The Front Porch Swing

My weekend starts today! :eusa_angel:
We had a crappy winter that carried into a month of Spring and after constant rain that's supposed to start again Sunday, it's supposed to be nice today plus Saturday. So I took today off. That way I'll at least have two out of three decent days to be outside.
Going to grill tonite and tomorrow night. I'm going to do some hiking even though it could be muddy, that's why I paid $150 for hiking shoes. Sit on the deck and have a beer. Clean up the yard of sticks and other winter debris. In the long run, enjoy being outside.:eusa_clap:

Nice!! Good planning, for sure. I work tonight, so Saturday will likely be a wash. But after the mansion tour, I'm sure we'll be out wandering (even in the rain). Pick a dog park, go make some friends. That's my idea of a good day. :thup:
It is back to my water volleyball club for me this week, having recently recovered from sciatica. Also back at work at the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers, and participating in several other social, sports, and educational activities in my retirement community!

Life is good!
It is back to my water volleyball club for me this week, having recently recovered from sciatica. Also back at work at the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers, and participating in several other social, sports, and educational activities in my retirement community!

Life is good!

That sounds wonderful, VH! So glad you've recovered. :thup:


You got weekend plans, Pogo?

I am going on a mansion tour Sunday.

James J. Hill | Historic Sites Minnesota Historical Society

Wonder of wonders, and for the first time in I wanna say eighteen months - I am off both Saturday and Sunday.

Eh, not really. Had a trip south tentative but it fell through so basically gonna do some eBaying to lighten the load here and nurture some veggie plants I just got. I don't feel up to creating a proper garden so I got some potted 'maters and herbs.

Found a radio museum in the area, will go check that out today.


You got weekend plans, Pogo?

I am going on a mansion tour Sunday.

James J. Hill | Historic Sites Minnesota Historical Society

Wonder of wonders, and for the first time in I wanna say eighteen months - I am off both Saturday and Sunday.

Eh, not really. Had a trip south tentative but it fell through so basically gonna do some eBaying to lighten the load here and nurture some veggie plants I just got. I don't feel up to creating a proper garden so I got some potted 'maters and herbs.

Found a radio museum in the area, will go check that out today.

Cool. I'm behaving badly, I am working on my novel but here I am! The past few days, I have just set everything aside to write but not this time. On the other hand, food dude is delivering between 5:30 and 7:30, so at some point I really need to get some sleep. - I don't get to touch base with you very often though, so I feel this is justifiable. ;)

When good balloons go bad. *Pictures at the link*

Releasing 1.5 Million Balloons Into The Air Is A Bad Idea

I was the Project Manager for this event. I worked on it for 6 months and lived in Cleveland for a month preparing for it. We had to design a structure this filled a city square and could stand up to 90 MPH winds, which was building code. The one-piece net was fabricated by the exact company I found in So Cal who built the cargo nets for the Space Shuttle. Kids in schools "sold" balloon sponsorships at 2 for a dollar that went to United Way. The goal was 2 million but we stopped at 1.4 + million.

Poor guy, what a nightmare. Reminds me of WKRP in Cinncinnatti.

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When somebody calls in and says "I need to take a leave of absence because my mother is dying," my soul sort of hitches up in my chest a little bit.

I've learned that it's best not to type in the comments "her mother is dying" unless I want to fight to regain control of my voice before I can finish the call.

Sometimes, this job just hurts.

@The Professor

I don't know if you ever noticed, but he released the song when he was 52. As he sang it over the remains of his career, you could hear the song change as he aged and became more aware of what 'my way' encompassed, and how it affected his life.

Literally, I'm sitting here crying because this song has so much meaning to me.
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Pooch on porch, and what a smart idea!

Cover an old crib mattress with some durable hemp or denim fabric. Use a clip or two on the backside to hold in place (for easy removal for washing). This is great for a bigger dog bed.


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