The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.
You like your Republican governor Toledo boy?

Not particularly son. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. He balanced the state budget by cutting school funding drastically. Almost every school district in the state was forced to make major cuts or pass massive tax levies to keep their doors open. In the end, he balanced the state budget, but he just passed the tax bill on to the local level. The worst thing about it is that poorer school districts were not as likely to pass school levies, so the poorer the district, the more harm done. But that is how Republicans do things. Kasich is all smiles showing how be balanced the budget and cut taxes, but in reality he stuck the tax bill right up everyone's ass.

There you go. You spend more than you make, and then blame the CEO for not raising your pay to how high your bills are.

Welcome to common sense.... you don't just buy a new car, and then complain there isn't enough money to afford the car you want.

You cut spend in relation to the tax revenue you have. That's how it works. Better to not raise spending to unsupportable levels to begin with.... but we had a Democrap governor who spent more money than we had.

Now we have a Republican who is being fiscally responsible. He cut spending down to the amount of money we had.

You are blaming the Republican, for dealing with the issue the way any responsible person would.

Believe it or not, the world doesn't work the way a 5-year-old spoiled brat thinks. Just because "I WANT IT! I WANT IT I WANT IT WAHHHHH", is the ideology of the left, doesn't mean we can afford everything you want. If we had decent parents, they would tell their children this.

Any idea how much this is going to cost the state? Cut this, cut that, and cut more, just so you can cut taxes. Refuse to pay for roads and infrastructure, and you get the mess you have now. This is Republican politics at its best. Any idea how many jobs Michigan has lost due to its horrible roads? While only anecdotal, I have heard of a number of companies deciding not to move to Michigan strictly because of the roads being in such poor shape. On top of that, residents of Michigan are faced with huge car repair bills due to the excessive damage done to their cars from driving on those shitty roads, but nobody wants to pay taxes to improve the roads and infrastructure. It truly is mind boggling how conservatism has made America so stupid.
"a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents"
The financial issues in Flint are typical Liberal mismangement problems and have nothing to do with Republicans.
You did not know flint's town hall was being run by an emissary of the governor who is a republican? You seriously did NOT know that the elected democrats were not directly instrumental in switching the Flint water source since their authority had been usurped by a "manager" operating under the auspices of the governor? Please do not respond further until you catch up on the facts...
Did you know that Flint was run by Liberals before the State got involved ?
This is the way democrat partisans work. When a crisis occurs, they look at the list of names involved in the power structure, and if they find a Republican, that person is automatically assigned blame for the ENTIRE mess, no matter who else is involved, or how little the Republican actually had to do with it. Quite obviously, if the governor was a democrat and the mayor a Republican, all we'd be hearing is how the Republican messed things up so bad the democrats had to come in to save the day.
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.
This is the way democrat partisans work. When a crisis occurs, they look at the list of names involved in the power structure, and if they find a Republican, that person is automatically assigned blame for the ENTIRE mess, no matter who else is involved, or how little the Republican actually had to do with it.

This is what republicans do. They somehow get elected into positions of leadership. Immediately they give their friends big tax breaks. When the money is all gone and a disaster occurs, they immediately start looking for a democrat underling to blame for the disaster that the budget cuts created.

All the while proclaiming they had nothing to do with it or accept any responsibility.
This is the way democrat partisans work. When a crisis occurs, they look at the list of names involved in the power structure, and if they find a Republican, that person is automatically assigned blame for the ENTIRE mess, no matter who else is involved, or how little the Republican actually had to do with it.

This is what republicans do. They somehow get elected into positions of leadership. Immediately they give their friends big tax breaks. When the money is all gone and a disaster occurs, they immediately start looking for a democrat underling to blame for the disaster that the budget cuts created.

All the while proclaiming they had nothing to do with it or accept any responsibility.
Well, you got the talking points right, but that's about it.
This is the way democrat partisans work. When a crisis occurs, they look at the list of names involved in the power structure, and if they find a Republican, that person is automatically assigned blame for the ENTIRE mess, no matter who else is involved, or how little the Republican actually had to do with it.

This is what republicans do. They somehow get elected into positions of leadership. Immediately they give their friends big tax breaks. When the money is all gone and a disaster occurs, they immediately start looking for a democrat underling to blame for the disaster that the budget cuts created.

All the while proclaiming they had nothing to do with it or accept any responsibility.

Cities like Flint and Detroit are all you. Citizens of those communities have elected corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Republicans have no influence. So any problems there, are all on you and your Party.
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?
Well, you got the talking points right, but that's about it.

And what was it you got right in your previous post? Talking points? .
No, the actions of democrat partisans, as exemplified in this crisis. Heck, they went so far as to absolve New Orleans' administration of responsibility for the Katrina foul up and tried to blame Bush.
Well, you got the talking points right, but that's about it.

And what was it you got right in your previous post? Talking points? .
No, the actions of democrat partisans, as exemplified in this crisis. Heck, they went so far as to absolve New Orleans' administration of responsibility for the Katrina foul up and tried to blame Bush.

As I said above, much can be blamed on leadership making penny wise and pound foolish decisions because their priority is their own reelection, not the public good. To repair, renew or replace costs money and taxes need to be raised to do these things.
Well, you got the talking points right, but that's about it.

And what was it you got right in your previous post? Talking points? .
No, the actions of democrat partisans, as exemplified in this crisis. Heck, they went so far as to absolve New Orleans' administration of responsibility for the Katrina foul up and tried to blame Bush.

As I said above, much can be blamed on leadership making penny wise and pound foolish decisions because their priority is their own reelection, not the public good. To repair, renew or replace costs money and taxes need to be raised to do these things.
That's what was so galling about Obama's "shovel ready jobs" tripe. We were supposed to have billions poured into infrastructure upkeep that never got there.
This is the way democrat partisans work. When a crisis occurs, they look at the list of names involved in the power structure, and if they find a Republican, that person is automatically assigned blame for the ENTIRE mess, no matter who else is involved, or how little the Republican actually had to do with it.

This is what republicans do. They somehow get elected into positions of leadership. Immediately they give their friends big tax breaks. When the money is all gone and a disaster occurs, they immediately start looking for a democrat underling to blame for the disaster that the budget cuts created.

All the while proclaiming they had nothing to do with it or accept any responsibility.

This is the way democrat partisans work. When a crisis occurs, they look at the list of names involved in the power structure, and if they find a Republican, that person is automatically assigned blame for the ENTIRE mess, no matter who else is involved, or how little the Republican actually had to do with it.

This is what republicans do. They somehow get elected into positions of leadership. Immediately they give their friends big tax breaks. When the money is all gone and a disaster occurs, they immediately start looking for a democrat underling to blame for the disaster that the budget cuts created.

All the while proclaiming they had nothing to do with it or accept any responsibility.

It was not a fairly recent Republican budget cut who did not keep up the maintenance on their city water pipes.
Dem's have been running both cities for over 50 years. They would rather taxes go towards city workers overly priced pensions rather than invest in new water pipes & repairs.
The issue might best be understood by penny wise and pound foolish leadership. Fiscal conservatism has become penny wise, not fiscally responsible.

And that truly is the problem It's not about making government more efficient; it's about cutting costs with complete disregard for the consequences.
Well, you got the talking points right, but that's about it.

And what was it you got right in your previous post? Talking points? .
No, the actions of democrat partisans, as exemplified in this crisis. Heck, they went so far as to absolve New Orleans' administration of responsibility for the Katrina foul up and tried to blame Bush.

As I said above, much can be blamed on leadership making penny wise and pound foolish decisions because their priority is their own reelection, not the public good. To repair, renew or replace costs money and taxes need to be raised to do these things.
That's what was so galling about Obama's "shovel ready jobs" tripe. We were supposed to have billions poured into infrastructure upkeep that never got there.

Do your homework and stop parroting the meme. Many many projects were shovel ready and in my region have been completed. Some regions/states balked solely for political theater, much as they have by not expanding Medicare after the passage of the PPACA, harming their own citizens.
I remember the glory days but if we have to put it up to the newbies isn't there a guy out there called M&M or something?
I remember my neighborhood was wonderful in the early 70's.

Then all the white people moved. We were the last whites to leave and my grandmother stayed another 30 years. Even got mugged 2 times.
She didn't get mugged by Republicans and there are sill white people in my old neighborhood. Along with the Mexicans, Arabs and Blacks. I'm there all the time
How do you know they weren't republican muggers? Don't bother don't just assume they were what?
Highly unlikely...Republicans don't mug people
No, they just poison them with untreated water and lead!

I think you've been drinking lead water your mind has been damaged:uhoh3:
Well, you got the talking points right, but that's about it.

And what was it you got right in your previous post? Talking points? .
No, the actions of democrat partisans, as exemplified in this crisis. Heck, they went so far as to absolve New Orleans' administration of responsibility for the Katrina foul up and tried to blame Bush.

As I said above, much can be blamed on leadership making penny wise and pound foolish decisions because their priority is their own reelection, not the public good. To repair, renew or replace costs money and taxes need to be raised to do these things.
That's what was so galling about Obama's "shovel ready jobs" tripe. We were supposed to have billions poured into infrastructure upkeep that never got there.

Do your homework and stop parroting the meme. Many many projects were shovel ready and in my region have been completed. Some regions/states balked solely for political theater, much as they have by not expanding Medicare after the passage of the PPACA, harming their own citizens.
I'm only going by what Obama told us after the fact. "Shovel-ready was not as ... uh .. shovel-ready as we expected."
Hey moron Detroit had the manger first. its been over now for more than a year where you been:dunno:

That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday
You're one of those guys who don't know what they are talking about but you continually look these up as if you do:slap: The school system was broken long before Synder. Corruption, waste, they spent a million dollars putting a new roof on my high school only to tear it down a few years later:uhoh3: you cant look this stuff up on the internet. Which means you're lost

You are not only a wooly headed idiot but stoopid too! First you say Detroit has no EM, I prove my pointr and you change the subject like you think no one would notice. STFU.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks

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