The Friday Five

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

Mostly, anything outside. In the house, I think it would have to be Rock-em Sock-em Robots.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?

7 Kids in our house and tons of neighbors....Never had lack of teammates or adversaries for a 15 on a side football game.

3. What was your favorite children's game?

War. right behind our house was a carpet cleaners. And they had an exhaust where all the dust came out. You gould actually make like a snowball out of it.. Wasn't ever any "Got you..No you didn't"

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?

Anything outside...

5. How well did you share?

Like we had a choice?


Rock-em Sock-em Robots..... olllie you crack me up. I can see you playing that........ lol
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?
1. My pedal car. Before I got a handbag, I was HelenWheels.

2. By myself.
3. The Game of Life.
4. Swimming in the summer and ice skating in the winter.
5. I'm an only. Didn't have to. :D


What... not Hellonwheels?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. My doctor's bag.
2. Other children - especially the girls.
3. Playing doctor.
4. Show and tell.
5. Shared very well - and often.

[MENTION=19441]Big Black Dog[/MENTION]

and just what was the instrument you liked best in that doctors bag BBD?

reflex hammer
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
My knife. I was never without it.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
I never played with other children.

3. What was your favorite children's game?
I did not play games at all

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
Setting up Lincoln Log villages and shooting them down with a bow and arrow

5. How well did you share?
I never had to share


big knife or little knife?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

small group, didn't like a crowd
Kings corner. a card game
anything that involved getting dirty
shared whatever I had

[MENTION=25186]Two Thumbs[/MENTION]

Do you still like playing kings corner and getting dirty?
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

Just one? Blarg! My stuffed Lassie dog, (stuffed animals in general) and matchbox cars.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?


3. What was your favorite children's game?

Run the bases, Barbies, bikes.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?

That which required the use of my im-ag-in-aaaation.

5. How well did you share?

Somedays better than others.


did lassie and the matchbox cars play together?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
Tough one.....
[ame=]Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling (1972) - YouTube[/ame]
Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling (1972)

My second favorite toy was my bicycle.

Either. Friends were always preferred though. :):):)

Year round? Ringalerio.

Pool? Blind-Man's Bluff/MarcoPollo.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
Group, Team.

5. How well did you share?
That depends on circumstance. I like to take care of my things. Abuse it, lose the privilege. ;)


What is Ringalerio.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

I got a new GI Joe for Christmas one year. He was black. I cried when I opened the box. Later he volunteered for all the dangerous missions. He had a beard and a kung-fu grip. He was as tough as nails. I loved that his arms and legs rarely popped off - even when thrown off the roof of our house with a makeshift parachute (that never worked!) He lost one half of his thumb when he held on to a firecracker once....but other than that, he was always ready to play. He was by far my favorite toy. Rock em Sock em Robots were a distant second.

I could always play alone, but my best fondest play memories are with others.



I shared everything. I still do today.


did you want a G.I. joe...and was the black one a mistake?
and all i hear in my head when you said that was Eddie Murphy saying ....GI JOE with a kung fu grip!
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Hard to do favorite toy,and it was a long time ago,different ones for each season. Flying saucers great in winter, bike was mandatory as car is today. Kids would always come to school with new fads like yoyos or slinkees.

Lived in country on farm, always busy, two brothers and one sister. It was idyllic.

Roger on building forts, cowboys and Indians,and exploring. Great grandfather and I played countless games of canasta. Always good with numbers after that.

Life never stopped moving and changing and mother was ahead of her time as over-achieving parent. So we did it all back then, though they tried to steer me to gentlemen sports like tennis and horseback riding instead of what I was really suited for.

Momma and daddy didn't raise no spoiled brats, you shared or you got an ass-whipping, that's how long ago that was.

Nice exercise Syrenn!


what were you more suited to?
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

Just one? Blarg! My stuffed Lassie dog, (stuffed animals in general) and matchbox cars.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?


3. What was your favorite children's game?

Run the bases, Barbies, bikes.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?

That which required the use of my im-ag-in-aaaation.

5. How well did you share?

Somedays better than others.


did lassie and the matchbox cars play together?

Nah, Lassie played with the other animals. However, broken-arm-and-duct-taped-back-on GI Joe did pay a few visits to Barbie. :eusa_whistle:

Matchbox cars were the funnest at the beach. We went every year for a couple of weeks, usually during my birthday. Such good times!
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
I didn't have a favorite go to toy...I had lots of choices thanks to a mom who set up a fantastic play room with all sorts of sections. I didn't have the chance to get bored.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
I think it was a good balance of both. My mom worked and I went to a neighbor's house who had lots of kids to play with, plus the other neighborhood kids. I was an only child until 11, and very content to entertain myself.

3. What was your favorite children's game?
My Grandma got me hooked on Rummy and Yahtzee.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
Loved the nice weather when we could all hop on our bikes and go into the woods and traverse the paths and look for new areas to make forts.

5. How well did you share?
In regards to my belongings, outwardly I would be polite and share, but inside I was not usually pleased because I was very particular about how my things were treated.


Are you still hooked on rummy and yahtzee?
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. A wooden Jeep pedal car, lovingly made by an uncle.

2. With other children but in small groups.

3. Playing at building stuff.

4. Taking apart stuff like batteries and old radios.

5. With one other at any given time, very well. With groups? Not so much.


What was the best thing you ever built?
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. Dolls, I was a dolls girl, and playhouses.
2. I played with other kids, cousins, but could entertain myself quite well.
3. Jumping rope.....we could do it with two ropes going opposite ways.
4. When I played with my boy cousins I loved to play tag football, with girls it was
dress-up, dolls, dishes (we made food from our fruit trees).
5. I didn't have to share much, everyone had their own skates, bike, etc.. (when I was very young, like 3, I wouldn't share at all, pushed my cousin off my trike.)


Double dutch! Think you could still do it?
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

A little late as I just noticed the invite

1. My dog
2. Other children
3. Monopoly
4. Sports
5. Very well


poor dogs.... they are so tolerant aren't they? What kind of dog did you have?
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. Dolls, I was a dolls girl, and playhouses.
2. I played with other kids, cousins, but could entertain myself quite well.
3. Jumping rope.....we could do it with two ropes going opposite ways.
4. When I played with my boy cousins I loved to play tag football, with girls it was
dress-up, dolls, dishes (we made food from our fruit trees).
5. I didn't have to share much, everyone had their own skates, bike, etc.. (when I was very young, like 3, I wouldn't share at all, pushed my cousin off my trike.)


Double dutch! Think you could still do it?

Probably not.....I bought an exercise trampoline, only two feet from the floor, and I've almost fallen flat on my face on it...:razz::razz: I read that jumping rope is one of the best exercises, boxers do it all the time, maybe I need to get back into it?:eek:
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy? The first bike that I got for Christmas when I was 5 :razz:

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children? I played with others :eusa_angel:

3. What was your favorite children's game? Army :salute:

4. What kind of play were you most interested in? Didn't matter, but it usually had something to do with adventure like hiking or cub scouts. Too bad I we didn't have video games back then because I would have said Gotham City Imposters. BTW, when does childhood end? :confused:

5. How well did you share? Everyone thinks very well, even Democrats :hmpf:


its a conspiracy... did no one ever play Navy?

You need a boat for that.

And and Milk Man suit.
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. Dolls, I was a dolls girl, and playhouses.
2. I played with other kids, cousins, but could entertain myself quite well.
3. Jumping rope.....we could do it with two ropes going opposite ways.
4. When I played with my boy cousins I loved to play tag football, with girls it was
dress-up, dolls, dishes (we made food from our fruit trees).
5. I didn't have to share much, everyone had their own skates, bike, etc.. (when I was very young, like 3, I wouldn't share at all, pushed my cousin off my trike.)


Double dutch! Think you could still do it?

Probably not.....I bought an exercise trampoline, only two feet from the floor, and I've almost fallen flat on my face on it...:razz::razz: I read that jumping rope is one of the best exercises, boxers do it all the time, maybe I need to get back into it?:eek:

Great way to get in shape. Believe it or not walking is too.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. I was never into toys, though I did go to the homes of children that I now realize were more well off, and wished I had a G.I Joe.

2. I played by myself just fine, but always played with others when they were around.

3. Favorite game I guess was War, you know, building forts of some kind and bombing each other with dirt balls and what have you that could be thrown without real harm.

4. Out in the forest building forts or treehouses, pretending we were knights or whatever. In winter, we built caves in the mountains of hay bales stacked in our humogous barns. In summer we built rafts of whatever we could find and sailed down the Kanawha and Ohio Rivers like Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn.

5. I was good at sharing. I usually got what I needed. Now living in Sweden, I know the Vikings once called it "Logrum," which the closest you can interpret is "enough" as they passed a common mug around, and each man took what he needed.


Did you ever sink in your home made boats?

A couple of times. But late one summer I thought I got it right. I had it hitched to one of those big ice breakers in the Kanawha river. We were ready to test it out. It must have taken half a day, but I made it clear down to the lock below Gallipolis. Had my lunch and a bag of extras just in case I actually made it to the Mississippi (I thought that way at 12 years old). My dog Bullet had jumped on with me, and my cousins and friends were cheering and running along the bank. Anyway, by this time the sheriff was down by the locks yelling at me, and the lock warden without me seeing him scooped me right up off that raft with a yard pole. The raft, however, kept going on through the open lock. I just stood there all teary-eyed, watching my dog Bullet sail on down the Ohio toward Kentucky, barking as if he was just as happy as can be. He was going to see the Mississippi before me. I never did see that dog again.
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Double dutch! Think you could still do it?

Probably not.....I bought an exercise trampoline, only two feet from the floor, and I've almost fallen flat on my face on it...:razz::razz: I read that jumping rope is one of the best exercises, boxers do it all the time, maybe I need to get back into it?:eek:

Great way to get in shape. Believe it or not walking is too.

It is indeed....I hate walking. Unless I were to do it very early in the a.m. before the sun comes out...I'm allergic to the sun....I break out, and here in Texas, the sun is very hot by 8:00 A.m. I can jump rope in my drive-way, though, in the shade.

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