The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks

All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:

I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.

Blow it out your ass Nancy.
Meanwhile, in other news... Chicago just announced its highest murder rate in 15yrs. Another once great city destroyed by Democrats. But hey, y'all in Flint and Detroit just keep on electing em. I'm sure things will get better for ya.
All Republicans will do is cut the police force in half and make crime even worse. And they'll send all their jobs overseas and bring in illegals to do "jobs Americans won't do".

Citizens in Flint and Detroit have nothing to lose. Might as well try the Republicans. What's 50yrs of Democrat-rule gotten em?

You don't realize how far blacks have come in 50 years?

Yea, things are just like they were in the 60" s and 70s. Lol dummy

You see, blacks have heard the Republican pitch, and they ain't buying it.

For example Snyder and the GOP control all three Republican houses in Michigan. What have they done for black people? Why is Ben carson and Herman Cain not popular with black people.

You want to win the hearts and minds of good black people? Go for it!
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

It is not an assertion.
Flint Michigan has been run by Dem's for 50 years just like Detroit has.
List of mayors of Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of em are currently in prison. It really is dishonest and cowardly for them to blame Republicans for their demise. The Republicans have never had any influence in hellholes like Flint and Detroit.
There are basically two governments in the United States the national government and the state government. Bad water is a state responsibility and thus the responsibility of the governor if state laws are violated.
Meanwhile, in other news... Chicago just announced its highest murder rate in 15yrs. Another once great city destroyed by Democrats. But hey, y'all in Flint and Detroit just keep on electing em. I'm sure things will get better for ya.
All Republicans will do is cut the police force in half and make crime even worse. And they'll send all their jobs overseas and bring in illegals to do "jobs Americans won't do".

Citizens in Flint and Detroit have nothing to lose. Might as well try the Republicans. What's 50yrs of Democrat-rule gotten em?

By the way. Blacks used to vote Republican. The Republicans started shifting on them started in the 1929 Mississippi flood. Look into the details but that's when the GOP first lost the black vote.
Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

It is not an assertion.
Flint Michigan has been run by Dem's for 50 years just like Detroit has.
List of mayors of Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of em are currently in prison. It really is dishonest and cowardly for them to blame Republicans for their demise. The Republicans have never had any influence in hellholes like Flint and Detroit.
There are basically two governments in the United States the national government and the state government. Bad water is a state responsibility and thus the responsibility of the governor if state laws are violated.
And the GOP control all three houses in Michigan.

Republicans talk about how all government is corrupt evil and stupid. Michigan Republicans prove it
Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

It is not an assertion.
Flint Michigan has been run by Dem's for 50 years just like Detroit has.
List of mayors of Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of em are currently in prison. It really is dishonest and cowardly for them to blame Republicans for their demise. The Republicans have never had any influence in hellholes like Flint and Detroit.
There are basically two governments in the United States the national government and the state government. Bad water is a state responsibility and thus the responsibility of the governor if state laws are violated.

Sure, go on and continue voting for those Democrats. They've done wonders for cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Flint. I'm sure it's gonna work out for ya. Good luck.
Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

It is not an assertion.
Flint Michigan has been run by Dem's for 50 years just like Detroit has.
List of mayors of Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of em are currently in prison. It really is dishonest and cowardly for them to blame Republicans for their demise. The Republicans have never had any influence in hellholes like Flint and Detroit.
There are basically two governments in the United States the national government and the state government. Bad water is a state responsibility and thus the responsibility of the governor if state laws are violated.
And the GOP control all three houses in Michigan.

Republicans talk about how all government is corrupt evil and stupid. Michigan Republicans prove it

Ha, take a look at how many of your beloved Democrat Detroit Mayors have been arrested and sent to prison. But i know, that's the Republican's fault too, huh? All of Detroit and Flint's problems stem from decades of Democrat corruption and incompetence. You may not wanna accept that, but it is the truth.
Meanwhile, in other news... Chicago just announced its highest murder rate in 15yrs. Another once great city destroyed by Democrats. But hey, y'all in Flint and Detroit just keep on electing em. I'm sure things will get better for ya.
All Republicans will do is cut the police force in half and make crime even worse. And they'll send all their jobs overseas and bring in illegals to do "jobs Americans won't do".

Citizens in Flint and Detroit have nothing to lose. Might as well try the Republicans. What's 50yrs of Democrat-rule gotten em?

By the way. Blacks used to vote Republican. The Republicans started shifting on them started in the 1929 Mississippi flood. Look into the details but that's when the GOP first lost the black vote.

Blacks mainly voted for Roosevelt because of his new deal Government goodies for them.
They continued to vote for Dems because of the Dems offering them taxpayer government goodies,despite the fact that the Dems denied them their civil rights.
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruined her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Its funny because as a liberal, I have made the argument that white's are to blame for blacks being criminal. If you don't offer them good jobs and you put them in a ghetto and you treat them like 2nd class citizens, they're going to be more violent. But this is also debatable because blacks could do something about it themselves and solve their own poverty/crime problem.

BUT, now we have clear evidence Republicans/Rich people/Whites are responsible for the crime in Flint.

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

How Lead Caused America's Violent Crime Epidemic

Ban on Leaded Gas Linked to Drop in Crime

Why are you so damn stupid? Is that a prerequisite to be a liberal? Blacks were the best workers, even during segregation, and major discrimination. The left has ruin so many inner city blacks. No family structure, no fathers, No respect for people. Now that you're done with them you're screwing up everybody. You leftist are pathetic. People like you who haven't live in Detroit for 30 yrs. You really don't go there much. I'm there every day. Even though i don't live there anymore. You don't know shit . When i got out of high school and worked construction. all the brick layers were black guys. Now they are all Mexicans, but you wanna keep shipping in more cheap labor you're joke:slap:

These two little Children were shot in a drive-by shooting. By one of the "baby mamas" of a man who has 10 kids by 5 different "baby mamas'!!:eek: This is the world you leftist have given us:mad:

We're told a 7-year-old girl was killed and her 8-year-old friend was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
According to Detroit Police Chief James Craig, two suspects are in custody relating to the shooting. Sharonda Benson turned herself in this morning and a "male acquaintance" was also taken into custody.
Police say someone drove up to one of the homes where kids were playing outside and opened fire while the children were playing outside. Chanell Berry was the child who was killed.

Person of interest turns herself in after two children shot, one killed on Detroit's west side
I went there until 5 years ago when my 91 year old grandmother died. She refused to move out.

How did "the left" ruin blacks?

They made victims out of them. Pushed the stupidity that they were owed something. Paid women to have kids out of wedlock They destroyed the family structure in the inner city. just because you went there, to your mothers house, then left doesn't mean shit. I'm in these neighborhoods. My friends are still there. I work there. I interact with people. Do you? no you don't
You have white right wing mentality think. You've been brainwashed by conservatives. I'm not going to go into all the reasons why you are wrong, you just are. I'm in Detroit and have been in Detroit often enough to know everything I need to know. I also know you've been drinking the coolaid.

Funny "they" didn't make a victim out of you? Are you saying you are smarter than those black people?

Are you suggesting we don't owe them anything? The fact is we do and did owe them something, and we haven't given nearly enough. But I will agree we did give them things for a few decades and many of them squandered their opportunity.

Paid women to have babies out of wedlock? You mean welfare? What would you do, cut them off? Not feed their kids? I actually agree with you here a little but what would you do? Should we stop giving welfare to single moms? Actually, I would agree with this point you made.

Who destroyed the family structure? When blacks moved into Detroit in the 70's, all the jobs went away. So if dad has no job, and has a kid, that's what destroyed the family structure. Anyways, I can tell you are 100% blaming liberal policies for why blacks are in the condition they are in. You only have half the story. And you have swallowed the idea that democrats want them to be slaves to welfare. The fact is, you want them to be slaves to the minumum wage. You love having that pool of poor people to hire from. If not wages would go up.

Sorry I didn't stay in a complete shit hole. My grandmother should have gotten out years ago. We got out thank god. If But all that proves is MY POINT, that these people in Detroit have it very very bad.

And I didn't "went there", I lived there. We left because that is no place for a white person to live let alone a black person. And just because your friends are still there doesn't mean shit to me. Why didn't they leave? Can't afford to live in the suburbs?

I used to be in those neighborhoods a lot too. Don't EVER go down there anymore if I can avoid it. Now that gramma is dead I only go to Tiger, Redwing and Lions games like every other white person who isn't unfortunate to have to live or work there.

You interact with blacks? Do you tell them your stupid feelings about them?
I don't owe any blacks anything. Go suck some black cock if it makes you feel right.
Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

The EM does not vote, he commands.

The auto industry didn't adapt to the times, high gas prices and low MPG cars, something foreign car manufacturing did. That had zero to do with which party was in office or union demands.

You guys to the far right of the center have no ability to look at all parts and all elements of an issue. I don't know if that is a product of a lack of curiosity or willful ignorance, brainwashing or even basic dishonesty.

Bull crap.... The auto industry didn't adapt to the times? Prove it.

What was the two top selling vehicle in the US in 2008?

Ford F-Series
Chevrolet Silverado


Moreover, the top sedans...

Chevrolet Impala V6 18/29 MPG
Ford Focus I-4 24/35 MPG

Toyota Camry I-4 21/31
Toyota Camry V-6 19/28

Not exactly "failing to adapt". You prove it. You people on the left, just make up anything, to avoid responsibility.

Here's the real answer. Here's the facts.


The reason Chrysler and GM failed, is because of this right here.

See in 2005 Ford pushed the Unions into giving concessions, and they did.
Ford says it is bringing more jobs back to U.S. plants than it agreed to

Since 2005, union workers at Ford have given up wage increases and benefits and agreed to let the company hire new workers at half the traditional United Auto Workers wage.
This allowed Ford to lower wages, cut benefits, and reduce labor costs, which is why out of all 3 of major Unionized auto companies, Ford did not go bankrupt, while GM and Chrysler did.

GM and Chrysler both pushed the Unions to give the exact same concessions it gave Ford.... but the Unions refused.

What changed? Why were they able to get concessions in 2005, but not in 2008?

Opinion based on the evidence..... in 2005 they knew if Ford went bankrupt, Bush wasn't going to bailout Ford, just like Bush refused to bail out Enron. They also knew Bush wouldn't intervene in the bankruptcy, meaning the Unions would lose out massively.

In 2008, they believed Obama would win, as most did. They knew Obama would bailout GM and Chrysler. They knew Obama would intervene in the bankruptcy to pay back Union support of his campaign.

This is what happened, and you know it.
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.

Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

You can't deflect the blame on this no matter how hard you try. The city council had no power.

When the city council voted, it was to switch to Lake Huron water, not the Flint River.

How the Flint water crisis emerged
Government failed on all levels there unless you wear blinders.......

Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:
They used it for temporary water sources during outages.................SHORT TERM..........and mistreating it in the short term is far different than years...................YOU ARE SPECULATING...........AND PROVE NOTHING.
Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

You can't deflect the blame on this no matter how hard you try. The city council had no power.

When the city council voted, it was to switch to Lake Huron water, not the Flint River.

How the Flint water crisis emerged

It was the Mayor and the EM who said that the water was safe to drink when they knew it wasn't.
The auto industry didn't adapt to the times, high gas prices and low MPG cars, something foreign car manufacturing did. That had zero to do with which party was in office or union demands.

You are correct. They desinged and built crummy Cars from mid-80s-90s. Why? Fat happy worthless MGT? I don't know. But they got wiped out by good Japanese. They seem to have learned a bit from that?

Now the UAW? what part did they play in all of this? Probably some.
It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

You can't deflect the blame on this no matter how hard you try. The city council had no power.

When the city council voted, it was to switch to Lake Huron water, not the Flint River.

How the Flint water crisis emerged

It was the Mayor and the EM who said that the water was safe to drink when they knew it wasn't.

Yeah, maybe if the City of Flint had not kicked out the last 5 EMs, the new guy wouldn't feel the need to say whatever the local government wanted, to keep his job.

Better still, maybe if the local government hadn't caused the fiscal crisis to begin with, we never would have had an EM at all.

How about we try to focus on the cause of all the problems to begin with, instead of being childish, and just blame shifting our way out.
Heck even very Liberal San Francisco had to cut back on theirs but Detroit refused to deal with it.

CA is on death march. They have many persons on $10K/mo penisons AND they hired back on working as consultants or moved to another county and double-dipping. All those $400k/yr UC bureaucrats are pulling down tons. The group of pension spikers, last 3 yrs avg. save up VAC/Sick and dump it all on the way out. They say they are "fine" but I hear the citizens know better. But yet they vote Dem? Boxer Brown Crimescene....on and on.
Republicans cheapness caused this. We're broke, remember?

Meanwhile Snyder slashed corporate taxes in Michigan. No wonder were broke.

How come companies go to China even though they have to play by China's rules but here those companies make the rules? Maybe corporations shouldn't make the rules here in America either. If they want to do business here they should play by our rules.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:
They used it for temporary water sources during outages.................SHORT TERM..........and mistreating it in the short term is far different than years...................YOU ARE SPECULATING...........AND PROVE NOTHING.
Was there another water crisis in Flint EVER before Governor Snyder sent his hatchet man in to switch Flint's water source? Why did it happen NOW and not before, when elected democrats did the same thing in the past? I'd just be quiet and move on if I were you. You are showing your lack of common sense.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:
They used it for temporary water sources during outages.................SHORT TERM..........and mistreating it in the short term is far different than years...................YOU ARE SPECULATING...........AND PROVE NOTHING.
Was there another water crisis in Flint EVER before Governor Snyder sent his hatchet man in to switch Flint's water source? Why did it happen NOW and not before, when elected democrats did the same thing in the past? I'd just be quiet and move on if I were you. You are showing your lack of common sense.

There you go.... Correlation equals causation in leftard world. Something happened.... and someone was in office.... since both happened at the same time, by default, they must be connected.

It's cloudy and cold here, and Obama is in office... if only I could be a dumb as a rock, brainless idiotic fool known as a Democrat, I could simply assume Obama caused it to be cloudy and cold. That's as much logic as I need in leftard world.

We figured out correlation is not causation over a hundred years ago, and yet half are country is so dumb, they still believe it. So many in fact, we have an entire political movement built around being stupid.
As I guys wear blinders...............

RIddle me this...............who ran the treatment plant and why didn't they follow the CFR for corrosion inhibitors.......................Who WAZ DAT............
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:
They used it for temporary water sources during outages.................SHORT TERM..........and mistreating it in the short term is far different than years...................YOU ARE SPECULATING...........AND PROVE NOTHING.
Was there another water crisis in Flint EVER before Governor Snyder sent his hatchet man in to switch Flint's water source? Why did it happen NOW and not before, when elected democrats did the same thing in the past? I'd just be quiet and move on if I were you. You are showing your lack of common sense.
Your showing one sided Partisan Rhetoric.....................You hold only one accountable when many are involved.....................I've said all should fall, but you are concerned with only one side..............and nothing more...............

Too many were in the cover the point of using the water source temporarily...............I said water more than likely the deal............when they repair mains to the city from Detroit..................shit breaks.......

Again, had the treatment included water softeners this wouldn't be in the news........If cities replaced piping yearly as other cities now do them not so much lead would be happening at all because there would be new pipes.

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