The "free market" is a Big Government Program

Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan

Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


Republicans should be for small gov't and free markets. So should liberals. So should everyone.
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


Republicans should be for small gov't and free markets. So should liberals. So should everyone.

well i agree Az......and they always tell us that......but it never happens......~S~
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


Republicans should be for small gov't and free markets. So should liberals. So should everyone.

well i agree Az......and they always tell us that......but it never happens......~S~
I would not say "never"..example being LASIK surgery. Used to cost $5k per eye and now its $1,200k? Maybe less. More providers came in to lower the price, tech got better and insurance doesn't cover so it is cash pay so the consumer can choose.
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


Republicans should be for small gov't and free markets. So should liberals. So should everyone.

well i agree Az......and they always tell us that......but it never happens......~S~
I would not say "never"..example being LASIK surgery. Used to cost $5k per eye and now its $1,200k? Maybe less. More providers came in to lower the price, tech got better and insurance doesn't cover so it is cash pay so the consumer can choose.

yes, at least basic supply/demand or what is often referred to as supply side /demand side economics remains a functional component of our economy Az

it's when 'da GubMit tries to help when things go China (pun intended) , many examples.....particularly recent activity....~S~
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


Republicans should be for small gov't and free markets. So should liberals. So should everyone.

well i agree Az......and they always tell us that......but it never happens......~S~
I would not say "never"..example being LASIK surgery. Used to cost $5k per eye and now its $1,200k? Maybe less. More providers came in to lower the price, tech got better and insurance doesn't cover so it is cash pay so the consumer can choose.

yes, at least basic supply/demand or what is often referred to as supply side /demand side economics remains a functional component of our economy Az

it's when 'da GubMit tries to help when things go China (pun intended) , many examples.....particularly recent activity....~S~
Another example is the lockdowns and allowing the Governors to govern each state differently. We need less Gov't involvement not more. PPP was a disaster for example. Should have been reserved for health clubs, restaurants and some non-essential businesses that had to shut down. Not everyone.
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


Republicans should be for small gov't and free markets. So should liberals. So should everyone.

well i agree Az......and they always tell us that......but it never happens......~S~

Do you think Obama Care would have happened if Trump had been elected in 2008? No.

While Republicans are not perfectly what we want them to be, they still the better alternative to the left.
Look at California. They are about as left-wing as you can get, and they are releasing people from prison, to avoid people like you saying they lock everyone up.
Why is California releasing some inmates?

For-profit prisons and a for-profit POTUS who still thinks you can run government like a busines
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

Would you care to respond to one of its allegations?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"The market is (a largely) apolitical sphere ruled by the impartial dictates of an invisible hand.

"Thus the superrich do not owe their astronomical market incomes to any set of politically ordained laws or institutions; rather, they earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense, and the state must therefore meet a heavy burden before it can justify coercively redistributing the wealth that billionaires have rightly earned."

Maybe you can explain how Wall Street FIRE sector speculators earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense?
Last edited:
I don't support capitalism or any version of communism (state capitalism) that has so far been practiced; why do you automatically assume anyone critical of finance capitalism supports Soviet-style communism?
because what we have favors the oligarchs , just as it does thier system

I vaguely remember we sold those bad instruments to foreign banks that came back when Americans stopped paying their mortgages and the foreign banks told us to go somewhere when we tried to sell them the next thing to keep the cash flowing.

Credit derivatives , credit default swaps, all of which are predicated on the transfer of risk , or in other words ,profit when something fails.

As I think more about it, and you make me think more about it in 2020 than I did several years ago, Clinton probably did push Fannie and Freddie to have Lenders Rubber Stamp the Loans.

the rescinding of Glass Steagal , which was created to protect public banking from investment banking ........
basically the fractional banking system 's integrity was thrown under the wall street bus in the late 90's

FF to '08, '09 and that bubble created the housing bust, where Joe bag O donuts mortgage quadrupled overnight

That fine print , always a b*tch

But the myth of 45 million Americans waking up wanting to be welfare queen foreclosure bums persists

And the chief proponents who advocated the rescinding where appointed to the 'banking commission' to whitewash it all for their constituency

POINT? the house never looses in a rigged economy


Glass Steagal , which was created to protect public banking from investment banking ........

So what? Banks didn't get in trouble because of their investment banking activity, they got in trouble because they held crappy mortgages.
Glass-Steagall didn't stop banks from writing, or buying, crappy mortgages.
Look at California. They are about as left-wing as you can get, and they are releasing people from prison, to avoid people like you saying they lock everyone up.
Why is California releasing some inmates?

For-profit prisons and a for-profit POTUS who still thinks you can run government like a busines
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

Would you care to respond to one of its allegations?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"The market is (a largely) apolitical sphere ruled by the impartial dictates of an invisible hand.

"Thus the superrich do not owe their astronomical market incomes to any set of politically ordained laws or institutions; rather, they earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense, and the state must therefore meet a heavy burden before it can justify coercively redistributing the wealth that billionaires have rightly earned."

Maybe you can explain how Wall Street FIRE sector speculators earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense?

Maybe you can explain how Wall Street FIRE sector speculators earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense?

Provide a useful service, get compensated.
I see why that's confusing to you.

How did Castro and Putin earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense?
I don't understand how anyone, even left-wingers, can support letting criminals continue to commit crime.

You do understand then, that locking up the the law abiding work force, while allowing prisoners freedom is just as wrong then?

Andy is a pure neo-Con; he is young, single, does not have the qualifications for any high paying position and has been trained his entire life that he deserves what he gets, whether good or bad.
If he ever gets married and buys a house and loses a job and his house, his wife will divorce him and he will still be the same self-righteous ideologue.
Of course, I don't know any woman who would marry him.

As an anecdote, by far the highest divorce rate in the modern Orthodox, Money is Everything crowd, is among neo-Cons.
I don't support capitalism or any version of communism (state capitalism) that has so far been practiced; why do you automatically assume anyone critical of finance capitalism supports Soviet-style communism?
because what we have favors the oligarchs , just as it does thier system

I vaguely remember we sold those bad instruments to foreign banks that came back when Americans stopped paying their mortgages and the foreign banks told us to go somewhere when we tried to sell them the next thing to keep the cash flowing.

Credit derivatives , credit default swaps, all of which are predicated on the transfer of risk , or in other words ,profit when something fails.

As I think more about it, and you make me think more about it in 2020 than I did several years ago, Clinton probably did push Fannie and Freddie to have Lenders Rubber Stamp the Loans.

the rescinding of Glass Steagal , which was created to protect public banking from investment banking ........
basically the fractional banking system 's integrity was thrown under the wall street bus in the late 90's

FF to '08, '09 and that bubble created the housing bust, where Joe bag O donuts mortgage quadrupled overnight

That fine print , always a b*tch

But the myth of 45 million Americans waking up wanting to be welfare queen foreclosure bums persists

And the chief proponents who advocated the rescinding where appointed to the 'banking commission' to whitewash it all for their constituency

POINT? the house never looses in a rigged economy


Glass Steagal , which was created to protect public banking from investment banking ........

So what? Banks didn't get in trouble because of their investment banking activity, they got in trouble because they held crappy mortgages.
Glass-Steagall didn't stop banks from writing, or buying, crappy mortgages.
What effect did those crappy mortgages mortgages have on people who were able to afford their mortgages?
Look at California. They are about as left-wing as you can get, and they are releasing people from prison, to avoid people like you saying they lock everyone up.
Why is California releasing some inmates?

For-profit prisons and a for-profit POTUS who still thinks you can run government like a busines
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

Would you care to respond to one of its allegations?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"The market is (a largely) apolitical sphere ruled by the impartial dictates of an invisible hand.

"Thus the superrich do not owe their astronomical market incomes to any set of politically ordained laws or institutions; rather, they earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense, and the state must therefore meet a heavy burden before it can justify coercively redistributing the wealth that billionaires have rightly earned."

Maybe you can explain how Wall Street FIRE sector speculators earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense?

For-profit prisons and a for-profit POTUS who still thinks you can run government like a busines

Not an argument. Not even logical. You can make an argument against privatized prisons if you want......

but what does that have to do with releasing convicted criminals, and then being shocked that crime goes up?

Can you at least even try a logical argument?

Maybe you can explain how Wall Street FIRE sector speculators earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense?

When you provide a service people want, people pay for it.

"The market is (a largely) apolitical sphere ruled by the impartial dictates of an invisible hand.
"Thus the superrich do not owe their astronomical market incomes to any set of politically ordained laws or institutions; rather, they earn their gains in a fundamental, metaphysical sense, and the state must therefore meet a heavy burden before it can justify coercively redistributing the wealth that billionaires have rightly earned."

People who benefit society the most, get paid the most.

People who create more wealth, end up earning more wealth.

The super rich, are super rich, because they provided goods or services that benefit the most people.

Not a hard concept really.
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


That's not true.

There are millions of companies that do not socialize the cost, and capitalist still thrives.

Enron did not socialize the cost. Capitalism still thrives.
Lehman Brothers did not socialize the cost. Capitalism still thrives.

I could waste my time listing a million companies that did not socialize the cost.

So, false claim.
Republicans are for capitalism or free markets ie govt and business are separate. You get ahead when people want to buy your products not when a socialist govt interferes with your freedom to increase your standard of living.
Republicans like?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"As the coronavirus pandemic shutters America’s storefronts and fills its ICUs, the GOP is camouflaging a whispered confession beneath a cough.

"The party’s admission is so quiet most Republicans can’t even make it out themselves.

"But listen carefully to recent directives from the Trump administration and its allies and you’ll hear unmistakably: Our theory of governance is a lie."

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.
It is at least ironic when an economic system modeled on a cancer cell is undone by a virus.
New Yorker is the epitome of Fake News.

but this rings truth Az>

Republican capitalism thrives by privatizing profits and socializing costs.

however it is not partisan


Republicans should be for small gov't and free markets. So should liberals. So should everyone.

well i agree Az......and they always tell us that......but it never happens......~S~
I would not say "never"..example being LASIK surgery. Used to cost $5k per eye and now its $1,200k? Maybe less. More providers came in to lower the price, tech got better and insurance doesn't cover so it is cash pay so the consumer can choose.

yes, at least basic supply/demand or what is often referred to as supply side /demand side economics remains a functional component of our economy Az

it's when 'da GubMit tries to help when things go China (pun intended) , many examples.....particularly recent activity....~S~

I don't understand your point.
Supply and Demand is normal in every economy. Unless it is a completely socialized economy, and then usually there is no economy, which is why you don't have supply and demand.

So what are you trying to get at? What's your main complaint as it were?
I don't support capitalism or any version of communism (state capitalism) that has so far been practiced; why do you automatically assume anyone critical of finance capitalism supports Soviet-style communism?
because what we have favors the oligarchs , just as it does thier system

I vaguely remember we sold those bad instruments to foreign banks that came back when Americans stopped paying their mortgages and the foreign banks told us to go somewhere when we tried to sell them the next thing to keep the cash flowing.

Credit derivatives , credit default swaps, all of which are predicated on the transfer of risk , or in other words ,profit when something fails.

As I think more about it, and you make me think more about it in 2020 than I did several years ago, Clinton probably did push Fannie and Freddie to have Lenders Rubber Stamp the Loans.

the rescinding of Glass Steagal , which was created to protect public banking from investment banking ........
basically the fractional banking system 's integrity was thrown under the wall street bus in the late 90's

FF to '08, '09 and that bubble created the housing bust, where Joe bag O donuts mortgage quadrupled overnight

That fine print , always a b*tch

But the myth of 45 million Americans waking up wanting to be welfare queen foreclosure bums persists

And the chief proponents who advocated the rescinding where appointed to the 'banking commission' to whitewash it all for their constituency

POINT? the house never looses in a rigged economy


Glass Steagal , which was created to protect public banking from investment banking ........

So what? Banks didn't get in trouble because of their investment banking activity, they got in trouble because they held crappy mortgages.
Glass-Steagall didn't stop banks from writing, or buying, crappy mortgages.
What effect did those crappy mortgages mortgages have on people who were able to afford their mortgages?

I didn't notice any difference in any of my mortgages, before, during or after the crisis.

Did you?
nd so? Are you asserting that their is corruption in the president because of a business loan floating out there? You know business loans can be kinda risky and businesses do sometimes file bankruptcy.
I don't see any evidence of Trump's integrity, do you?

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

"They don’t even try very hard to hide it.

"President Trump, his family and more than a few of his appointees are using his presidency to enrich themselves.

"They are spending taxpayer dollars for their own benefit.

"They are accepting sweetheart deals from foreigners.

"And they are harnessing the power of the federal government on behalf of their businesses.

"There’s a word for this: corruption."
Sorry but you will have to be very specific on whatever it is you are laying charge against them for before you will get my attention. You will have to have proof beyond a doubt and not some made up bs either.

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