The Front Porch Swing

Anatomy of a Flirt 101, section 1.2:

I wish I had grocery delivery :lol:

I wish I had someone to put them up after I bring them home.....:eek:

Your husband and I would make a great team for your avatar lady.

Yeah, over my dead body.......:razz::razz:

[ame=]Ba dum tssshhh - YouTube[/ame]

That will teach me not to flirt with someone's avatar! Lol




That's a great idea....we should throw a party every 100Pages

This post created by David Gerrold, writer of 'The Trouble with Tribbles.'

Talk about truth, squared.


Here's an insight.

How do you want to be known? Your reputation is the one thing you have the most control over.

If you tell the truth, if you arrive on time, if you're dependable, if you know how to clean up a mistake, if you produce results, you get a reputation for integrity.

If you gossip, whine, complain, snipe, conspire, compare, attack, and always have someone else to blame -- you do not get a reputation for credibility or integrity.

Pick a role model. Gandhi, John Wayne, Bugs Bunny, Godzilla. Ask yourself what that role model would do. Do that and that's how you will be known.

The really bad news about reputations is that they're incredibly fragile. One mistake can destroy a reputation as quickly as a pin can destroy a balloon or a spark can bring down the Hindenburg. Worse than that, you don't always have to be the author of your own destruction. There are plenty of people who will be happy to gossip about you behind your back, assume nefarious motives for even the most generous of acts and ascribe them to you.

There are a lot of ways to defend against malicious gossip. My favorite way is to take hold it up to the light and laugh at it in public. But sometimes just ignoring it and outliving it works too. The best defense is to live your life so that the worst gossip they can say about you is that your socks don't match. And if they say that, make it your trademark.

But back to the point at do you want to be known? Your behavior, everywhere you go -- everything you say, everything you write -- that will be the foundation on which your reputation will be built. So how do you want to be known to friends and family, colleagues and coworkers? How do you want to be known to all the people who know you only by name? Because your reputation will likely enter the room before you even finish parking the car.

What sparked this thought?

Oh, I dunno....

<whistles and walks away quietly>


This post created by David Gerrold, writer of 'The Trouble with Tribbles.'

Talk about truth, squared.


Here's an insight.

How do you want to be known? Your reputation is the one thing you have the most control over.

If you tell the truth, if you arrive on time, if you're dependable, if you know how to clean up a mistake, if you produce results, you get a reputation for integrity.

If you gossip, whine, complain, snipe, conspire, compare, attack, and always have someone else to blame -- you do not get a reputation for credibility or integrity.

Pick a role model. Gandhi, John Wayne, Bugs Bunny, Godzilla. Ask yourself what that role model would do. Do that and that's how you will be known.

The really bad news about reputations is that they're incredibly fragile. One mistake can destroy a reputation as quickly as a pin can destroy a balloon or a spark can bring down the Hindenburg. Worse than that, you don't always have to be the author of your own destruction. There are plenty of people who will be happy to gossip about you behind your back, assume nefarious motives for even the most generous of acts and ascribe them to you.

There are a lot of ways to defend against malicious gossip. My favorite way is to take hold it up to the light and laugh at it in public. But sometimes just ignoring it and outliving it works too. The best defense is to live your life so that the worst gossip they can say about you is that your socks don't match. And if they say that, make it your trademark.

But back to the point at do you want to be known? Your behavior, everywhere you go -- everything you say, everything you write -- that will be the foundation on which your reputation will be built. So how do you want to be known to friends and family, colleagues and coworkers? How do you want to be known to all the people who know you only by name? Because your reputation will likely enter the room before you even finish parking the car.

What sparked this thought?

Oh, I dunno....

<whistles and walks away quietly>


I would think that is good advice for all of us. And it was well written.
Good morning from Pueblo, Colorado!

After a few days of fun in the sun down in Arizona, I'm finally getting sent to colder climes.

This post created by David Gerrold, writer of 'The Trouble with Tribbles.'

Talk about truth, squared.


Here's an insight.

How do you want to be known? Your reputation is the one thing you have the most control over.

If you tell the truth, if you arrive on time, if you're dependable, if you know how to clean up a mistake, if you produce results, you get a reputation for integrity.

If you gossip, whine, complain, snipe, conspire, compare, attack, and always have someone else to blame -- you do not get a reputation for credibility or integrity.

Pick a role model. Gandhi, John Wayne, Bugs Bunny, Godzilla. Ask yourself what that role model would do. Do that and that's how you will be known.

The really bad news about reputations is that they're incredibly fragile. One mistake can destroy a reputation as quickly as a pin can destroy a balloon or a spark can bring down the Hindenburg. Worse than that, you don't always have to be the author of your own destruction. There are plenty of people who will be happy to gossip about you behind your back, assume nefarious motives for even the most generous of acts and ascribe them to you.

There are a lot of ways to defend against malicious gossip. My favorite way is to take hold it up to the light and laugh at it in public. But sometimes just ignoring it and outliving it works too. The best defense is to live your life so that the worst gossip they can say about you is that your socks don't match. And if they say that, make it your trademark.

But back to the point at do you want to be known? Your behavior, everywhere you go -- everything you say, everything you write -- that will be the foundation on which your reputation will be built. So how do you want to be known to friends and family, colleagues and coworkers? How do you want to be known to all the people who know you only by name? Because your reputation will likely enter the room before you even finish parking the car.

What sparked this thought?

Oh, I dunno....

<whistles and walks away quietly>


That should be posted above the door to the Lounge!

Yo, [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION], can you make a Sticky of that and put it where everyone can see it?
Good morning you all. Nice cup of coffee, Mertex!

Mornin, Glory! Got any plans this fine weekend?

I'm getting in my car for a drive! We've been shut in due to the weather and it is actually warming up! No ice on the road means I am ready to go! lol. I cannot drive on ice and stay home for the safety of others! :eusa_angel:

Wishing you a good trip, Jeremiah!! May the wind be at your back and Angels on your sideview mirrors.

Good morning you all. Nice cup of coffee, Mertex!

Mornin, Glory! Got any plans this fine weekend?

I'm getting in my car for a drive! We've been shut in due to the weather and it is actually warming up! No ice on the road means I am ready to go! lol. I cannot drive on ice and stay home for the safety of others! :eusa_angel:

You have fun out there! I love going on road trips. :thup:

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