The Full List – Here Are The 269 Companies Who Are Supporting BLM & Antifa Riots

Please try to calm down.

Maybe back away from the radio and the winger websites for a while. Go for a walk. Talk to people. Listen to what they say in real life. Breathe.
Many of those people who may act macho are staying away from other people.
Take a good look, folks.

These people actually believe that 269 American companies support the riots. Think about that, and how the alternate universe has stripped them of any critical thinking capacity they may have once had. Companies like:
  • Bank of America
  • Coca Cola
  • Foot Locker
  • Intel
  • Mattel
  • Netflix
  • Red Lobster
  • Sony
  • T Mobile
  • Wendy's
It's right there on your screen. What do you think of people who would actually believe this?
Ye, like you they are supporting riots and murdering white police officers, and white people in general. You idiots can lie all you want, BLM's agenda has been out there for a while now, and it hasn't changed one iota, and we all know there is no difference between the 'faux 'protestors' and the looters and arsonists. Only the media is stupid enough to think they're selling that silly ' they're different' rubbish with any success. But then their only readers are fellow racist commies like you, so they have no real way to asess how successful they are.

BLM MURDERED cops just a few years ago.

It has killed more people than KKK in the past decades, way more...

Mac bitches all day about David Duke, but has no issue with this organization. At some point it is time to come to the conclusion that the guy is an anti-American bigot.
BLM MURDERED cops just a few years ago.

It has killed more people than KKK in the past decades, way more...

Mac bitches all day about David Duke, but has no issue with this organization. At some point it is time to come to the conclusion that the guy is an anti-American bigot.

Yes, and probably a white faggot who fantasizes all day about being gang raped by black thugs as well; nearly all the Democrats here sooner or later out themselves as sicko sexual deviants sooner or later.
It's one thing to be an active participant and another to just want to stay in business without being burned to the ground.

that's probably the case with some of the smaller retail outfits with more real estate and stock exposed. Doesn't change the fact that they would rather pay extortion protection money and make the scum richer than support the country. Let them go broke too, along with the Wall Street 'globalist' syndicates. That support will lead to a lot more people dying from hate crimes and thuggery.
I'm sure they value the welfare bum trade. Chick Fila never needed the sexual deviant trade, so nobody cares what you're 'proud' of, lol. the drive thru lines at all the Chic Filas are so long they're blocking traffic all day long.

tell you what - you shove all the chik fil a down yer gullet you want.

whilst nascar gains a whole new crop of fans.
As if any of you drama queens are going to stop using those companies the second it becomes inconvenient to do so.

Not everybody is pathetic fashion victims like most faggots are. You wouldn't know anybody else but tools.
How does condoning and financing riotous orgs not equate to supporting more riots.....that's some major league mental delusion.

Yes, they're mentally ill sociopaths, the same psychos who run corporations and those who suck up to them and create the demented 'culture' that thrives in their bureaucracies.
Here is a list of companies who support the mass murder of whites and police officers via their support of BLM and 'antiFa' communists.

Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.

If you Burb Brat dumbasses think 'you be fightin' Da Man N Stuff' by supporting these racist street vermin like BlM and antiFa, you're not, you're in fact working for 'Da Man'.

The full list is below and it includes at least one statement per company:

No doubt more will sign on in the coming days. there is lot of Wall Street backing for these commies, and many of those companies of course also do business with the Red Chinese regimes and other police states, and now that the trend is to bail out of Red China they want to turn the U.S. into the same sort of 'Paradise' they made so much money from via labor racketeering. Please, do not do business with crime syndicates who advocate murdering white people and support looting and arson.
The voice of the hate nazi's
uh-huh. i'll be sure to throw them my biz'nez whenever i can.

however, i am proud to say that i have never eaten chick fil a, nor will i ever.

& 'my pillow' won't get a penny from me either.

Poor little dumbass, Chick fil-A is on the damn list. It's a shame, I really like their grilled chicken cob salads, but I can live without them. I'll pay a bit more at my local diner, they don't support the marxist/communist.

uh-huh. i'll be sure to throw them my biz'nez whenever i can.

however, i am proud to say that i have never eaten chick fil a, nor will i ever.

& 'my pillow' won't get a penny from me either.

Poor little dumbass, Chick fil-A is on the damn list. It's a shame, I really like their grilled chicken cob salads, but I can live without them. I'll pay a bit more at my local diner, they don't support the marxist/communist.


Yes. The new owners embraced the pedophile movement's agenda a while back. I quit eating there when they caved to the sociopaths.
Here is a list of companies who support the mass murder of whites and police officers via their support of BLM and 'antiFa' communists.

Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.

If you Burb Brat dumbasses think 'you be fightin' Da Man N Stuff' by supporting these racist street vermin like BlM and antiFa, you're not, you're in fact working for 'Da Man'.

The full list is below and it includes at least one statement per company:

No doubt more will sign on in the coming days. there is lot of Wall Street backing for these commies, and many of those companies of course also do business with the Red Chinese regimes and other police states, and now that the trend is to bail out of Red China they want to turn the U.S. into the same sort of 'Paradise' they made so much money from via labor racketeering. Please, do not do business with crime syndicates who advocate murdering white people and support looting and arson.
The voice of the hate nazi's

Another parrot tosses out its slogans.
uh-huh. i'll be sure to throw them my biz'nez whenever i can.

however, i am proud to say that i have never eaten chick fil a, nor will i ever.

& 'my pillow' won't get a penny from me either.

Poor little dumbass, Chick fil-A is on the damn list. It's a shame, I really like their grilled chicken cob salads, but I can live without them. I'll pay a bit more at my local diner, they don't support the marxist/communist.


well COLOR me surprised! when i looked, i didn't see the little homophobes were on that there list.

silly me for thinking they are fine with denying the homogays equal protection under the law - but not those once deemed 3/5 of a person.

doesn't matter - i'll never eat that artery clogging crap by the aforementioned POS company anyways. i have no doubt you just loooooved them, pussy

uh-huh. i'll be sure to throw them my biz'nez whenever i can.

however, i am proud to say that i have never eaten chick fil a, nor will i ever.

& 'my pillow' won't get a penny from me either.

Poor little dumbass, Chick fil-A is on the damn list. It's a shame, I really like their grilled chicken cob salads, but I can live without them. I'll pay a bit more at my local diner, they don't support the marxist/communist.


well COLOR me surprised! when i looked, i didn't see the little homophobes were on that there list.

silly me for thinking they are fine with denying the homogays equal protection under the law - but not those once deemed 3/5 of a person.

doesn't matter - i'll never eat that artery clogging crap by the aforementioned POS company anyways. i have no doubt you just loooooved them, pussy


Oh noes, Parrot #2 cut loose with even more canned memes!

Do any of these tards ever post anything original, or do they just posts as bots all the time?
As if any of you drama queens are going to stop using those companies the second it becomes inconvenient to do so.


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