The Free Flow of Ideas Is a Thing of the Past


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Left have not even gained total control of the government, yet just weeks after the election the crushing of all dissent is under way.
Hitler would be proud.
The Anti-American Trumpets are getting what they deserve for trying to overthrow Congress while at work on an issue that was over heralded as being fake...Your side lost not only the presidency but the decency of the US..
The Anti-American Trumpets are getting what they deserve for trying to overthrow Congress while at work on an issue that was over heralded as being fake...Your side lost not only the presidency but the decency of the US..

Now thats funny stuff, mg, "getting what they deserve", lol. Let's have a little refresher of last year and leftist violence while we watch fake croc tears now. Shall we.

What has been happening in social media and alt-right media over the last decade IS NOT the free flow of ideas. It's been about slowly building anger and a tolerance for outrightly stating the intent to commit harm. What went on last week was NOT the free flow of ideas. It was abject surrender to conspiracy theories, built up white grievance, and total devotion to one man. A man who absolutely destroyed the very country he took an oath to protect. Did you expect that pendulum to come back and hit you with a soft oven mitten? No, it whipsawed back and is now poised to slice you in half...and then diced you up for good measure. And it's all your doing. No one to blame but yourselves. The damage is done.
The Anti-American Trumpets are getting what they deserve for trying to overthrow Congress while at work on an issue that was over heralded as being fake...Your side lost not only the presidency but the decency of the US..

Now thats funny stuff, mg, "getting what they deserve", lol. Let's have a little refresher of last year and leftist violence while we watch fake croc tears now. Shall we.

The "leftist" violence should be dealt with in the same manor also..Yet, their violence doesn't allow the violence on the right to be justifiable.
The Anti-American Trumpets are getting what they deserve for trying to overthrow Congress while at work on an issue that was over heralded as being fake...Your side lost not only the presidency but the decency of the US..

Now thats funny stuff, mg, "getting what they deserve", lol. Let's have a little refresher of last year and leftist violence while we watch fake croc tears now. Shall we.

The "leftist" violence should be dealt with in the same manor also..Yet, their violence doesn't allow the violence on the right to be justifiable.

Neither is justifiable but the left should have addressed it last year instead of encouraging it.
The Left have not even gained total control of the government, yet just weeks after the election the crushing of all dissent is under way.
Hitler would be proud.
Pretty soon flying an American flag will be targeted as being a Nazi. You know everything about the USA is white supremacy so it has to be destroyed.
The Anti-American Trumpets are getting what they deserve for trying to overthrow Congress while at work on an issue that was over heralded as being fake...Your side lost not only the presidency but the decency of the US..

Now thats funny stuff, mg, "getting what they deserve", lol. Let's have a little refresher of last year and leftist violence while we watch fake croc tears now. Shall we.

The "leftist" violence should be dealt with in the same manor also..Yet, their violence doesn't allow the violence on the right to be justifiable.

Neither is justifiable but the left should have addressed it last year instead of encouraging it.
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry Christmas.
Oh no you can't talk about raiding the capitol and racism and crazy conspiracy theories. You realize you're not guaranteed that right by anything except the government? If a bunch of crazy fucking people hadn't busted into an important building in washington no would care because you'd still be a harmless bunch of conspiracy nutjobs.

But then you wen't and put you're crazy into practice- and that has consequences.
The Anti-American Trumpets are getting what they deserve for trying to overthrow Congress while at work on an issue that was over heralded as being fake...Your side lost not only the presidency but the decency of the US..

Now thats funny stuff, mg, "getting what they deserve", lol. Let's have a little refresher of last year and leftist violence while we watch fake croc tears now. Shall we.

The "leftist" violence should be dealt with in the same manor also..Yet, their violence doesn't allow the violence on the right to be justifiable.
The violence isn't justified, but it is inevitable. Expect more in the coming years, and the left to go absolutely bonkers the next time they lose an election, probably as soon as the mid-terms. Then they will increase the violence and we'll hear, "But you guys did it, so we can too".

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