The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.

Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes
Snyder's man made disaster relief needs to be funded by the state of Michigan. He is lucky to get 5 million in federal funds.

I could not agree more. Make the taxpayers of Michigan eat this. Then they can cry about electing a moron for governor.
You like your Republican governor Toledo boy?

Not particularly son. He robbed Peter to pay Paul. He balanced the state budget by cutting school funding drastically. Almost every school district in the state was forced to make major cuts or pass massive tax levies to keep their doors open. In the end, he balanced the state budget, but he just passed the tax bill on to the local level. The worst thing about it is that poorer school districts were not as likely to pass school levies, so the poorer the district, the more harm done. But that is how Republicans do things. Kasich is all smiles showing how be balanced the budget and cut taxes, but in reality he stuck the tax bill right up everyone's ass.

There you go. You spend more than you make, and then blame the CEO for not raising your pay to how high your bills are.

Welcome to common sense.... you don't just buy a new car, and then complain there isn't enough money to afford the car you want.

You cut spend in relation to the tax revenue you have. That's how it works. Better to not raise spending to unsupportable levels to begin with.... but we had a Democrap governor who spent more money than we had.

Now we have a Republican who is being fiscally responsible. He cut spending down to the amount of money we had.

You are blaming the Republican, for dealing with the issue the way any responsible person would.

Believe it or not, the world doesn't work the way a 5-year-old spoiled brat thinks. Just because "I WANT IT! I WANT IT I WANT IT WAHHHHH", is the ideology of the left, doesn't mean we can afford everything you want. If we had decent parents, they would tell their children this.

Any idea how much this is going to cost the state? Cut this, cut that, and cut more, just so you can cut taxes. Refuse to pay for roads and infrastructure, and you get the mess you have now. This is Republican politics at its best. Any idea how many jobs Michigan has lost due to its horrible roads? While only anecdotal, I have heard of a number of companies deciding not to move to Michigan strictly because of the roads being in such poor shape. On top of that, residents of Michigan are faced with huge car repair bills due to the excessive damage done to their cars from driving on those shitty roads, but nobody wants to pay taxes to improve the roads and infrastructure. It truly is mind boggling how conservatism has made America so stupid.

Well you are seeing what happens with socialism.
All of the money goes for the big almost trillion dollar government programs in order to pay for it all and the rest starts to crumble.
And what was it you got right in your previous post? Talking points? .
No, the actions of democrat partisans, as exemplified in this crisis. Heck, they went so far as to absolve New Orleans' administration of responsibility for the Katrina foul up and tried to blame Bush.

As I said above, much can be blamed on leadership making penny wise and pound foolish decisions because their priority is their own reelection, not the public good. To repair, renew or replace costs money and taxes need to be raised to do these things.
That's what was so galling about Obama's "shovel ready jobs" tripe. We were supposed to have billions poured into infrastructure upkeep that never got there.

Do your homework and stop parroting the meme. Many many projects were shovel ready and in my region have been completed. Some regions/states balked solely for political theater, much as they have by not expanding Medicare after the passage of the PPACA, harming their own citizens.
I'm only going by what Obama told us after the fact. "Shovel-ready was not as ... uh .. shovel-ready as we expected."

For lots of reasons. I posted one, and others include too many layers of regulations, NIMBY litigation, lack of seed money and competition for the largess.
My God, who still lives in Flint?

Underwater mortgages, can't sell, can't move? don't know. Welfare/UI/Disability/SSI/FoodStamps is direct deposit I suppose? they could go anywhere.

That is the problem being on government help you can't afford to go anywhere else.
You live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford nothing at the end of the month. Not even a gal. of milk.
No, the actions of democrat partisans, as exemplified in this crisis. Heck, they went so far as to absolve New Orleans' administration of responsibility for the Katrina foul up and tried to blame Bush.

As I said above, much can be blamed on leadership making penny wise and pound foolish decisions because their priority is their own reelection, not the public good. To repair, renew or replace costs money and taxes need to be raised to do these things.
That's what was so galling about Obama's "shovel ready jobs" tripe. We were supposed to have billions poured into infrastructure upkeep that never got there.

Do your homework and stop parroting the meme. Many many projects were shovel ready and in my region have been completed. Some regions/states balked solely for political theater, much as they have by not expanding Medicare after the passage of the PPACA, harming their own citizens.
I'm only going by what Obama told us after the fact. "Shovel-ready was not as ... uh .. shovel-ready as we expected."

For lots of reasons. I posted one, and others include too many layers of regulations, NIMBY litigation, lack of seed money and competition for the largess.
All I can say is, he made the jobs a central part of his plea for the money, then after getting the money, the jobs did not materialize, and the money disappeared. Suddenly, a bunch of already wealthy people became even wealthier. Strange how that happened.
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruined her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Its funny because as a liberal, I have made the argument that white's are to blame for blacks being criminal. If you don't offer them good jobs and you put them in a ghetto and you treat them like 2nd class citizens, they're going to be more violent. But this is also debatable because blacks could do something about it themselves and solve their own poverty/crime problem.

BUT, now we have clear evidence Republicans/Rich people/Whites are responsible for the crime in Flint.

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

How Lead Caused America's Violent Crime Epidemic

Ban on Leaded Gas Linked to Drop in Crime

Why are you so damn stupid? Is that a prerequisite to be a liberal? Blacks were the best workers, even during segregation, and major discrimination. The left has ruin so many inner city blacks. No family structure, no fathers, No respect for people. Now that you're done with them you're screwing up everybody. You leftist are pathetic. People like you who haven't live in Detroit for 30 yrs. You really don't go there much. I'm there every day. Even though i don't live there anymore. You don't know shit . When i got out of high school and worked construction. all the brick layers were black guys. Now they are all Mexicans, but you wanna keep shipping in more cheap labor you're joke:slap:

These two little Children were shot in a drive-by shooting. By one of the "baby mamas" of a man who has 10 kids by 5 different "baby mamas'!!:eek: This is the world you leftist have given us:mad:

We're told a 7-year-old girl was killed and her 8-year-old friend was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
According to Detroit Police Chief James Craig, two suspects are in custody relating to the shooting. Sharonda Benson turned herself in this morning and a "male acquaintance" was also taken into custody.
Police say someone drove up to one of the homes where kids were playing outside and opened fire while the children were playing outside. Chanell Berry was the child who was killed.

Person of interest turns herself in after two children shot, one killed on Detroit's west side
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.

Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:
The pipes weren't bad until dirty corrosive flint river water was put into those pipes. Who did that? The Emergency Financial Manager Snyder put into place.

If you have a Republican in charge of your drinking water, I'd get your water tested. They want to save a buck and they do not care if you die because it's THEIR MONEY and THEY DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO PAY FOR POOR PEOPLE to have healthcare, welfare or clean drinking water. If the citizens of Flint can't afford clean drinking water let them drink lead.

We all know your position on this.
At what expense? So cheap you give us lead poison?

Oh, and now that he gave all the corporate tax breaks he says we're broke and has to raise our taxes.

One more thing. If corporations are so good at solving all of our problems why did Rick Snyder run to the federal government 4 100 billion dollars and not run to corporations to solve the problem in Flint?

Republicans have been complaining that Obama is a dictator (laugh) but it looks to me like a manmade disaster such as there is in the Flint poisoning doesn't qualify for federal funds
it also looks to me like Obama is looking for ways to manipulate the federal disaster rules in an attempt to wring some money out of federal funds to help get MI out of a jam.

The last time a state begged Obama for aid for a disaster that didn't qualify for federal funds, Obama found a way to help TX with the manmade West, TX disaster - what's with Republican Governors who complain about Obama, then coming to Obama on bended knee begging for help?

I wonder if Snyder will give Obama a big ol' Christie type hug?

Excerpts below from:

While the president can declare any incident that causes damage beyond the ability of state and local governments to handle as a major disaster, doing so in the case of a man-made public health crisis like the one in Flint would be rare, if not unprecedented

Gov. Rick Snyder has asked President Barack Obama to declare a federal emergency in Flint and expedite $96 million in disaster relief for Genesee County as a result of the city’s lead-contaminated water crisis.

“I have determined that this incident is potentially of such severity and magnitude that effective recovery is beyond the capabilities of the State of Michigan and the affected local governments and that federal relief assistance is necessary,” Snyder wrote in a nine-page letter to Obama that came nine days after he declared a state emergency in the city.

Documents show the Snyder administration’s request includes:

■$54.6 million for the repair of damaged lead service lines on private property.

■$10.3 million for 90 days of water.

■$31 million for a year’s worth of filters and other water supplies.

Obama gave Flint 5 million..He paid Iran 1.5 billion of tax payer money :uhoh3:

Just in case you were not aware, all that money that Iran is getting is Iran's money. We froze those assets, but none the less, those assets belong to Iran. Iran does have some claims against the US that the US will have to pay, but that is because we kept something that wasn't ours as part of the sanctions that were placed against Iran.
Wrong Einstein..Why do you people post ignorance.... interest payment our money

The U.S. State Department announced the government had agreed to pay Iran $1.7 billion to settle a case related to the sale of military equipment prior to the Iranian revolution, according to a statement issued on Sunday.

The ignorance is all yours. Those interest payments are owed because we froze their assets. Obviously you have no clue how this works. Iran's claims for interest payments on those frozen assets is legitimate and will have to be paid. If we didn't want to pay interest on them, then we should never have frozen the assets to begin with. Of course the brain dead will never understand this.

We shouldn't pay the islamofascist shit ...understand?
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruined her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Its funny because as a liberal, I have made the argument that white's are to blame for blacks being criminal. If you don't offer them good jobs and you put them in a ghetto and you treat them like 2nd class citizens, they're going to be more violent. But this is also debatable because blacks could do something about it themselves and solve their own poverty/crime problem.

BUT, now we have clear evidence Republicans/Rich people/Whites are responsible for the crime in Flint.

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

How Lead Caused America's Violent Crime Epidemic

Ban on Leaded Gas Linked to Drop in Crime

Why are you so damn stupid? Is that a prerequisite to be a liberal? Blacks were the best workers, even during segregation, and major discrimination. The left has ruin so many inner city blacks. No family structure, no fathers, No respect for people. Now that you're done with them you're screwing up everybody. You leftist are pathetic. People like you who haven't live in Detroit for 30 yrs. You really don't go there much. I'm there every day. Even though i don't live there anymore. You don't know shit . When i got out of high school and worked construction. all the brick layers were black guys. Now they are all Mexicans, but you wanna keep shipping in more cheap labor you're joke:slap:

These two little Children were shot in a drive-by shooting. By one of the "baby mamas" of a man who has 10 kids by 5 different "baby mamas'!!:eek: This is the world you leftist have given us:mad:

We're told a 7-year-old girl was killed and her 8-year-old friend was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
According to Detroit Police Chief James Craig, two suspects are in custody relating to the shooting. Sharonda Benson turned herself in this morning and a "male acquaintance" was also taken into custody.
Police say someone drove up to one of the homes where kids were playing outside and opened fire while the children were playing outside. Chanell Berry was the child who was killed.

Person of interest turns herself in after two children shot, one killed on Detroit's west side
I went there until 5 years ago when my 91 year old grandmother died. She refused to move out.

How did "the left" ruin blacks?
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.

You're a liar. The city mayor and your muslime hero's EPA let this happen:

The EPA’s top Midwest official told The Detroit News the agency knew about the lack of corrosion control in the water supply as early as April, after an EPA official identified problems with the drinking water, but did not make the information public.

The paper also cited email exchanges between EPA officials and Walling showing what it described as a “lack of urgency” over the matter and a greater focus on procedure rather than public safety. Walling and other officials repeatedly told residents the water was safe but blamed state and federal agencies for the problems.

Blame game erupts over Flint’s toxic water, Dems target GOP gov | Fox News

This is the same EPA, run by Hussein's political hacks, that turned the Animas River in Colorado into this:


LESS Regulations is what I always say!
That ol' Flint Manager is hanging in Detroit like a 50 lb bugger. Maybey not replacing the city government completely but he sure is wreaking havoc in the Detroit school system. He is STILL an EM!

Detroit teachers face off with EM Earley over legality of 'sick-outs' Monday
You're one of those guys who don't know what they are talking about but you continually look these up as if you do:slap: The school system was broken long before Synder. Corruption, waste, they spent a million dollars putting a new roof on my high school only to tear it down a few years later:uhoh3: you cant look this stuff up on the internet. Which means you're lost

You are not only a wooly headed idiot but stoopid too! First you say Detroit has no EM, I prove my pointr and you change the subject like you think no one would notice. STFU.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks

All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.

Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruined her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Its funny because as a liberal, I have made the argument that white's are to blame for blacks being criminal. If you don't offer them good jobs and you put them in a ghetto and you treat them like 2nd class citizens, they're going to be more violent. But this is also debatable because blacks could do something about it themselves and solve their own poverty/crime problem.

BUT, now we have clear evidence Republicans/Rich people/Whites are responsible for the crime in Flint.

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

How Lead Caused America's Violent Crime Epidemic

Ban on Leaded Gas Linked to Drop in Crime

Why are you so damn stupid? Is that a prerequisite to be a liberal? Blacks were the best workers, even during segregation, and major discrimination. The left has ruin so many inner city blacks. No family structure, no fathers, No respect for people. Now that you're done with them you're screwing up everybody. You leftist are pathetic. People like you who haven't live in Detroit for 30 yrs. You really don't go there much. I'm there every day. Even though i don't live there anymore. You don't know shit . When i got out of high school and worked construction. all the brick layers were black guys. Now they are all Mexicans, but you wanna keep shipping in more cheap labor you're joke:slap:

These two little Children were shot in a drive-by shooting. By one of the "baby mamas" of a man who has 10 kids by 5 different "baby mamas'!!:eek: This is the world you leftist have given us:mad:

We're told a 7-year-old girl was killed and her 8-year-old friend was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
According to Detroit Police Chief James Craig, two suspects are in custody relating to the shooting. Sharonda Benson turned herself in this morning and a "male acquaintance" was also taken into custody.
Police say someone drove up to one of the homes where kids were playing outside and opened fire while the children were playing outside. Chanell Berry was the child who was killed.

Person of interest turns herself in after two children shot, one killed on Detroit's west side
I went there until 5 years ago when my 91 year old grandmother died. She refused to move out.

How did "the left" ruin blacks?

They made victims out of them. Pushed the stupidity that they were owed something. Paid women to have kids out of wedlock They destroyed the family structure in the inner city. just because you went there, to your mothers house, then left doesn't mean shit. I'm in these neighborhoods. My friends are still there. I work there. I interact with people. Do you? no you don't
You're one of those guys who don't know what they are talking about but you continually look these up as if you do:slap: The school system was broken long before Synder. Corruption, waste, they spent a million dollars putting a new roof on my high school only to tear it down a few years later:uhoh3: you cant look this stuff up on the internet. Which means you're lost

You are not only a wooly headed idiot but stoopid too! First you say Detroit has no EM, I prove my pointr and you change the subject like you think no one would notice. STFU.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks

All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.

You're a liar. The city mayor and your muslime hero's EPA let this happen:

The EPA’s top Midwest official told The Detroit News the agency knew about the lack of corrosion control in the water supply as early as April, after an EPA official identified problems with the drinking water, but did not make the information public.

The paper also cited email exchanges between EPA officials and Walling showing what it described as a “lack of urgency” over the matter and a greater focus on procedure rather than public safety. Walling and other officials repeatedly told residents the water was safe but blamed state and federal agencies for the problems.

Blame game erupts over Flint’s toxic water, Dems target GOP gov | Fox News

This is the same EPA, run by Hussein's political hacks, that turned the Animas River in Colorado into this:


LESS Regulations is what I always say!
Of course, it become clear now, people have become too dependent on government for clean water, and pure food and drugs. People in Flint should have tested the water every time they turned on the tap and it the water was dangerous, just gone to the store and bought some bottled water. It is people depending on government that is causing our problems.
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities. The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.
Last edited:
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

Here's just one of your beloved corrupt inept Democrats. Did wonders for Detroit. Guess this is the Republican's fault too...

DETROIT — Seven months after the historic conviction of Detroit's former mayor on wide-ranging public corruption charges, Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced Thursday to 28 years in prison for running what the government called a money-making racket out of City Hall.

Kilpatrick had steered millions to himself, family and friends while an impoverished Detroit hobbled along, prosecutors said...


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