The Flint Water Crisis: An insight into Republicanism.

Funny, funny, and quite infantile....why are you arguing such a pointless point, tiny? Fact is many, many, kids and adults have been poisoned for drinking and bathing the tap water. There was a decision to distribute water to the city from another source....the river as opposed to the lake. It was a disastrous decision and so horrible, no one wants to be accountable. I say, the Governor is to blame, ultimately!
The worst aspect to this mass poisoning is the arrogance and incompetence. Who cares about what political party the Governor represents. This was a 'bung hole' decision and the lack of accountability is outrageous. Now city government is in 'save your own ass' mode. Has nothing to do with political parties.
Looking at the title of this op, I'd say you are lost...or just a complete idiot with a broken moral compass. Fix that compass and it might point you in the right direction.

You have no moral compass race baiter...You demonize people you don't even know because you're an antagonist. Similar to Al Sharpton but even dumber
Old chap, I must inform you that, from all indications, my moral compass has been right on point and accurate. Yours is spinning erratically in all directions . I was only trying to help you find some stability...:lol:

People like Al Sharpton helped Baltimore and Ferguson burn. I deplore race baiters :slap:
Then why bring race into this? I have avoided that from the onset. You are the only one talking about race and Al Sharpton etc., etc., You ARE the race baiter.

You do it all over this board race baiter. Even on this thread White Republicans intentionally want to kill people in Flint. Black EFM are uncle Toms your pathetic really

I have avoided using race in this thread because the victims were both Black AND White. The last time I checked the population was 60,000 Blacks and 40,000 Whites. My arguments have been on behalf of ALL Flint residents. Lead does NOT discriminate. Poor Whites, regardless of declared party, garner no more sympathy or consideration from republicans than poor Blacks do. I have long realized that, but; the Flint Water crisis has reinforced my premise more than ever.
The worst aspect to this mass poisoning is the arrogance and incompetence. Who cares about what political party the Governor represents. This was a 'bung hole' decision and the lack of accountability is outrageous. Now city government is in 'save your own ass' mode. Has nothing to do with political parties.

The party connection is crucial here. Here is why:

1. The Flint river has been tapped several times before as an auxiliary source under democrat rule...guess what....The democrats followed up on making sure the FR water was properly treated...therefore no crisis EVER>

2. GOP Governor Snyder's EM made the decision this time and the water was NOT treated properly...for the first time EVER...we now have a water crisis in Flint>

3. If you want to educate yourself on what really happened.... click on the link in my signature entitled " Flint Keynote."
So you're saying one party is to blame and the other party is magnanimous? One party is more competent than the other based upon a political decision? That's weird....race is of no matter. People are people...
It was of human error...not political! All politicians are incompetent as far as I'm concerned here. I'm neither Right or Left. I'm pragmatic...
So you're saying one party is to blame and the other party is magnanimous? One party is more competent than the other based upon a political decision? That's weird....race is of no matter. People are people...

Who said anything about race? Not me... Did you read my link?
Government across the entire planet? Where people are free to elect government officials that reflect their will, they have the good sense to never put anything resembling Republicans in office. The countries that briefly flirted with Republicanesque austerity measures have realized the error of their ways and are returning to a more egalitarian approach.

Yeah, they are not doing nearly as well as Greece which rejected Republican-esque austerity. Tell us how great they are doing.... I'm waiting.
Greece didn't reject austerity. They were going to but were pressured by other members of the EU to keep it. France on the other hand tried it and then realized how much it sucked and reversed it. They're doing just fine.

They're doing fine???

France Declares State of Economic Emergency

What are you smoking?! France declared an economic emergency not even 30 days ago. Doing fine compared to what??
They are currently having to deal with an influx of refugees. Once they get through that, it'll be business as usual.

You people! LOL

Gah, you people are so ignorant and dumb.

How many times am I going to make you look stupid, before you stop talking out of your butt?

Some truths about immigration in France

Net immigration in 2006 was a whooping 112,000

Today net immigration in France is barely 33,000 last year. Germany has a net increase of 437,000.

In 2013, 200,000 French left the country to work elsewhere. That's French, not immigrants passing through.

France is a nightmare right now. You cited as your example of left-wing policies working... a country that is in crisis.

YOU FAILED sir. Sorry. You lose. Game over son. Try again some other day.
I don't know what your link is supposed to prove. It even said that the French are not leaving at a high rate.

The French have stated that they would accept 30,000 refugees. That's a lot of people to quickly assimilate given the size of the country. And compared to the 0 that the Republicans want to accept, it's incredible. Face it, anything resembling Republicanism flops hard around the rest of the world.
It was of human error...not political! All politicians are incompetent as far as I'm concerned here. I'm neither Right or Left. I'm pragmatic...
But don't you find it strange that out of all the times democrats tapped into the Flint River, there WAS NO HUMAN ERROR. The "human error" factor occurred when republicans got involved in the switch. That is the correlation you don't seem to get.
It was of human error...not political! All politicians are incompetent as far as I'm concerned here. I'm neither Right or Left. I'm pragmatic...
But don't you find it strange that out of all the times democrats tapped into the Flint River, there WAS NO HUMAN ERROR. The "human error" factor occurred when republicans got involved in the switch. That is the correlation you don't seem to get.

Again, incompetence is not a political party. Your point is weak and partisan. Anything that goes awry is not always political. Now go give Obama a sponge bath, HA!
Republicans don't just say government is bad they prove it.
lets see how do they prove it ... well lets look at the banking ... start in 1998 Lindsy graham and phil graham got a banking bill passed that allow people with ok credit not triple a credit but double A credit to get loans to buy a home ... they also allowed the stock market to allow over the counter derivatives to be sold threw the banks ... ... then what happen to the banking regulations ... in 2003 phil graham now as a banking lobbyist put together the american dream downpayment act. and sold it to the republicans ... they passed it a signed it into law ... what it did was allow banks to put together bulk loans made up of bad loans and good loans the sell them to unsuspecting banks ... how did they accomplish that you say??? in the bill it allowed companies to declare it to be a triple loan with out having to check them out ... then all shit book loose in 2007 when these loans started defaulting ....causing small banks to fail, companies like AIG to almost fail, Fanny mae and freddie mac to fail because the both bought up the majority of the so-called triple A loans ... then when they started defaulting what did we hear from the right ??? see government can't do anything right ... they had the gaul to say that shit ... people like you keep repeating that crap ...when all in all it was the republican who took out all the safety nets ( regulations) in banking then complain about government when it fails ...
Thumbs up!
Didn't the mortgage giants bundle all the bad loans together and sell them as safe?

You and your pal have swallowed a story you were told. Maybe if trump calls the GOP out you'll believe it then.

Freddie Mac, 1997. That was the first 'mortgage giant' that bundled bad loans together, and sold them as safe.

First Union Capital Markets Corp., Bear, Stearns & Co. Price Securities Offering Backed By Affordable Mortgages

Press release from 1997, where Freddie Mac guaranteed sub-prime loans.

Maybe if you called your DNC pals out for their part in the crisis, we'd give a crap about your whining now.
There 'ya go! Now go give Obama and the democrats a good ole sponge bath, JQ Stoneface littlegirl! HaaHa Haa
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.

Hearings are now being conducted and the blame game is underway. Here is the link that we have been waiting for:
Gov. Snyder, EPA point fingers at congressional hearing on Flint water crisis
So the Governor of the state, who was trying to save money by switching to the nasty Flint River, is now blaming everyone else. Is he the Governor or just a part time caretaker? This is a typical GOP blame game.
There is an eerie silence on these boards about the ongoing water scandal in Flint Michigan with good reason. This crisis uncovers a republican tendency to do things that end up being detrimental to their constituents and everyone living near them.

The Snyder administration sparked the chain of events that led to the crisis back in April, 2014 amid a financial downturn. To save money, the decision to switch Flint's water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River was made on the ill fated advise of a state sanctioned emergency manager to Flint.

Noteworthy is the revelation that the Flint River had long had a reputation for being nasty when the state made the switch.. But the burgeoning indifference doesn't stop there. A 2011 study indicated that Flint River water had to be treated with anti- corrosion agents before it could be fit for human consumption. That didn't happen. Therein lies the culpability...the republicans dropped the ball and, either through abject stupidity or indifference, they failed those who put their trust ini them.

There is more. The callousness of these Michigan republicans underlines the inclination of the GOP to put material interests above human interests. Michael Pitt, a member of the law team representing the victims, puts it this way:

"He further lambasted state officials who, he alleged, learned of elevated lead levels in children's blood in 2014 and did nothing."

"They were staring at a public health emergency, and they sat on it for over 10 months," he said, further criticizing leaders who assured residents the water was safe when they knew it wasn't true"..

If what Pitt said is true, there is an element of criminality here.

Although these developments are shocking, I am not surprised by the cold insensitiveness of the Michigan republicans towards the people of Flint. Republicans have been against everything that makes America a better place to live for all classes of Americans. Some of the things republicans have tried to undermine is social security, MEDICARE and, ironically, the EPA. If they had their way there would be NO safety nets and the Great Depression might never have ended. Child labor would still be an ongoing phenomenon.

Given the historical agenda of should be clear that their actions speak louder than their words. If Trump wins, I fear the Flint water crisis gives us a glimpse of things to come. With a GOP congress, and GOP USSC to compliment Trumps in the White House..... be afraid...for nothing you breathe, drink or eat will be safe.

Hearings are now being conducted and the blame game is underway. Here is the link that we have been waiting for:
Gov. Snyder, EPA point fingers at congressional hearing on Flint water crisis


Like Chicago, why should we care that Democrats want to kill each other?
Historic patter repeated without fail the past 100 years

1. Progressives Fail
2. It's always the other guys fault (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, 1%, Republican governor)

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