The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Oh, I WILL be around for a long time.... You still didn't produce a link or documentation showing that the local Flint government requested an EM. Now chew on this while I continue snickering:

Flint has been under emergency Management off and on since 2011.

Governor Snyder has changed EMs several times, apparently to negate the 18 month provision after which 2./3 of the local government can oust an EM

The Rachel Maddow show had a town meeting in Flint and nothing on that show indicated the Em was selected by the elected officials of Flint. I got a sense that they felt railroaded into having to accept an EM.

(4) Subject to section 9(6)(c) and (11), unless authorized by the governor, a local government shall not utilize 1 of the local options listed in subsection (1)(a) to (d) more than 1 time.

Nice try; but, like Paul Harvey says, here is the REST of the story: The Michigan Treasurer's ad hoc syllabus doesn't mention the following excerpt form the actual LAW. That being Act # 436 under Enrolled Senate Bill no. 865

Sec. 25. (1) A neutral evaluation process may be utilized as provided for in this act. The state treasurer may, in his or her own discretion, determine that the state monitor the neutral evaluation process initiated by a local government under this section and may identify 1 or more individuals who may attend and observe the neutral evaluation process. A local government shall initiate the neutral evaluation process by providing notice by certified mail of a request for neutral evaluation process to all interested parties.I f the local government does not provide notice under this subsection to all interested parties within 7 days after selecting the neutral evaluation process option, the treasurer may require the local government to go into receivership and proceed under section 9. ( not chapter 9 the bankruptcy option but Section 9(6)(c) of Act#436 = Emergency Management)

I have seen NO documentation showing the local government of Flint chose the EM option or any of the 4 options listed. Nor have I seen documentation outlining how the financial crisis was determined in the first place. If you have such evidence put up and I will acknowledge it. Until then I 'll keep laughing.

I have seen Snyder's correspondence in placing an EM over the all White city of Allen Park MI. It doesnt look like that city opted for an EM either. But they got one!

MLIVE...a local media outlet is a link I used in a previous post to shwo how Snyder and his gang lied and engaged in a cover up. Do you expect anyone with an ounce of objectivity to believe what is posted on a State of Michigan Department website?

Don't make me laugh any more than I already have....
Flint is bankrupt.... Detroit was bankrupt. Now they are coming back. Thanks to Snyder, the EFM and corporate investors. Certainly not any leftist nutjobs and crooked liberals
At what expense? So cheap you give us lead poison?

Oh, and now that he gave all the corporate tax breaks he says we're broke and has to raise our taxes.

One more thing. If corporations are so good at solving all of our problems why did Rick Snyder run to the federal government 4 100 billion dollars and not run to corporations to solve the problem in Flint?
hey diiot
Im going to have to leave this thread. If they dare suggest liberals and Democrats did this to flint, then you are talking to people so stupid and brainwashed.

This reminds me of how bush lied us into Iraq and they say Democrats voted for it. We remember being conned into that.

So I can't take a non Michigander stupid fucking right wingers blaming poor people in flint when the Republicans completely own this problem. Snyder could even be sued criminally if he knew and did nothing.

I'm in Michigan and a Detroiter. Where you from boy? The reason why Michigan was in a tail spin before the Republicans took over is partly because of too many idiots like you in this state:slap:
Grew up 6 & evergreen. Live on a lake now.

Unions made this state. Spineless ignorant greedy voters like you sent our good paying jobs to china and mexico

Remember Ford had record profits in 1999. My dad got record profit sharing. My kind afford you the luxury to be stupid

An old Jewish neighborhood back in the day now look at it. You people sent our jobs overseas and why do you support unlimited immigration into this country at the expense of American workers?
This doesn't make sense. You say we sent jobs overseas. Why, because we made too much?

But isn't the only thing wrong with the economy is that all those factory workers who lost their good paying jobs took a step backward?

That's why people aren't doing as well under Obama than they did under bush. Don't forget 700,000 jobs a month were leaving the country in Bush's last year. No shit those people aren't doing as well. Wasn't that the gop's goal? To lower wages?
Look talking points boy. 700,000 jobs a month is not possible. that happen in only one month. I'm not defending Bush he spent way too much money. the crash certainly wasnt Bush's fault

Remember the Bikini Chart?

That may be a good thing if Detroit hope to retain over watch of clean water, food and other necessities of life.
Your post proves you're a dumbass

Welllllll....Deteroit isn't trying to save money by tapping into the Flint River....:lol:

But that could change, now that Snyder has put an EM in charge of Detroit!
Hey moron Detroit had the manger first. its been over now for more than a year where you been:dunno:

That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday

Are you talking about Early?

Yes I am talking about Early.. Do you see his name in the link?
I remember the glory days but if we have to put it up to the newbies isn't there a guy out there called M&M or something?
I remember my neighborhood was wonderful in the early 70's.

Then all the white people moved. We were the last whites to leave and my grandmother stayed another 30 years. Even got mugged 2 times.
She didn't get mugged by Republicans and there are sill white people in my old neighborhood. Along with the Mexicans, Arabs and Blacks. I'm there all the time
How do you know they weren't republican muggers? Don't bother don't just assume they were what?
Highly unlikely...Republicans don't mug people
No, they just poison them with untreated water and lead!

I'm on boil water. I had the sweetest little girl panic sp? when she got water samples.Stuartburn was trying to figure out why we can't drink the water. It's a thing out here. They come out here in the boon docks and test it and then look at us in amazement. OMG you should be dead said one girl.

Heheheheh the miracle that is Immodium Extra Strength. . I digress. White privilege kiss my ass.

Any hoo I live in a boil water. As do many others First Nations.

We are out here in the hinterlands and instead of getting us water, the politicians know where the votes are. In Winnipeg. They are getting a bike path. They get a bike path by the way only be a good 4 months of the year. And we still only have boil water advisories. Millions upon millions upon millions for a bike path that should really be a skidoo path.

Meanwhile First Nations suffer greatly. And so do I.

*sigh* I will continue to fight. But when they hold the heart of the city where the votes are I'm a loser from the get go.
Welllllll....Deteroit isn't trying to save money by tapping into the Flint River....:lol:

But that could change, now that Snyder has put an EM in charge of Detroit!
Hey moron Detroit had the manger first. its been over now for more than a year where you been:dunno:

That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday
You're one of those guys who don't know what they are talking about but you continually look these up as if you do:slap: The school system was broken long before Synder. Corruption, waste, they spent a million dollars putting a new roof on my high school only to tear it down a few years later:uhoh3: you cant look this stuff up on the internet. Which means you're lost

You are not only a wooly headed idiot but stoopid too! First you say Detroit has no EM, I prove my pointr and you change the subject like you think no one would notice. STFU.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?
Your post proves you're a dumbass

Welllllll....Deteroit isn't trying to save money by tapping into the Flint River....:lol:

But that could change, now that Snyder has put an EM in charge of Detroit!
Hey moron Detroit had the manger first. its been over now for more than a year where you been:dunno:

That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday

Are you talking about Early?

Yes I am talking about Early.. Do you see his name in the link?

As far as I can see he and the council were really brilliant to switch to KWA. It's not their fault that DWAS flipped out and decided to cut them off.
Hey moron Detroit had the manger first. its been over now for more than a year where you been:dunno:

That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday
You're one of those guys who don't know what they are talking about but you continually look these up as if you do:slap: The school system was broken long before Synder. Corruption, waste, they spent a million dollars putting a new roof on my high school only to tear it down a few years later:uhoh3: you cant look this stuff up on the internet. Which means you're lost

You are not only a wooly headed idiot but stoopid too! First you say Detroit has no EM, I prove my pointr and you change the subject like you think no one would notice. STFU.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

Whoa whoa whoa. How much? Whoa geeze man. Tell me you added an extra zero there.
Welllllll....Deteroit isn't trying to save money by tapping into the Flint River....:lol:

But that could change, now that Snyder has put an EM in charge of Detroit!
Hey moron Detroit had the manger first. its been over now for more than a year where you been:dunno:

That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday

Are you talking about Early?

Yes I am talking about Early.. Do you see his name in the link?

As far as I can see he and the council were really brilliant to switch to KWA. It's not their fault that DWAS flipped out and decided to cut them off.
DWAS didn't cut them off... that is the lie Snyder and Crew is spreading...


Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.

This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.
That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday
You're one of those guys who don't know what they are talking about but you continually look these up as if you do:slap: The school system was broken long before Synder. Corruption, waste, they spent a million dollars putting a new roof on my high school only to tear it down a few years later:uhoh3: you cant look this stuff up on the internet. Which means you're lost

You are not only a wooly headed idiot but stoopid too! First you say Detroit has no EM, I prove my pointr and you change the subject like you think no one would notice. STFU.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

Whoa whoa whoa. How much? Whoa geeze man. Tell me you added an extra zero there.

No, if you read the link you will see that I left out a 5 which would make it $225,000... Nice money for hatchet work, eh?
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruin her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruin her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Its funny because as a liberal, I have made the argument that white's are to blame for blacks being criminal. If you don't offer them good jobs and you put them in a ghetto and you treat them like 2nd class citizens, they're going to be more violent. But this is also debatable because blacks could do something about it themselves and solve their own poverty/crime problem.

BUT, now we have clear evidence Republicans/Rich people/Whites are responsible for the crime in Flint.

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

How Lead Caused America's Violent Crime Epidemic

Ban on Leaded Gas Linked to Drop in Crime
At what expense? So cheap you give us lead poison?

Oh, and now that he gave all the corporate tax breaks he says we're broke and has to raise our taxes.

One more thing. If corporations are so good at solving all of our problems why did Rick Snyder run to the federal government 4 100 billion dollars and not run to corporations to solve the problem in Flint?

Republicans have been complaining that Obama is a dictator (laugh) but it looks to me like a manmade disaster such as there is in the Flint poisoning doesn't qualify for federal funds
it also looks to me like Obama is looking for ways to manipulate the federal disaster rules in an attempt to wring some money out of federal funds to help get MI out of a jam.

The last time a state begged Obama for aid for a disaster that didn't qualify for federal funds, Obama found a way to help TX with the manmade West, TX disaster - what's with Republican Governors who complain about Obama, then coming to Obama on bended knee begging for help?

I wonder if Snyder will give Obama a big ol' Christie type hug?

Excerpts below from:

While the president can declare any incident that causes damage beyond the ability of state and local governments to handle as a major disaster, doing so in the case of a man-made public health crisis like the one in Flint would be rare, if not unprecedented

Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare a federal emergency in Flint and expedite $96 million in disaster relief for Genesee County as a result of the city’s lead-contaminated water crisis.

“I have determined that this incident is potentially of such severity and magnitude that effective recovery is beyond the capabilities of the State of Michigan and the affected local governments and that federal relief assistance is necessary,” Snyder wrote in a nine-page letter to Obama that came nine days after he declared a state emergency in the city.

Documents show the Snyder administration’s request includes:

■$54.6 million for the repair of damaged lead service lines on private property.

■$10.3 million for 90 days of water.

■$31 million for a year’s worth of filters and other water supplies.

Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.

The issue is not about a governor. Not at all. And they know it now.

What the entire country now knows is that this is completely on the governor and the state trying to save a couple bucks. It's only a matter of time before Michigan voters begin a drive to recall him as governor. More likely, he will end up resigning in disgrace. Cons can try to spin this debacle any way they want, but in the end, this is on the Republicans 100%.
Flint is bankrupt.... Detroit was bankrupt. Now they are coming back. Thanks to Snyder, the EFM and corporate investors. Certainly not any leftist nutjobs and crooked liberals
At what expense? So cheap you give us lead poison?

Oh, and now that he gave all the corporate tax breaks he says we're broke and has to raise our taxes.

One more thing. If corporations are so good at solving all of our problems why did Rick Snyder run to the federal government 4 100 billion dollars and not run to corporations to solve the problem in Flint?

Republicans have been complaining that Obama is a dictator (laugh) but it looks to me like a manmade disaster such as there is in the Flint poisoning doesn't qualify for federal funds
it also looks to me like Obama is looking for ways to manipulate the federal disaster rules in an attempt to wring some money out of federal funds to help get MI out of a jam.

The last time a state begged Obama for aid for a disaster that didn't qualify for federal funds, Obama found a way to help TX with the manmade West, TX disaster - what's with Republican Governors who complain about Obama, then coming to Obama on bended knee begging for help?

I wonder if Snyder will give Obama a big ol' Christie type hug?

Excerpts below from:

While the president can declare any incident that causes damage beyond the ability of state and local governments to handle as a major disaster, doing so in the case of a man-made public health crisis like the one in Flint would be rare, if not unprecedented

Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare a federal emergency in Flint and expedite $96 million in disaster relief for Genesee County as a result of the city’s lead-contaminated water crisis.

“I have determined that this incident is potentially of such severity and magnitude that effective recovery is beyond the capabilities of the State of Michigan and the affected local governments and that federal relief assistance is necessary,” Snyder wrote in a nine-page letter to Obama that came nine days after he declared a state emergency in the city.

Documents show the Snyder administration’s request includes:

■$54.6 million for the repair of damaged lead service lines on private property.

■$10.3 million for 90 days of water.

■$31 million for a year’s worth of filters and other water supplies.

Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Just in case you were not aware, all that money that Iran is getting is Iran's money. We froze those assets, but none the less, those assets belong to Iran. Iran does have some claims against the US that the US will have to pay, but that is because we kept something that wasn't ours as part of the sanctions that were placed against Iran.
Wrong Einstein..Why do you people post ignorance.... interest payment our money

The U.S. State Department announced the government had agreed to pay Iran $1.7 billion to settle a case related to the sale of military equipment prior to the Iranian revolution, according to a statement issued on Sunday.

The ignorance is all yours. Those interest payments are owed because we froze their assets. Obviously you have no clue how this works. Iran's claims for interest payments on those frozen assets is legitimate and will have to be paid. If we didn't want to pay interest on them, then we should never have frozen the assets to begin with. Of course the brain dead will never understand this.
At what expense? So cheap you give us lead poison?

Oh, and now that he gave all the corporate tax breaks he says we're broke and has to raise our taxes.

One more thing. If corporations are so good at solving all of our problems why did Rick Snyder run to the federal government 4 100 billion dollars and not run to corporations to solve the problem in Flint?

Republicans have been complaining that Obama is a dictator (laugh) but it looks to me like a manmade disaster such as there is in the Flint poisoning doesn't qualify for federal funds
it also looks to me like Obama is looking for ways to manipulate the federal disaster rules in an attempt to wring some money out of federal funds to help get MI out of a jam.

The last time a state begged Obama for aid for a disaster that didn't qualify for federal funds, Obama found a way to help TX with the manmade West, TX disaster - what's with Republican Governors who complain about Obama, then coming to Obama on bended knee begging for help?

I wonder if Snyder will give Obama a big ol' Christie type hug?

Excerpts below from:

While the president can declare any incident that causes damage beyond the ability of state and local governments to handle as a major disaster, doing so in the case of a man-made public health crisis like the one in Flint would be rare, if not unprecedented

Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare a federal emergency in Flint and expedite $96 million in disaster relief for Genesee County as a result of the city’s lead-contaminated water crisis.

“I have determined that this incident is potentially of such severity and magnitude that effective recovery is beyond the capabilities of the State of Michigan and the affected local governments and that federal relief assistance is necessary,” Snyder wrote in a nine-page letter to Obama that came nine days after he declared a state emergency in the city.

Documents show the Snyder administration’s request includes:

■$54.6 million for the repair of damaged lead service lines on private property.

■$10.3 million for 90 days of water.

■$31 million for a year’s worth of filters and other water supplies.

Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.
You like your Republican governor Toledo boy?

Not particularly son. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. He balanced the state budget by cutting school funding drastically. Almost every school district in the state was forced to make major cuts or pass massive tax levies to keep their doors open. In the end, he balanced the state budget, but he just passed the tax bill on to the local level. The worst thing about it is that poorer school districts were not as likely to pass school levies, so the poorer the district, the more harm done. But that is how Republicans do things. Kasich is all smiles showing how be balanced the budget and cut taxes, but in reality he stuck the tax bill right up everyone's ass.
Republicans have been complaining that Obama is a dictator (laugh) but it looks to me like a manmade disaster such as there is in the Flint poisoning doesn't qualify for federal funds
it also looks to me like Obama is looking for ways to manipulate the federal disaster rules in an attempt to wring some money out of federal funds to help get MI out of a jam.

The last time a state begged Obama for aid for a disaster that didn't qualify for federal funds, Obama found a way to help TX with the manmade West, TX disaster - what's with Republican Governors who complain about Obama, then coming to Obama on bended knee begging for help?

I wonder if Snyder will give Obama a big ol' Christie type hug?

Excerpts below from:

While the president can declare any incident that causes damage beyond the ability of state and local governments to handle as a major disaster, doing so in the case of a man-made public health crisis like the one in Flint would be rare, if not unprecedented

Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare a federal emergency in Flint and expedite $96 million in disaster relief for Genesee County as a result of the city’s lead-contaminated water crisis.

“I have determined that this incident is potentially of such severity and magnitude that effective recovery is beyond the capabilities of the State of Michigan and the affected local governments and that federal relief assistance is necessary,” Snyder wrote in a nine-page letter to Obama that came nine days after he declared a state emergency in the city.

Documents show the Snyder administration’s request includes:

■$54.6 million for the repair of damaged lead service lines on private property.

■$10.3 million for 90 days of water.

■$31 million for a year’s worth of filters and other water supplies.

Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.

The issue is not about a governor. Not at all. And they know it now.

What the entire country now knows is that this is completely on the governor and the state trying to save a couple bucks. It's only a matter of time before Michigan voters begin a drive to recall him as governor. More likely, he will end up resigning in disgrace. Cons can try to spin this debacle any way they want, but in the end, this is on the Republicans 100%.

You are the one who has spun.
How is it that, it would be any State Governors fault when it was a Dem Mayor and City Council that voted to go off Detroit's Water for Flint?
Please provide a link to your outrageous assertion that the City Council or Mayor requested an EM or "opted" to have one! I have already debunked that in previous posts so go on, make my day, and post your source....

You can delay your embarrassment if you simply review my posts in this link to see the rebuttal...Save us both time if you did... just sayin'

What? So you really don't know? That's the law. That's how it works.

TREASURY - How a Financial Emergency Works

Directly from the Michigan governments website:

Step Nine: Within 7 days after confirmation of a financial emergency, the governing body of the local government must select one of the following:

Consent Agreement option.
Emergency Manager option.
Neutral Evaluation Process option.
Chapter 9 Bankruptcy option.

Except as otherwise provided in the Act, a local government may not utilize any of the foregoing options more than once. A local government that does not select one of the above options is required to proceed under the Neutral Evaluation Process option.
Now who is laughing moron? :D

Flint picked option 2. They did it. Welcome to reality stupid. How long will you be staying?
Oh, I WILL be around for a long time.... You still didn't produce a link or documentation showing that the local Flint government requested an EM. Now chew on this while I continue snickering:

Flint has been under emergency Management off and on since 2011.

Governor Snyder has changed EMs several times, apparently to negate the 18 month provision after which 2./3 of the local government can oust an EM

The Rachel Maddow show had a town meeting in Flint and nothing on that show indicated the Em was selected by the elected officials of Flint. I got a sense that they felt railroaded into having to accept an EM.

(4) Subject to section 9(6)(c) and (11), unless authorized by the governor, a local government shall not utilize 1 of the local options listed in subsection (1)(a) to (d) more than 1 time.

Nice try; but, like Paul Harvey says, here is the REST of the story: The Michigan Treasurer's ad hoc syllabus doesn't mention the following excerpt form the actual LAW. That being Act # 436 under Enrolled Senate Bill no. 865

Sec. 25. (1) A neutral evaluation process may be utilized as provided for in this act. The state treasurer may, in his or her own discretion, determine that the state monitor the neutral evaluation process initiated by a local government under this section and may identify 1 or more individuals who may attend and observe the neutral evaluation process. A local government shall initiate the neutral evaluation process by providing notice by certified mail of a request for neutral evaluation process to all interested parties.I f the local government does not provide notice under this subsection to all interested parties within 7 days after selecting the neutral evaluation process option, the treasurer may require the local government to go into receivership and proceed under section 9. ( not chapter 9 the bankruptcy option but Section 9(6)(c) of Act#436 = Emergency Management)

I have seen NO documentation showing the local government of Flint chose the EM option or any of the 4 options listed. Nor have I seen documentation outlining how the financial crisis was determined in the first place. If you have such evidence put up and I will acknowledge it. Until then I 'll keep laughing.

I have seen Snyder's correspondence in placing an EM over the all White city of Allen Park MI. It doesnt look like that city opted for an EM either. But they got one!

MLIVE...a local media outlet is a link I used in a previous post to shwo how Snyder and his gang lied and engaged in a cover up. Do you expect anyone with an ounce of objectivity to believe what is posted on a State of Michigan Department website?

Don't make me laugh any more than I already have....
Flint is bankrupt.... Detroit was bankrupt. Now they are coming back. Thanks to Snyder, the EFM and corporate investors. Certainly not any leftist nutjobs and crooked liberals
At what expense? So cheap you give us lead poison?

Oh, and now that he gave all the corporate tax breaks he says we're broke and has to raise our taxes.

One more thing. If corporations are so good at solving all of our problems why did Rick Snyder run to the federal government 4 100 billion dollars and not run to corporations to solve the problem in Flint?

Republicans have been complaining that Obama is a dictator (laugh) but it looks to me like a manmade disaster such as there is in the Flint poisoning doesn't qualify for federal funds
it also looks to me like Obama is looking for ways to manipulate the federal disaster rules in an attempt to wring some money out of federal funds to help get MI out of a jam.

The last time a state begged Obama for aid for a disaster that didn't qualify for federal funds, Obama found a way to help TX with the manmade West, TX disaster - what's with Republican Governors who complain about Obama, then coming to Obama on bended knee begging for help?

I wonder if Snyder will give Obama a big ol' Christie type hug?

Excerpts below from:

While the president can declare any incident that causes damage beyond the ability of state and local governments to handle as a major disaster, doing so in the case of a man-made public health crisis like the one in Flint would be rare, if not unprecedented

Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare a federal emergency in Flint and expedite $96 million in disaster relief for Genesee County as a result of the city’s lead-contaminated water crisis.

“I have determined that this incident is potentially of such severity and magnitude that effective recovery is beyond the capabilities of the State of Michigan and the affected local governments and that federal relief assistance is necessary,” Snyder wrote in a nine-page letter to Obama that came nine days after he declared a state emergency in the city.

Documents show the Snyder administration’s request includes:

■$54.6 million for the repair of damaged lead service lines on private property.

■$10.3 million for 90 days of water.

■$31 million for a year’s worth of filters and other water supplies.

Which is all very interesting, but the fact is, it was Democrats in Flint, that caused the problem. You can't burn down your home, and just magically blame someone else for the ashes choking you to death.
Republicans have been complaining that Obama is a dictator (laugh) but it looks to me like a manmade disaster such as there is in the Flint poisoning doesn't qualify for federal funds
it also looks to me like Obama is looking for ways to manipulate the federal disaster rules in an attempt to wring some money out of federal funds to help get MI out of a jam.

The last time a state begged Obama for aid for a disaster that didn't qualify for federal funds, Obama found a way to help TX with the manmade West, TX disaster - what's with Republican Governors who complain about Obama, then coming to Obama on bended knee begging for help?

I wonder if Snyder will give Obama a big ol' Christie type hug?

Excerpts below from:

While the president can declare any incident that causes damage beyond the ability of state and local governments to handle as a major disaster, doing so in the case of a man-made public health crisis like the one in Flint would be rare, if not unprecedented

Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare a federal emergency in Flint and expedite $96 million in disaster relief for Genesee County as a result of the city’s lead-contaminated water crisis.

“I have determined that this incident is potentially of such severity and magnitude that effective recovery is beyond the capabilities of the State of Michigan and the affected local governments and that federal relief assistance is necessary,” Snyder wrote in a nine-page letter to Obama that came nine days after he declared a state emergency in the city.

Documents show the Snyder administration’s request includes:

■$54.6 million for the repair of damaged lead service lines on private property.

■$10.3 million for 90 days of water.

■$31 million for a year’s worth of filters and other water supplies.

Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.
You like your Republican governor Toledo boy?

Not particularly son. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. He balanced the state budget by cutting school funding drastically. Almost every school district in the state was forced to make major cuts or pass massive tax levies to keep their doors open. In the end, he balanced the state budget, but he just passed the tax bill on to the local level. The worst thing about it is that poorer school districts were not as likely to pass school levies, so the poorer the district, the more harm done. But that is how Republicans do things. Kasich is all smiles showing how be balanced the budget and cut taxes, but in reality he stuck the tax bill right up everyone's ass.

There you go. You spend more than you make, and then blame the CEO for not raising your pay to how high your bills are.

Welcome to common sense.... you don't just buy a new car, and then complain there isn't enough money to afford the car you want.

You cut spend in relation to the tax revenue you have. That's how it works. Better to not raise spending to unsupportable levels to begin with.... but we had a Democrap governor who spent more money than we had.

Now we have a Republican who is being fiscally responsible. He cut spending down to the amount of money we had.

You are blaming the Republican, for dealing with the issue the way any responsible person would.

Believe it or not, the world doesn't work the way a 5-year-old spoiled brat thinks. Just because "I WANT IT! I WANT IT I WANT IT WAHHHHH", is the ideology of the left, doesn't mean we can afford everything you want. If we had decent parents, they would tell their children this.
Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.

The issue is not about a governor. Not at all. And they know it now.

What the entire country now knows is that this is completely on the governor and the state trying to save a couple bucks. It's only a matter of time before Michigan voters begin a drive to recall him as governor. More likely, he will end up resigning in disgrace. Cons can try to spin this debacle any way they want, but in the end, this is on the Republicans 100%.

You are the one who has spun.
How is it that, it would be any State Governors fault when it was a Dem Mayor and City Council that voted to go off Detroit's Water for Flint?

Here is a source to consider before the finger of blame is pointed:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls


How Flint, Michigan's tap water became toxic -


Flint water mystery: How was decision made?


Exclusive: Gov. Rick Snyder’s Men Originally Rejected Using Flint’s Toxic River

Seems to me the simple finger pointing is way to early, but reading these links makes Peach174 post one based on ignorance and a partisan bias.

Read the links and make your own decision
Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.

The issue is not about a governor. Not at all. And they know it now.

What the entire country now knows is that this is completely on the governor and the state trying to save a couple bucks. It's only a matter of time before Michigan voters begin a drive to recall him as governor. More likely, he will end up resigning in disgrace. Cons can try to spin this debacle any way they want, but in the end, this is on the Republicans 100%.

You are the one who has spun.
How is it that, it would be any State Governors fault when it was a Dem Mayor and City Council that voted to go off Detroit's Water for Flint?

Here is a source to consider before the finger of blame is pointed:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls


How Flint, Michigan's tap water became toxic -


Flint water mystery: How was decision made?


Exclusive: Gov. Rick Snyder’s Men Originally Rejected Using Flint’s Toxic River

Seems to me the simple finger pointing is way to early, but reading these links makes Peach174 post one based on ignorance and a partisan bias.

Read the links and make your own decision

Mine was based on facts.
Blaming this Governor on past politicians who refused to upgrade the water pipes does not mean it was his fault.
Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.

The issue is not about a governor. Not at all. And they know it now.

What the entire country now knows is that this is completely on the governor and the state trying to save a couple bucks. It's only a matter of time before Michigan voters begin a drive to recall him as governor. More likely, he will end up resigning in disgrace. Cons can try to spin this debacle any way they want, but in the end, this is on the Republicans 100%.

You are the one who has spun.
How is it that, it would be any State Governors fault when it was a Dem Mayor and City Council that voted to go off Detroit's Water for Flint?

It was not the Mayor or City Council that voted to go off of Detroit Water. The mayor and city council had no authority as the city was under the jurisdiction of the Emergency City Manager put in place by the Governor and state. Please get your facts straight.
Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.

The issue is not about a governor. Not at all. And they know it now.

What the entire country now knows is that this is completely on the governor and the state trying to save a couple bucks. It's only a matter of time before Michigan voters begin a drive to recall him as governor. More likely, he will end up resigning in disgrace. Cons can try to spin this debacle any way they want, but in the end, this is on the Republicans 100%.

You are the one who has spun.
How is it that, it would be any State Governors fault when it was a Dem Mayor and City Council that voted to go off Detroit's Water for Flint?

Here is a source to consider before the finger of blame is pointed:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls


How Flint, Michigan's tap water became toxic -


Flint water mystery: How was decision made?


Exclusive: Gov. Rick Snyder’s Men Originally Rejected Using Flint’s Toxic River

Seems to me the simple finger pointing is way to early, but reading these links makes Peach174 post one based on ignorance and a partisan bias.

Read the links and make your own decision

At the time the decision was made to no longer use Detroit Water, the city was under the authority of the Emergency City Manager put in place by you know who. The mayor and city council had no authority at the time the decision was made. Of course to no one's surprise, the mayor and city council have now been put back in place, now that the whole thing has exploded in the face of the Republican administration.
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