The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.

Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.
Hey Flint, the auto industry left. You just figuring that out? How long are you gonna whine about it and continue electing corrupt inept Democrats to run your city? Now you're Brazil. Deal with it.
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

It is not an assertion.
Flint Michigan has been run by Dem's for 50 years just like Detroit has.
List of mayors of Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
that it is obvious that it wasn't treated with the proper chemicals for corrosion control.

I read that was Violation of Federal law. Seems someone should answer up for that Violation.

The state fought the requirement.

Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.[...]

The state didn’t agree to apply corrosion controls until late July and didn’t publicly concede until October that it erroneously applied the federal Lead and Copper Rule overseeing water quality

EPA stayed silent on Flint’s tainted water[/i]
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.

In the past it wasn't so much a problem with Republicans as it has been with the far right wing conservatives who overly rely on the free market and believe that any government is bad for society. This type of Republicanism did not exist under Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and even Reagan to a certain extent. This really has developed slowly since Reagan as the far right conservatives have completely taken over the party.

I beg to differ sir. You had Granholm. A Canuck liberal. How has that worked out for you?
That's just the blame game. How can she stop bush sending all our great paying manufacturing jobs overseas because we make too much. That's OK. Then we all make too much. Happy now?

My husband worked for PPG for many a year and as part of a key team at Saturn. Hell's bells he invented half the shit. Not lying. Not bragging but when he was first with CIL and then PPG bought them out he was part of the water borne team and was shipped to Tennessee (YAY! Some of the best years of my life) .

He worked with and I made friends with so many families from Michigan who were put out of work in Michigan because of so many failed fiscal policies.

Tennessee not China. And long before GW.
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

It is not an assertion.
Flint Michigan has been run by Dem's for 50 years just like Detroit has.
List of mayors of Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of em are currently in prison. It really is dishonest and cowardly for them to blame Republicans for their demise. The Republicans have never had any influence in hellholes like Flint and Detroit.
'Republicanism' is cities controlled by corrupt incompetent Democrats for the last 50yrs. Yeah, makes perfect sense. But only to dimwitted loyal Democrat stooges.
that it is obvious that it wasn't treated with the proper chemicals for corrosion control.

I read that was Violation of Federal law. Seems someone should answer up for that Violation.

The state fought the requirement.

Starting with inquiries made in February, the federal agency battled Michigan’s Department of Environmental Quality behind the scenes for at least six months over whether Flint needed to use chemical treatments to keep lead lines and plumbing connections from leaching into drinking water. The EPA did not publicize its concern that Flint residents’ health was jeopardized by the state’s insistence that such controls were not required by law.[...]

The state didn’t agree to apply corrosion controls until late July and didn’t publicly concede until October that it erroneously applied the federal Lead and Copper Rule overseeing water quality

EPA stayed silent on Flint’s tainted water[/i]

The EPA nationally is at fault here. The tests were in by their own in February. Stupid bitch that just resigned refused to seize this shit, beat the crap out of the local environmental agents or push DHHS into telling the truth.

The longer those bloody taps were on the more damage to the children for crying out loud.

The EPA lied to the Governor. The DHHS lied to the Governor, the Mayor, the Flint City Council and to the public. I want to see them wearing orange with silver bracelets tied together sooner rather than later.

Can you imagine in your wildest nightmares your EPA trying to help a local keep issues "private" over fucking lead poisoning?

Holy toledo! This is unreal to me.

Sigh ETA: Pardon my french. I just get so bent out of shape over this.
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.

Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.
Another Hellhole completely run by corrupt inept Democrats for decades. Yet somehow it's the Republican's fault. Oh boy, and the Citizens of Flint wonder why they're Brazil now. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting a different result.

The Citizens of Flint and Detroit continuously elected corrupt inept Democrats to run the show. Now they have to take responsibility for their own bad decisions. This isn't on the Republicans. This is on them and their own Party.

Is it ^^^ a lie or ignorance?

Are you disputing the fact the Citizens of Flint and Detroit have continuously elected Democrats to lead their communities? If so, you better do some research. Democrats who've ruled those communities have been some of the most corrupt inept politicians in America.

It's no surprise Flint and Detroit are Brazil now. Democrats have destroyed many once great cities.The Republicans have no influence in those communities. It's all on the Citizens and their Democrats.

I won't and shouldn't be asked to do any research to prove your assertions. You need to immediately post the names of those corrupt and inept pols and the outcomes this created for the citizens of Detroit and Flint.

I pointed a finger at GM, and named the CEO who up and left 3,000 GM employees out of work, as well as those retail shop owners and the employees who sold products to them, and the banks who held the mortgages and the Landlords who lost the tenants who lost jobs from GM's departure; and even the elected officials who lost a huge source of muni taxes when GM went South (to fail until it was bailed out by the US Taxpayer).

It is not an assertion.
Flint Michigan has been run by Dem's for 50 years just like Detroit has.
List of mayors of Flint, Michigan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL, this ^^^ is not a response to my question. Read my post above and either ignore it or prove the allegations to which I responded.
Look I know we are partisans on this and other boards. Of course we are. :)

But take the politics out of it and what you have is such a major deception on such an industrial strength scale it leaves me breathless.

I don't blame the politicians. They aren't water experts. They don't test the water. What you have here and it is breath taking is the local EPA I think they call it DEQ collaborating with DHHS and this is where I start spitting bullets to hide the lead contamination.

To falsify data. To block Virginia Tech from doing an independent investigation.

YIKES! And lead is as bad as mercury. This is criminal what these people did.
Conservatives cut money for clean water and poison people=It was the libs. Never any responsibility.

Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

The EM does not vote, he commands.

The auto industry didn't adapt to the times, high gas prices and low MPG cars, something foreign car manufacturing did. That had zero to do with which party was in office or union demands.

You guys to the far right of the center have no ability to look at all parts and all elements of an issue. I don't know if that is a product of a lack of curiosity or willful ignorance, brainwashing or even basic dishonesty.
Kilpatrick had steered millions to himself, family and friends while an impoverished Detroit hobbled along, prosecutors said...

That Crack smoker got re-elected. just a thought.

He's just one of several Democrat Detroit Mayors who've been sent to prison. Yet the Citizens of Flint and Detroit wonder why they're Third World Hellholes. They need to look at themselves in the mirror. They need to to take responsibility.
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Flint controlled by Libs for over 50 years and they never repaired nor replaced the water pipes and its the Cons fault? :omg:

It's not about the pipes. There is lead in the pipes of thousands of American cities.

It's about the improperly treated water going through the pipes

Which caused the erosion of the lead pipes that was not repaired or replaced to begin with.
The thousands of lead pipes in other American Cities keeps up with their repairs and corrosion control treatments. Flint did not.
Who was the people in control of not adding the corrosion control treatments in the water?
It sure was not any Governor of the State, R or D. in this case.

Wrong. The switch to more corrosive water without proper treatment is what caused it. The pipes are fine if the water isn't corrosive or is properly treated. The decision to switch falls solely on the governor appointed EM and the state.

This is ALL on the governor and the state.

The EM did not vote to switch the water.
The EM would not have been needed if Detroit had not gone bankrupt.
Another city run by Dems for the last 50 years or more.
The blame is on the Dems for Detroit and Flints mess.

The EM does not vote, he commands.

The auto industry didn't adapt to the times, high gas prices and low MPG cars, something foreign car manufacturing did. That had zero to do with which party was in office or union demands.

You guys to the far right of the center have no ability to look at all parts and all elements of an issue. I don't know if that is a product of a lack of curiosity or willful ignorance, brainwashing or even basic dishonesty.

I know that the EM commands and it would not have been needed if the Dems ran Detroit and Flint in an efficient manner but they didn't
That's funny because it's Dems who lack that ability.
I was looking at all the the parts and there is no getting around the fact that Dems controlled both Cities and both are in trouble because of their government mismanagement.
Detroit went bankrupt because of their over the top payments of government workers pensions that Dems passed.
Heck even very Liberal San Francisco had to cut back on theirs but Detroit refused to deal with it.
Just so you know from my position I am not taking left versus right. To me when it comes to water I'm nothing short of a maniac ok? I was working for a friend of mine at a place called the Beaver Head in Toronto when Grassy Narrows broke. I was cleaning bear claws for a living and working with silver and sweet water grass and porcupine quills.

They started coming down. Look up Grassy Narrows and you will understand my passion. Water is not to be lied to. She is mother earth. We poison her. On a day to day. She is what comes to us.

I'm trying not to cry. She comes to us with such abandonment and love. And yet we ruined her. Flint is an example of this. I pity her children. This though maybe not a fight lost but a fight to begin to make people understand the beauty of water.
Its funny because as a liberal, I have made the argument that white's are to blame for blacks being criminal. If you don't offer them good jobs and you put them in a ghetto and you treat them like 2nd class citizens, they're going to be more violent. But this is also debatable because blacks could do something about it themselves and solve their own poverty/crime problem.

BUT, now we have clear evidence Republicans/Rich people/Whites are responsible for the crime in Flint.

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

How Lead Caused America's Violent Crime Epidemic

Ban on Leaded Gas Linked to Drop in Crime

Why are you so damn stupid? Is that a prerequisite to be a liberal? Blacks were the best workers, even during segregation, and major discrimination. The left has ruin so many inner city blacks. No family structure, no fathers, No respect for people. Now that you're done with them you're screwing up everybody. You leftist are pathetic. People like you who haven't live in Detroit for 30 yrs. You really don't go there much. I'm there every day. Even though i don't live there anymore. You don't know shit . When i got out of high school and worked construction. all the brick layers were black guys. Now they are all Mexicans, but you wanna keep shipping in more cheap labor you're joke:slap:

These two little Children were shot in a drive-by shooting. By one of the "baby mamas" of a man who has 10 kids by 5 different "baby mamas'!!:eek: This is the world you leftist have given us:mad:

We're told a 7-year-old girl was killed and her 8-year-old friend was taken to the hospital in critical condition.
According to Detroit Police Chief James Craig, two suspects are in custody relating to the shooting. Sharonda Benson turned herself in this morning and a "male acquaintance" was also taken into custody.
Police say someone drove up to one of the homes where kids were playing outside and opened fire while the children were playing outside. Chanell Berry was the child who was killed.

Person of interest turns herself in after two children shot, one killed on Detroit's west side
I went there until 5 years ago when my 91 year old grandmother died. She refused to move out.

How did "the left" ruin blacks?

They made victims out of them. Pushed the stupidity that they were owed something. Paid women to have kids out of wedlock They destroyed the family structure in the inner city. just because you went there, to your mothers house, then left doesn't mean shit. I'm in these neighborhoods. My friends are still there. I work there. I interact with people. Do you? no you don't
You have white right wing mentality think. You've been brainwashed by conservatives. I'm not going to go into all the reasons why you are wrong, you just are. I'm in Detroit and have been in Detroit often enough to know everything I need to know. I also know you've been drinking the coolaid.

Funny "they" didn't make a victim out of you? Are you saying you are smarter than those black people?

Are you suggesting we don't owe them anything? The fact is we do and did owe them something, and we haven't given nearly enough. But I will agree we did give them things for a few decades and many of them squandered their opportunity.

Paid women to have babies out of wedlock? You mean welfare? What would you do, cut them off? Not feed their kids? I actually agree with you here a little but what would you do? Should we stop giving welfare to single moms? Actually, I would agree with this point you made.

Who destroyed the family structure? When blacks moved into Detroit in the 70's, all the jobs went away. So if dad has no job, and has a kid, that's what destroyed the family structure. Anyways, I can tell you are 100% blaming liberal policies for why blacks are in the condition they are in. You only have half the story. And you have swallowed the idea that democrats want them to be slaves to welfare. The fact is, you want them to be slaves to the minumum wage. You love having that pool of poor people to hire from. If not wages would go up.

Sorry I didn't stay in a complete shit hole. My grandmother should have gotten out years ago. We got out thank god. If But all that proves is MY POINT, that these people in Detroit have it very very bad.

And I didn't "went there", I lived there. We left because that is no place for a white person to live let alone a black person. And just because your friends are still there doesn't mean shit to me. Why didn't they leave? Can't afford to live in the suburbs?

I used to be in those neighborhoods a lot too. Don't EVER go down there anymore if I can avoid it. Now that gramma is dead I only go to Tiger, Redwing and Lions games like every other white person who isn't unfortunate to have to live or work there.

You interact with blacks? Do you tell them your stupid feelings about them?
Meanwhile, in other news... Chicago just announced its highest murder rate in 15yrs. Another once great city destroyed by Democrats. But hey, y'all in Flint and Detroit just keep on electing em. I'm sure things will get better for ya.
You are not only a wooly headed idiot but stoopid too! First you say Detroit has no EM, I prove my pointr and you change the subject like you think no one would notice. STFU.
the school system not the city..Get it straight

I did get it straight...Detroit has an EM...HIs name is early and he was appointed under the SAME guidelines afforded by ACT# 436. BUt Since Detroit ois no longer considered bankrupt why the heck are they paying that clown $220,000 per year to alienate the teachers of Detroit?

.DPS has an emergency manager. Not the City of Detroit. Thats over and has been successful. Get it straight little boy. Both were ran into bankruptcy by the leftist crooks

All by design you silly little dope. But like a lot of dumb ass blue collar conservatives, you don't even know who raped your silly little ass. It wasn't unions Granholm or Obama. But if I have to explain this to you then you are so far gone that I won't even bother. I will only come here to banter with you and have a little fun with your sorry stupid little ass. Oh, and I was Metro Detroit Powerlifting champ in 88. Your small biceps aren't impressive. LOL But that fro was. Mad respect for that.

So what the fuck do you think the GOP has to offer you? Do you own your own construction business or something?

In '88 ? 28 years ago?.. LOL... that's a recent pic little man. I could kick your old ass suburbanite boy:wink_2:

I wrestled in college. You think you can take a former college wrestler/powerlifting champ? You young punks nowadays are such typical blowhards. You've never gotten in a real fight with a real man in your life but because you finally got a few muscles you think that makes you tough? I laugh at you.

I wish I had a nickle for every young punk who thought I was over the hill enough for them to take me. Ten seconds later I'm on top of them and they can't move and I'm like, "what did you say you little bitch?" I'm 45 years old and still got it.

Chances are you don't know what you are doing and I would just completely manhandle your little jew ass.
Meanwhile, in other news... Chicago just announced its highest murder rate in 15yrs. Another once great city destroyed by Democrats. But hey, y'all in Flint and Detroit just keep on electing em. I'm sure things will get better for ya.
All Republicans will do is cut the police force in half and make crime even worse. And they'll send all their jobs overseas and bring in illegals to do "jobs Americans won't do".

Meanwhile, in other news... Chicago just announced its highest murder rate in 15yrs. Another once great city destroyed by Democrats. But hey, y'all in Flint and Detroit just keep on electing em. I'm sure things will get better for ya.
All Republicans will do is cut the police force in half and make crime even worse. And they'll send all their jobs overseas and bring in illegals to do "jobs Americans won't do".

Citizens in Flint and Detroit have nothing to lose. Might as well try the Republicans. What's 50yrs of Democrat-rule gotten em?

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