The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

And how long will it be before machines replicate and repair themselves? Some computers are powerful enough to do that now with proper programming.

But more on point. All it would take to run an entire automated operation is one or two technicians. Physical labor would become cheaper than it is now and millions would be out of work indefinitely; their jobs taken over by machines.
Maybe humans stop having more than 1 or 2 kids in the future? Maybe poor people stop having so many kids and eventually the human population cuts in half.

Sure for some it will be sad to not have kids but so what if they can't afford to have kids or if the economy doesn't need more people? Is having a kid a human right?

What will happen to the millions of rural Chinese men who will never have a wife, or even a girlfriend?
Due to sex-selective abortion, the gender ratio is so skewed that every year, a million more boys are born than girls. By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse. What kind of social and economic effect will it have on China? Will it increase crime?

I imagine the "losers" in this marriage market are poor rural men. What do they think about the situation?

Funny these leftist don't want poor Americans to have kids, they'd rather ship them in from Mexico and central America. For some Reason foreign born babies are more deserving of being born, and having a chance at the American dream.:cuckoo:
Id actually prefer our population cut in half.
So are you proposing genocide or something? Heh heh heh!

I suppose if the US population was halved overnight, all the money paid into entitlements by workers no longer with us would benefit those still living. But the clean up of all those dead bodies would be an almost insurmountable task.

And if the relatively few innovators among us perish in that holocaust, a gradual DEVOLUTION could occur that would make us vulnerable to invasion from more technological advanced countries with strong viable populations.
I'm not talking about genocide. Why does everyone go there? If poor people would stop having so many kids, our population would shrink in a couple/few generations. In fact it already is. Many young adults today are not having kids, having fewer kids or having kids later. If enough people are doing this, eventually the population will go down. Then guess what the government will do? They'll start giving tax incentives for people to have more kids, because they need more bodies apparently. I however think this planet would be much better with half the population we have now.

I think since my dad was a young man the population has doubled. That's scary! In one persons lifetime the population doubled??? That's fucked up. We can't keep going this way.

But stop suggesting I want to kill people. I just think poor people need to stop having so many kids. The funny thing is when the global recession hit, it wasn't poor people who stopped breeding. Oh no. They kept popping them out. It was middle class Americans, college educated Americans, ones with big student loans to pay off. People who want to buy a home and be able to retire at 65 who are smart enough to not have more kids than they can afford.

Bad news for older folks: Millennials are having fewer babies

On one level, lower birthrates might be worth celebrating. Perhaps today’s young women are behaving more “responsibly” by putting off their procreative desires, especially if they’re not fully ready to have children yet. One important reason that childbearing fell in the years following the Great Recession is that unmarried women had fewer kids. This factor was responsible for the vast majority of the decline in birthrates for young African American and Hispanic women. Given that children of single parents tend to experience higher rates of poverty, this trend seems like a good thing.

Looks like you are referring to people on the entire planet, not just the USA.
OK. I can deal with that!
Again.... the problem is... why didn't they have the money to buy the water to begin with? Because they drove their city into the dirt.

If Flint had not spent itself into a crisis to start with, they would not have needed to find water cheaper than Detroit.

If they had not spent themselves into crisis, they would not have needed a new pipeline.

If they had not spent themselves into crisis, they would not have had to use the river.

In fact, why did Detroit have to have a contract, and cancel service? Because Detroit spent itself into oblivion too. They had no money to be lenient towards Flint, because they have screwed themselves as well.

See you guys on the left, keep looking at all these consequences, and trying to blame Republicans for it, because you are children that blame shift.

When the reality is, all of this, never would have have happened if the left-wingers in these local governments, hadn't spent themselves into bankruptcy.

Actually the Water Dept is a separate entity. With a separate budget, they make money

If that were true, the government wouldn't be able to make contracts on supplying water. Am I wrong? If water service was run as a private business, why would government be even talking about it?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.
What is really going on with our EPA?
This is the 2nd time with our drinking water.
1st in Colo. now in Michigan.
So in your world.... government across the entire planet... would all be "good" if not for Republicans, which apparently control government throughout the world?

Do you know how idiotic that sounds?
Government across the entire planet? Where people are free to elect government officials that reflect their will, they have the good sense to never put anything resembling Republicans in office. The countries that briefly flirted with Republicanesque austerity measures have realized the error of their ways and are returning to a more egalitarian approach.

Yeah, they are not doing nearly as well as Greece which rejected Republican-esque austerity. Tell us how great they are doing.... I'm waiting.
Greece didn't reject austerity. They were going to but were pressured by other members of the EU to keep it. France on the other hand tried it and then realized how much it sucked and reversed it. They're doing just fine.

They're doing fine???

France Declares State of Economic Emergency

What are you smoking?! France declared an economic emergency not even 30 days ago. Doing fine compared to what??
They are currently having to deal with an influx of refugees. Once they get through that, it'll be business as usual.

You people! LOL

Gah, you people are so ignorant and dumb.

How many times am I going to make you look stupid, before you stop talking out of your butt?

Some truths about immigration in France

Net immigration in 2006 was a whooping 112,000

Today net immigration in France is barely 33,000 last year. Germany has a net increase of 437,000.

In 2013, 200,000 French left the country to work elsewhere. That's French, not immigrants passing through.

France is a nightmare right now. You cited as your example of left-wing policies working... a country that is in crisis.

YOU FAILED sir. Sorry. You lose. Game over son. Try again some other day.
Actually the Water Dept is a separate entity. With a separate budget, they make money

If that were true, the government wouldn't be able to make contracts on supplying water. Am I wrong? If water service was run as a private business, why would government be even talking about it?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
Where has anyone said no government or don't need government?

The majority of us are saying we want a more efficiently run government.

When you demand government do things that it is inherently inefficient at doing... then you are in effect demanding inefficiency in government.
If that were true, the government wouldn't be able to make contracts on supplying water. Am I wrong? If water service was run as a private business, why would government be even talking about it?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass
If that were true, the government wouldn't be able to make contracts on supplying water. Am I wrong? If water service was run as a private business, why would government be even talking about it?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
I used the word "ensuring" you used the word "providing." I used the word "government" you tagged that as meaning Federal Government. You were wrong on both accounts.

All water departments that PROVIDE clean drinking water usually operate under local or the municipal governments. Those are governments, my friend. Now, ENSURING that local water governments are providing clean, or at least potable drinking water, the EPA ( Feds) has established national guidelines for testing and treating water destined for human consumption.

Consider this: Water sources can originate from large underground aquifers, lakes, rivers and even desalination plants near the sea. Often these sources are shared by multiple states and sometimes countries. The Feds have to maintain oversight if not control over these sources. Waterways and shorelines belong to us all and that means We The People ,as a collective of the Federal Government, own them.

You chose to bring the Constitution into this but that wasn't necessary. Without clean drinking water "Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness'" as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, would hardly be possible at all.
Actually the Water Dept is a separate entity. With a separate budget, they make money

If that were true, the government wouldn't be able to make contracts on supplying water. Am I wrong? If water service was run as a private business, why would government be even talking about it?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

That's funny because the military is where we spend most of our money. You hate the debt but you love what we go into debt for. It's like you like your car but don't want to make your car payment.

Yea that's what we want you dumb shit. Tyranny!!!! Meet me in front of the Joe Louis fist I'll shove it up your dumb ass old man. LOL.

Actually, social security, medicare and public schools are pretty good too. I can tell by looking and talking to you that without social security you would never be able to retire. I would bet you anything you have zero savings and you are probably in debt. So funny when anti government fucks like you talk a good game but without ss you aren't saving shit. So don't tell us that you would save MORE on your own without ss. That's a fucking lie. Instead we would have to take care of your sorry ass when you get too old to work in goobers garage.

You do realize the reason we socialize things is to solve a problem, right? Or because the private sector wasn't doing a good job at it so government had to step in? Otherwise government wouldn't need to step in. The free market would take care of everything. But us liberals know that's a joke. Only you brainwashed right wingers think in talking points.

Why do you want mostly poor black and minority babies dead? Would you like to sterilize those poor people like Margret Sanger lib boy?. You don't wanna meet me, I'd hurt you real bad. So I'm gonna take that comment as a joke. if not? that wouldn't be a problem, and you can P.M me when you want to set up that meeting white boy:D also we spend only 12% of our budget on defense. I don't haft to ever retire if i don't want to. I plan on still being in the gym at 80 actually. I'm never going to be a fat, beer belly, slob like you are no doubt.

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I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass
You lib bastards divert water in California for some stupid little fish. You could give a shit about the American people which is why you want forced sterilization of poor Americans, yet you have nothing to say about foreign children flooding into this country by the tens of thousands. Why is that?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.

So all cities that go bankrupt deserve to have their water poisoned? That's seriously what you're arguing here? Do the people of Hillview, KY or Jefferson County, AL all deserve to be poisoned too?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Snyder wants the rest of us to pay for his mistake...despite sitting on a rainy day fund of $580 Million. What a slimy fucker.
So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree
I'm noticing today the Republicans on the news are not talking about the democratic debate there still crying about Donald Trump because they can't do a damn thing about him
No one likes the Republicans. Not even Republicans do. That's why crazy trump is killing them
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
The government has a vital role in ensuring we have clean drinking water and superior military forces.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
It's not social security and welfare that is bankrupting this country. The debt is a scam by the bankers. Seems to me the only one who's willing to take on the bankers who are too big to fail and own us through the Federal Reserve is Bernie Sanders and Ron/Rand Paul. Maybe Trump but I seriously doubt anything he says.
Actually the Water Dept is a separate entity. With a separate budget, they make money

If that were true, the government wouldn't be able to make contracts on supplying water. Am I wrong? If water service was run as a private business, why would government be even talking about it?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

That's funny because the military is where we spend most of our money. You hate the debt but you love what we go into debt for. It's like you like your car but don't want to make your car payment.

Yea that's what we want you dumb shit. Tyranny!!!! Meet me in front of the Joe Louis fist I'll shove it up your dumb ass old man. LOL.

Actually, social security, medicare and public schools are pretty good too. I can tell by looking and talking to you that without social security you would never be able to retire. I would bet you anything you have zero savings and you are probably in debt. So funny when anti government fucks like you talk a good game but without ss you aren't saving shit. So don't tell us that you would save MORE on your own without ss. That's a fucking lie. Instead we would have to take care of your sorry ass when you get too old to work in goobers garage.

You do realize the reason we socialize things is to solve a problem, right? Or because the private sector wasn't doing a good job at it so government had to step in? Otherwise government wouldn't need to step in. The free market would take care of everything. But us liberals know that's a joke. Only you brainwashed right wingers think in talking points.
Not true. The Congressional Budget Office states that about 1/6 of federal spending goes to defense. If you're going to make a point, you should at least base it on fact.

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