The framers of the constsitution warned against a partisan impeachment

Here's a winner, BB:

  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
The first 2 started under Obama and has continued with Trump. Trump had nothing to do with it. GDP growth is no better under Trump than it is under Obama. A far right Republican Supreme Court with a justice who assaulted a woman. Trump is the swamp. We have lobbyists running in the very areas they lobbied. Companies are free to pollute our air and water. This is the real swamp. Job growth started under Obama NOT Trump.
Great, what programs did Trump specifically enact that made all that possible? Also if recession comes who's he going to blame it on? Certainly not himself.
Woo. That's a whole lotta whistling-past-the-boneyard, kids. Imagine being the Democrat Socialist Party nominee who must convince Americans that Trump has had NOTHING to do with their prosperity. :lol:
Are you feeling prosperous? A lot of Americans do not...
Indeed I am as are many Americans. I take from your constant whining that the last 3 yrs have not been happy or prosperous for you. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

nixon was not impeached. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

First of all Nixon was not impeached.

Only bill clinton and andrew johnson were impeached and neither was a partisan process.
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Here's a winner, BB:

  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
The first 2 started under Obama and has continued with Trump. Trump had nothing to do with it. GDP growth is no better under Trump than it is under Obama. A far right Republican Supreme Court with a justice who assaulted a woman. Trump is the swamp. We have lobbyists running in the very areas they lobbied. Companies are free to pollute our air and water. This is the real swamp. Job growth started under Obama NOT Trump.
Great, what programs did Trump specifically enact that made all that possible? Also if recession comes who's he going to blame it on? Certainly not himself.
Woo. That's a whole lotta whistling-past-the-boneyard, kids. Imagine being the Democrat Socialist Party nominee who must convince Americans that Trump has had NOTHING to do with their prosperity. :lol:

Americans already understand that. That is why Trump's disapprovals are so high. Republicans have lost the suburbs as demonstrated by Tuesday night's elections. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

nixon was not impeached. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

First of all Nixon was not impeached.

Only bill clinton and andrew johnson were impeached and neither was a partisan process.

The Clinton impeachment was a partisan process.
Yes .. a little over 150 years ago, we learned all about partisan politics and impeachment ... Democrats were damned pissed at President Andrew Johnson ... the nerve of the man helping the freed slaves join in whitie prosperity ... well, Jim Crow stopped that nonsense in a hurry ...

I give the founding fathers a hand-wave here ... impeachment and removal from office had never been tried before ... 199,800 years of humanity saw murder as the only way to remove a sitting Head-of-State ... notwithstanding Johnson's predecessor ...

Johnson was a Democrat.
The impeachment was led by Republicans.
Johnson was against giving equal rights to freed slaves.

I don't know whether your post was meant to be ironic or you are just ignorant.

Andrew Jackson is his name

Not Johnson

You sure it wasn’t Michael Jackson?
I mean, what could possibly cause such venom in any American?
Fucking with the upcoming election, especially after the circumstances of the last one. Why the hell would you want a slug like Trump who does not think he can win fair and square?

Only ones I see trying to influence the upcoming elections are the commiecrats in the house. It's a political strategy, nothing more.

. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

nixon was not impeached. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

First of all Nixon was not impeached.

Only bill clinton and andrew johnson were impeached and neither was a partisan process.

The Clinton impeachment was a partisan process.

Back in October 1998, after receiving an independent counsel report on Clinton’s efforts to cover up an affair, 31 Democrats joined Republicans in setting up a formal process for considering impeachment. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

nixon was not impeached. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

First of all Nixon was not impeached.

Only bill clinton and andrew johnson were impeached and neither was a partisan process.
Nixon saw the writing on the wall and resigned. Clinton's impeachment was extremely partisan. Repugs put his entire life under a microscope. Whitewater morphed into a fishing expedition to try to find something, anything as a pretext to impeach. They finally found that he lied about a blowjob. Whoop -de -do. So enjoy the impeachment. What goes around comes around. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
After The DemNazi Party abused their authority, the bar needs raised higher to ensure Bi-partisan support for such action.

It needs to be a 2/3rds Majority in The House to begin an Impeachment Inquiry and all Hearings must be Open and Public.

We cannot allow The FBI, DOJ, FISA, NSA to have unbridled power and no check and balances, and we cannot allow The Impeachment Process to be allowed to be abused and used as a political weapon! for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

nixon was not impeached. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

First of all Nixon was not impeached.

Only bill clinton and andrew johnson were impeached and neither was a partisan process.

The Clinton impeachment was a partisan process.

Back in October 1998, after receiving an independent counsel report on Clinton’s efforts to cover up an affair, 31 Democrats joined Republicans in setting up a formal process for considering impeachment.
Were they men or women too? for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks

The framework for impeachment of all government officials is being obliterated by this political attack. Now, whenever an official becomes unpopular with a party for whatever purpose, a fishing expedition can set out to find something to remove him/her from office. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks

The framework for impeachment of all government officials is being obliterated by this political attack. Now, whenever an official becomes unpopular with a party for whatever purpose, a fishing expedition can set out to find something to remove him/her from office.
Not really

Trump abused his office and is answerable for it for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks

The framework for impeachment of all government officials is being obliterated by this political attack. Now, whenever an official becomes unpopular with a party for whatever purpose, a fishing expedition can set out to find something to remove him/her from office.

After this effort by the democrats crashes and burns there needs to be a re-writing of the law regarding it stands it is far too fuzzy and needs to be clarified and up-dated....otherwise we will see the current mess any time one party simply does not like who was elected...then they can immediately begin to look for reasons to impeach aka 'the President serves at the pleasure of the congress'....outrageous but that is exactly what democrats seem to believe.....that they have the power to nullify a election because they happen to not like who was elected.
Last edited: for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks

The framework for impeachment of all government officials is being obliterated by this political attack. Now, whenever an official becomes unpopular with a party for whatever purpose, a fishing expedition can set out to find something to remove him/her from office.
Not really

Trump abused his office and is answerable for it

That is just your have nothing that supports that. Why not be honest? You simply are suffering from TDS. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

nixon was not impeached. for the first time in history we are all witness to what our founders worried about.

The Framers of the Constitution Warned Against a Partisan Impeachment Process | FreedomWorks
Every impeachment except Nixon has been a partisan process.

First of all Nixon was not impeached.

Only bill clinton and andrew johnson were impeached and neither was a partisan process.
Nixon saw the writing on the wall and resigned. Clinton's impeachment was extremely partisan. Repugs put his entire life under a microscope. Whitewater morphed into a fishing expedition to try to find something, anything as a pretext to impeach. They finally found that he lied about a blowjob. Whoop -de -do. So enjoy the impeachment. What goes around comes around.

Why did so many democrats join in with republicans to impeach clinton?

Anyhow.....saying you are correct that it was an error on the part of the Republicans....just because one party errs should the other one follow suit?

The majority of the democrats on this board think that if Trump is impeached that means he will be removed from office. hehheh

Not even to mention if the Sun turns dark and Trump was actually impeached and convicted by the senate....then Pence would be President....would that make the democrats happy? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I can flat out tell you I would have no Problem with President Pence....though that will not happen until Trump finishes his second term....there simply is no hope or future for the democrats.....after they are defeated by Trump the Democratic party will splinter anyhow....probably even the name will be changed ....aka The sociaist democratic party. The more moderate and conservative elements will become republicans.
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I mean, what could possibly cause such venom in any American?
Fucking with the upcoming election, especially after the circumstances of the last one. Why the hell would you want a slug like Trump who does not think he can win fair and square?

Only ones I see trying to influence the upcoming elections are the commiecrats in the house. It's a political strategy, nothing more.


Yes and that’s Election Rigging

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