The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Snyder has blame in the game no doubt. Saving money is a bad idea when it comes to drinking water.
It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

You can't deflect the blame on this no matter how hard you try. The city council had no power.

When the city council voted, it was to switch to Lake Huron water, not the Flint River.

How the Flint water crisis emerged

It was the Mayor and the EM who said that the water was safe to drink when they knew it wasn't.
I saw that video where the EM and mayor drank what appeared to be processed Flint river water. And both gidid assert the water was safe to drink... The mayor seemed too congenial in his agreement with the EM. That aroused my suspicions and I wondered why. I found the answer in the Michigan PL $436 here it gives the EM power to suspend all pay and benefits of the city council and the mayor as long as the EM is in charge. Perhaps the mayor was holding out hope that he might retain some of his pay or benefits. All of that was solely the discretion of the EM.
Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

You can't deflect the blame on this no matter how hard you try. The city council had no power.

When the city council voted, it was to switch to Lake Huron water, not the Flint River.

How the Flint water crisis emerged

It was the Mayor and the EM who said that the water was safe to drink when they knew it wasn't.

Yeah, maybe if the City of Flint had not kicked out the last 5 EMs, the new guy wouldn't feel the need to say whatever the local government wanted, to keep his job.

Better still, maybe if the local government hadn't caused the fiscal crisis to begin with, we never would have had an EM at all.

How about we try to focus on the cause of all the problems to begin with, instead of being childish, and just blame shifting our way out.

The city of Flint didn't have the authority to "kick out" any of the Emergency Managers. The city council and the mayor had no power. What part of that don't you understand?

It is you who is trying to shift focus to unrelated issues. You can't blame the city of Flint for being poisoned because there was a financial crisis in this country that hit some cities harder than others.

Do Hillview, KY and Jefferson County, AL both deserve to be poisoned because they went bankrupt too?
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruined her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Its funny because as a liberal, I have made the argument that white's are to blame for blacks being criminal. If you don't offer them good jobs and you put them in a ghetto and you treat them like 2nd class citizens, they're going to be more violent. But this is also debatable because blacks could do something about it themselves and solve their own poverty/crime problem.

BUT, now we have clear evidence Republicans/Rich people/Whites are responsible for the crime in Flint.

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

How Lead Caused America's Violent Crime Epidemic

Ban on Leaded Gas Linked to Drop in Crime

Why are you so damn stupid? Is that a prerequisite to be a liberal? Blacks were the best workers, even during segregation, and major discrimination. The left has ruin so many inner city blacks. No family structure, no fathers, No respect for people. Now that you're done with them you're screwing up everybody. You leftist are pathetic. People like you who haven't live in Detroit for 30 yrs. You really don't go there much. I'm there every day. Even though i don't live there anymore. You don't know shit . When i got out of high school and worked construction. all the brick layers were black guys. Now they are all Mexicans, but you wanna keep shipping in more cheap labor you're joke:slap:

These two little Children were shot in a drive-by shooting. By one of the "baby mamas" of a man who has 10 kids by 5 different "baby mamas'!!:eek: This is the world you leftist have given us:mad:

We're told a 7-year-old girl was killed and her 8-year-old friend was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
According to Detroit Police Chief James Craig, two suspects are in custody relating to the shooting. Sharonda Benson turned herself in this morning and a "male acquaintance" was also taken into custody.
Police say someone drove up to one of the homes where kids were playing outside and opened fire while the children were playing outside. Chanell Berry was the child who was killed.

Person of interest turns herself in after two children shot, one killed on Detroit's west side
I went there until 5 years ago when my 91 year old grandmother died. She refused to move out.

How did "the left" ruin blacks?

They made victims out of them. Pushed the stupidity that they were owed something. Paid women to have kids out of wedlock They destroyed the family structure in the inner city. just because you went there, to your mothers house, then left doesn't mean shit. I'm in these neighborhoods. My friends are still there. I work there. I interact with people. Do you? no you don't
You have white right wing mentality think. You've been brainwashed by conservatives. I'm not going to go into all the reasons why you are wrong, you just are. I'm in Detroit and have been in Detroit often enough to know everything I need to know. I also know you've been drinking the coolaid.

Funny "they" didn't make a victim out of you? Are you saying you are smarter than those black people?

Are you suggesting we don't owe them anything? The fact is we do and did owe them something, and we haven't given nearly enough. But I will agree we did give them things for a few decades and many of them squandered their opportunity.

Paid women to have babies out of wedlock? You mean welfare? What would you do, cut them off? Not feed their kids? I actually agree with you here a little but what would you do? Should we stop giving welfare to single moms? Actually, I would agree with this point you made.

Who destroyed the family structure? When blacks moved into Detroit in the 70's, all the jobs went away. So if dad has no job, and has a kid, that's what destroyed the family structure. Anyways, I can tell you are 100% blaming liberal policies for why blacks are in the condition they are in. You only have half the story. And you have swallowed the idea that democrats want them to be slaves to welfare. The fact is, you want them to be slaves to the minumum wage. You love having that pool of poor people to hire from. If not wages would go up.

Sorry I didn't stay in a complete shit hole. My grandmother should have gotten out years ago. We got out thank god. If But all that proves is MY POINT, that these people in Detroit have it very very bad.

And I didn't "went there", I lived there. We left because that is no place for a white person to live let alone a black person. And just because your friends are still there doesn't mean shit to me. Why didn't they leave? Can't afford to live in the suburbs?

I used to be in those neighborhoods a lot too. Don't EVER go down there anymore if I can avoid it. Now that gramma is dead I only go to Tiger, Redwing and Lions games like every other white person who isn't unfortunate to have to live or work there.

You interact with blacks? Do you tell them your stupid feelings about them?

I love all people and yes I do interact with "black people"until recently more than other Jews, subordinate boy. The older people agree with me. I talk all different.people. You're a bigot and believe black people are inferior.... Your joke:slap:
Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

You can't deflect the blame on this no matter how hard you try. The city council had no power.

When the city council voted, it was to switch to Lake Huron water, not the Flint River.

How the Flint water crisis emerged

It was the Mayor and the EM who said that the water was safe to drink when they knew it wasn't.
I saw that video where the EM and mayor drank what appeared to be processed Flint river water. And both gidid assert the water was safe to drink... The mayor seemed too congenial in his agreement with the EM. That aroused my suspicions and I wondered why. I found the answer in the Michigan PL $436 here it gives the EM power to suspend all pay and benefits of the city council and the mayor as long as the EM is in charge. Perhaps the mayor was holding out hope that he might retain some of his pay or benefits. All of that was solely the discretion of the EM.

That is not how the law is written, at least not according to the web site.

When the local government of Flint, opted for an Emergency Manager, by default... automatically all pay and benefits are suspended.

Both the Local government, and the EM, must create their own fiscal plan for solving the crisis. Both of those plans are submitted to the "Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board" which reviews them, and determines which one, or which hybrid of the two, is the solution to go with.... and the EM is directed to implement the plan approved of by the Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board.

The EM can.... provided it is part of the plan, approved of by the Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board, restore pay and benefits to the local government.

But it must be part of the plan. He can't do it... "on a whim" or whatever.

Equally, the local government, after one year, 12 months, can by 2/3rd vote, have the EM removed.

And given the fact this is the... what... 5th EM in 6 years? The EM's position doesn't seem as dictatorship like, as the left would try and claim.
Who ran the show? Snyder appointees. Look at all the Snyder appointees he's firing. Their heads will roll not Snyder's but make no mistake Republicans are responsible for this.

This is why you don't appoint Republicans to do environmental work. They're too anti science and willing to risk it.

No you will not blame the citizens of flint.

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:
They used it for temporary water sources during outages.................SHORT TERM..........and mistreating it in the short term is far different than years...................YOU ARE SPECULATING...........AND PROVE NOTHING.
Was there another water crisis in Flint EVER before Governor Snyder sent his hatchet man in to switch Flint's water source? Why did it happen NOW and not before, when elected democrats did the same thing in the past? I'd just be quiet and move on if I were you. You are showing your lack of common sense.

There you go.... Correlation equals causation in leftard world. Something happened.... and someone was in office.... since both happened at the same time, by default, they must be connected.

It's cloudy and cold here, and Obama is in office... if only I could be a dumb as a rock, brainless idiotic fool known as a Democrat, I could simply assume Obama caused it to be cloudy and cold. That's as much logic as I need in leftard world.

We figured out correlation is not causation over a hundred years ago, and yet half are country is so dumb, they still believe it. So many in fact, we have an entire political movement built around being stupid.

Yeah and the Nixon fans said the same thing before HE resigned. here is the post I wrote earlier to sho that even before PL #436 went into effect (EM guidance) Snyder installed an EM in Flint based on state review panel's recommendation. NOT he city government! The city opted for a "consent agreement but was turned down by the review board.

Here is the permalink to that post.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks

All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:

I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.

lol ...I learned to fight on the streets and i'm older than you and would still kick your punk fat ass:)
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I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks
All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:
I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.
lol ...I'm learned to fight on the streets and i'm older than you and would still kick your punk fat ass:)
Is there really a school in Detroit that's 25% white? What is bright more? That's got some whites in it but its a very low class neighborhood.

Wait a minute. You're older than me? What year did you graduate? Because my neighborhood was all white in 1973. By 1978 my neighborhood was all black. We were the last whites to leave.

So we see its you whites who fled that don't like blacks. Now you want to blame liberal policies?

Im glad you have black friends who put up with you and you them. You seem like a great guy for a conservative
I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks
All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:
I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.
lol ...I learned to fight on the streets and i'm older than you and would still kick your punk fat ass:)
And don't tell me you white metro detroiters aren't racist. I moved out to the burbs and I heard how conservatives talked about minorities. You sound just like them. You're racist but want to argue its not you but liberals that are keeping blacks down.

So stupid. But don't ask me. Ask all your stupid black friends who disagree with you

The people at the treatment plant were Republicans and didn't know how to treat the water..............LOL

They have no
The Flint River had been tapped on previous occasions BEFORE Snyder was governor and before EM was sent to usurp power from the city government but no crisis materialized...WHY NOT? Apparently the democrats treated the water for corrosion before THEY tapped the Flint River temporarily. One more thang...Can I get a witness? :lol:
They used it for temporary water sources during outages.................SHORT TERM..........and mistreating it in the short term is far different than years...................YOU ARE SPECULATING...........AND PROVE NOTHING.
Was there another water crisis in Flint EVER before Governor Snyder sent his hatchet man in to switch Flint's water source? Why did it happen NOW and not before, when elected democrats did the same thing in the past? I'd just be quiet and move on if I were you. You are showing your lack of common sense.

There you go.... Correlation equals causation in leftard world. Something happened.... and someone was in office.... since both happened at the same time, by default, they must be connected.

It's cloudy and cold here, and Obama is in office... if only I could be a dumb as a rock, brainless idiotic fool known as a Democrat, I could simply assume Obama caused it to be cloudy and cold. That's as much logic as I need in leftard world.

We figured out correlation is not causation over a hundred years ago, and yet half are country is so dumb, they still believe it. So many in fact, we have an entire political movement built around being stupid.

Yeah and the Nixon fans said the same thing before HE resigned. here is the post I wrote earlier to sho that even before PL #436 went into effect (EM guidance) Snyder installed an EM in Flint based on state review panel's recommendation. NOT he city government! The city opted for a "consent agreement but was turned down by the review board.

Here is the permalink to that post.

Flint emergency: Timeline of state takeover (with photo gallery)

Nov. 14 -- Flint City Council votes 7-2 against appealing the state's findings. Councilmen Sheldon Neeley and Michael Sarginson were in favor of an appeal.

Nov. 15 -- Walling declines to request a hearing on the state's findings.

So both the city council, and the mayor, agreed with the state. They could have appealed. They could have had hearings on the findings. They could have countered the claim.

They did not.

Nov. 29 -- Michael Brown, Flint's former temporary mayor, is named by Snyder as Flint's new emergency manager.

As far as I'm concerned, the city agreed to this. That's what the evidence shows.

Where is evidence that the city attempted a consent agreement? None of your links say they did.

Only that they openly and directly declined to oppose the State saying they had a fiscal emergency.

And of course Democrats are going to claim it's politically motivated. What a shock that is.

If anything your post confirmed what I said. Watching you laugh, while proving me right, is rather ironic.
Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

You can't deflect the blame on this no matter how hard you try. The city council had no power.

When the city council voted, it was to switch to Lake Huron water, not the Flint River.

How the Flint water crisis emerged

It was the Mayor and the EM who said that the water was safe to drink when they knew it wasn't.
I saw that video where the EM and mayor drank what appeared to be processed Flint river water. And both gidid assert the water was safe to drink... The mayor seemed too congenial in his agreement with the EM. That aroused my suspicions and I wondered why. I found the answer in the Michigan PL $436 here it gives the EM power to suspend all pay and benefits of the city council and the mayor as long as the EM is in charge. Perhaps the mayor was holding out hope that he might retain some of his pay or benefits. All of that was solely the discretion of the EM.

That is not how the law is written, at least not according to the web site.

When the local government of Flint, opted for an Emergency Manager, by default... automatically all pay and benefits are suspended.

Both the Local government, and the EM, must create their own fiscal plan for solving the crisis. Both of those plans are submitted to the "Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board" which reviews them, and determines which one, or which hybrid of the two, is the solution to go with.... and the EM is directed to implement the plan approved of by the Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board.

The EM can.... provided it is part of the plan, approved of by the Local Emergency Financial Assistance Loan Board, restore pay and benefits to the local government.

But it must be part of the plan. He can't do it... "on a whim" or whatever.

Equally, the local government, after one year, 12 months, can by 2/3rd vote, have the EM removed.

And given the fact this is the... what... 5th EM in 6 years? The EM's position doesn't seem as dictatorship like, as the left would try and claim.
The Michigan website you provided earlier shows an incomplete excerpt of PL #436.

BTW, the tenure for an EM is 18 months. And Snyder circumvented the 18 month stipulation by replacing the Em Before the 18 month deadlline and starting fresh with a new Em and another 18 month tenure. I posted the link but you missed it as well as the link to the complete law.
.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks
All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:
I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.
lol ...I'm learned to fight on the streets and i'm older than you and would still kick your punk fat ass:)
Is there really a school in Detroit that's 25% white? What is bright more? That's got some whites in it but its a very low class neighborhood.

Wait a minute. You're older than me? What year did you graduate? Because my neighborhood was all white in 1973. By 1978 my neighborhood was all black. We were the last whites to leave.

So we see its you whites who fled that don't like blacks. Now you want to blame liberal policies?

Im glad you have black friends who put up with you and you them. You seem like a great guy for a conservative

I graduated in '82 you really don't know that much about Detroit do you? Look up southwest Detroit. My area has large % white and still pretty evenly mixed. I don't pick my friends based on race. i moved in 2001 but all my friends are still in Detroit and i have no problem hanging out there quit often actually. I also have a service based business and work there almost every day in all parts of Detroit. I didn't flee, I just wanted some land. I also have no problem living there.You stereotype people. That's not a virtue actually, it's a hindrance to reality.
At least in Flint Michigan the Zika mosquito can't breed because of the lead in the water..................
All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:
I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.
lol ...I'm learned to fight on the streets and i'm older than you and would still kick your punk fat ass:)
Is there really a school in Detroit that's 25% white? What is bright more? That's got some whites in it but its a very low class neighborhood.

Wait a minute. You're older than me? What year did you graduate? Because my neighborhood was all white in 1973. By 1978 my neighborhood was all black. We were the last whites to leave.

So we see its you whites who fled that don't like blacks. Now you want to blame liberal policies?

Im glad you have black friends who put up with you and you them. You seem like a great guy for a conservative

I graduated in '82 you really don't know that much about Detroit do you? Look up southwest Detroit. My area has large % white and still pretty evenly mixed. I don't pick my friends based on race. i moved in 2001 but all my friends are still in Detroit and i have no problem hanging out there quit often actually. I also have a service based business and work there almost every day in all parts of Detroit. I didn't flee, I just wanted some land. I also have no problem living there.You stereotype people. That's not a virtue actually, it's a hindrance to reality.
Mexican town? Those aren't whites. LOL. Actually I did hang out in that part of Detroit. Little bars on every corner, shots daily, etc. Bottom line is you moved. You didn't want land you wanted out. You wanted to feel safe. You sold out. That's ok, so did I. LOL

Sorry you can't make new friends in the burbs.

I wanted land too so I purchased 65 acres in Boyne. I didn't move there though.

And you know who does business in Detroit? People who have to. You see an opportunity in Detroit you can't find out in the burbs. That's why arabs and other immigrants open up party stores in Detroit. It's real cheap to get started. And I know a few who've been shot. Real brave of you to live and visit in hell.
Shutter Flint and Detroit. Democrats destroyed em a long time ago. It's all over. Movin on...
In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:
I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.
lol ...I'm learned to fight on the streets and i'm older than you and would still kick your punk fat ass:)
Is there really a school in Detroit that's 25% white? What is bright more? That's got some whites in it but its a very low class neighborhood.

Wait a minute. You're older than me? What year did you graduate? Because my neighborhood was all white in 1973. By 1978 my neighborhood was all black. We were the last whites to leave.

So we see its you whites who fled that don't like blacks. Now you want to blame liberal policies?

Im glad you have black friends who put up with you and you them. You seem like a great guy for a conservative

I graduated in '82 you really don't know that much about Detroit do you? Look up southwest Detroit. My area has large % white and still pretty evenly mixed. I don't pick my friends based on race. i moved in 2001 but all my friends are still in Detroit and i have no problem hanging out there quit often actually. I also have a service based business and work there almost every day in all parts of Detroit. I didn't flee, I just wanted some land. I also have no problem living there.You stereotype people. That's not a virtue actually, it's a hindrance to reality.
Mexican town? Those aren't whites. LOL. Actually I did hang out in that part of Detroit. Little bars on every corner, shots daily, etc. Bottom line is you moved. You didn't want land you wanted out. You wanted to feel safe. You sold out. That's ok, so did I. LOL

Sorry you can't make new friends in the burbs.

I wanted land too so I purchased 65 acres in Boyne. I didn't move there though.

And you know who does business in Detroit? People who have to. You see an opportunity in Detroit you can't find out in the burbs. That's why arabs and other immigrants open up party stores in Detroit. It's real cheap to get started. And I know a few who've been shot. Real brave of you to live and visit in hell.

I like Detroit. Screw working in Bloomfield for all those preppy people. So let me get this straight. You're 45 yrs old, and left Detroit in 1978. That would have made you 7yrs old. You said you went to Jr high there..Are you a genius? Did you start at 7?:eusa_think:. Mexican town is only one part of Southwest are you sure you're in Michigan? :dunno:
All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:
I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.
lol ...I'm learned to fight on the streets and i'm older than you and would still kick your punk fat ass:)
Is there really a school in Detroit that's 25% white? What is bright more? That's got some whites in it but its a very low class neighborhood.

Wait a minute. You're older than me? What year did you graduate? Because my neighborhood was all white in 1973. By 1978 my neighborhood was all black. We were the last whites to leave.

So we see its you whites who fled that don't like blacks. Now you want to blame liberal policies?

Im glad you have black friends who put up with you and you them. You seem like a great guy for a conservative

I graduated in '82 you really don't know that much about Detroit do you? Look up southwest Detroit. My area has large % white and still pretty evenly mixed. I don't pick my friends based on race. i moved in 2001 but all my friends are still in Detroit and i have no problem hanging out there quit often actually. I also have a service based business and work there almost every day in all parts of Detroit. I didn't flee, I just wanted some land. I also have no problem living there.You stereotype people. That's not a virtue actually, it's a hindrance to reality.
But the REAL you is quite evident here. You think I am Black so you call me BOY when my well researched bullet proof posts frustrate you. Heh heh heh...If only your "black friends" could see what you say here. Do you have any friends originating from Beta Israel? Not proselytized Jews like YOU but real Israelites from the tribe of Dan?...BOY!

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