The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

It's not the switch. They fucked up on how the water was treated. Or lack of treatment.

And the bloody EPA knew the people of Flint were drinking toxic water. Outrageous. Why wasn't the woman in charge freaking fired instead of allowing her to resign.

This is madness.

And this op ed is spot on the money.

'The EPA is been a hotbed of incompetence, corruption, partisanship, waste and fraud for years now and not a single person is made to stand against the wheel. If people want to hold Governor Rick Snyder accountable for this fiasco, fine. It happened on his watch.

But Gina McCarthy’s neck needs to be stretched out on the block right next to his.'

This woman McCarthy actually had the nerve to come out and claim the EPA did their job. Wow just wow.

If the EPA “did their job” in Flint, why did their regional administrator just resign?

That "Hot Air article seems to live up to it's namesake.The narrative is written in such a way as to suggest to the reader that The EPA alone knew that the FR water was untreated and that no state agencies knew at the same time. I will clear that up right now. Using links from the Hot Air article to trace their sources,I discovered the rest of the story in a more objective light.

The EPA wasn't "keeping the knowledge to themselves."

the EPA spent months quietly warning state regulators of the lack of corrosion controls for Flint’s water supplies. The EPA told the state it needed to use chemical treatments to prevent lead lines and plumbing from getting into Flint’s drinking water, but the agency did nothing to publicize its concerns over the city’s water despite the state’s refusal to control against lead poisoning.

Read more: EPA Says It ‘Did Its Job’ Despite Not Telling Flint Its Water Was Contaminated

The region 5 EPA official resigned because she wasn't forceful enough; and, that proved to be deadly for the citizens of Flint. But in essence she DID attempt to do her job by trying to get State officials to abide by federal regulations. She was ignored because of her timidity and because she just didn't know what to do.

Here is her train of thought in that regard:

The Detroit News reported that EPA Region 5 Administrator Susan Hedman said “she sought a legal opinion on whether the EPA could force action, but it wasn’t completed until November.”

Read more: EPA Says It ‘Did Its Job’ Despite Not Telling Flint Its Water Was Contaminated

But here is some real substance that points directly at the real devils in this fiasco:

“We believe the primary responsibility for what happened in Flint rests with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ),” the state task force wrote to Snyder in December.

“Although many individuals and entities at state and local levels contributed to creating and prolonging the problem, MDEQ is the government agency that has responsibility to ensure safe drinking water in Michigan,” the task force wrote. “It failed in that responsibility and must be held accountable for that failure.”

Read more: EPA Says It ‘Did Its Job’ Despite Not Telling Flint Its Water Was Contaminated

Even though we know the local officials had little or no part in this imbroglio,, the state task force still tries to drag them into it knowing full well that when they use the term "local levels" they are referring to the deeds of the EM,not the mayor or city council, They just hope the average reader wouldn't know that!

The fact is, that is was the local city government which made that decision and voted on it, before the EM was appointed.
No Peach, that has been thoroughly debunked. That is why I made the statement illustrate that point. I have provided oinks several times to support my premise... if I have time I will post the perm a link...but I am hoping you will take the initiative to do your own search for it.

I saw the video of the EM and that is what he said. No making of that up, so no it was not debunked.
Yep I saw that same video and the EM DID say that...the lying bahs-turd....He has been debunked...
here is one link but you have to read the entire thing to make sense of it:
Reporter’s notebook: Some state officials still in denial or misinformed over Flint River decision

One more:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls
Again........many players in this mess................ALL involved need to be fragged................but this has to be played out in politics.........................Both sides of the political spectrum were involved.......................anyone denies it is just playing political football.

Even though we know the local officials had little or no part in this imbroglio,, the state task force still tries to drag them into it knowing full well that when they use the term "local levels" they are referring to the deeds of the EM,not the mayor or city council, They just hope the average reader wouldn't know that!

Republicans HAtE the EPA. At least till they can blame the EPA.

Can you imagine the outpouring of righteous indignation If the EPA had really gone after the Republican leadership of the state for not taking actions more quickly.

there would have been 10 Congressional investagations of the EPA and what they thought they were doing in MI.

And of course the Repubs have worked hard to defund and defang the EPA. As a result the EPA ends up attracting the weakest leadership and you end up with situations like this.
Hey moron, the Republicans started the EPA, the Democrats fought against it.

Look it up, Try starting with Nixon.

No, what we hate is when you use the government agencies to dictate your scams on the public.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
Republicans hate government. That's why they make it a bad as possible.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
Republicans hate government. That's why they make it a bad as possible.

So in your world.... government across the entire planet... would all be "good" if not for Republicans, which apparently control government throughout the world?

Do you know how idiotic that sounds?
Tell me something mutt. What about those Flint city democrats who refused to upgrade their plumbing for four decades?
Think maybe they screwed up?
How about those Flint city democrats who in forty years appears to have done NOTHING to clean up the lead content IN the soil?
Think they screwed up?

YOU are always talking tech and bullsh#t. They HAD the tech and all the people got was bullsh#t. The democrats have been sitting their ass for four decades. Ask yourself this....
What year was galvanized pipe invented? Or and this one..
What year was PVC pipe invented?

If you think this is a republicans fault then you are dumb as a damn moon rock.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!

Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.

The 50 year contract was up, it did not end a year or so later.
How could they pay the bill when many residents did not pay their water bills?
That was why they wanted to save some money, so that Flint residences would be able to afford to pay their water bills.
No, you are misreading something. Here is my source:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.

This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Which brings us to the state's timeline statement: "June 2013: City of Flint decides to use the Flint River as a water source."

Flint officials didn't make that decision while under state emergency management. State-appointed emergency manager Ed Kurtz made that decision, which would have had to be approved by the state.

You don't need a contract genius. There are cities that receive water from Detroit without a contract. Flint notified the Detroit water dept that they would be switching to their backup system which had been used before and was fine. The emergency manager wasn't responsible for not adding the proper chemical to the water. That's where the failure was
Republicans DO NOT want people to make more money. The majority of workers in this country are ditch diggers, landscapers, housekeeping, factory rats, McD workers and Walmart workers.

These people use to make a lot of money because manufacturing was huge in America and those jobs were unionized/organized. Those jobs are gone now and the GOP does not want McC or Walmart workers to make more nor do they want those factory workers who make $15 hr. to make more. Don't lie.

I can agree with a lot of what you say but not if you are not being honest with me.
Those jobs will also never return because American workers are more expensive than the machines that replace them.

(Wellll, I don't knooowwwwww ~Ronald Reagan}

That may be true, but Machines don't buy the stuff that is being made. What is the point in using machines to manufacture things when no one has a job because of automation and can't buy the product?

People need to keep that automation smooth and running correctly, plus they need to make the parts and things for all of that.

And how long will it be before machines replicate and repair themselves? Some computers are powerful enough to do that now with proper programming.

But more on point. All it would take to run an entire automated operation is one or two technicians. Physical labor would become cheaper than it is now and millions would be out of work indefinitely; their jobs taken over by machines.
Maybe humans stop having more than 1 or 2 kids in the future? Maybe poor people stop having so many kids and eventually the human population cuts in half.

Sure for some it will be sad to not have kids but so what if they can't afford to have kids or if the economy doesn't need more people? Is having a kid a human right?

What will happen to the millions of rural Chinese men who will never have a wife, or even a girlfriend?
Due to sex-selective abortion, the gender ratio is so skewed that every year, a million more boys are born than girls. By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse. What kind of social and economic effect will it have on China? Will it increase crime?

I imagine the "losers" in this marriage market are poor rural men. What do they think about the situation?

Funny these leftist don't want poor Americans to have kids, they'd rather ship them in from Mexico and central America. For some Reason foreign born babies are more deserving of being born, and having a chance at the American dream.:cuckoo:
Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!

Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.

The 50 year contract was up, it did not end a year or so later.
How could they pay the bill when many residents did not pay their water bills?
That was why they wanted to save some money, so that Flint residences would be able to afford to pay their water bills.
No, you are misreading something. Here is my source:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.

This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Which brings us to the state's timeline statement: "June 2013: City of Flint decides to use the Flint River as a water source."

Flint officials didn't make that decision while under state emergency management. State-appointed emergency manager Ed Kurtz made that decision, which would have had to be approved by the state.

You don't need a contract genius. There are cities that receive water from Detroit without a contract. Flint notified the Detroit water dept that they would be switching to their backup system which had been used before and was fine. The emergency manager wasn't responsible for not adding the proper chemical to the water. That's where the failure was
Duhh. Dummy if you are referring to the mention of "contract" highlighted in blue, that isn't from me. It is a quote directly from MLIVE. Mlive reporters are right on the scene. If you think they were mistaken, call 'em up and get them to post an apology. Good luck with that...dummy!
Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.

The 50 year contract was up, it did not end a year or so later.
How could they pay the bill when many residents did not pay their water bills?
That was why they wanted to save some money, so that Flint residences would be able to afford to pay their water bills.
No, you are misreading something. Here is my source:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.

This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Which brings us to the state's timeline statement: "June 2013: City of Flint decides to use the Flint River as a water source."

Flint officials didn't make that decision while under state emergency management. State-appointed emergency manager Ed Kurtz made that decision, which would have had to be approved by the state.

You don't need a contract genius. There are cities that receive water from Detroit without a contract. Flint notified the Detroit water dept that they would be switching to their backup system which had been used before and was fine. The emergency manager wasn't responsible for not adding the proper chemical to the water. That's where the failure was
Duhh. Dummy if you are referring to the mention of "contract" highlighted in blue, that isn't from me. It is a quote directly from MLIVE. Mlive reporters are right on the scene. If you think they were mistaken, call 'em up and get them to post an apology. Good luck with that...dummy!

Again.... the problem is... why didn't they have the money to buy the water to begin with? Because they drove their city into the dirt.

If Flint had not spent itself into a crisis to start with, they would not have needed to find water cheaper than Detroit.

If they had not spent themselves into crisis, they would not have needed a new pipeline.

If they had not spent themselves into crisis, they would not have had to use the river.

In fact, why did Detroit have to have a contract, and cancel service? Because Detroit spent itself into oblivion too. They had no money to be lenient towards Flint, because they have screwed themselves as well.

See you guys on the left, keep looking at all these consequences, and trying to blame Republicans for it, because you are children that blame shift.

When the reality is, all of this, never would have have happened if the left-wingers in these local governments, hadn't spent themselves into bankruptcy.
Those jobs will also never return because American workers are more expensive than the machines that replace them.

(Wellll, I don't knooowwwwww ~Ronald Reagan}

That may be true, but Machines don't buy the stuff that is being made. What is the point in using machines to manufacture things when no one has a job because of automation and can't buy the product?

People need to keep that automation smooth and running correctly, plus they need to make the parts and things for all of that.

And how long will it be before machines replicate and repair themselves? Some computers are powerful enough to do that now with proper programming.

But more on point. All it would take to run an entire automated operation is one or two technicians. Physical labor would become cheaper than it is now and millions would be out of work indefinitely; their jobs taken over by machines.
Maybe humans stop having more than 1 or 2 kids in the future? Maybe poor people stop having so many kids and eventually the human population cuts in half.

Sure for some it will be sad to not have kids but so what if they can't afford to have kids or if the economy doesn't need more people? Is having a kid a human right?

What will happen to the millions of rural Chinese men who will never have a wife, or even a girlfriend?
Due to sex-selective abortion, the gender ratio is so skewed that every year, a million more boys are born than girls. By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse. What kind of social and economic effect will it have on China? Will it increase crime?

I imagine the "losers" in this marriage market are poor rural men. What do they think about the situation?

Funny these leftist don't want poor Americans to have kids, they'd rather ship them in from Mexico and central America. For some Reason foreign born babies are more deserving of being born, and having a chance at the American dream.:cuckoo:
Id actually prefer our population cut in half.
(Wellll, I don't knooowwwwww ~Ronald Reagan}

That may be true, but Machines don't buy the stuff that is being made. What is the point in using machines to manufacture things when no one has a job because of automation and can't buy the product?

People need to keep that automation smooth and running correctly, plus they need to make the parts and things for all of that.

And how long will it be before machines replicate and repair themselves? Some computers are powerful enough to do that now with proper programming.

But more on point. All it would take to run an entire automated operation is one or two technicians. Physical labor would become cheaper than it is now and millions would be out of work indefinitely; their jobs taken over by machines.
Maybe humans stop having more than 1 or 2 kids in the future? Maybe poor people stop having so many kids and eventually the human population cuts in half.

Sure for some it will be sad to not have kids but so what if they can't afford to have kids or if the economy doesn't need more people? Is having a kid a human right?

What will happen to the millions of rural Chinese men who will never have a wife, or even a girlfriend?
Due to sex-selective abortion, the gender ratio is so skewed that every year, a million more boys are born than girls. By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse. What kind of social and economic effect will it have on China? Will it increase crime?

I imagine the "losers" in this marriage market are poor rural men. What do they think about the situation?

Funny these leftist don't want poor Americans to have kids, they'd rather ship them in from Mexico and central America. For some Reason foreign born babies are more deserving of being born, and having a chance at the American dream.:cuckoo:
Id actually prefer our population cut in half.

There you go. The left is the party of death.

Let's just kill off half the population. Then we can go into a slow economic and cultural decline like the Japanese are in right now.

Matthew isn't so dumb. Flint never had a water crisis before Snyder sent his republican cronies to take over their local government. Not in decades have they EVER had such a crisis until NOW... now pucker up and give Mathew's ass a BIG kiss..heh heh heh!

Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.

The 50 year contract was up, it did not end a year or so later.
How could they pay the bill when many residents did not pay their water bills?
That was why they wanted to save some money, so that Flint residences would be able to afford to pay their water bills.
No, you are misreading something. Here is my source:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.

This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Which brings us to the state's timeline statement: "June 2013: City of Flint decides to use the Flint River as a water source."

Flint officials didn't make that decision while under state emergency management. State-appointed emergency manager Ed Kurtz made that decision, which would have had to be approved by the state.
Come on now idiot, keep up with me. Where the hell is the tax money? YOU ignorant liberals say we conservatives bitch about money. Well f#ck me running you ARE right!

TAX PAYERS money you got THAT idiot. NOW you want to prove how smart you. Tell Matthew where that tax money went. The OP can take his ego and shove it up his ass.

White money
Negro money
Asian money
Christian money
Islamic money
Jewish money
Mormon money

Are you catching up idiot or do you need your walker? Just WHERE is the money idiot?
Liberals will probably blame us white people on the sinking of the titanic and that zeppelin that crashed in New York/Jersey because of that lighting rod(that was also the fault of republicans}
Come on man. You know better. Detroit Water and Sewage fucked Flint over and they had no option to use Flint River in the interim. But why blame politicians? They are only politicians. No one adjusted the protocols for treating the Flint River water.

Why the hell don't we start there? Then start chopping heads at the agencies who hid this shit?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.

The 50 year contract was up, it did not end a year or so later.
How could they pay the bill when many residents did not pay their water bills?
That was why they wanted to save some money, so that Flint residences would be able to afford to pay their water bills.
No, you are misreading something. Here is my source:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.

This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Which brings us to the state's timeline statement: "June 2013: City of Flint decides to use the Flint River as a water source."

Flint officials didn't make that decision while under state emergency management. State-appointed emergency manager Ed Kurtz made that decision, which would have had to be approved by the state.

You don't need a contract genius. There are cities that receive water from Detroit without a contract. Flint notified the Detroit water dept that they would be switching to their backup system which had been used before and was fine. The emergency manager wasn't responsible for not adding the proper chemical to the water. That's where the failure was
Duhh. Dummy if you are referring to the mention of "contract" highlighted in blue, that isn't from me. It is a quote directly from MLIVE. Mlive reporters are right on the scene. If you think they were mistaken, call 'em up and get them to post an apology. Good luck with that...dummy!

You used it moron.. they are wrong..i'm on the scene but you're an idiot pushing an agenda:slap:
Last edited:
People need to keep that automation smooth and running correctly, plus they need to make the parts and things for all of that.

And how long will it be before machines replicate and repair themselves? Some computers are powerful enough to do that now with proper programming.

But more on point. All it would take to run an entire automated operation is one or two technicians. Physical labor would become cheaper than it is now and millions would be out of work indefinitely; their jobs taken over by machines.
Maybe humans stop having more than 1 or 2 kids in the future? Maybe poor people stop having so many kids and eventually the human population cuts in half.

Sure for some it will be sad to not have kids but so what if they can't afford to have kids or if the economy doesn't need more people? Is having a kid a human right?

What will happen to the millions of rural Chinese men who will never have a wife, or even a girlfriend?
Due to sex-selective abortion, the gender ratio is so skewed that every year, a million more boys are born than girls. By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse. What kind of social and economic effect will it have on China? Will it increase crime?

I imagine the "losers" in this marriage market are poor rural men. What do they think about the situation?

Funny these leftist don't want poor Americans to have kids, they'd rather ship them in from Mexico and central America. For some Reason foreign born babies are more deserving of being born, and having a chance at the American dream.:cuckoo:
Id actually prefer our population cut in half.

There you go. The left is the party of death.

Let's just kill off half the population. Then we can go into a slow economic and cultural decline like the Japanese are in right now.

So you want poor people to continue having 5 plus kids while middle class people get their tubes tied after 2 kids because they are smart enough to know they can't afford more than 2 kids?

My sources at Mlive don't agree with yours. Mlive reports that Snyder conflated that lie and made it seem that the cut off was imminent when in fact it wasn't. Flint could have stayed on the Detroit water line as long as they paid their bill or until their contract ended a year or so later. But using the FR water wasn't the problem. The damn republicans didn't oversee the proper treatment of the water and their own state agencies DHHS and MDEQ were blatant obstructionists that hindered every thing the EPA suggested by lying and the use of unmitigated skullduggery.

The 50 year contract was up, it did not end a year or so later.
How could they pay the bill when many residents did not pay their water bills?
That was why they wanted to save some money, so that Flint residences would be able to afford to pay their water bills.
No, you are misreading something. Here is my source:

Michigan Truth Squad: Who approved switch to Flint River? State's answers draw fouls

Snyder said that Detroit, after being informed of the Flint council vote, sent a "letter of termination" of water service. Detroit sent a letter giving Flint one year on its existing contract, but that didn't mean Flint couldn't get water from Detroit after that date. In fact, there was a flurry of negotiations between Detroit and Flint to sign a new contract that would carry Flint through until it could connect to the under-construction pipeline. That new contract was going to cost Flint more money.

This distinction is important to note because merely stating that Flint received a "letter of termination" makes it sound as if a thirsty Flint had no choice but to stick a straw in the Flint River. Flint could have elected to sign a new contract with the the Detroit water system (in fact, Flint reconnected to Detroit water after the situation in the city became a full-fledged, hair-on-fire crisis). Flint disconnected from Detroit because it was cheaper to take water from the Flint River until the new pipeline was completed. Here's a letter from then-emergency manager Darnell Earley saying Flint was choosing to use Flint water instead of Detroit water.

Which brings us to the state's timeline statement: "June 2013: City of Flint decides to use the Flint River as a water source."

Flint officials didn't make that decision while under state emergency management. State-appointed emergency manager Ed Kurtz made that decision, which would have had to be approved by the state.

You don't need a contract genius. There are cities that receive water from Detroit without a contract. Flint notified the Detroit water dept that they would be switching to their backup system which had been used before and was fine. The emergency manager wasn't responsible for not adding the proper chemical to the water. That's where the failure was
Duhh. Dummy if you are referring to the mention of "contract" highlighted in blue, that isn't from me. It is a quote directly from MLIVE. Mlive reporters are right on the scene. If you think they were mistaken, call 'em up and get them to post an apology. Good luck with that...dummy!

Again.... the problem is... why didn't they have the money to buy the water to begin with? Because they drove their city into the dirt.

If Flint had not spent itself into a crisis to start with, they would not have needed to find water cheaper than Detroit.

If they had not spent themselves into crisis, they would not have needed a new pipeline.

If they had not spent themselves into crisis, they would not have had to use the river.

In fact, why did Detroit have to have a contract, and cancel service? Because Detroit spent itself into oblivion too. They had no money to be lenient towards Flint, because they have screwed themselves as well.

See you guys on the left, keep looking at all these consequences, and trying to blame Republicans for it, because you are children that blame shift.

When the reality is, all of this, never would have have happened if the left-wingers in these local governments, hadn't spent themselves into bankruptcy.

Actually the Water Dept is a separate entity. With a separate budget, they make money
(Wellll, I don't knooowwwwww ~Ronald Reagan}

That may be true, but Machines don't buy the stuff that is being made. What is the point in using machines to manufacture things when no one has a job because of automation and can't buy the product?

People need to keep that automation smooth and running correctly, plus they need to make the parts and things for all of that.

And how long will it be before machines replicate and repair themselves? Some computers are powerful enough to do that now with proper programming.

But more on point. All it would take to run an entire automated operation is one or two technicians. Physical labor would become cheaper than it is now and millions would be out of work indefinitely; their jobs taken over by machines.
Maybe humans stop having more than 1 or 2 kids in the future? Maybe poor people stop having so many kids and eventually the human population cuts in half.

Sure for some it will be sad to not have kids but so what if they can't afford to have kids or if the economy doesn't need more people? Is having a kid a human right?

What will happen to the millions of rural Chinese men who will never have a wife, or even a girlfriend?
Due to sex-selective abortion, the gender ratio is so skewed that every year, a million more boys are born than girls. By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse. What kind of social and economic effect will it have on China? Will it increase crime?

I imagine the "losers" in this marriage market are poor rural men. What do they think about the situation?

Funny these leftist don't want poor Americans to have kids, they'd rather ship them in from Mexico and central America. For some Reason foreign born babies are more deserving of being born, and having a chance at the American dream.:cuckoo:
Id actually prefer our population cut in half.

Why's that? more for you? Who's gonna pay for your social security? Why do you want foreign children here and american kids slaughtered through abortion?
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
Republicans hate government. That's why they make it a bad as possible.

So in your world.... government across the entire planet... would all be "good" if not for Republicans, which apparently control government throughout the world?

Do you know how idiotic that sounds?
Government across the entire planet? Where people are free to elect government officials that reflect their will, they have the good sense to never put anything resembling Republicans in office. The countries that briefly flirted with Republicanesque austerity measures have realized the error of their ways and are returning to a more egalitarian approach.
Why would they? They're republicans. They don't actually give a shit when another republican fucks up.

Faint GOP interest in Flint’s pain is a mistake, party members say
How is that a Republican party issue? Just because you feces mongers try to twist it that way doesn't make it a fact. The truth is it's being dealt with and any guilty people will pay the price, regardless of party affiliation.

I don't see how party affiliation has anything to do with how flint was screwed by their own state, local, deq which were all comprised of different parties. It has more to do with how incompetent government and agencies are.
Republicans hate government. That's why they make it a bad as possible.

So in your world.... government across the entire planet... would all be "good" if not for Republicans, which apparently control government throughout the world?

Do you know how idiotic that sounds?
Government across the entire planet? Where people are free to elect government officials that reflect their will, they have the good sense to never put anything resembling Republicans in office. The countries that briefly flirted with Republicanesque austerity measures have realized the error of their ways and are returning to a more egalitarian approach.

Yeah, they are not doing nearly as well as Greece which rejected Republican-esque austerity. Tell us how great they are doing.... I'm waiting.

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