The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

No, I reject that. Federally they are supposed to provide a military. The Constitution gives zero authority to the Federal Government to provide clean drinking water. You are wrong.
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

That's funny because the military is where we spend most of our money. You hate the debt but you love what we go into debt for. It's like you like your car but don't want to make your car payment.

Yea that's what we want you dumb shit. Tyranny!!!! Meet me in front of the Joe Louis fist I'll shove it up your dumb ass old man. LOL.

Actually, social security, medicare and public schools are pretty good too. I can tell by looking and talking to you that without social security you would never be able to retire. I would bet you anything you have zero savings and you are probably in debt. So funny when anti government fucks like you talk a good game but without ss you aren't saving shit. So don't tell us that you would save MORE on your own without ss. That's a fucking lie. Instead we would have to take care of your sorry ass when you get too old to work in goobers garage.

You do realize the reason we socialize things is to solve a problem, right? Or because the private sector wasn't doing a good job at it so government had to step in? Otherwise government wouldn't need to step in. The free market would take care of everything. But us liberals know that's a joke. Only you brainwashed right wingers think in talking points.
Not true. The Congressional Budget Office states that about 1/6 of federal spending goes to defense. If you're going to make a point, you should at least base it on fact.

At least people pay into social security. SS may be a big expense but we paid into it and expect to get something out of it. I understand the need for a strong military but

Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined

Hey moron Social security was not supposed to cost us anything. They were supposed to segregate those funds intended for only what they were intended to be for, until your leftist icon LBJ made it part of the general fund. all the money has been spent on other shit, but you're too stupid to realize that
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.

It's totalitarian government and lack of a civil society keeping them down.The so-called Democratic uprising? was taken over by the islamofacist. You're not too bright are you?:slap:
If that were true, the government wouldn't be able to make contracts on supplying water. Am I wrong? If water service was run as a private business, why would government be even talking about it?
I never said it was privatized i said they are not contributing to the debt... They make make money

So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

That's funny because the military is where we spend most of our money. You hate the debt but you love what we go into debt for. It's like you like your car but don't want to make your car payment.

Yea that's what we want you dumb shit. Tyranny!!!! Meet me in front of the Joe Louis fist I'll shove it up your dumb ass old man. LOL.

Actually, social security, medicare and public schools are pretty good too. I can tell by looking and talking to you that without social security you would never be able to retire. I would bet you anything you have zero savings and you are probably in debt. So funny when anti government fucks like you talk a good game but without ss you aren't saving shit. So don't tell us that you would save MORE on your own without ss. That's a fucking lie. Instead we would have to take care of your sorry ass when you get too old to work in goobers garage.

You do realize the reason we socialize things is to solve a problem, right? Or because the private sector wasn't doing a good job at it so government had to step in? Otherwise government wouldn't need to step in. The free market would take care of everything. But us liberals know that's a joke. Only you brainwashed right wingers think in talking points.
Not true. The Congressional Budget Office states that about 1/6 of federal spending goes to defense. If you're going to make a point, you should at least base it on fact.

The idiot says we spend "most of our money on the military" even his own chart, he posted, says 18% is that considered most now? :uhh:
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.
Thanks, Sealy,good points but I was focusing on Andy's insinuation that the Flint water debacle occurred as a direct result of democrats mismanaging Flint's economy. That is a deflection and a lie. To bolster the lie, Andy pointed to Greece as a comparison to flint Michigan. Well, this thread is about a direct nexus between republicanism and the Flint water crisis. Regardless of the charges leveled against the democrats for their part in Flints economic woes, a Flint water crisis never occurred on their watch. No socialist european country, including Greece, has experienced a water crisis such as that seen in Flint. Not even Cuba or Russia has ever put the basic need of clean drinking water on the chopping block to save money. That type of diabolical thinking is typical of modern republicanism. I used the term chopping block to point to the actions of the governor and his MDEQ who knew the water was unfit for human consumption even as they vigorously ignored advice and warnings from any outsiders, including the EPA, from setting things right immediately.
Even though we know the local officials had little or no part in this imbroglio,, the state task force still tries to drag them into it knowing full well that when they use the term "local levels" they are referring to the deeds of the EM,not the mayor or city council, They just hope the average reader wouldn't know that!

Republicans HAtE the EPA. At least till they can blame the EPA.

Can you imagine the outpouring of righteous indignation If the EPA had really gone after the Republican leadership of the state for not taking actions more quickly.

there would have been 10 Congressional investagations of the EPA and what they thought they were doing in MI.

And of course the Repubs have worked hard to defund and defang the EPA. As a result the EPA ends up attracting the weakest leadership and you end up with situations like this.

Who began the EPA?
Even though we know the local officials had little or no part in this imbroglio,, the state task force still tries to drag them into it knowing full well that when they use the term "local levels" they are referring to the deeds of the EM,not the mayor or city council, They just hope the average reader wouldn't know that!

Republicans HAtE the EPA. At least till they can blame the EPA.

Can you imagine the outpouring of righteous indignation If the EPA had really gone after the Republican leadership of the state for not taking actions more quickly.

there would have been 10 Congressional investagations of the EPA and what they thought they were doing in MI.

And of course the Repubs have worked hard to defund and defang the EPA. As a result the EPA ends up attracting the weakest leadership and you end up with situations like this.

Who began the EPA?
Richard Nixon proposed the EPA and used an Executive Order to set it into operation. The XO was ratified by Congress. But what has THAT to do with today's republicans who are adamantly opposed to the EPA? Mitt Romney is associated with initiating something akin to Obamacare but look who rolled with it.
Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.

It's totalitarian government and lack of a civil society keeping them down.The so-called Democratic uprising? was taken over by the islamofacist. You're not too bright are you?:slap:
When people are suppressed you get terrorism and crime in Detroit. See the pattern?
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.

It's totalitarian government and lack of a civil society keeping them down.The so-called Democratic uprising? was taken over by the islamofacist. You're not too bright are you?:slap:
When people are suppressed you get terrorism and crime in Detroit. See the pattern?
Suppressed by whom? You and a your family fled Detroit when you were a small child. I was there through all of my childhood and most of my adult life. The city was ran into the ground by you leftist. It's starting to come back now, very slowly because of the Republican appointed EFM and businesses which are moving back to the city. I don't have nightmares about my city. I'm there everyday working in the neighborhoods you have nightmares about.Sorry if I'm not impressed with your bullshit, leftist, "compassion". the same leftist mentality that have helped to decimate Detroit.
As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.

It's totalitarian government and lack of a civil society keeping them down.The so-called Democratic uprising? was taken over by the islamofacist. You're not too bright are you?:slap:
When people are suppressed you get terrorism and crime in Detroit. See the pattern?
Suppressed by whom? You and a your family fled Detroit when you were a small child. I was there through all of my childhood and most of my adult life. The city was ran into the ground by you leftist. It's starting to come back now, very slowly because of the Republican appointed EFM and businesses which are moving back to the city. I don't have nightmares about my city. I'm there everyday working in the neighborhoods you have nightmares about.Sorry if I'm not impressed with your bullshit, leftist, "compassion". the same leftist mentality that have helped to decimate Detroit.
Hey I'm a successful middle aged white guy like you. You know I can't defend kwami and unions did themselves in and I'm going to give corporations and Republicans a lot of credit for building up Detroit.

But overall I think Republicans are bad for the middle class. Sure Detroit did itself in. So did bush. And it took the global economy to its knees. Not just Detroit.

I don't hate corporations. I just don't bend over for them like you
There could come a day when the federal government makes Michigan and the surrounding states share our water with Cali or Arizona. If a state Republican government is poisoning its poor citizens, well, notice how GOP gov Rick Snyder went begging Obama for $100 million.

You don't give the feds enough credit even when they save your sorry ass

Well, yeah, if all the people vote democrat, and run their respected localities into the ditch, and are broke... then yes the Federal Government will have to step in, even if I disagree with it.

Of course once again... who caused the problem? Leftards voting for stupid people, that drive themselves into bankruptcy. Hello Greece.
We all know the rights position. Let's see if voters agree

As if that matters.

Remember Greece? They voted against austerity, and in favor of continuous borrowing. Did that change anything? Nope. They ended up in a catastrophe.

Truth isn't determined by a poll. You can vote against Republicans or whatever, all you want. Doesn't change the fact that if you spend yourself into oblivion, you end up like Greece, and Flint Michigan. Welcome to reality. How long will you brainless leftards be staying?
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.

I wouldn't know about the Greek water supply specifically, but I do know that a bit less than a million people have left the country, and they only had under 12 million to begin with. I know they have so many people burning wood, that the capital is covered in thick smoke. I know that the health care system is largely closed, because there is no money. I know that there have been a number of suicides by people who placed their hope in government, and found themselves homeless.

And I could go on and on.... All of this is due to left-wing policies.

The French ruined themselves. They also followed left-wing policies, and now are in an economic crisis.

The Arab Spring? I don't think you even know how the Arab spring started, do you? The cart-vendors of Tunisia were part of the Union, which pushed government to require licenses. You had to have a cart-vendor license, to sell from a cart on the street.

A man in Tunisia was selling home grown vegies from a cart, as the single source of income for his family. The police surrounded him, beat him, confiscated his "unlicensed cart" with all the produce. He came to the police station the next day, to plead for his stuff, because without it, his family would absolutely starve. A police woman... interestingly.... (so much for feminism myth that women would be so much better), insulted and berating the man, publicly humiliating him. That's when he left, came back with petrol, and set himself on fire in the police station.

The Arab Spring was started as a rebellion against government regulations and unions. In short, a protest against leftist ideology.

It's a fact. Look it up.
Has Greece reported that any of their drinking water is poisoned? It is probably SAFE to drink Grecian water because they don't have any republicans there to "cut costs" by any means necessary.
The same greedy rich that are trying to make austerity cuts here are doing the same thing over there.

I've noticed over the years it's divide and concur. For awhile it was the lazy spoiled French who had it too good, then it was Greece, then there was the Arab Spring

Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

And then it was Detroit. Or before Detroit remember all the 99% protests? Who's next?

Was it the poor in the Arab world that are to blame for their below poverty existence or is it the rich that have been keeping them down? No different here in America. The rich like and hate the poor. They love to exploit the poor but hate them if they complain.

It's totalitarian government and lack of a civil society keeping them down.The so-called Democratic uprising? was taken over by the islamofacist. You're not too bright are you?:slap:
When people are suppressed you get terrorism and crime in Detroit. See the pattern?
Suppressed by whom? You and a your family fled Detroit when you were a small child. I was there through all of my childhood and most of my adult life. The city was ran into the ground by you leftist. It's starting to come back now, very slowly because of the Republican appointed EFM and businesses which are moving back to the city. I don't have nightmares about my city. I'm there everyday working in the neighborhoods you have nightmares about.Sorry if I'm not impressed with your bullshit, leftist, "compassion". the same leftist mentality that have helped to decimate Detroit.
Hey I'm a successful middle aged white guy like you. You know I can't defend kwami and unions did themselves in and I'm going to give corporations and Republicans a lot of credit for building up Detroit.

But overall I think Republicans are bad for the middle class. Sure Detroit did itself in. So did bush. And it took the global economy to its knees. Not just Detroit.

I don't hate corporations. I just don't bend over for them like you

I think that's where you on the left, and me on the right, differ. I don't give credit to the Republicans for building up Detroit. I don't give credit to corporations for building Detroit.

It's the public... the people... individuals getting up, and going to work, that built Detroit.

Government doesn't build jack. Oh, yes you can put a bunch of buildings up, but that doesn't make a city. Go look at China's ghost cities. Billions of dollars spent for empty vacant buildings.

It's people who build stuff. And they only build stuff, when it is profitable to do so. But government doesn't do anything to MAKE stuff profitable to do. Government can only make things unprofitable to do.

So while I can blame Republicans, or Democrats, or any politician for harming... because they enacted policies that harm... there is no politician that "he built X city". No, he didn't. It was people in the public, the developer, the worker, the employee and employer, the truck driver that built a deck on his house... it was the average people that built any city. Not some bureaucrat, that often never held a real job in his life.
The financial woes of most major cities are derived from LBJ's Great Society and the liberals sucking up to unions. There, I simplified it !
So not all government is bad?
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

That's funny because the military is where we spend most of our money. You hate the debt but you love what we go into debt for. It's like you like your car but don't want to make your car payment.

Yea that's what we want you dumb shit. Tyranny!!!! Meet me in front of the Joe Louis fist I'll shove it up your dumb ass old man. LOL.

Actually, social security, medicare and public schools are pretty good too. I can tell by looking and talking to you that without social security you would never be able to retire. I would bet you anything you have zero savings and you are probably in debt. So funny when anti government fucks like you talk a good game but without ss you aren't saving shit. So don't tell us that you would save MORE on your own without ss. That's a fucking lie. Instead we would have to take care of your sorry ass when you get too old to work in goobers garage.

You do realize the reason we socialize things is to solve a problem, right? Or because the private sector wasn't doing a good job at it so government had to step in? Otherwise government wouldn't need to step in. The free market would take care of everything. But us liberals know that's a joke. Only you brainwashed right wingers think in talking points.
Not true. The Congressional Budget Office states that about 1/6 of federal spending goes to defense. If you're going to make a point, you should at least base it on fact.

At least people pay into social security. SS may be a big expense but we paid into it and expect to get something out of it. I understand the need for a strong military but

Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined

Hey moron Social security was not supposed to cost us anything. They were supposed to segregate those funds intended for only what they were intended to be for, until your leftist icon LBJ made it part of the general fund. all the money has been spent on other shit, but you're too stupid to realize that

Don't want to change the subject but I do want to point out that Jroc has bought into another bullshit Republican myth - this one about SS.



Myth 4: President Roosevelt promised that the money the participants paid would be put into the independent "Trust Fund," rather than into the General operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement program, and no other Government program

The idea here is basically correct. However, this statement is usually joined to a second statement to the effect that this principle was violated by subsequent Administrations. However, there has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government.

The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Most likely this myth comes from a confusion between the financing of the Social Security program and the way the Social Security Trust Fund is treated in federal budget accounting. Starting in 1969 (due to action by the Johnson Administration in 1968) the transactions to the Trust Fund were included in what is known as the "unified budget." This means that every function of the federal government is included in a single budget. This is sometimes described by saying that the Social Security Trust Funds are "on-budget." This budget treatment of the Social Security Trust Fund continued until 1990 when the Trust Funds were again taken "off-budget." This means only that they are shown as a separate account in the federal budget. But whether the Trust Funds are "on-budget" or "off-budget" is primarily a question of accounting practices--it has no affect on the actual operations of the Trust Fund itself.

IOW's Jroc bought into the Republican confusion that LBJ used SS funds for something other than SS, when in fact Republican icon Ronald Reagan was the first to loot the SS fund...
Ronald Reagan and The Great Social Security Heist

And after Reagan unlocked the SS lockbox, SS became the biggest holder of U.S. Debt.

Q:Who are the holders of U.S. debt?
A: The biggest are the Social Security trust funds (16 percent), the Federal Reserve banks (12 percent), China (8 percent), Japan (7 percent) and mutual funds including money-market funds (6 percent).


"The government's $2.5 trillion debt to Social Security is the real reason that so many politicians want to cut benefits. They are trying to find a way to avoid having to repay the looted money.... Given the fact that much of the surplus revenue from the 1983 payroll tax hike ended up in the pockets of the super rich in the form of income tax cuts, I propose a special tax on this group of taxpayers to recoup the missing Social Security money. The government used revenue from the Social Security payroll tax hike to fund tax cuts for the rich because that was where the money was. I think the government should recover the 'embezzled' money by taxing the rich."

Bernie has a plan - lookitup.

the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

That's funny because the military is where we spend most of our money. You hate the debt but you love what we go into debt for. It's like you like your car but don't want to make your car payment.

Yea that's what we want you dumb shit. Tyranny!!!! Meet me in front of the Joe Louis fist I'll shove it up your dumb ass old man. LOL.

Actually, social security, medicare and public schools are pretty good too. I can tell by looking and talking to you that without social security you would never be able to retire. I would bet you anything you have zero savings and you are probably in debt. So funny when anti government fucks like you talk a good game but without ss you aren't saving shit. So don't tell us that you would save MORE on your own without ss. That's a fucking lie. Instead we would have to take care of your sorry ass when you get too old to work in goobers garage.

You do realize the reason we socialize things is to solve a problem, right? Or because the private sector wasn't doing a good job at it so government had to step in? Otherwise government wouldn't need to step in. The free market would take care of everything. But us liberals know that's a joke. Only you brainwashed right wingers think in talking points.
Not true. The Congressional Budget Office states that about 1/6 of federal spending goes to defense. If you're going to make a point, you should at least base it on fact.

At least people pay into social security. SS may be a big expense but we paid into it and expect to get something out of it. I understand the need for a strong military but

Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined

Hey moron Social security was not supposed to cost us anything. They were supposed to segregate those funds intended for only what they were intended to be for, until your leftist icon LBJ made it part of the general fund. all the money has been spent on other shit, but you're too stupid to realize that

Don't want to change the subject but I do want to point out that Jroc has bought into another bullshit Republican myth - this one about SS.



Myth 4: President Roosevelt promised that the money the participants paid would be put into the independent "Trust Fund," rather than into the General operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement program, and no other Government program

The idea here is basically correct. However, this statement is usually joined to a second statement to the effect that this principle was violated by subsequent Administrations. However, there has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government.

The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Most likely this myth comes from a confusion between the financing of the Social Security program and the way the Social Security Trust Fund is treated in federal budget accounting. Starting in 1969 (due to action by the Johnson Administration in 1968) the transactions to the Trust Fund were included in what is known as the "unified budget." This means that every function of the federal government is included in a single budget. This is sometimes described by saying that the Social Security Trust Funds are "on-budget." This budget treatment of the Social Security Trust Fund continued until 1990 when the Trust Funds were again taken "off-budget." This means only that they are shown as a separate account in the federal budget. But whether the Trust Funds are "on-budget" or "off-budget" is primarily a question of accounting practices--it has no affect on the actual operations of the Trust Fund itself.

IOW's Jroc bought into the Republican confusion that LBJ used SS funds for something other than SS, when in fact Republican icon Ronald Reagan was the first to loot the SS fund...
Ronald Reagan and The Great Social Security Heist

And after Reagan unlocked the SS lockbox, SS became the biggest holder of U.S. Debt.

Q:Who are the holders of U.S. debt?
A: The biggest are the Social Security trust funds (16 percent), the Federal Reserve banks (12 percent), China (8 percent), Japan (7 percent) and mutual funds including money-market funds (6 percent).


"The government's $2.5 trillion debt to Social Security is the real reason that so many politicians want to cut benefits. They are trying to find a way to avoid having to repay the looted money.... Given the fact that much of the surplus revenue from the 1983 payroll tax hike ended up in the pockets of the super rich in the form of income tax cuts, I propose a special tax on this group of taxpayers to recoup the missing Social Security money. The government used revenue from the Social Security payroll tax hike to fund tax cuts for the rich because that was where the money was. I think the government should recover the 'embezzled' money by taxing the rich."

Bernie has a plan - lookitup.


There's never actually been a trust fund.The Social Security money has been spent and replaced with government bonds. A Ponzi scheme.."Bernie has a plan":uhoh3:
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.

Flint a making of Republicans? Wow. Republicans made the milk in your refrigerator go bad too, didn't they?

Where's your homework, spanky? It was the Republicans!
the military is not bad, neither is providing clean drinking water. Government has a limited role. even though you leftist want tyranny

That's funny because the military is where we spend most of our money. You hate the debt but you love what we go into debt for. It's like you like your car but don't want to make your car payment.

Yea that's what we want you dumb shit. Tyranny!!!! Meet me in front of the Joe Louis fist I'll shove it up your dumb ass old man. LOL.

Actually, social security, medicare and public schools are pretty good too. I can tell by looking and talking to you that without social security you would never be able to retire. I would bet you anything you have zero savings and you are probably in debt. So funny when anti government fucks like you talk a good game but without ss you aren't saving shit. So don't tell us that you would save MORE on your own without ss. That's a fucking lie. Instead we would have to take care of your sorry ass when you get too old to work in goobers garage.

You do realize the reason we socialize things is to solve a problem, right? Or because the private sector wasn't doing a good job at it so government had to step in? Otherwise government wouldn't need to step in. The free market would take care of everything. But us liberals know that's a joke. Only you brainwashed right wingers think in talking points.
Not true. The Congressional Budget Office states that about 1/6 of federal spending goes to defense. If you're going to make a point, you should at least base it on fact.

At least people pay into social security. SS may be a big expense but we paid into it and expect to get something out of it. I understand the need for a strong military but

Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined

Hey moron Social security was not supposed to cost us anything. They were supposed to segregate those funds intended for only what they were intended to be for, until your leftist icon LBJ made it part of the general fund. all the money has been spent on other shit, but you're too stupid to realize that

Don't want to change the subject but I do want to point out that Jroc has bought into another bullshit Republican myth - this one about SS.



Myth 4: President Roosevelt promised that the money the participants paid would be put into the independent "Trust Fund," rather than into the General operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement program, and no other Government program

The idea here is basically correct. However, this statement is usually joined to a second statement to the effect that this principle was violated by subsequent Administrations. However, there has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government.

The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Most likely this myth comes from a confusion between the financing of the Social Security program and the way the Social Security Trust Fund is treated in federal budget accounting. Starting in 1969 (due to action by the Johnson Administration in 1968) the transactions to the Trust Fund were included in what is known as the "unified budget." This means that every function of the federal government is included in a single budget. This is sometimes described by saying that the Social Security Trust Funds are "on-budget." This budget treatment of the Social Security Trust Fund continued until 1990 when the Trust Funds were again taken "off-budget." This means only that they are shown as a separate account in the federal budget. But whether the Trust Funds are "on-budget" or "off-budget" is primarily a question of accounting practices--it has no affect on the actual operations of the Trust Fund itself.

IOW's Jroc bought into the Republican confusion that LBJ used SS funds for something other than SS, when in fact Republican icon Ronald Reagan was the first to loot the SS fund...
Ronald Reagan and The Great Social Security Heist

And after Reagan unlocked the SS lockbox, SS became the biggest holder of U.S. Debt.

Q:Who are the holders of U.S. debt?
A: The biggest are the Social Security trust funds (16 percent), the Federal Reserve banks (12 percent), China (8 percent), Japan (7 percent) and mutual funds including money-market funds (6 percent).


"The government's $2.5 trillion debt to Social Security is the real reason that so many politicians want to cut benefits. They are trying to find a way to avoid having to repay the looted money.... Given the fact that much of the surplus revenue from the 1983 payroll tax hike ended up in the pockets of the super rich in the form of income tax cuts, I propose a special tax on this group of taxpayers to recoup the missing Social Security money. The government used revenue from the Social Security payroll tax hike to fund tax cuts for the rich because that was where the money was. I think the government should recover the 'embezzled' money by taxing the rich."

Bernie has a plan - lookitup.

Sanders Misleads on Social Security

That’s correct in theory, but not in practice. “Politicians decided to classify Social Security and the postal service as ‘off budget’ so that they would be treated as their own programs and not as part of the government,” Goldwein says. “It didn’t work. Everyone uses the unified budget deficit concept.”

That includes Sanders, who, Goldwein points out, listed raising the income cap on Social Security taxes as one way to “reduce the deficit” and said in a 2013 press release that 2009’s $1.4 trillion deficit was on track to be reduced by more than half — that’s the total, unified deficit. And in a speech in March, Sanders said: “From 1998-2001, the budget was in surplus.” But the “on-budget” surpluses only occurred in 1999 and 2000. The U.S. government had budget surpluses for all four of those years, because the “budget” is the total budget. (SeeTable H-1 of this CBO report.)

When politicians, economists and experts like the Congressional Budget Office talk about the “deficit,” they’re talking about the combined effect of all government revenues and spending. As the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center says: “Despite the formal separation of Social Security from the rest of the budget, budget debates in Congress and the media focus mainly on the unified budget balance, that is, the combined balance of Social Security and the rest of government.”

Bernie's plan..........Tax the rich.........Tax the rich............

Here it is............

Strengthen and Expand Social Security - Bernie Sanders
Sen. Sanders has introduced legislation to end this absurdity, by lifting this cap so that everyone who makes over $250,000 a year pays the same percentage of their income into Social Security as the middle class and working families.

This would not only extend the solvency of Social Security for the next 50 years, but also bring in enough revenue to expand benefits by an average of $65 a month; increase cost-of-living-adjustments; and lift more seniors out of poverty by increasing the minimum benefits paid to low-income seniors.


Here's a list of Bernie Sanders' $19.6 trillion in tax hikes

Forum List
