"...The Flowering Of Obama Policies..."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Michael Goodwin, of the NYPost.......wadda guy!

If he were a Democrat, the Nobels, the Pulizers, etc. would be falling all over themselves to give 'em awards!

He hits it out of the part every time!

1. " ..... the full flowering of the policies of Barack Obama.
His chickens are coming home to roost, and what a mess they are making.

2. Obama’s sixth year in the White House is shaping up as his worst, and that’s saying something. ... it is obscene to blame his problems on George W. Bush, the weather or racism.

3. Nothing important has worked as promised, and there is every reason to believe the worst is yet to come. The president’s casual remark the other day that he worries about “a nuclear weapon *going off in Manhattan” inadvertently reflected the fear millions of Americans have about his leadership.

4. Ideologues love to dream,...Mario Cuomo, no slouch at dreaming, nonetheless offered a caveat, saying, “You campaign in poetry, you govern in prose.”
Obama hasn’t figured out the difference.

5. Even more alarming, he shows no signs of trying to learn. In the ways of the world, he remains a know-it-all rookie.

[And even more so should be said of his brain-dead supporters!]

6. ...while global hot spots multiply and the world grows dangerously unstable, the president still plans to slash the military.....secured his reputation for historic ineptitude.

7. He failed to move the European Union toward a firmer stance on Russia, created bizarre headlines by differing with the Vatican over what he and the pope discussed, and got not-so-veiled threats from the Saudis about Syria and Iran.

8. ....Obama’s foreign-policy record is unblemished by success. From east to west and north to south, America’s standing and influence have declined universally.

9. ObamaCare is the domestic expression of the president’s ineptitude. The law that was supposed to fix health care has become a problem for millions, and now enjoys mere 26 percent approval, a poll finds. It is proving so unworkable that the White House has given up defending it as written and instead simply changes key provisions....

10. A Caesar at home and a Chamberlain abroad, Obama manages to simultaneously provoke fury and ridicule. He bullies critics here while shrinking from adversaries there.
He divides the country and unites the world against us, *diminishing the nation in both ways. His reign of error can’t end soon enough, nor can it end well."
Chickens come home to roost for Obama | New York Post

Point #1: everything in Goodwin's piece is 100% correct.

Point #2: those of us on the Right warned of everything....
....yet useful idiots made certain that this incompetent ideologue had the greatest power in the world.

You voted for him???

I want an apology!!!
I love it all but especially #8 :lol: Unblemished by success if freaking priceless and so true.
I love it all but especially #8 :lol: Unblemished by success if freaking priceless and so true.

So true! Priceless.

As Tuesday is the birthday of Edmond Rostand, "Cyrano's" author, I'll borrow a line from same: I can imagine Goodwin saying as he wrote, "I dally awhile with you, dear jackal,
Then, as I end the refrain, thrust home!"

And he did skewer Obama!
Obama's presidency is turning to be exactly what many of us predicted: a dangerous, damaging embarrassment weakens our culture, economy, and national security.
It's amateur hour at 1600 Penn. Obubmler sees the world as he wishes it was, not as it is. This is what we get when we elect a dilettante with no experience.....

Obama is the Squire Trelane of Washington DC!

What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess besides telling everyone how terrible Obama's policies are?
Sorry bout that,

1. He is a walking crime against humanity and doesn't know it, neither do his minions.
2. Just waiting for a major problem to happen he doesn't deal well with.

So eloquent. Goodwin nails it:

-"The view from his faculty lounge has no space for reality."
-"No president can win ’em all, but Obama’s foreign-policy record is unblemished by success."
-"It is impossible for a US president to be irrelevant, but Obama is testing the proposition."
-"ObamaCare is the domestic expression of the president’s ineptitude."
-"A Caesar at home and a Chamberlain abroad, Obama manages to simultaneously provoke fury and ridicule."
-"He divides the country and unites the world against us, diminishing the nation in both ways. His reign of error can’t end soon enough, nor can it end well."

Sad and pathetic that there are still lemmings out there who will defend this dolt.

Michael Goodwin, of the NYPost.......wadda guy!

Isn't that cute?

More Pootin love!

Michael Goodwin? Here's what centrists say about him:

How does someone who won the Pulitzer 12 short years ago fall so far, so quickly?

I found myself reading a article today about how how Obama is unlikable. My first impression was ‘This article is really juvenile’. I then realized it was from the New York Post. It’s the New York Post – what do you expect? It was all right-wing radical fantasy. Again, its the New York Post – typical Murdoch News Corporation propaganda. Nobody with an IQ over 50 buys into any of this nonsense. But then I saw the bio of the columnist – a Pulitzer winner, and he is writing this trash? Sad indeed.

I then went to the Post’s website to his page. What a sad, sad collection of fringe sickness. Titles like “Schools’ Bitter Fruit”, “Teachers Blind to Reality”, “We have met the Envy”, “Report no Evil on O” – and the sad titles go on and on.

Why would a columnist with a prestigious prize under their belt go from real journalism to being a propagandist’s monkey? Money? How much would this be? I guess everyone has their price, but at the end of the day, this too is sad.

Perhaps he is just jumping on the ignorance industry ‘money train’. There is a lot of money in the ignorance industry, just ask Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, the cast of FOX News and Glenn Beck – they have all become filthy rich in this trade.

What is the ignorance industry? You see, lot’s of middle-ages white guys wake up on their 40th birthday and think – hell, why am I not rich? The ignorance industry is there to explain. It doesn’t tell this guy that ‘Hey, dipshit, you came from the middle-class and you are going to stay in the middle-class. But, thanks for supporting policies that are clearly not in your best interest, just for that CHANCE to become a member of our club – we really appreciate it.’

No, they give a different explanation. It is not the rich, its the poor that is preventing you from achieving your American dream. The all powerful poor. It is the immigrants, the black people, the gay people, the ‘liberals’ (whatever that means) – these are people who are ruining America. A country with a HUGE welfare system (despite the face it is the smallest one of any industrialized nation). A country with ‘the best healthcare system in the world’ (despite the fact we don’t live the longest, healthcare here costs exponentially more than the rest of the civilized world, millions are uninsured, etc.). Are you getting the picture? Is he riding this train?

I hope so. Otherwise, he is just a sad guy. :-(
What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess besides telling everyone how terrible Obama's policies are?

At his point, what difference does it make?
Because the world hasn't ended yet.

Let's recap the past 6 years in a single sentence:

The rich destroyed the economy, Obama was elected, the rich got richer, so Republicans call Obama a Marxist.

This is why Mormney lost. You don't have any thoughts in your heads besides, "Lib'ruls er 'stroyin' 'Murka!"

What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess? Cut taxes for the super-rich so that they can make even larger record-breaking profits than they do now under Obama?
Once again, PoliticalChic, you have come up with a winner!

What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess besides telling everyone how terrible Obama's policies are?

As a Republican my vote goes with "For God's sake DO NOT come up with a GOP healthcare plan; just KILL Obamacare deader than hell altogether." Don't quibble about it, don't hem and haw about what do we do to "fix" any part of it, just KILL the damned thing. We do not want or need a national healthcare plan proposed by, designed by, or otherwise touched by government because the word "government" and the words "intelligence" and "common sense" are entirely incompatible with each other.

Ideally, IF we even have another election and the Republican Party should come out ahead, I would have the paperwork and pen ready and waiting at the podium as Executive Order No. 1 the moment the oath of office was taken. Executive Orders seem to have replaced the Congressional Branch of Congress anyway.

There. I've said it.
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Once again, PoliticalChic, you have come up with a winner!

What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess besides telling everyone how terrible Obama's policies are?

As a Republican my vote goes with "For God's sake DO NOT come up with a GOP healthcare plan; just KILL Obamacare deader than hell altogether." Don't quibble about it, don't hem and haw about what do we do to "fix" any part of it, just KILL the damned thing. We do not want or need a national healthcare plan proposed by, designed by, or otherwise touched by government because the word "government" and the words "intelligence" and "common sense" are entirely incompatible with each other.

Ideally, IF we even have another election and the Republican Party should come out ahead, I would have the paperwork and pen ready and waiting at the podium as Executive Order No. 1 the moment the oath of office was taken. Executive Orders seem to have replaced the Congressional Branch of Congress anyway.

There. I've said it.
Good for you. You've embraced Fascism without the police having to put a gun to your head.

You do know that insurance companies make more money from Obamneycare, right? Aren't Republicans all about rich people making more money so that they can create more jobs?
It's amateur hour at 1600 Penn. Obumbler sees the world as he wishes it was, not as it is. This is what we get when we elect a dilettante with no experience.....

I'm not surprised about Obama and the rest of the communists....

...my ire is reserved for Americans who voted for....and continue to support....this hater of everything American.
What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess besides telling everyone how terrible Obama's policies are?

At his point, what difference does it make?
Because the world hasn't ended yet.

Let's recap the past 6 years in a single sentence:

The rich destroyed the economy, Obama was elected, the rich got richer, so Republicans call Obama a Marxist.

This is why Mormney lost. You don't have any thoughts in your heads besides, "Lib'ruls er 'stroyin' 'Murka!"

What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess? Cut taxes for the super-rich so that they can make even larger record-breaking profits than they do now under Obama?
Gold star for you. At least you've sobered up enough to acknowledge that Obama made a "mess". In my world when some one shits on the floor they are responsible for cleaning it up.
I realize that pretty much everyone from any party now agrees that Obama was elected by a bunch of simians and White guilt soccer mom's based solely on the color of his skin.
He had zero experience running anything but his mouth and that was enough for his 'base'.
He is confirming daily that he will go down in history as the last Black President and accordingly the most useless inept one.
I mean, let's be honest here. Who really truly ever thought he could do the job?
Two years after he leaves the White house 'Mo' will be living with the girls in France and Bobo will be renting above 'Boystown' spending his days in a smoking jacket and silk pyjama bottoms.
What is the GOP plan for fixing Obama's mess besides telling everyone how terrible Obama's policies are?

If stupid people like yourself didn't vote him in, there wouldn't be a mess to fix. A few things that can be done, eliminate obama care, lower taxes on buisness, and limit the time to be on welfare for people that are able to work. The president shouldn't spend a majority of his time on social issues like free birth control and gay marrige. Do away with the cuts in the military, and revive the missile defense project. Just a few things that can be done.

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