but I'd also like to see the RATES for DETROIT as well........some of the emails are stating Detroits rates went up.......How much and what was Detroits rate offer for the 2 year period............That is some info I'd like to see.
Try this one.... HOT LINK!

Reporter’s notebook: Some state officials still in denial or misinformed over Flint River decision
There is nothing any of the candidates could do anyway. All they could do is a photo op.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say

And 'Right to Life' doesn't count once you are out of the womb. Not only could they not give shite about the people in Flint that are affected, you can bet many cons are rooting for the politicians that perpetrated this crime.
You're an idiot. Like all leftists. Stab a pregnant woman in the guy and see what the charges are. If the baby dies, it's murder. You stupid assholes can't see past party politics to see the world the way it really is.
Why cant they have water that is fit to drink ?
The richest country in the world is poisoning its kids with dirty water?

Over here we give to a charity called Water Aid. They operate in Ethiopia and other third world nations.Maybe they should look further afield ?

Sure. Would you like to fund it? By all means. Buy all the water you want, and ship it to Flint.

America is rich enough to fund clean water for America. Your attitude suggests that you do not agree that this should happen.
Why cant they have water that is fit to drink ?
The richest country in the world is poisoning its kids with dirty water?

Over here we give to a charity called Water Aid. They operate in Ethiopia and other third world nations.Maybe they should look further afield ?

Sure. Would you like to fund it? By all means. Buy all the water you want, and ship it to Flint.

America is rich enough to fund clean water for America. Your attitude suggests that you do not agree that this should happen.

oh really? who the hell are you to make that claim. if you're so rich go and give them your money to fix it. put your money where your mouth is. K
Stab a pregnant woman in the guy and see what the charges are.

Stab a pregnant woman in the guy.....

You fucking idiot. Did you stay up all night working on that line?
Gut, Willie. The t is next to the y. You couldn't figure it out so I'm done looking at your retarded spew. So off you go into the trash with your other identity, Joey.
Why cant they have water that is fit to drink ?
The richest country in the world is poisoning its kids with dirty water?

Over here we give to a charity called Water Aid. They operate in Ethiopia and other third world nations.Maybe they should look further afield ?

Sure. Would you like to fund it? By all means. Buy all the water you want, and ship it to Flint.

America is rich enough to fund clean water for America. Your attitude suggests that you do not agree that this should happen.

oh really? who the hell are you to make that claim. if you're so rich go and give them your money to fix it. put your money where your mouth is. K
Are you saying that they dont deserve clean water because they cant afford it ?
Unless someone lives in that state it isn't anyone else's concern. unless you just like to point fingers and who cares about all the people living there. sheesh
You know this thread might hold a little water if the liberal response to very Democrats scandal or fuck up was not phony scandal or vast right wing consiparcy.
It makes it hard to believe anything they say....................

But as I dig deeper..........DEQ enviro quality reported problems with temporary use of the Flint River as a source. Including Chronic Health hazards, E-coli, and forced boil water notices. It is in the very emails he released. So I'm ready based on that to say the Gov. needs to be Hung along with the rest of the idiots......................

The MONEY TREE in a public meeting................from an Emergency Manager............on a reason NOT TO SHIFT BACK to the Detroit grid............................give me a break here..........

I don't like Liberal tactics............and I don't trust them because they have a history of making shit up..........but it isn't looking too good for the governor on this one......................

I don't play party politics once the facts start getting clear. and I don't like what I'm reading here.
Don't misunderstand me I'm not doubting the stuff about Flint river just pointing out Democrats stay as silent about there scandals as Republicans are on this.
That is what Politicians do all the time.............we are more of a show me proof before we are ready to frag someone sort..........they are more of pushing the politics no matter the situation or a bunch of zombies. This Jq poster seems to have his act together......but given the left's tactics in the past they are hard to believe anymore...............

I've been reading far more than I wanted to on this Flint Crisis trying to find out who's Bull shitting who...........Snyder's toast as are a lot more in this mess...............I'm still looking for the letter in the video...........but I'd also like to see the RATES for DETROIT as well........some of the emails are stating Detroits rates went up.......How much and what was Detroits rate offer for the 2 year period............That is some info I'd like to see.
Try this one.... HOT LINK!

Reporter’s notebook: Some state officials still in denial or misinformed over Flint River decision
That article proves my point on basically being Black Mailed by Detroit. They raised the rates by 10 Million for the 2 year period. Which is where some were saying that the move would save them 5 Million a year.

Had they put in the Corrosion Treatment measures, even with the Flint River.........the corrosion problem wouldn't have happened.

Final Blackmail from Detroit was the 12 Million they had to pay to Detroit JUST TO TIE BACK IN. The Tying back into their grid was more Political than an absolute Necessity..............As with the water softener additives they could Treat the Water from the Flint River to provide the water...........

But under the political shit storm, they decided to make the move for the coming lawsuits that is gonna HAMMER THEM.
Unless someone lives in that state it isn't anyone else's concern. unless you just like to point fingers and who cares about all the people living there. sheesh

Im not really sure I understand the whole post.You might want to re-read it and add some punctuation. As I think I understand it though you seem to want to quash discussion on the subject. You come across as a bit authoritarian and controlling.Is a message board an appropriate place for you ?

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